Since I have made the switch to using wool dryer balls, instead of dryer sheets, my pocket-book is much happier, and so is my energy bill! I love my wool dryer balls with essential oils and I know you will making the switch too!
What Are Dryer Balls?
They are a 100% natural replacement for dryer sheets made from wool. You can purchase them already felted and ready to go, or you can make them yourself.
Why Use Wool Dryer Balls?
- They can cut your drying time in half
- They help reduce static
- They save you money on your energy bill
- They are chemical-free, unlike dryer sheets
- They can be re-used over-and-over again
- They increase the fluffiness of your clothes
- They are safe to use with cloth diapers
Adding in Essential Oils
I love to lightly scent my clothes, so I add 3-4 drops of my favorite essential oils to each dryer ball. This usually lasts 2-4 loads before I have to add more! Here’s a few essential oil recommendations; it’s fun creating combinations that make your clothes smell so wonderful:
CLICK HERE to see where I get my essential oils at a discount
- Lemongrass
- Lavender + Lemon
- Wild Orange
- Peppermint + Wild Orange
- Tangerine
Where to Buy Wool Dryer Balls:
I love Woolzies (click here to see them) in XL. I use all 4 in my laundry and right now they are 62% off on Amazon!!
Dryer Balls are Easy to Make:
- Recycled wool sweaters
- Wool Yarn
- Knee High Nylon
Step 1) Save the money and go buy a few wool sweaters from Goodwill. Then go to your nearby craft store and get a big roll of wool yarn.
Step 2) Cut the wool sweaters up in scrap pieces and ball them up in your hand. Then take the wool yarn and start wrapping it around the scrap wool until you have a large softball-size bundle of yarn. Some people make them the size of tennis balls but I say go BIG! I also think you need 4-8 of them to really notice a difference. So, make a bunch!
Step 3) Then when you’re done rolling them into balls, tie a knot, then throw the ball in a knee-high nylon, or in a sock. Tie off the end with a rubber band (a hair rubber band) and run them through a hot wash cycle and then a hot dry cycle. This makes the wool felt together.
Step 4) Then take them out and you’re done!
How to Use Your Dryer Balls:
- Add a few drops your favorite essential oils to each ball.
- Toss in the dryer with your wet clothes
- Re-use over and over and over again!!!!