DISCLAIMER: This story is about miscarriage and what my body went through. Read at your own discretion.
Some of you knew that I was carrying our 3rd child. But what some of you probably do not know is that I miscarried our 3rd child in late June. I haven’t talked about it much. It just happened and I tried to move on.
Now I’m ready to talk about it and I want to share my story for a few reasons.
One, it’s part of my healing process…I am ready to open up about it and I know this will be very therapeutic to me.
Two, I want to share what a natural miscarriage is like in the comfort of your own home.
Three, this life I carried is worth talking about…even if I only carried him/her for 13 weeks.
Four, more women need to talk about miscarriage. It’s very taboo, yet it happens to to many.
The Story
I was at 13 weeks and things felt like they were going great. I had my energy back. I wasn’t sleeping all the time. I was able to catch up on work that I had put behind me. And I was finally back to my normal pre-pregnancy self! I celebrated getting over the hump of the first trimester with my husband and the relief that every woman seems to feel when they move past that 12 week hump.
Then one afternoon I had some spotting. It wasn’t a lot and it wasn’t enough to worry me. I knew spotting during pregnancy was normal. I had carried 2 other babies full term. But it kept happening. Not a lot of blood, just a little.
I finally told my husband as we were doing the evening chores. He showed concern…which then made feel feel more concerned. He told me I should call my midwife and just talk it over with her. It was a Friday night.
My midwife told me that spotting was completely normal but if I had any concern that I could have it looked at. It was Friday night so the only thing I could do was go to the ER or wait to come in to her office on Monday morning.
My husband and I decided that we didn’t want to wait till Monday so we went into the ER…with both our kids in tow because we couldn’t find anyone to watch them.
They took me back and told my husband that he wouldn’t be able to be with me because he had our 2 kids with him. I was super pissed about this but was strong and said it would be alright. Up until this point I didn’t have any cramping, but then I started to feel a dull pain in my lower back. That was when it finally hit me that a miscarriage was probably inevitable. With both my children, I had back labor, so I recognized this pain.
I was rolled into the ultrasound technician’s room and she placed the cold doppler on my small pregnant bump. For about 5 minutes she pushed buttons, took measurements, but DIDN’T SAY A THING TO ME. I was irritated and asked her if everything was alright. She said she had to go grab a doctor. My heart sank.
A doctor came back in with her, they both looked at the screen, and then they both walked out. I layed there on the hospital bed wanting it all to be over.I wanted them to tell me the baby was gone and be done with it. Why was this whole process taking so long?
The ultrasound technician came back in and STILL did not look or talk to me. I said, “Excuse me, ma’am, could you please tell me what’s going on?” She FINALLY looked at me and said, “I’m not supposed to say anything.” Then I simply said, “Is the baby gone?” And she nodded her head yes.
I laid on that hospital bed in a daze. It seemed like 10 minutes before anyone came and got me and rolled me back to my room. I actually felt very emotionless. I felt numb. I felt betrayed, once again, by my body.
The ER doctor came in to give me my results…which he didn’t know I already had. I think she was expecting me to break down and cry and hold my hand and was surprised when I said, “Can I please go home now?” She wanted to talk about a DNC and I said no. I wanted my body to release the baby naturally.
I went home that Friday night with my husband and my 2 kids and another broken heart. I had a miscarriage before but it was early on. I was nearly in my second trimester this time. So, I tried to move on with my weekend and just let my body do it’s job.
Saturday came. Nothing. Sunday came…nothing. Monday came…nothing. The waiting was torture.
Then Tuesday night I was outside helping with the farm chores in our pasture and I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen and then felt something slip out of me. I looked up at my husband and told him that it was beginning. The cramping was intense and I could barely stand up straight and walk inside to sit on the toilet. Once I got inside and sat down on the toilet I saw our baby.
I could see our babies eyes forming. I saw the feet and the toes. I saw five tiny fingers and from my best judgement our baby was a little boy. I sat on the toilet and I finally cried. I held our baby and couldn’t stop staring at him. The contractions I was having were very painful and it felt good to cry through them while holding my baby. He was worth it.
I set him down on the counter and tried to get up so I could go get my husband. He came in and I showed him our baby. We both held each other and kissed our baby goodbye. I asked my husband to bury him under my favorite maple tree, and so he did.
My husband came back in and was with me EVERY second. I felt a gush of water flow down my legs and knew that was the water breaking. I sat down on the toilet for what seemed like an hour after this. The contractions and pain were so hard and the next 24 hours were very much like birth. I bled a lot and had huge clots that I passed. I thought I had passed the placenta with the water that broke but I was wrong. I’m not sure what I was birthing, but I was grateful my husband was holding my hand through it all.
My back was on fire and at some point it slowed down and my husband helped clean me up and put me in bed. He applied my essential oils to my body. A soothing blend on my back pain, white fir and lavender on my abdomen and clary sage over my abdomen as well. Thankfully, I slept pretty good that night but the next morning was another day of intense contractions and lots of bleeding. The contractions and the cramping went on for 2 days. The bleeding slowed down after about 24 hours. I still was passing clots and I was unsure how long this was going to last. It was Tuesday when this started and on Thursday I felt things slowing down.
Then a huge contraction came. I got up and told my husband I feel like pushing. He directed me to the toilet and I sat down and pushed. The placenta (which was the size of my hand) shot out of me and I felt so relieved. I told my husband I just delivered the placenta and he went in to make sure that was what it was. He showed it to me and I cried as I looked at it…the organ that nourished my baby for 13 weeks was now out of my body. He asked if I wanted to keep it and I told him to bury it with our baby.
From the moment the placenta came out, my body felt 100 times better. The emotional torture of the whole process was worth it. I got to hold my baby, say goodbye and bury him.
It’s been over 2 months since I said goodbye to my 4th, and final, baby. We tried for a third and I am 100% positive that I cannot go through this again. I was so grateful that I let my body naturally miscarry and that I didn’t opt for a DNC. I was so grateful that I was at home…even though it was not the home birth I was hoping for.
Sometimes in tragedy we find our life’s purpose…
And I have. My purpose and vision is for other women going through tragedy’s, such as mine, to find refuge and security from the storm. My purpose is to cry with them, love on them, encourage them…never show judgment…always love, always grace.
My heart goes out to all of you who have been down this road before. I pray that mercy washes over you and you find peace.
Jackie xoxo
How heartwrenching that must have been, I am so sorry that you had to go through that. What a beautiful way to honor your child and thank you so much for being courageous enough to share. You are right, there are many women who need this and to know that they are not alone. In our tragedies we tend to lean on God more and even though we don’t see the whole picture, I am so thankful He does and NO MATTER what He is good ALL the time. ((((((hugs))))
My husband and I are trying to conceive. this wil lbe my first and his second. I have had three miscarriages this year. I can almost feel your pain, mine were very early on, around 3 and 6 weeks each. Its starting to take its toll on me. I try to focus on helping him raise my two stepsons (one is his stepson from a previous marriage and the other is his biological from the same marriage). There is nobody to talk to for me. Its such a taboo subject and I know I will get no sympathies from either sides of our family as they keep telling me that having another child is very selfish of me.
Hugs. Life does go on. and talking about a misscarriage shouldnt be so taboo. my twin brother was miscarried and I was supposed to follow shortly thereafter, I hung around for another month and was born at 7 months. There is hope, after loss.
I cried reading your story. It is my story too, and so many other women’s. My most devastating miscarried was at almost the third trimester mark too. And it was very much like a true labor, only, what I pushed out was small enough to fit in my hand. I am so grateful that you were able to bury your baby.
Wow! Thank you for sharing such an intimate part of your life. I, too, have miscarried. I wasn’t as far as you but it broke my heart. You’re right. It is such a taboo subject. I don’t know why though. I feel the same as you. My baby had purpose. So much purpose that he/she was able to fulfill it in a few weeks when it takes most people to fulfill it in many many years. That’s how I look at it anyway. Big hugs to you. ❤️
What a nice way to put the purpose of your little angel.. it consoles me of mynloss a few days ago…
My heart aches for you and your baby. Even though the pain will never quite go away, I wish peace for you and your family. I’m so happy you were able to heal in your home and bury your sweet boy close to you.
Big hugs.
I’m so very sorry for your loss. We as mothers imagine so much for our children before during and after they are born. When life changes things for us….. it is a very painful process we are forced to endure. I miscarried at 16 weeks quite a few years ago but I still miss my baby. I did have three more amazing boys after but I guess I never really talked about what had happened and therefore never came to terms with it. Hearing your story makes me feel more peaceful and grateful that I am here with my three boys, no regrets and no blame for myself. Thank you so much.
Oh my dear momma. My heart breaks with yours as this was very similar to my own natural miscarriage story. I went in to hear the heart beat at 15 weeks and my midwife couldn’t find one. We tried all kinds of thigs but eventually she said I needed to go see the ultrasound tech she uses. It was early evening and the guy was 2 hours away. But she called and he said he would wait for us. We got there, also with our 1.5 yr old twin boys in towe, in the late evening. The gentleman was so kind and helpful and he saw immediately what was wrong. I was pregnant with twins (again!) but they were identical this time. However, they had not separated and had passed away at about 13 weeks when the heart they shared couldn’t manage the two of them and the growth. I was in such an emotional state of shock as I laid there looking T the large flat screen above me. There they were with little arms and legs intertwined as they faced each other in an eternal embrace, forever connected at the chest where they shared a heart. My children were laughing and playing in the room with me and my husband was holding my hand with just a blank look on his face. We waited 3 days and in the wee hours of the morning on the 4th day I had cramps that got worse and worse and turned into labor and lasted only 4 hours and they finally passed out of me and I felt instant relief. But all I could do was hold them in my hands, so tiny and precious, just sobbing “my babies! My babies!” My husband was so strong for me and he was the one to get me through this. Over a year later and I am carrying a little girl due Nov 3rd 2014. But my little ones will always be in my heart and I cherish and value the experience and the amazing closure it offered. God bless you and keep you. Thank you for sharing <3
Oh Corina…I am so sorry for your loss but so thankful you have a little girl coming to you very soon!
Oh my goodness I’m so sorry for what you have gone through but thank you so much for sharing your story. Amazing to read and I can somewhat relate as I’ve experienced two miscarriages this year. Not as far along as yours but it’s always so powerful and inspirational to hear other women share their stories. I recently found out I have hypothyroidism and extremely low progesterone which is what could have caused my miscarriages so I am waiting until my hormones are normal again to get pregnant. We are very optimistic and hopeful that I’ll be able to carry a healthy baby again soon!
I am so sorry for your loss but thank you for sharing. I never even knew there was an option other then DNC. I haven’t been through this myself but I know many women who have and I’ve never heard of any of them allowing things to progress naturally. Prayers for your continued healing from this. Thank you for all of the information that you share with us on your blog and hey, were neighbors, I’m from WNC too!
I too thought that after a certain point that you had to have a DNC also, although I miscarried shortly after having given birth to my 5th child, and was told then having another child would endanger me and the baby, personally as bad as this may sound I was relieved, as my ex husband drinking and drug abuse, as well as violence issues were getting to a bad point, I was basically a single mother to 5 children 6 and under, and was only 23, 2 years later I did have another boy #5 boy, and he’s always had and even now at almost 28, has many mental and psychological although no firm diagnosis, as he doesn’t, fit any 1 field totally, like when he was 3 they said he had autistic type tendencies but wasn’t autistic, as he did have some relationships with me and his siblings, but yes I still wonder how that poor little one who didn’t get a chance may have turned out, as even my challenge child, is someone very special to me, as all my children and grand children are. As your little ones were to all of you who have lost yours, i’d felt very guilty for many years as I felt relieved, and even prayed one bad night that i didn’t feel i could handle another baby so close to all the others, and we also need to feel for women like that too, maybe even more, as they may well feel relieved at the time, but as time goes by, the guilt can at times be overwhelming, especially after a desperate prayer, but it was funny shortly after I prayed for patience i found out I was pregnant with my challenge, so be careful what you pray for as God tend to answer in ways that he feels best.
Beautiful and courageous recounting of your journey down that difficult road. Blessings to you and yours.
Thank you for such a brave open post. I am L&D nurse am so glad you posted how a natural miscarriage can be experienced,at home with your family and loved ones. It is not a medical event, it is a life event.
We also make every effort to let our moms who have delivered their 13- 21 or so week babies hold them as long as they want, and have their footprints. It is a small something we can do here in the cold medical environment.
You are doing such a service to others and yourself to share this experience here.
Peace and healing to you, dear mama.
Thank you Truckpal! I am praying it will help others!
So sorry for your loss. For me, the miscarriage of my first child was more painful than the labor and delivery of my second child. Sending love your way in the hope that your heart continues to heal. I’m proud of you and grateful that you are sharing your story. This happens to so many of us and we don’t speak of it enough. I wish there was more of a community for women to come together and share and cry and encourage each other after this has happened to them.
What an incredible, beautiful, touching story. Thank you for sharing, and I hope that you and your family are doing well with this a couple months down the road.
Thank you for sharing your story.
Blessings & grace from Amsterdam
God Bless you for sharing this. I cannot imagine your pain, but pray for strength for you and your family. Your honesty and candidness may help someone understand that hasn’t had the same experience.I wish you nothing but peace….
Thank you for sharing. I am still in the process of miscarriage and am so glad I could read your experience. I know that little spirit is back with our Heavenly Father, too perfect to be in this world right now. May you continue to have peace and joy in the beautiful children that are in your care. Again, than you for pouring out your heart in his post.
I’m so sorry! I pray you find peace and strength after this period is over.
Thank you for sharing this. You are right; miscarriage is a taboo that needs to be broken.
Oh sweetie. I am so very sorry. I am praying for your grieving journey.
Thanks for your willingness to make yourself so vulnerable and be so open. Bless you and your family x
Thank you for sharing. I have been blessed to never experience a miscarriage (that I know of at least.) You are so brave and I am so glad for you that you were able to meet your child, but so sad that you weren’t able to see him/her grow up. Blessings to you and your family and infinite thanks for the courage you displayed and the grace in which you shared it. I wish you all the health and happiness in the world!
Oh, Jackie! I read this and my heart wrenched with your pain! I’ve had two miscarriages in my lifetime – the first at about 8 weeks (my first pregnancy) and the second at 12 weeks (my third pregnancy). I saw my baby, too, that time, a girl. I will never forget that.
I have since gone on to have three more full-term, healthy pregnancies, and I thank God for that daily. My kids are now 11, almost 8, almost 6, and 3 1/2.
I was not as brave as you and opted for the D&C both times. I want to thank you for sharing this. Even though reading this brought back a flood of emotions, there is some comfort in knowing that there is someone “out there” who can completely empathize with what you’ve gone through. God bless you and your family, and I pray you have more and more peace as the time goes on.
Thank you Cresta and I’m so glad you have those three healthy babies!
Thank you so very much for sharing this most painful yet touching story. While I have never personally gone through a miscarriage, I cried reading this. I think about how many young women in our country alone go through PURPOSELY disposing of their child and it breaks my heart (I regrettfully did this many, many years ago). If more of them could only see how beautiful and fully formed a baby is in the womb, even in these early stages, I simply believe there would be fewer of these “terminations.” That said, I think your decision not to allow modern medicine to intervene with such a personal experience is an amazing one and one that obviously gave you and your family the closure and opportunity to truly grieve your loss that a quick DNC in the hospital/doctor’s office would have robbed you of. Again, thank you SO much for sharing your experience . . . I was truly touched by this post. Blessings to you and your family!
Thank you for sharing, it takes courage to share some of these experiences and I believe these help many who are so alone in their grief… I had a stillbirth at 39 weeks which was devestating…having people shares allowed me to feel not so alone…
What a beautifully written heart wrenching party of your life you’ve shared with us. I too, have had a miscarriage with no real information given. At 8 weeks, I not only found out I was pregnant, but was told I might lose it. The bleeding was massive, the pain intense, the situation just unreal to me. I had no one. The man who had made promises to me broke each one of them and my mother wouldn’t speak to me. Blood tests every 3 days, an ultrasound 2 weeks later showed a tiny sack and nothing inside. 7 weeks of tests, bleeding, pain, tears, fear, and finally I caved and opted for the d&c to try to be done with it. You’re an inspiration to everyone and I know you know you’re not alone. I believe you will succeed and hope to not only see it, but help as I can. Be strong mama!
Sending much love <3
Hello! I was touched at your story having been through miscarriages twice but dont give up at thought of having more I had my 2 after my first child and I didnt think I would be able to have any with having 2 in a row but now I’m the proud mama of 4 beautiful children so glad to I know its hard but it is something possible I know many that their hormone levels just dont get high enough and have to take stuff for it. You just never know. Thanks for sharing your story and best wishes!
Thank you for sharing your beautiful story. I too lost a baby at 12/13 weeks. I am so happy that you had support and got to see your baby and say goodbye. I chose to naturally do it too, but did not have support from my midwife or my husband (it was easier from them to dismiss my baby, my pain, and my heart break). I’ve always had an unhealed spot in my soul for my little one who I didn’t realize I was holding, I wish I realized he was there. Thank you for sharing your story and for holding your baby, in some small way it helps me heal a little too.
Thank you for sharing your story. I have 4 children and I’ve had 6 miscarriages. 5 of the 6 were before 8 weeks. My 5th was at about 12 – 13 weeks and even though I was given the option to let nature take its course, I opted for the D&C partly because my grandmother had died the day before I learned that the baby had died. I just wanted to move on as quickly as I could. I’m sharing my miscarriage stories on my blog because I think women need to know that others have gone through this and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Miscarriage is painful and emotionally draining and if I can help any woman get through it, then it’s worth it to share my stories.
Wow. I feel your pain. I had a miscarriage last year. I cannot imagine going through birthing a stillborn baby. I was about 8 weeks and everything passed naturally but it wasn’t like your experience. The doctors were similar and the tech told me when she wasn’t supposed to. Unfortunately I didn’t have my husband with me but my mother. I have no children and I was so excited when I found out I was pregnant. It’s an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone. Thank you for sharing your story. I agree that women need to talk about it more. I believe that even though this terrible thing happened to me God has a plan for why it happened. Maybe I am supposed to be support for someone that went through the same thing. I know that God will provide me with a child in his timing. He knows everything and He has a plan. I might not agree or understand but life is not up to me. He is in Control.
I am so sorry for you loss Jen. Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for sharing such a personal story. There is so much love between you and your husband, it’s so beautiful. I hope you and your husband’s heart and spirit heal over time.
Thank you
Thank you Christina!
I’m so sorry for your loss. As sad as it is, I loved reading your story, and I appreciate you sharing it. I hope you don’t mind me sharing my story. I also had a miscarriage, although it was 25 years ago and I was only 8 weeks along with my second child. I started spotting while I was at work. I called the doctor, and he assured me it was normal, but I just knew something was wrong. My husband was up north fishing with my brother in law, and I had no way to contact him. Luckily, my brother in law called home during the day, and my sister told him to tell my husband I was spotting. I spotted a bit all evening long, but it really wasn’t much blood and there was no pain at all. In the middle of the night, I miscarried the baby, almost at the same moment that my husband walked into the house. Since I was crying so much, he called the doctor, but the doctor didn’t believe I had miscarried because I had no pain or cramping. The doctor said to put what we thought was a baby in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator and bring it with us when we saw him in the morning. I cried harder at that, but I didn’t know what else to do, so we put the baby and the towel I had him/her on into a plastic bag. The baby was so tiny, but he/she looked just like the photos of babies that gestational age. The next day, the doctor confirmed that “it was a baby”. As if I didn’t know that! But they never gave the baby back to us. They sent the baby away to find out why I had miscarried (although the results the came back were basically that yes, it was a baby.) I ended up having to have a D&C because I had closed up immediately after I lost the baby. I’m so grateful you were able to finish your miscarriage naturally, and that you could bury your baby. I was able to get pregnant again a few years after my miscarriage, and I am so grateful for the two beautiful girls I have! Thank you again for sharing
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I too have had a previous miscarriage (our first pregnancy) It happened at 8 weeks, and today I just learned that our 3rd baby’s heart wasn’t beating. I share a lot of your experiences, I had spotting for a week and no cramps. I kind of knew something was wrong though because my pregnancy symptoms seemed to stop the exact time I started spotting, I brushed it off though because I had no pain. I’m 12 weeks and 6 days today, but the baby measured 11 weeks and 5 days so the doctor believes the baby died when I started spotting. Emotions this time were very different. The first miscarriage I had was devastating because we had been trying for over a year to get pregnant and I was starting to think there was something wrong with me. This time I am upset, but after waiting anxiously for a week to find out what was going on, I’m almost relieved. Very confusing emotions. I thank God for our beautiful, healthy and rambunctious 2 year old little girl. We have decided that I never want to go through with this again and to count our blessings that we have our little girl. I have not passed the baby yet and am kind of anxious. While I know everyone’s experience will be different, you sharing yours has given me an idea of what to expect. I am so sorry for your loss, but am grateful for your caring heart in sharing your story. Thank you, and God Bless!
Thank you for your reply. I know how you are feeling and will be keeping you in my prayers for a safe delivery
I just found out wed may 20 that our baby had no heartbeat. We are crushed we tried for a year and a half for this baby. I still cannot get my Dr on the phone. So this is my first reference for what might happen. I’m terrified to say the least as not much is going on. I’m so sorry for your loss:( thank you for sharing though, it is such a hush hush subject that my own family hasn’t even called to check on me. We have a little boy and luckily he has kept my mind off of it for now? Thank you again
I am so incredibly sorry for this loss that you are experiencing. I know from experience that there are simply no words that can take away the pain. I will be supporting you with my prayers and with my hope that you can walk through this to a better place soon. You will have a little one waiting for you in heaven, and God will uphold you with his strength.
I’m so glad you shared your story. I wish mine had the same ending as yours, but hours after I denied having the DNC at 13 weeks 5 days with no heartbeat, the pain got so intense, I could not stop vomiting. I was given pain meds through an IV in the ER, but then went along with the DNC and had nightmares of my tiny baby crying while I was incapacitated, unable to help him/her. I never knew which it was- a boy or girl. I strongly believe the natural miscarriage is an important part of the grieving process many of us never experienced. Talking about our experiences may help too, but it’s so often a hushed topic. I’ve had three healthy, full-term babies since then, and know that God’s plan for my life is best. I wish there was more to help women through this emotional time, as so many of us have these experiences, but never talk about it! Thank you so much for sharing this extremely personal, emotional experience.
Thank you for your comments. I’m honored when my story can help others.
Thank you for sharing. I have had three early miscarriages, the first one being the most traumatic for me…I cried a lot then, and my body took awhile to clear itself of the hormones after the miscarriage. The next two, I kind of numbed myself, because we hadn’t been ready to have children at the time, and it was easier to do that instead of feel pain. We just decided to start our family, and I have had this stuck emotion that I couldn’t pinpoint until now – when I started crying while I read your story. I never grieved and have been afraid of this exact scenario. Thank you for sharing your pain, your love, your grief, your sadness, and your heart. I can’t explain it, but I am grateful for it, since something in my heart has resleased…the sadness remains for my babies, but I am as ready as I will ever be to intentionally become a mom. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Thank you for your comments. I am honored that something I’ve experienced can be a catalyst to helping you recover from the experiences you’ve had. May God continue to help you through the season of grief and give you the promise of a bright, happy future…including as a Mom.
I have been reading your blog via facebook and pinterest for some time now (as a like minded Western NC resident myself – I have found many of your post helpful) and must confess that I just now saw this post. I usually do not leave comments on blog post, but on this one I just have to say a few things. First of all – I am very sorry for your loss. And secondly I have to thank you for this post. Let me explain. One year ago this past week (it’s been a rough week) we buried our baby girl. I was 27 weeks pregnant – she was our third child – all was going great – I had just heard her heartbeat three days prior at the doctors visit – then the cramps and spotting began. I went to the ER and she was born less than 12 hours later. (A hospital delivery was a must because I was so far along and had already had two cesareans.) A blood clot had passed through the placenta and lodged in the umbilical cord shutting it completely off – nothing could have been done to prevent it. After much blood work, and the doctors discovering that I have Lupus (SLE), I have finally accepted that fact. Our little farm has been a great comfort for me and over the past year I have come to the conclusion that I can not go through this again. It hurts too deep and words just can not explain – I do not know why I did not find this post sooner (I see that it was written in Sept. 2014 – which was when our little Sarah was suppose to have been born) but I do know that it showed up just when I needed it most – while trying to pick up the pieces of the past year and be strong for the wonderful family that I have – thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing. Right now I am researching dietary and environmental changes that assist in reducing Lupus symptoms and flare ups (as I am not crazy about conventional medicines). I will not give up a life that I love because of Lupus (my doctor and I have had long talks about the fact that basically I am a farmer who is allergic to the sun – she knows where I stand and is very supportive of anything I am willing to try) so keep those blog post going because all the paleo and essential oils info is very helpful and thank you again.
Your reply really touched my heart. I too am so sorry for your loss. Until you experience the loss of a child you don’t really know what grief is. I am grateful that God prompted me to repost this just when you needed it most. Maybe it was just for you! I wish you great success in finding alternative ways to deal with your lupus. I know quite a few people who have had success with their lupus through essential oils. If you would like more information about using essential oils you could private message me and I’ll help you. Or you could check a couple blogs I’ve done before. Here are the links.
I am at the beginning of miscarrying this baby I have been carrying for twelve weeks. I found out yesterday after spotting for a day that it’s heart stopped beating and it stopped growing a couple weeks ago. I am angry and hurt and I feel like my body has betrayed me again. I wanted this baby, I knew he was a boy, I named him. I have had two previous miscarriages. One naturally and one I had a d and c. Both were much earlier than this. I honestly thought I was past the scary part. Your post has given me some courage to do this naturally and get the closure i need. I pray that I can because I know I can’t go through this again.
I am so sorry that you have to face this. I pray that God will give you great courage, support, and compassion as you go through this sad journey. Please know that you will “go through” and get to the other side where you can be happy and positive again.
Thank you for writing this. It was super helpful to me. I read it the night before I officially miscarried. I had a feeling it was happening when I read it. What stuck with me is the back labor. When I woke up that next morning from the back pain starting to go up through my mid back, I knew. I wasn’t full blown bleeding at that point but I went to the ER and right when I stepped out of my car, it began, it ran down my leg. I went inside to check in & asked for a pad. They gave me a cup for a urine sample, I went into the bathroom & was pouring bright red blood. It looked like a murder scene. I went back and they let me sit inside the room with them so I didn’t have to embarrassingly sit in the waiting room with my ass covered in blood. A sweet nurse took me in, the male doctor that examined me was super gentle & cleared out the excess stuff to let the rest come out on it’s own. When they did the ultra sound, I saw nothing but an empty uterus on the screen so I knew. The doctor confirmed & sent me home. As soon as I got home I sat on the toilet & the placenta came out. I was so scared of having to get a D & C but that was never suggested. I was also scared of it happening naturally but I followed exactly as you. Which was my natural instinct to reach for the Deep Blue & Clary Sage. Deep Blue was a life saver! Thank you again for sharing your story. It helped me process what was happening to my body.
Im in the process of a misscarriage. I was only around 4 weeks when iy happened and i am thankful it happened earlier than later. Your strength gave me hope. Thank you for sharing.
I’m so sorry. I’m glad I could share some hope with you right when you needed it most.
Thank you so much for writing this. I am going through my first miscarriage and was looking up which oils to use for the cramping. It hasn’t happened yet, I’m still in the waiting period, but thank you for helping to prepare me for what’s to come.