One of most polarizing topics related to today’s health is the subject of using cannabinoid substances, like CBD oil, for medical reasons. A lot of the confusion comes from some basic misunderstandings about what cannabinoids are, and why we should even consider using them as options for better health. So let me just begin by stating clearly: I am not talking about growing and smoking marijuana (a cannabinoid product)!
Equally necessary to know is this: An important body system we already have within is the endocannabinoid system (EC), which helps the body manage anxiety, inflammation, and other physiological responses to different forms of stress. During strenuous exercise, stress, and other related stimuli, the body produces compounds called endocannabinoids, which trigger the EC system by activating cannabinoid receptors (CRs). There are two types of CRs in our body—cannabinoid receptor 1 (CB1—affecting the brain and central nervous system), and cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2—affecting the endocrine and immune systems).
For example, after a long period of running, some runners experience a “runner’s high,” recognized by slight euphoria and soothing of the discomfort in the muscles and joints. It is the CB1 receptor that is linked with feelings of euphoria, and the CB2 receptor that is found in the rest of the body, such as in the muscles, joints, skin, and vital organs. So—our bodies are already producing cannabinoids, which are vitally necessary for continued good health. Many over-the-counter medications rely on our body’s cannabinoid receptors to relieve aches and pains. For example, Tylenol turns into an “active metabolite,” and enhances the normal activation of endocannabinoid receptors in our body, thus relieving aches and pains.
3 Types of Cannabinoids to keep in mind during this article.
- THC (TetraHydroCannabinol) – THC directly affects the CB1 receptors which has psychoactive effects. This is the part of the marijuana plant that makes people “high.”
- BCP (Beta-CaryoPhyllene) – This is a dietary cannabinoid that comes from things you eat such as rosemary, black pepper, cloves, copaiba, and cannabis. BCP directly affects CB2 receptors. Remember these are the receptors that affect the endocrine and immune systems.
- CBD Oil (CannaBiDiol) – Naturally occurring components in hemp and marijuana plant that indirectly affects mostly CB2 receptors.
So let’s start by explaining Cannabis (THC)
Cannabis is derived from the cannabis plant, and used in three forms: marijuana—made from dried flowers and leaves and the least potent; hashish—made from the resin of the plant; and hash oil—a thick oil obtained from hashish and the most potent of the three forms. Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in the United States. According to a recent survey, 7.3 percent of Americans ages 12 or older had used marijuana within the previous 30 days. The average first use was 17.9 years.
The main active ingredient in cannabis is called delta-0 tetrahydro-cannabinol, commonly known as THC. This is the part of the plant that gives the “high.” The short-term effects of using cannabis may include:
- Feeling of well-being;
- Talkativeness;
- Drowsiness;
- Loss of inhibitions;
- Decreased nausea;
- Increased appetite;
- Loss of co-ordination;
- Bloodshot eyes;
- Dryness of the eyes, mouth, and throat;
- Anxiety and paranoia
The long-term effects include:
- Increased risk of respiratory diseases associated with smoking, including cancer;
- Decreased memory and learning abilities;
- Decreased motivation in areas such as study, work or concentration.
- A link between cannabis use and mental health problems
- The risk of dependence
THC is known to activate both CB1 and CB2 receptors. It is generally accepted as a potent drug with powerful psychoactive properties. (For more information see here.)
What Is CBD Oil?
CBD oil, or CannaBiDiol, is a naturally occurring component of the cannabis and hemp plants. CBD oil is extracted and separated from specific cannabis plants. It’s important to note that there are 2 types of cannabis plants: psychoactive cannabis (marijuana) and non-psychoactive cannabis (hemp). Most legal CBD products that you find on the market will be extracts from hemp.
CBD contains BCPs (BetaCaroPhyllene). BCPs bind to the CB1 and CB2 receptors and: support against temporary inflammation, ease tension and discomfort, protect the kidney and liver systems, protect against auto-immune disruptions, ease anxious and depressive feelings, and help to abstain from unhealthy dependency habits.
The Problem with CBD Oil:
- There’s a lot of crappy CBD oil on the market. The CBD market is still a relatively new market that is unregulated. Most consumers have no idea what to look for when purchasing CBD oil.
- Although industrial hemp and CBD oil are legalized in the United States, you still have to jump through hoops to get it.
- Only a few states have granted hemp licenses to farmers in the United States, even though it was legalized through federal government. This means that most CBD products are coming from China and Romania which are questionable on their quality control.
- You can find examples of “dirty hemp” being made into paste for CBD oil throughout the past few years. One whistleblower said, “I’m tired of so called CBD companies claiming that what they provide is medicine. Anyone using a CBD from hemp product please be aware of what you’re actually getting b/c it is not what you think.” (source).
- Hemp absorbs chemicals from the ground, including pesticides, herbicides, lead and mercury. When you bottle that up into CBD oil, you get a highly concentrated concoction, loaded with a bunch of junk that is NOT good for your body.
- Mislabeling is a common thing with CBD companies. For instance, they can label that their CBD oil has 100% strength CBD when it only has 30% strength.
- Also, you won’t find certain religious people using CBD oil because of it’s origin (even though the medicinal CBD comes from hemp and not marijuana).
- All CBD products contain some amount of THC (TetraHydroCannabinol—the part of the marijuana plant that makes you feel high), though some are low enough to be legal.
- Recovery drug addicts might not want to use CBD because of it’s origin and the fact that all CBD products have some amount of THC.
- CBD has only a concentration of 35 percent BCP, while Copaiba has a 55 percent concentration of BCPs (more on Copaiba later).
Side Effects of CBD Oil
- According to this study, CBD oil was given to 5 patients with dystonic movement disorders (these are tremors and uncontrollable movements). Side-effects of CBD were mild and included hypotension, dry mouth, psychomotor slowing, lightheadedness, and sedation.
- When CBD was used with people who suffer from Parkinson’s disease, the symptoms were aggravated (source).
- A study published in 2007 shows that CBD has the potential to be an anticoagulant and shouldn’t be used by people with blood clotting issues.
- There’s not enough research to show whether it’s safe to take CBD oil while pregnant and breast-feeding so it’s best to stay on the safe side and avoid using it (which means you might need a safe alternative).
CBD oil does have it’s place. It’s just important to make sure you realize how important purity and sourcing are. If you have been around my website long, you know how much I preach about good sourcing of essential oils. It’s the same with CBD. Make sure you are asking for 3rd party testing results. Pay close attention to product labeling. Ask what the origin of the hemp is.
Let me introduce you to Copaiba Essential Oil (BCP)
For those who don’t want to use CBD oil or fall into one of the problem areas listed above, let me introduce you to something that we have been using instead of CBD.
Copaiba essential oil is derived from the resin of the Copaifera officinalis, this copaiba tree is found in tropical South America. The primary chemical constituent of Copaiba essential oil is beta-caryophyllene (BCP). Remember BCP cannabinoids are the ones that affect your CB2 receptors (not CB1)? Also, CBD interacts indirectly with CB2 receptors, whereas Copaiba directly interacts with CB2 receptors.
For centuries, South Americans have used copaiba resin to promote the health of the respiratory, digestive, urinary, cardiovascular, and immune systems. As reported by the first European settlers of Central and South America, the indigenous American Indians utilized the soothing properties of copaiba oil-resin by applying it both to their newborns and to warriors coming home from battle. Current research offers an explanation for the traditional use of Copaiba oil, suggesting that Copaiba essential oil is calming, soothing, and supportive to the skin and nervous system.
doTERRA’s Copaiba essential oil has a very high percentage of BCP – upwards of 55% (CBD only has around 35%)! Copaiba can help soothe anxious feelings and it can be applied to the skin to promote a clear, smooth complexion. Taken internally, Copaiba essential oil supports the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and respiratory systems. Although Copaiba does not contain psychoactive cannabinoids, the main component beta-caryophyllene may be neuroprotective and have cardiovascular and immune benefits. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that promotes immune health.
The CB2 receptors in our bodies have wide impact on health. With a concentration of 60 percent BCPs in Copaiba, it provides amazing support for these hard-working receptors. There is no THC in Copaiba, so you will not experience psychoactive effects from using it, and you will not get a false positive on a drug test. Unlike commercial CBD oil, which may contain THC or heavy metals, dōTERRA’s Copaiba essential oil contains zero pesticides or heavy metals.
Benefits of Copaiba essential oil
The primary benefits of Copaiba oil include:
- Supports the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive and respiratory systems
- Powerful antioxidant
- Helps calm, soothe, and support the nervous system
- Promotes clear, smooth skin and reduces the appearance of blemishes
Uses for Copaiba essential oil
There are several practical ways to add Copaiba essential oil for its healthy effects.
- Add 1 to 2 drops to water, juice, or tea to support the health of the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, nervous, and respiratory system (only use high-quality, therapeutic-grade essential oil like this one).
- Provides antioxidant support when ingested.
- Take internally to help soothe and calm the nervous system, using gel caps or putting 1-2 drops under your tongue once a day.
- Apply topically combined with a carrier oil or a facial moisturizer to help keep skin clean and clear, and to help reduce the appearance of blemishes.
- Use three to four drops in the diffuser of choice.
- Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid.
- Dilute one to two drops with a carrier oil, then apply to desired area.
Where to buy Copaiba
Since I want only the purest and safest products being used in my home or used topically or internally on myself or my family, I would strongly recommend that you try Copaiba essential oil to support your own health needs. It is a great oil for all ages, it works great when blended with other essential oils, and it has a lot of healthy properties. Try combining it with Frankincense essential oil, which is a powerhouse combination that works well together.
You can purchase it directly from doTERRA (with my referral…thank you!) by going here. You can add it to any starter kits or purchase it separately! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.
—Jim Rohn
- https://hoptothedrop.com/2017/09/15/five-reasons-copaiba-is-better-than-cbd-oil/
- https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/science-safety-physiology-endocannabinoids-explained
- https://healinginourhomes.com/cbd-vs-copaiba-oil-doterra/
- https://www.leafly.com/news/science-tech/what-is-the-endocannabinoid-system
- https://www.doterra.com/US/en/blog/science-safety-physiology-a-chemists-perspective
I’m using a CBD oil tremendous relief pain!!!!!
Working thru stiffness physical therapy
Mobility restored
All links knots inflammation
River up overwhelming depression anxiety insomnia pain all gone
Strong immune system I don’t even have ear wax lol my dr chuckled fast healing in 🤚 hand from animal bite hand swollen up infection healed ten days from all open teeth bite wounds cat family cat scared and I was hanging on to her and she flew out of my arms scary cat vacuum cleaner hose handle fell to floor w/bang!
So glad to hear this!
How much is it I was a dot era rep and have let it go . Can I pay the fee and renew. I like the one dotters has over the CBD oil to me makes more sense. Because of the purity of the product
Hey Peggy! To be a doTERRA Wholesale Customer, it’s $35 for the first year and then $25 every year after. However when you purchase a starter kit, that fee is waived. You can buy whatever oils you need at wholesale price! It’s a great deal! You can go to my website here to read more about how to get started: http://www.thepaleomama.com/essential-oils