Kids really do say the funniest things! Well, add Paleo to that and a little bit of crunchy and you got your self a hilarious mess!
- Stealing my Kombucha!
Here are a few things I have heard (and innocent bystanders) my kids say that make me literally LOL:
1. “Can I have my seaweed chips, MOM?”
2. “Mom, can you stop hogging all the KUMbucha and share?”
3. “Can I have some olives?”
4. “Mom, can you give me some coconut water?”
5. “My brother was born in a bathtub.”
6. “Can you wear me this time and not Frankie? I’m tired.”
7. “We drink milk from the hairy coconut.”
8. “My mom puts vinegar in my hair.”
9. “Why do we come to McDonalds to just play and not eat?”
10. “Mom, this milk is GROSS.”
“Oh honey, that is baby milk.” (pumped breastmilk)
11. “Mommy, I didn’t have my honey today yet.”
12. “Stop putting garlic in my ears”
13. Â “Stop putting onions beside my bed.”
14. “Can I have my vitamin d drops?”
15. “Can we have brussel sprouts tonight?”
16. “Why is he eating French fries and I have fruit?”
17. “Mom, there’s a diaper in the toilet. I need to go potty. Can you wash this diaper?”
18. “There’s a dryer ball in my pile of clothes.”
19. “There’s a soap nut in my pile of clothes.”
20. “Mom, can I have some more bacon?”
21. “Can I have some more bone broth?”
22. “Can I have some more almond butter on my spoon?”
23. “Why are you putting coconut oil in your hair?”
24. Why are you putting coconut oil on my toothbrush?”
25. “Why are you putting coconut oil on my butt?”
26. “Why are you putting coconut oil in my smoothie?”
27. “Daddy got poop in his eye when he was using the diaper sprayer!”
28. “Papa gave me lots of candy today. Am I in trouble?”
29. “Can I hold those chicken feet before you throw them in the soup?”
30. “Why do people call me weird?”
What do your Paleo kids say that you find funny?
“BOOOOOOOO” as we drive past fast-food places
“Is this organic?”
[while eyeing someone else’s cart in the grocery store] “Mom THATS not a good food choice!”
Thanks for today’s laugh 🙂
omg, that is what i hear most…” that is not a healthy cart, Mom”….” he/she eats too much sugar”, “what kinda diaper do you want Mom, the washers or throw aways?” ( i use cloth at home, bleach free throwaways when we are out)!!!! Love that my kids are crunchy granola Paleo kids!!!
That is awesome! Sounds like MY house!!
Funny! Last night we were at the pool, and my newly 7 yo came swimming up to me and said, “Mommy, my friend says she was born in a bathtub too!” LOL I guess she was going around telling other kids, since we had recently re-told her homebirth story. I asked the girls mom, who said that nope the other kid was NOT born in a bathtub. I told the mom that mine really was and she wanted to know was it on purpose or by accident. 😉
Probably my favorite of all time so far is “But Mommy… Bacon **IS** a vegetable!”. I about died laughing at that one and had to write it in his baby book.
Another really good one he was singing in the car yesterday was “Just say no to GMO’s. Just say yes to PALEO!”
HAHAHAHA!!! Love these 🙂 If I made a list, I would add: ‘Mom, can we have sardines for breakfast!?’ Love these paleo/crunchy kids!
Feed them well, but teach them that swear words are acceptable forms of English Language? How unfortunate to have missed the mark on that one.
LOL!!! Apparently you don’t understand the inside joke! This is a popular thing going around right now…Sh*t Crunchy Mamas Say…Sh*t Crunchy Dads say…I don’t swear around my kids. My kids are 4 and 1 and don’t read my blog so I can say what I want to say.
Well said, Paleo Mama :]
Give me more of that good healthy bacon! (5 year old)
My 1 year old can’t ask for sardines for breakfast, but she has gotten the box, shaken it emphatically at me and actually eaten sardines for breakfast.
My kids crack me up constantly, but it makes me realize that they do listen, and absorb what I say!
Recently my 7 year old walked up to a woman in target and asked her why she was going to buy all that “non-food”? The woman was so confused and I was laughing.
Yesterday my daughter and I were picking up seafood for dinner and she asked for mussels (her favorite). They only had 1.5 lbs of live mussels left. My daughter says… That’s not enough, I can eat 4 lbs by myself! Give me crawfish and shrimp too, please!
The woman at the store looked at me as if it ask if she was serious. I nodded my head and smiled. Then the woman says, we’ll that’s not something I hear often!
“Cow milk is not good for our tummies/brains”
“Mommy!! Baby John needs more breast milk!!”
“More almond milk, please”
As we go through the cashier line which is clustered with candy or what not, my oldest (5) asks me, “Mommy, is that junk?” to nearly every thing he sees. I nod and say, “Yep, that’s junk”, “that’s junk, too”
Also, my kids like to ask me what’s “Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down” for food choices.
I enjoyed these a lot!
Hahaha, that is an amazing post! Too funny!
my brother was born in a bathtub! that’s what my kids say!
To funny. My kid says some of those also especially the olives. He would die for olives.
He also says loud enough for the entire store to hear him, ” Does that have wheat,?YUCK that will kill you!” He is 5 and I nearly died laughing. Looking at other peoples cart “That food will make you sick.”
” why do you run without shoes?” “Why are we eating bones? ( marrow inside the bones) “Can I have a smoothie.” “Can I have (insert any kind of fruit here)?” ” Can I have salad for lunch?”
He may be brainwashed a little….LOL
The most common paleo-kid comment in my house comes before every meal with meat:
“Is this meat properly raised?”
My goodness…la dee dah…LOL So glad I am not perfect. 😉