Frank: (00:00)
Hey everyone, it’s Frank unconventional wellness radio podcast, Goliath. You could join us. And on today’s episode we are going to talk about the financial, personal, and social burdens of healthcare. So please stay tuned. We’re also going to talk about how my program unconventional wellness can it help with that problem in your life. And so you really want to stay tuned. I’m going to leave my giveaway open for one more week. You should know how to enter and I promise you will love the giveaway. So please make sure that you leave us a rating and review. Check it out. Episode 38 coming at you here in momentarily. We’ll talk to you very soon. Hey everyone, and welcome to unconventional wellness, radio,
Frank: (00:43)
powerful and inspiring podcast, such a revolutionize and disruptive healthcare. It’s trying to put you in the driver’s seat and be the force of change necessary for the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Hey, what’s going on everyone? Just trying something new in here. Um, I’m hoping that actually it is coming through. Okay. Let’s see. I should be able to get through. I want to check myself to make sure that I was actually alive. All right, perfect. We actually are. All right, so anyway, I’m trying something new here. I actually wanted to bring the webinar directly to you and I wanted to talk about the burden, the burdens of our healthcare system and what can we do about it? Okay, and so I’m going to break this down into three burdens. We’re going to talk about financial burdens. We’re going to talk about a personal burdens, and then we’re going to talk about social burdens that our healthcare system has honest.
Frank: (01:36)
Okay. Let me give you some data to start off with because I really want to put this into perspective because this is a legit issue. Okay? Then we need to get fixed. Here’s the problem. Three point $5 trillion that’s trillion with a T is spent on healthcare every year. That equivocates to about 18% of our gross domestic products. You’re an economist. That’s a lot, okay? 18% is a lot of money. Here’s the thing, the that means that of all the Americans, once you take that number and you kind of divided down, that means that we are spending $10,000 in healthcare every year. Do you know what it was back in like the 19 like say sixties it was like under 500 bucks a year. Okay. Now granted, I will give you the benefit of the doubt. We have some amazing procedures. We have some amazing therapies that are doing some amazing things, but the fact of the matter is, is that health care costs are on the rise.
Frank: (02:40)
We are 60% more expensive in healthcare here in America than we are in Europe. All right? And Europe, by all means, has an amazing healthcare system as well. They’re saving lives every single day like our healthcare system is, but the financial burden is real. Okay. Let’s dive a little further into it to make it a little bit more personalized, if you will. When you look, excuse me, at the cost of something that is chronic preventable one out of every, all right, so you’d say about eight out of every 10 people in America, a at least one of those one chronic preventable in as well. It makes you ask the question, well, what’s a chronic preventable illness? Okay, so these are things like COPT, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, um, musculoskeletal problems. Okay. They’re very, very widespread. And the thing is, is that at least eight out of every 10 Americans actually experienced them.
Frank: (03:40)
Okay. At least have one of them. When they talk about the financial burden of that, over 50% of chronic illnesses correspond to that three point $5 trillion. Isn’t that amazing? That chronic preventable illness is causing spikes in our gross negligence of spending money on healthcare. Okay. Here’s something that’s pretty amazing as sort of like the flip side of that. Do you know how much of that three point $5 trillion is spent by people that are considered healthy? 3% 3% of that amount is spent by healthy people. And so what does that really mean? Okay. Well, a lot of us want to help have that burden absorbed, right? $10,000 a month, or excuse me a year, that’s not a little amount of money. Okay, so how do we absorb that burden while we just get health care, right? Like we get company derived healthcare, here’s the problem. Healthcare is so stinking expensive that a lot of us can’t even afford it.
Frank: (04:50)
Okay? We are paying deductibles that are monstrous. We have to pay an amount every single month just to have healthcare that it’s in the thousands and God forbid we have a family with children, right? That’s just gonna expend, essentially increased that. And so the financial burden of healthcare is incredible. I heard that there is a statistic. Okay. Um, by the way, I just wanted to let you know that I’m also doing this for my folks in, uh, my unconventional wellness radio podcast. I just kind of dove right in and normally I say hi, but whatever. I just wanted to get right into it because this is a legit problem. So if you know who I am, I’m prank. I’m a certified PA and working in natural and integrated healthcare for like the last 10 years, whatever. That’s my quick little drop. But hello to all of you on the podcast.
Frank: (05:38)
I did just jump right in. But anyway, the cost of healthcare, getting back to it is that Americans, it is now estimated that Americans are one finance or excuse me, one medical calamity away from disaster financial disaster. Okay. Most Americans don’t have more than about a thousand dollars that they access to immediately. Do you know that one in five Americans use the emergency room as their primary care per year? All right, so that’s one out of five people will actually go to the emergency room for medical healthcare and we know they exceed the prices of those are going up. It’s over 60% of our healthcare has actually increased over the last, like multiple decades after the in laws, like three to five decades. Our healthcare costs to go even be seen at the hospital have actually increased. So the problem is, is that we’re sick and then we go to folks that we want to get better.
Frank: (06:32)
And if we don’t have the expensive insurance, it’s difficult for us to get better. And so it’s just this downward spiral that people are going into bankruptcy, especially if they’re having just a minor healthcare concern. Okay? And God forbid we have chronic healthcare illnesses. Well then we’ve got ourselves a real drama happening and we can really be under the burden of debt. Medical debt is a huge problem that a lot of people separate from, you know, you would think that like school debt, right? Going to school and paying for school is a type of debt that lasts for a long time. Yes, you would be correct, but medical debt is incredibly burdensome, the people. And so we need to figure out a way to be able to actually get out of this burden. By the way, a couple more quick statistics is that, um, if you have diabetes, okay, this is just one of those chronic preventable illnesses.
Frank: (07:25)
But if you have diabetes, you are guaranteed to be spending at least $27,000 per year in medical costs to help treat your diabetes. $27,000 guys. I mean, that is, uh, that’s a S that’s a price of a car. I mean, like you could buy a car for that. So how do we get out of this? Okay, well, I’ve got a solution that works over the last 10 years. I have watched myself change over the course of my career and my personal life to be able to say that lifestyle modification is key. Okay? We need to take healthcare back into our control. We need to focus on those things that we know that we can do every single day. Fighting that battle to be able to mitigate a lot of these issues that are arising. Okay? So we have got to do something about it. Well, I like to call it unconventional wellness.
Frank: (08:24)
It is my bridge program to be able to have all of the wonderful aspects of modern healthcare there when we need them, but to be able to handle the other portion, the massive portion of lifestyle modification that we can be doing every single day, fighting that battle to win that war against the craziness of health care. Okay. Personally and socially, this is also a burden and there is a problem. Personally, I lost my father at 56 years old to heart attack, a chronic preventable thing that led up to his heart attack, high blood pressure. Who knows if he had diabetes, but I wouldn’t have been doubting it because he never even went to the doctor and he was a smoker. It just, all of these things over the course of years took on an issue at 56 and I lost my father. How many of you have lost a loved one because of a chronic preventable illness?
Frank: (09:19)
Okay. Socially, this is a massive burden. We’re seeing these things all the time about people who are losing those that matter most in their lives because of the fact that we have this burden. Okay, so how do we beat it? Well, it’s my five pillars to unconventional wellness that is in my program. Those five pillars are nutrition, movement or or sometimes I refer to it as exercise, getting better sleep, being able to remove those toxins out of your life. Okay, and then being able to combat stress and anxiety. Can I get a hallelujah for stress and anxiety? Are we stressed out these days? It is true that one out of four 18 to 25 year olds report the fact that they are actually the most oppressive they have ever been. There is something now called a quarter life crisis. Can you feel me? There are people who are undergoing depression at earlier and earlier ages.
Frank: (10:14)
Teenagers are experiencing massive bouts of depression, suicide. It’s really, really sad. What? Suicide. Okay. Veterans are killing themselves. I am a veteran of the U S army. Veterans are killing themselves at a massive rate. Okay. I think I just read something that 60% of veterans actually have. I have experienced somebody that they know that is actually experienced some person who has committed suicide. These are legitimate facts that are going on and we need to fix this stuff so I have a special heart and combating stress and anxiety. It’s one of my five pillars of unconventional wellness. So how does this work? All right, how does that convention wellness work? Well, you can go to the internet, you can get this stuff for free. Okay? If you are willing to be that person who wants to go and do your own research, have at it, please go to the internet.
Frank: (11:06)
There is some amazing people out there writing some amazing things and you can change yourself. Okay, well I’m going to let you know that’s going to take at least 10 years. Why? Because I myself had been doing that for me personally. I have some chronic illness with me as well. I’ve got post traumatic stress. I’ve got a really bad lower back. I’ve got chronic knee problems. I’ve got high cholesterol, and so I needed to do something. I noticed that I was going down that pathway of being like following my father and his footsteps, literally. Okay. At 56 or some odd time in the future. I could see myself dying from a heart attack. I wasn’t going to be another statistic. Okay. Instead I decided to take charge of my life. Now it just so happens that I’m also a physician assistant. So at the same time that I was learning about myself, I was learning about how to take care of others and that has always been a passion of mine.
Frank: (12:04)
Okay. And so I told myself, how can I do this naturally? I don’t want to use medications, I don’t want to use opioids. I don’t want to be a statistic. How can I do this naturally? Well, I started using my physician assistant experience and I started using the experience of me being my own test dummy and starting to change my lifestyle habits. And this is what I came up with over the course of 10 years. There are two lines. There is my professional career and my personal life. Both of them married each other in terms of what I was doing at home and how I was able to talk to my patients, my friends, my colleagues, my family, and everybody else from a scientific medical aspect. Okay. And I found out that there was a lot of really great overlap. I started being able to do this stuff with my patients.
Frank: (12:55)
My patients were getting better. I was dealing with a very sick crowd in the military. You would think that they were very healthy. No, they had the same issues. You can lump them in a chronic preventable illness were still affecting my service members, my soldiers in the military. And so we had to figure out a way because guess what? You don’t have to pay for healthcare in the military. It is offered as a free expense to you because you’re serving. Problem is those that I didn’t want them on a bunch of medications. I didn’t want them on opioids and they actually did not want to be under this feeling of, I’m just having my symptoms taken care of. I’m not looking at the bigger picture. And so over the course of these 10 years, I have mastered how to be able to do that and I want to bring that to you and that’s exactly what my program will do.
Frank: (13:41)
It provides the benefit of you getting away from this burdensome issue of healthcare. You can at the end of 90 days, which is how long my program is. You can check Mark the box and say, I now understand nutrition. I understand how to get better sleep. I understand I remove toxins in ways that I have never even imagined. I will download all of this information that I have gained over the last decade to you to help you understand right where you’re at. Here’s the best part about the program. Besides all of that, I bring it to you in a digital format. You can look at it on a smartphone. You can look at it on your desktop. You can have me right next to you as you’re literally preparing your meals. Okay. You can have me right next to you in terms of what are those action steps again, to be able to say, okay, what is that I need to, uh Oh yeah, I need to be able to actually do those action steps that Frank talked about to be able to help me start getting better sleep.
Frank: (14:35)
Those action steps can be brought to you through the wonderful technological advances and the blessing of technology that we have. This is something where you would have had to go to a big fancy in person thing 20 years ago, but now that have these monitoring advances of smart phones and digital technology, I can bring this stuff to you and I am not bringing it to you for thousands of dollars. Okay? I am going to put a link in this live where you will be able to go see my enterprise program that is going to disrupt and change health care called unconventional wellness. I pre-launched it, soft launched it about a week ago. People are getting on board. What are you waiting for? You get onboard as well. I have payment plans that make this thing very, very cost effective and you can budget it into even the most meager of budgets.
Frank: (15:26)
I promise your healthcare depends upon itself. Check the link out. It will have my three different pathways for you to start your journey in unconventional wellness. I have a basic program that you are walking to go in yourself pays, and then I have an elaborate program where you can have me as a coach for personalized one on one sessions over the phone at your convenience. For the first 90 days. I have everything built in. Okay. I have spent over a year developing this. I should have released it months ago because it has been very well received by a lot of my colleagues and they’re just going, this is the aha moment that people in need and okay, so go check out the link. I promise. Let’s start feeding this burden of healthcare together. We can do this. It has happened with countless numbers of people before you and I can join on this journey together and we can help you get the unconventional wellness lifestyle. I am empowering real in holistic change and 90 days come join us on the journey. What are you waiting for? We’ll see you very, very soon.
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