Frank: (00:00)
So do you consider yourself traditional, lazy, or dirty? Hey, get your head out of the gutter. I’m actually talking about the ketogenic diet. Those are the three kind of popular ways that are going on with the t. So this is a ketogenic podcast for newbies today. I’m Frank. I am your host of unconventional wellness radio and we are going to talk about that including foods that you can start off with. If you are considering a ketogenic diet itself, talk to a health care provider but also get information on this podcast. We will talk to you guys very soon. Hey everyone. Welcome to unconventional wellness radio. It’s a powerful and inspiring podcast, such a revolutionize and disrupt healthcare. It’s trying to put you in the driver’s seat and be the force of change necessary for the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Hey, what’s going on everybody?
Frank: (00:49)
Frank here. Good morning, happy Monday. I hope that you are doing well. Um, it is a gloomy here, but a good gloomy because fall has started. So I see the sun creeping up and uh, it’s getting ready to give us a nice beautiful day. All the leaves are changing. And I dunno, I’m just, I love fall. I mean, I guess I’m such a fall door that I’m actually drinking pumpkin spice coffee right now. So, um, that’s just how it is by the way. If you checked on my cup, I feel that way every single day. Uh, it is completely true. Um, she is amazing. I love my wife a ton and, uh, I hope you got a significant other in your life as well that you can just love on and cherish. And if you don’t, then you know what, you always got me. You can always do the same thing with me. But anyway, um, it’s Monday and I figured that that we would start off with a conversation about KIDO, uh, over the weekend I had an epiphany about, you know, different folks thinking about a diet plan to follow and then sort of like not knowing exactly what to do. And so, uh, you know, nutrition, I say it before and I’ll say it again. Nutrition accounts for like 60% of, uh, effectively
Speaker 2: (02:04)
health. [inaudible] excuse me. And so I am, uh, just wanting to like educate about that in particular because it really is that important is that, you know, if we’re, we’re wanting to get started on a healthy lifestyle, then it really is a matter of like, what, what are we eating? And then we’ll talk a little bit more about that too because not only is it, what are we doing, but now it’s also like we’re finding out, it’s like when we’re eating is also pretty important as well. So let’s just dive right in. Where we’re going to talk about today is we’re going to talk about the ketogenic diet. For those of you guys that are attending, uh, via podcast, welcome. I am Frank. I am a certified physician assistant, but I am not your doctor and I am not your PA. I’m just on here because I have practiced a lot of these things in my own life.
Speaker 2: (02:51)
And, uh, I’ve worked with other folks in colleagues and stuff like that. And honestly, this stuff works and it’s not crazy and it’s not medicine. Um, because food is really, your friend absolutely can heal you. Uh, and we talk about different things like sleep on this podcast we’ll talk about removing toxins and, uh, you know, we’ll talk about getting, uh, adequate levels of stress and anxiety controlled in your life. And then of course, we’ll also talk about movement. I actually just got finished with a workout, so that’s why I’m still kinda wearing my gym t-shirt. I know you can’t say that in a podcast, but regardless, welcome. This is unconventional wellness radio and we’re just going to bring you all things healthy but with legitimate science. [inaudible] excuse me. Actually backing this up because we wanna make sure that you are making the, uh, best informed decisions that you possibly can make.
Speaker 2: (03:42)
And so that’s what you’re here for. Uh, for those of you that are watching this on Facebook live, if you haven’t caught me alive, then, uh, it’s also nice to see you if you are on the live. If not, I’m going to wave to you and say hi on the replay, uh, cause we’ll make this available. Of course, uh, starting probably today, tomorrow, uh, that you can go back and rewatch it because there’s always really good stuff and content. So anyway, we’re here to talk about the ketogenic diet, right? So the ketogenic diet has actually been around for like a hundred years. Um, this is not something new. Back in the 1920, surprisingly enough, researchers started using the ketogenic diet as a way of hopefully helping out with people who have epilepsy. Um, so, excuse me, it’s been around for awhile and now it’s just sort of like made this resurgence because, uh, you know, we go through different phases if you will, of diets.
Speaker 2: (04:30)
Uh, something that popped up in mind when I was a kid was the, uh, the low fat diet. And so the low fat diets essentially just meant since we’re going to take fat out of food, uh, now we have to replace it with sugar. And so at that point we started developing new and innovative ways to create even more sugary, sugary foods. And, uh, and eventually now we’re at the point where we have an ultra processed type of sugar, which is not known as high fructose corn syrup, which has like no nutritive value but does a really good job of putting a bunch of excess weight on people. And so, um, the tradition has caused us to start looking really, really hard at carbohydrates. And although I don’t have any type of particular diet plan that I recommend more so I lean toward, you know, a paleo lifestyle.
Speaker 2: (05:20)
Um, but really what I lean toward is clean eating. And that’s something that I think that a lot of people don’t do is they don’t eat clean. And, uh, eating clean alone can really, really do some benefit for you. Um, you know, one of the older diets, the Mediterranean diet is all about clean food and, uh, you know, portion control. And what I really love about the Mediterranean diet is that it even talks about this social aspect of, uh, food, uh, you know, getting together with loved ones and stuff like that and having a meal. But regardless is that we have really dove into the types of carbohydrates in the type of clean that is necessary for something like a paleo diet or an autoimmune protocol or what we’re going to talk about ketogenic diets. So let’s just dive right in. So like there’s a bunch of different ways.
Speaker 2: (06:06)
This is sort of like Quito for newbies. This is like for somebody who like has heard about the keto diet, it’s probably not uncommon that you haven’t heard about the ketogenic diet. It’s growing in popularity and um, it is very awesome, uh, as a diet in terms of its capability of handling weight loss. There has been, research has now shown that it can help out with type two diabetes, which makes perfect sense because diabetes is caused from, you know, all these processed foods that cause inflammation and a beta cell burnout is one of the other reasons why beta cells are in your pancreas and they’re responsible for putting insulin into your body. And so obviously if we were able to exotic honestly, meaning like, you know, consume foods that are lower in carbohydrates than that’s going to naturally bring our sugar levels down in our blood.
Speaker 2: (06:53)
So that’s one thing is that it helps with, uh, the protection of the creation of insulin in your body. But then the other thing is that people who consume lots of sugar over the course of time, you know, they have a problem with receptivity to the insulin that’s actually created. And so we started calling that like a decreased insulin sensitivity in the periphery, um, that has all the fancy ways of saying that the insulin is not only being produced, but then the insulin that is being produced is not being reacted to by the body. And so the sugar is not being taken up into the cells. And so therefore we’re experiencing higher sugar levels, which is referred to as hyperglycemia or we just eventually call that if we get diagnosed with a condition, it’s called diabetes. And so ketogenic diets have been, have been very helpful for that as well.
Speaker 2: (07:36)
There’s also some loose studies and empirical data coming back about, um, I’m going to talk about it, the big sea of cancer, that the ketogenic diets are actually, uh, being really widely used in order to be able to help out with the support of individuals who are suffering from cancers. And so anyway, if you’re thinking about getting started and then, you know, you really want to reap the benefit of a weight loss that people are reporting and experiencing on the ketogenic diet that you’re not alone. Um, and as a very popular diet now it is actually, I’m a part of a couple of different ketogenic groups and one of which has 1.5 million members on Facebook, which is pretty unbelievable. And that’s at just one group. I mean like, you know, the probably expand that to a search of many different groups and you probably see that there’s millions of people are interested in the ketogenic diet.
Speaker 2: (08:25)
And so this epiphany that I had was to come on here and let’s talk about it, right? Because, uh, you know, having a bunch of really great information without any purpose or action is really just a dream. And so I wanted to help, you know, if you, if you are thinking about doing a ketogenic diet, I don’t want his help. Start making that dream a reality. Kind of give my personal testimony about it and the science that I know of behind it. And then I’ll talk about the different ways that you can follow the ketogenic diet. So before I say anything, start with eating clean foods. Okay. The reason why is because I follow what is referred to as a clean version or a traditional version of the ketogenic diet. The reason why is because, and I’ll get to in a second, is that like, I really wanted to have cardiovascular benefit.
Speaker 2: (09:10)
And so I really wanted to avoid processed fats and, uh, you know, protein that may not necessarily be clean styles of protein. So I didn’t want to do, uh, additional, uh, risk of having these types of foods that are considered dirty. Uh, which is a lot of people will follow this dirty ketogenic diet. And, uh, and that Dell experienced the weight loss. But the problem is is that they may experience further complications of these different um, non healthy versions of food that could cause a lot of cardiovascular problems later. So let’s get down and dirty like so what could, what, what is the ketogenic diet? Well, the ketogenic diet is what I refer to as an ultra low calorie diet, uh, in terms of cow, in terms of carbohydrates. So we got to back up for a second and talk macro nutrients. We’ll talk about that for the next couple of seconds here is that you have three different major sources of macro nutrients.
Speaker 2: (10:00)
You have carbohydrate, macro nutrient, you have protein macronutrients, and then you also have fat macronutrients. And each one of those corresponds to four kilo calories. Uh, when they’re consumed like one gram equals four kilocalories of both carbohydrates as well as protein. And then you have nine kilo calories or our fat. And so you keep the carbohydrate load down. A lot of folks who are falling in ketogenic diet, usually you’re shooting for anywhere between 20 to 50 grams of total carbohydrates in a day. And before when I first started the ketogenic diet, I was like, man, that’s a low amount because like, you know, a slice of pizza, gosh, you could probably blow through the eight grams of carbohydrate and probably a standard slice of pizza. And so I was like, all right, this is kinda crazy. But now once you finally started kind of, you know, tracking yourself, which is what I follow, which is more of a traditional version of Quito, excuse me, I started realizing like, it’s really kind of pretty easy to stay a, you know, say 20 or 30 grams of carbohydrate throughout the day.
Speaker 2: (10:57)
So, um, once you start recognizing these foods that you are consuming, and so 20 to 50 grams is what most people kind of start off with. It is a, a little bit more of a stricter version of paleo because paleo is usually around 200 grams in a day, um, with different food restrictions and things like that. And so, uh, we started this ketogenic diet, uh, after we started doing the paleolithic diet, um, you know, a couple of years later and we started noticing like a, a good change in weight. I mean, our weight was definitely moving in the correct direction and a tracking was a little bit more cumbersome and annoying, but we, we really focused in bear down on it. And you know, now we’re experiencing, uh, a ketogenic diet in the sense of it’s pretty easy to track for us. Uh, you know, one of the ways that you get a look at the ketogenic diet is what is it doing inside of the body, right?
Speaker 2: (11:45)
So now we know the amount of carbohydrates that you’re supposed to target for, uh, below that and then we’ll kind of get into the foods. But how do you measure ketosis is a condition in which your body actually creates ketones. Um, it is on the same pathway as say like gluco neogenesis, which is another pathway that your body can create a new sugar, uh, based on different processes that can happen inside of the body. But a couple of different ways to track are either by blood or you can do a quick urine dipstick that is uh, you can purchase these in stores, go to a health food store or something like that and get these kids’ agenda. Or you can even order them on Amazon and you get these KIDOgenic sticks that you will urinate into a small cup, kind of dip your stick in there.
Speaker 2: (12:26)
Like you would if you were testing for sugar in the urine as well. And then it’ll give you a scale of like how many ketones are being detected in your ear. And now it’s not nearly as good as the blood blood is of course is the gold standard. But, um, you know, if you’re in ketosis, then what’s your body is doing is your body is essentially going from being a sugar burner to a fat burner. Cause those key tones are created through the process of breaking down fat. And so, uh, you know, your brain can run on those and your body tissues can run on ketones. Uh, and uh, and, and that’s how ketosis works inside the binding. And that’s how you can measure it. So, um, that’s the goal in the ketogenic diet is to decrease your carpark, hydrate load over the course of days in order to get yourself into a state of ketogenesis.
Speaker 2: (13:09)
Uh, and so you want to track it because you don’t want to just assume because you could be getting some hidden carbohydrates somewhere that could be essentially not allowing your body to be in ketogenesis. And so therefore, since your body’s not really, you know, creating ketones, you must still be burning sugar of some sort somewhere. And I say sugar. When I say sugar, I’m talking about overall carbohydrates anywhere. Okay. And so what are the three different things, three different ways that people kind of follow ketosis? Well, or the ketogenic diet. The first is traditional. I’ve already kind of talked about that. That’s where you track your macronutrients, you eat clean foods and a, you know, you really kind of try to put the science behind it. Um, it’s a little bit more strict, um, in terms of the start out with the discipline. But like I said, if you’re willing to do that, then it actually is pretty solid.
Speaker 2: (13:56)
Um, you got what is called lazy. I’m lazy, uh, Quito, which is, um, you know, really you kind of don’t track, um, but you have a pretty good idea of sort of what to eat and stuff like that. And uh, it’s a little bit of a cleaner version. They got dirty Quito, which is like people are just saying like, I’m gonna cut out carbohydrates. And so these are the people though that will go to like a fast food joint and order a burger and then just not eat the bond. Right. And not eat the fries. Instead they’ll get like a side salad or something like that. They drink diet soda sometimes and you know, it’s sort of like a D that’s, that’s the dirty version. And so I would offer to you that, you know, we’re not going to follow dirty ever and I would recommend that you don’t follow dirty either because if you’re like me and you’re in your forties, um, there are going to be ramifications of eating foods that are processed.
Speaker 2: (14:43)
And it could be pro inflammatory inside the body. Um, I have a history of my family having cardiovascular disease. And so therefore I do not wanna eat processed fats. I do not wanna eat processed proteins and I don’t want that stuff inside my diet. And so therefore, what I do is I follow a traditional, which is I put plants forward, I eat lots and lots of plants get good healthy fats. We’ll talk about that in a second. And lighter sources of protein, you know, like a moderate level of protein. Some people who follow dirty Kito would just crush a meat and cheese, right? Cause they’re, excuse me, they’re really easy to come along to and you know, they, they fill you up and give you that sense of satiety and stuff like that. And so some people that follow the dirty version is, uh, you know, um, it’s a little easier.
Speaker 2: (15:27)
And, but the problem is though, is that, you know, you’re eating a lot of meat and cheese. And we, we realized with folks who followed the Atkins diet, uh, years ago in which the Atkins diet is still around, it’s now referred to as like a modified Atkins and everything like that. But people that are literally just crushing meat and cheese. And the problem is, is that it was very pro inflammatory in the body, um, having issues with, uh, gastrointestinal, the concern and stuff like that. And so that’s why I recommend that if you are going to consider a ketogenic diet, what we like to follow is we like to follow when that’s plant forward. So we eat lots of healthy fats, lots of vegetables. We do have increased fiber. That’s fantastic for somebody following kids, young guy, because you hear that that gives you that feeling of fullness and satiety, which is really nice because, um, you know, you don’t want to feel hungry all the time because those carbohydrates may not give you, that may not be giving you that feeling of satiety.
Speaker 2: (16:15)
And since you’re removing those, doing ketosis or doing ketogenic diet, so therefore you’re going to have something in that fiber does a wonderful job, especially a, you know, both sources of dietary fiber being both soluble and insoluble. They make it all the way down into the lower aspects of your intestines and keep you feeling full. And so therefore you’re not like hungry all the time. So you know, people who do follow dirty ketogenic diets may actually be hungry because their body can quickly process, you know, those, uh, different things inside their body. And so therefore they might feel hungry or more often. So their calories are going up. But anyway, that’s, that’s enough about all that. But, um, so that’s additional, that’s dirty, traditional, lazy. And so now if you’re thinking about getting started on a ketogenic diet, well then what should I actually eat?
Speaker 2: (17:00)
Right? And so I wanted to give you like 10 to say, 12 different types of foods that are really fantastic for eating on the ketogenic diet. And then we’ll talk about something called the Quito flu really quick, just because I think that that would be important, especially if you’re considering ketogenic diet. Um, and then of course, you know all by all means make sure that you follow with a healthcare provider. If you are considering this because you want to, I probably should’ve started off with this, but I’m going to say it now, but you know, if you are thinking about doing that and you’ve never done a particular diet before and, uh, you know, you want to try something new, well then make sure that you talk to a healthcare provider. But anyway, um, let’s talk about 10 different foods that you can start, right?
Speaker 2: (17:42)
So first day, like I said, since we’re going to talk about plants, we want to play it forward is that you need to eat, um, low carbohydrate containing vegetables, number one. Um, so watch out for your starchy vegetables. So those are things like, you know, potatoes, sweet potatoes, things of that nature. You want to avoid those, right? And you definitely don’t want to eat a lot of fruit as well because um, proves have natural sugars in them and those could actually kick you out of ketosis if that’s where you’re trying to go or not allow you to get into ketosis. And so the low carb vegetables are super important because they have a lot of your micro and uh, uh, macro nutrients, right? So these are all the vegetable artists or these are all the different important um, nutrients like calcium and potassium and vitaminK and all those other kind of stuff in order and also minerals as well that will keep the processes flowing well.
Speaker 2: (18:33)
Cause we’re going to talk about the keto flu here in a few. But if your body doesn’t have those sorts of things, then that’s what it’ll have. You had those symptoms of when you start coming down on for carbohydrates, you’ll start having these symptoms that will be kind of in explanatory, but we refer to that as people refer to that as the keto flu is that you don’t really feel that great, but it’s because your body’s not getting those macro and micro nutrients, you know, and those minerals that you need. Um, you know, you want to watch or you definitely want to eat plants. Like I said before, the contain lots of fiber. Um, you know, so definitely eat something like that. So think like, you know, like green leafy vegetables, super important. Cruciferous vegetables are very important. Like those are your kales, your broccolis, your cauliflowers, you know, stuff like that.
Speaker 2: (19:16)
Uh, you can actually use a lot of, you can get creative. A lot of people will make a zucchini or, um, cucumber or whatever. You could turn those things into, um, noodles, like we call those noodles, but essentially they can replace a plate full of spaghetti because there’s a thing called a spiralizer, which will allow you to create this sort of like noodle looking, uh, vegetable [inaudible] excuse me. And then you can put like a marinara sauce on it and sure enough you’re having a nice plant forward meal without having any carbohydrates. And so those are really, really great to start off with. That’s the very first thing that you want to eat. The next thing that you want to eat when you’re on the ketogenic diet is I love avocados. That’s number two. Avocados are wonderful because they are there. If you are looking at like their total carbohydrates, they are higher.
Speaker 2: (20:07)
Um, they have almost 10 carbohydrates in them. But the cool thing is is that they have a lot of fiber. And so when you’re looking at Jenny, Jenny’s a good time to talk about this, you want to look at something called net carbs. Net carbs are total carbohydrates minus the fiber or what is considered a safe form of carbohydrate, which will get you a net carbohydrates. So for example, if we have a food that we’re gonna eat, excuse me, and it has 10 grams of carbohydrates in it, but it has eight grams of tight dietary fiber. Then essentially what we’re looking at is we’re looking at to net carbs. So those are going to be the two carbs, two grams of carbohydrates that will count toward our 2250 for the day. If that sense. Um, you don’t count the 10 you account the two because net carbs are going to be the things that will be considered like sugar in the body.
Speaker 2: (20:55)
And so therefore we want to keep low carbohydrates by Pope focusing on net carbs, not total carbs. Okay. Hopefully that makes sense. If you have any questions about that, by all means, I’ll give you my email here at the end and you’re welcome to talk to him about, talk to me about those sorts of things. Okay. Um, so the other thing is, is that avocados are super high in potassium and potassium is really wonderful to have, especially when you’re starting off on the ketogenic diet in order to kind of like, hopefully help out with that ketogenic flu, if that makes sense. Okay. Um, avocados are full of really healthy, wonderful heart, healthy fats. Okay. Uh, they are really great at helping you feel full and they are fantastically great at, uh, helping move things along in the system. Um, when you’re, when you’re having a ketogenic diet.
Speaker 2: (21:42)
And that’s the reason why we love to follow that. Okay. The next thing, number three of course is meat and poultry. Meat and poultry are like big, big things, right? We need to have high quality protein, right? And low carbohydrates. Well, you can’t do much better than me. Um, and so the, the word of caution with me is that, well, let’s talk about why meat is good, right? So first of all, no carbs. Secondly, definitely full of good B vitamins in meat. And, uh, you know, definitely plenty of potassium. And my knees are, excuse me, in zinc and selenium. OK. um, the thing about meat though, for those of you that want to have a vegetarian Quito, we could talk about that very briefly. Um, that won’t be the purpose of this call or excuse me of this podcast today is that vegetarians and vegans have a little bit more of a difficult risk or excuse me, a difficult way of following cause yeah, you can eat lots of lots of vegetables, really good healthy fats and things like that from some of these, uh, veggie vegetable sources.
Speaker 2: (22:40)
Vegan a little bit more difficult cause you’re more restrictive of course with animal products and cheese. Um, and so the good news is is that if you were to follow a ketogenic diet in which you were actually eating, um, protein, you are going to get B vitamins, which is something that, uh, folks who follow a vegetarian or vegan diets might in fact become deficient. And, and so, um, it can be done. You can follow a vegetarian or vegan version of Quito, um, does become more difficult. But I really want to caution against the possibility of not getting plenty of B vitamins when you’re following that particular version of Keala Quito, which is a vegetarian or vegan version. But regardless, meat and poultry, high quality protein. And let’s talk about high quality protein really quick, right? So high quality protein, I would recommend that you eat grass fed or not just free range but pasture raised animals.
Speaker 2: (23:28)
Okay? The reason why and then watch out for individuals that like to quote unquote grain finish grain finish their meat. The reason why is because it is meaning that that animal which has been designed to wonderfully be raised out on nothing but a diet of grass out there [inaudible] excuse me, on a pasture is now being fed grain because it increases their body weight. And the problem is though is that you are going to actually get that grain that is inside that animal in some dose. If you are going to eat an animal that has been grained, finished, so watch out for that as well. So a hundred percent grass fed is the way to go. Um, watch out for that terminology about being grass-finished as well. Okay. Because our, excuse me, grain finished as well because um, that’s an old trick that farmers like to use to fatten them up really quick before they take them to the processing cause it gets them more and that’s a more total meat if you will off the animal than if they were just strictly grass fed.
Speaker 2: (24:23)
Uh, but go with grass fed because that’s definitely going to be the most healthy way that you can do it. We love eggs. Eggs are fantastic. Um, they are super low in carbohydrates, lots of good protein. And uh, what’s really great is that like eggs kinda stick around the body. They kind of give you that feeling of satiety and um, you know, they give you that feeling of a fullness and things like that. So they really, really do a good job with that. The other thing is, is that it’s important to get the entire protein out of the egg, the cheat, the whole thing. I know that there has been a controversy, if you will, about cholesterol consumption with egg yolks and all that kind of stuff. They are high in cholesterol, but when you eat it, you’re actually getting the entire, uh, protein [inaudible], excuse me, uh, out of the ag if you’re going to eat it.
Speaker 2: (25:07)
So eat eggs. Okay. Those are definitely, um, really awesome to have. The good news is that also has lots of really great antioxidants in it. Um, you know, the yellow is attributed to a Z, a, uh, xanthan or any type of Zahn thins which are really great for eye health as well. So really, really good. Um, to have some people actually even start a kenogenic diet with a what is called an egg fast, which I’m not recommending at, uh, both for before. I mean, cause you’re taking from like whatever you’ve been eating to like all of a sudden now you’re just eating eggs and so you might have a lot of symptoms and a lot of complications related to that. But some people start the ketogenic diet with the make fast just to put themselves into, um, ketosis quicker. But that’s just a side comment.
Speaker 2: (25:49)
Needless to say though, is that eggs are important to look at. You know, just like we talked about grass fed, it’s also important to make sure that you look at, uh, you know, how are these eggs being produced? And so you want to make sure that they are, excuse me, pasture raised is the word that you’re looking for. Um, both, um, cage-free and, and even, you know, free range. I don’t necessarily care for those, but pasture raised and then you want to at least have a non-GMO egg, which means that they may have been given some grain to help them with their egg production, um, that it’s at least non GMO. But of course organic would be best. Uh, you know, but really what’s really great is a lot of farmers will actually follow organic practices. And so if you go to any of those farmer’s markets and things like that, they might in fact actually have, um, farm fresh eggs that are pasture raised, are raised with organic practices and they just don’t have the label on it.
Speaker 2: (26:41)
But there’s some of the best eggs that you can have. And with those pasture-raised girls going around and eating up all those bugs and all those other yummy things that they get out of a pasture, you know, these, these like yolks that we create on our farm or like bright orange, you know, like it’s kind of interesting to take a store bought egg and put it against one of our eggs and you just see the color difference. It’s pretty incredible. Um, so definitely make sure that you get like a pasture raised, preferably organic or at least, you know, if you want to do the research and talk at your farmer’s markets, talk to your farmers and find out if they’re following organic practices on their farm. And those are usually going to be your best things. So that was like number five, right? Number six will be, uh, uh, having lots and lots of good, healthy fat.
Speaker 2: (27:19)
All right. And that’ll be talking about coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil. These are all really good healthy fats, right? You want to avoid canola oils or vegetable oils or anything like that because those usually are higher in trans fats. And so you want to, um, make sure that you have really, really good healthy fats. Coconut oil is full of something called a medium change triglycerides. And what those are is that your body doesn’t have to like process those at all, right? Your body can kind of absorb those and create those directly into ketones as a rapid source of energy. So that’s really nice is that like you can actually bolster your ketone levels, if you will, by having medium train medium chain triglycerides out of a coconut oil cooking on it was really great to cook with too. Um, you know, it’s really, really wonderful to be able to cook with as well.
Speaker 2: (28:08)
It’s, um, great to saute things in and all that kind of stuff, so it’ll help increase the flavor of vegetables that you could eat if you actually cook with coconut oil as well. But, um, you know, coconut oil, olive oil, uh, even avocado oil are very, very, very good because these all have a really good mono on mono saturated fats and barely any, if none, trans fats, which trans fats in the body can actually equal inflammation. So it’s really important to use those types of things. And the next thing we’ll talk about things. Number seven is going to be nuts and seeds. All right? The lagoons lagoons can actually have hidden carbohydrates in them, but nuts and seeds are going to be low in carbohydrates. Okay. Once again, look at net carbs just because a bag of nuts, um, has say 10 carbs in one serving, make sure you pay attention to they have fiber because that fiber will decrease the amount of carbohydrates that you would look at in terms of net carbs.
Speaker 2: (29:07)
Okay. So like just for example, you know, like a walnuts have like I think like four or five total carbs, but when you actually subtract the fiber, which is about one to two grams of fiber inside of those four or five, it ends up being like two net grams. So, or to net carb gram or two grams of net carbs every go, um, you know, so you gotta, you gotta look at stuff like that, like, uh, always subtract the amount of fiber inside of those nuts and seeds from the total, um, from the total amount of carbohydrates. The next thing that we love to eat as butter and we love butter and cream. I mean, matter of fact, my coffee has cream in it now we use whole fat cream so it’s not, um, or we use butter in our coffee, which is a whole Bulletproof coffee, which is what Dave Asprey of the Bulletproof diet, excuse me, developed, but essentially adding cream inside of your, or excuse me, butter or cream instead of your coffee.
Speaker 2: (30:03)
It has to be full fat. So like this half and half stuff, this 1% stuff or whatever. Some of those are chalked full of sugar in order to improve the flavor because they’ve taken the fat away from it. And so butter and cream are really, really good things to use to not only cook with, but add to your coffee if you want to have something in your coffee. And they also of course increase your satiety as well. So use those sparingly. We don’t destroy butter and cream on a ketogenic diet because of course, um, you know, we don’t necessarily care for having lots and lots of fat because we are still trying to also kind of lose some weight, uh, by having the appropriate amount of butter and cream and our diet. Um, so if I need to, you know, have some source of fat, I’d rather eat an avocado, have a little bit of cream in an avocado later on in the day because then I’m gonna get that fiber benefit from the avocado as well.
Speaker 2: (30:53)
Okay. The next one I think is number eight is going to be talking about cheese. Cheese is really good. Um, you know, it’s, it’s good for you. Uh, be careful about the types of cheese that you eat. What I like to eat is I actually love to eat cheese that is considered a hard cheese. I love hard cheeses, like a ACIAR logo or Parmesan or a pecorino Romano. I love those types of cheese because not only do I think they taste fabulous but they’re extremely useful and uh, very, um, the word I’m looking for is like versatile. That’s the word I’m looking for. Um, so I can increase, I can use them in different diets or excuse me, different meals that I prepare. So like if I want to add him to eggs, great addition of Parmesan cheese dough. If I want to have a vegetable, I can add Parmesan cheese to it and improve the flavor.
Speaker 2: (31:43)
It’s a natural kind of salty flavor too when you eat those types of, um, when you eat those types of cheeses now you can’t be irregular cheese as well. Watch out for processed cheese, don’t be eating the cheese that you know, has had so much stuff added to it that it looks like a Salvador Dali painting when you melt it and it stays all nice and pretty and in shape. The thing is that it melts, eat legit cheese from, you know, grass fed cows don’t have ones that have cheese that is made with milk that has, um, growth hormone in it or any type of antibiotics, you know, do your research and make sure that you are eating really, really good sources of cheese. Cheese is good and fat and so therefore that that will help with, uh, feeling Satia satiated and feeling full as well.
Speaker 2: (32:27)
Okay. Um, number nine is going to be eating, excuse me, berries, right? Um, you don’t want to necessarily eat lots of fruits, but, uh, you know, like I said before, but berries are really great because, um, there are not too high in net carbs, but they’re really great as having a good sources of fiber in them. Okay. And they’re definitely definitely full of antioxidants that help with like heart health and, um, free radical damage and all that kind of stuff. And, uh, they’re just really great. Like, you know, just use them sparingly, but you could totally appreciate them. The last thing I want to talk about, number 10 is, uh, either, well, let’s put them together. We’ll put coffee and tea. Um, coffee is very good. Tea is very good. That low carbohydrates. Um, what’s really nice is there’s caffeine in it, which I don’t want to go heavy in the caffeine, but caffeine and moderation has actually been shown now to be great for uh, improving your mood and improving your sense of energy and of course all that kind of stuff.
Speaker 2: (33:27)
Caffeine is also a pretty decent to help with lowering weight overall. It’s not necessarily that caffeine is like, you know, you start drinking caffeine and all of a sudden you’re gonna drop 20 pounds in a week. But um, it actually is really, really nice. Okay. To add caffeine, and I’m going to give you one bonus is a seafood. Seafood is something that we try to use very much in our kenogenic diet. The reason why is because, um, it’s fantastic in B vitamins, selenium potassium, right? Just like meat and poultry, but it’s a lighter version of a protein and so it’s really nice to be able to swap out like a piece of salmon, which is going to be high in Omega three fatty acids as well. Instead of having steak every single day. Right? And so it’s a lighter version of a protein, still getting the wonderful benefits of protein with no carbs.
Speaker 2: (34:19)
Um, but it’s really nice to have something that is very light in terms of its protein versus like eating pork or eating beef all the time. Okay. And then it’s like, because of those, um, you know, Omega three fatty acids that are naturally occurring in lots and lots of different types of seafoods, they are of course going to be really, really good. But of course caution being for those that have, you know, uh, an issue with seafood or an iffy issue with, uh, uh, any type of fish. Of course, use those things sparingly or not at all if you’re having major issues with seafood. So that’s like
Frank: (34:53)
10 plus bonus, one of the getting started on a ketogenic diet. Did you have any questions? I’ll wrap up here, but if you have any questions, email me and Frank and Rissa essentials.com be happy to leave a comment here on this Facebook live. You’re joining us on Facebook live and then, uh, you know, just make sure that you do your due diligence to really consider it as that, as starting off on a ketogenic diet for me. Please let me know what your questions are. Love to help you out and let me help you get started with ketogenic diet if a camp. So I hope that that was a benefit to you. Please leave me a rating and review. That’s the only way this on gas will be help, you know, spread out to others who might need this information. Absolutely. Give me a comment here. Let me know where you’re from on this Facebook live. Of course. Yeah, because there might be information or area information, but that’s what I’m here for. So we love you guys. We hope you all have a very, very good week. And uh, yeah, just take care and
Speaker 2: (36:00)
joy at the beginning of your fall season. We will talk to you again in about a week. Take care everybody.
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