Frank: (00:00)
Hello and welcome to unconventional wellness radio. This is episode 39 where I am going to talk to you about intermittent fasting or I have, if you actually are looking for something that could be a very healing to the body, intermittent fasting might be for you. So stay tuned. I’m going to talk about my experiences here recently with intermittent fasting and how it’s always been a portion of my diet plan in order to really help my nutrition. So on convention wellness radio. I’m Frank, I’m your host and I will talk to you about intermittent fasting very soon. Hey everyone, and welcome to unconventional wellness radio is powerful and inspiring podcast, such a revolutionize and disruptive healthcare. It’s trying to put you in the driver’s seat and be the force of change necessary for the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Hey, what’s up everybody? I am going to assume that we are good.
Frank: (00:54)
I’m going to give people a couple of moments, um, if they’re celebrating lunch right now to hop on. So we’ll get started in one second. And I will talk to you about intermittent fasting and seriously what it’s done for me. And it’s been pretty unbelievable what it’s been able to do for me. So, um, I’ll just give it a couple of moments. If you’re on right now, let me know and, uh, just tell me where you’re from and tell me if you’ve ever heard of intermittent fasting. Raise your hand and say like, Hey, yes I have or no I haven’t or no, that’s crazy. Or whatever. Um, first things first is I’m wanting to tell everybody to, uh, if they’re, if they’re considering intermittent fasting, um, first and foremost run it by a physician because, um, you may not be primed for it to just jump right in.
Frank: (01:42)
Okay. You might have to actually kind of work your way in, um, because there might be like, especially if you’ve had a previous eating disorder or something like that, like we want to get those either nutrition or abnormalities taken care of before we even consider to, uh, to, to try something like intermittent fasting. And here’s the thing, most of us have intermittent fast, right? By simple virtue of the word Breck fist or break fast. That’s exactly what we do every single morning. So like usually we’ll be done with eating dinner and then there’ll be a period of fasting because we don’t need to eat while we’re sleeping of course. And then we just turn around and uh, and then break our fast when we have breakfast. But here’s what I’ve started to doing. This is what has really been helpful for me. I’m doing a lot of research on this recently because I am probably not unlike you.
Frank: (02:32)
I probably an emotional eater. I probably eat because of social pressures. Like I still go to the like movies or whatever and I want to have a BA, a massive bucket of popcorn. Right? Um, so that was always the case. Whenever I get together with family and stuff like that, there’s that social aspect of eating. And so food has really worked its way in becoming like a, like a, like a, a lifestyle that always subconsciously seen. And so I, I get it, right? I understand that, uh, that there are different pressures that cause food behaviors in us. And so I wanted to take the opportunity to say I don’t want food to have this kind of grip in my life. I’ve always had to struggle with weight and stuff like that. And so I said, I want to do something that’s going to like really help me break free of just not being um, super attached to food.
Frank: (03:31)
Right? Like we, I mean like we need food, we need to eat. Okay. So by all means, I’m not telling you not to eat, but what I’m saying is that like, it’s really a great opportunity to be able to actually like put the food back in its place and, and be able to actually benefit from the nutrient dense foods that we’re eating, but be able to actually break free of the bonds of the slavery of food. I’ve been reading some things that are, food is more addictive than ever. Okay. One large culprit of our food that is causing people to like be like stupid addicted to food. Is this a, this high fructose corn syrup. Okay. High fructose corn syrup is like upwards of like 15 to 20%. I’m sorry, 15 to 20 times more, uh, sweet than sugar. And the problem is, is that it messes with our hormones.
Frank: (04:23)
Okay? There’s a lot of food things that are a lot of additives that mess with our home hormones. The first of which is something called ghrelin. That’s G. H. R, E. L. I, N. ghrelin is essentially the hormone that let you know, like I’m ready to eat. I’m kind of hungry, okay. Then there’s another hormone called leptin. Leptin is essentially the opposite of ghrelin. When you have larger leptin, uh, throughout the bloodstream, then the body is a little bit more satiated feeling. Okay? It’s a add. It’s a, it’s a reducer of the appetite. It lets your body know that there it’s, I’m working on food and I’m, I’m, I’m happy. I’m content. All right? But the problem is that we’re becoming like gremlin on ghrelin, okay? And the reason why I say that is because these foods are reading are not really bulky. They’re not full of fiber. And so the ghrelin is being stimulated because we’re eating something that tastes good, but it’s really not providing this nutrient dense opportunity.
Frank: (05:22)
And so the ghrelin is just continuing to increase in our bloodstream. Okay. Whereas unfortunately, high fructose corn syrup can also play havoc in your body and not allowing it to release as much leptin as we as we should. And so with the increase in ghrelin and the decrease in left, and you can see that that’s setting us up for subconsciously feeling like we’re hungry all the time. Okay. And so that is one of the largest things that I wanted to do is I was really wanting to take in consideration how can I change the hormonal structure function, if you will, of my body. And so that’s why I really wanted to look into something like, you know, the paleo diet and then eventually became the ketogenic diet for awhile, which we’re still following Quito principles. And now we’ve moved into Quito with intermittent fasting. And that’s just what we’re doing right now.
Frank: (06:11)
And it’s been wonderful. The reason why is because my body is getting the calories that it needs. It’s getting the nutrition that it AIDS, but it’s on my time, right? Like it’s on, I’m not eating like where most Americans eat 12 to 16 hours in the day. Like most Americans especially eat when they’re awake and we snack more than you can imagine these days. And so we’ve become very accustomed to like being people who just consume food energy, right? And if we’re consuming the wrong type of food energy, we’re gaining weight. We’re not actually showing any signs of energy and we’re tired a lot more than what we originally felt like we should be. And so all of this is leading toward not having food be the reason why we’re actually getting energy and why we’re increasing our weight gain. And so what intermittent fasting seeks to do is it seeks to teach the body how to self heal.
Frank: (07:09)
Um, there are some real significant, uh, actual studies that have shown that folks who go through periods of fasting actually end up doing a good job of helping their body heal itself. OK. um, you know, we all know about ketosis. We know that our body has to go through a process of ketosis in order to create some form of energy from existing fat that we have on our body. Okay. Um, through like fatty oxidation processes, we also know that if we go on a heavy Quito, Quito, uh, ketosis, excuse me, that we are going to be really rubbing up that fat burning engine that we have in our body at a certain point. Uh, you know, with certain types of fasts. Uh, cause I by all means would say that if you want to consider a long term fast, you don’t get that information for me.
Frank: (08:00)
You go talk to people who are like medical professionals and go talk with them. So I’m only talking like little bits here and there, right? Like what we call intermittent fasting. And then there’s another concept that is called, uh, you know, time restricted feeding. Um, which we do both. My, I, I, my wife practice both and I’ll explain what they are. But anyway, long story short is that as you continue on this fasting pathway, your body has to go through something called gluconeogenesis, which actually is the creation of new glycogen that your body has the capability of doing. And that’s after about an eight hours of not eating and then it continues on this spectrum. Okay. So where you’re getting into the point where you can like your body will start identifying like, okay, I need to get rid of damaged protein. I need to like, you know, have my STEM cells turned back on.
Frank: (08:44)
And this is all for concepts for a whole nother topic or another thing where we like can get into the science of internment of the reason why people fast. And so what I’ve learned about my body is that I do well when I give myself at least a 12 hour period of not fasting. Now I’ve started to increase my, my fasting. I’m not because it’s like, Oh well a little bit work. So a lot must be really good. That’s totally not the case here, but I’m building myself up like you would if you were doing pushups, right? Like you start with a certain amount of pushups and overtime you should be able to do more pushups while I’m doing that same thing with intermittent fasting. And so we started off with just saying like, let’s, let’s just not eat for 16 hours. Okay. And so like it really became a discipline where I had to learn how to like only eat in an eight hour window.
Frank: (09:28)
So that’s known as time restricted feeding. I was only giving myself an eight hour window to eat and then I was fasting for 16 hours. Okay. 24 hour day. That was working pretty well with me. Okay. But what I wanted to do is I want to take it one step further. So we started actually doing something that you can go check out. It’s a, it’s a uh, physician or excuse me, she’s a, has a doctorate. I can remember on what, Oh. But anyway, she has this program that she calls it eat like a bear. And so what that is is it’s actually a 23 hour period of not eating and then a one hour period of eating. And during that one hour period, we actually consume things that would be what you would consume on the ketogenic diet. Okay. So very low carbohydrates and all that kind of stuff.
Frank: (10:07)
It’s been working really well. Like I am a person who has been fasting now like this way for two weeks and I feel a tremendous amount of energy. Like I’m still exercising. No problem. I sleep like a bear, you know, hibernating. Um, that’s not been an issue with that whatsoever. And now, um, just today or actually just yesterday because I was eating at 12 to one, I stopped eating at one and I’m actually not gonna eat until tomorrow or at about one. So I’m actually doing two day fast. The reason why is because I’m really just trying to break free of that physical and emotional connection to food. And so, uh, that’s just, it’s been working for me. I just wanted to give you guys some information about that because it really has been like a game changer for me guys. Like I’m really feeling the understanding of like the, the, the fact that food is it like psychologically is important as we usually make it out to be.
Frank: (11:02)
Like, it’s physically important. We need to have food. We gotta live. Okay. But the fact of the matter is, is that like I wanted to break free of all the slavery that food can actually create. And so I just wanted to share that with you, um, about what’s been working with me and kinda like a little bit about what inner fat, intermittent fasting is all about. Um, if you guys are interested, I mean like I can get like super scientific about this and like really dive into the weeds if you’re interested in it. And I would love to share with you about like all the principles behind intermittent fasting, all the research and all those sorts of things that are really coming through, um, that are showing some fantastic,
Speaker 2: (11:35)
the benefit for intermittent fasting. So I would love to share that stuff with you. So if you’re interested, comment below and let me know. And, um, I would be happy to put together a webinar in which we really dive deep into the sciences. I mean like I will pull like research articles and all that kind of stuff and I would be having to eat with him. So if you’re like, like me and you want to geek out, let’s do it together. So let me know if you’re interested in that. I will add, be happy to do a webinar just based on that. Okay. Um, but I, I offer this because intermittent fasting is like one of the many things that I like to talk about with my program. I conventional wellness, I want to let you know if you didn’t catch my live, I’ll put a link to that as well in the comments.
Speaker 2: (12:15)
But guys, it’s closing soon. Like I’m not going to take anymore because I want to focus on those individuals who are all in and they want to do it with me. Like I was saying on my video, those of those three people that are meeting me 50%, I want to give my all to them. So if you want to get in and get my all on all this information that I would love to share with you and all this healing, then I would love to help you, help you with, you got to let me know, go onto my link that is on my page and like it and go get started with not conventional haulers. There are, there is no excuse other than I haven’t explained really well as to what’s going on. And I plan on doing a live tomorrow again, uh, in order to dive deep into my program so you can actually see what it’s all about.
Speaker 2: (12:57)
Like maybe I haven’t done that yet, but I’m going to literally show you what my program does. Okay. Um, so stay tuned for that. Please make sure that you set a reminder or get notifications and stuff like that. So when I go live, you will see a line. I will show you what my program is all about. But anyway, that’s enough about that. Go check out that Facebook live. Um, let me know what your questions are and I’m here to help. So just reminder, why unconventional wellness. I’m closing it soon. It’s going to crazy. Go back up and rice and all that kind of stuff. So get in while the getting good. All right, so take care of yourself. I hope you guys have a absolutely
Frank: (13:32)
fabulous day and we will catch you again on a Facebook live very, very soon. Take care everybody. Yeah.
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