Winding down at night can be tough at times. I know my mind keeps going for minutes and sometimes hours after I lay my head down on my pillow. The same goes for our kids.
Sometimes we expect that as soon as we shut the door, they are going to be sweet little angels and fall asleep. Most the time we are proven wrong!
Our nightly routine has become essential at our house. I notice that the nights we go from dinner to bed is CRAZY. The kids are not ready to rush rush rush and then get in bed. So, I stopped expecting it from them and started taking our bedtime routine a little more seriously.
Now we eat dinner at the table as family and then we slowly start getting ready for bed. The kids take a nice relaxing bath, sometimes a detox bath, with certain essential oils in it, and then we get all snuggled up in our pajamas and read books.
During our reading time I apply essential oils to my kids. They absolutely love this! The 3 main oils I choose to apply are Frankincense, Lavender, and Vetiver because these oils promote a nice, restful sleep.
Whipped Sleepytime Rub
makes 1/2 cup
- 1/4 cups of Cacao (or Cocoa) Butter (where to buy)
- 1/4 cups of coconut oil (where to buy)
- 20 drops of therapeutic grade Lavender (where to buy)
- 12 drops of Vetiver (where to buy)
- 10 drops of Frankincense (where to buy)
Other oils to use: you can substitute any of the above oils with Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile, Cedarwood, orClary Sage. All these oils promote relaxation and a restful night’s sleep!
- Add the coconut oil and the cacao butter to a small pan and simmer till melted.
- Let rest on the counter for 10 minutes.
- Add the essential oils to the pan and then put it in the fridge for an hour.
- You want it to be firm but not too hard. Then whip it on high with an electric mixer until the mixture softens and forms peaks.
- Take a small pea-sized amount and massage it into your feet or your children’s feet before bed.
- Sleepy tight!

- 1/4 cups of Cacao (or Cocoa) Butter
- 1/4 cups of coconut oil
- 20 drops of therapeutic grade Lavender
- 12 drops of Vetiver
- 10 drops of Frankincense
- Add the coconut oil and the cacao butter to a small pan and simmer till melted.
- Let rest on the counter for 10 minutes.
- Add the essential oils to the pan and then put it in the fridge for an hour.
- You want it to be firm but not too hard. Then whip it on high with an electric mixer until the mixture softens and forms peaks.

This looks great. How long does the mixture last? I mean, you don’t have to re-whip it, do you? The texture stays “fresh”?
It stays light and soft. It doesn’t stay fluffy for more than a few weeks though. Still works wonderfully!
Mine whipped up great. after I put it in a jar and reopened it to use the next day it was very hard. What can I do to keep it soft?
It hardens when room temps are warmer than normal. You can either warm it slightly before use or try adding fractionated coconut oil, which does not harden due to temps.
Have you found this to help with toddlers who wake throughout the night?
If they are waking during the night from nightmares, I recommend using Juniper Berry Essential oil.
Do you add the Juniper Berry Oil to this whipped blend? If so how much?
You could use the Juniper Berry oil in place of the coconut oil, or use a ratio blend of each.
You mentioned using Juniper Berry for nightmares in the comments. Would you add this to the mix or use in the occurrence of a nightmare? And is the above mix with or without the juniper berry safe for a 15 month old?
This sounds wonderful! I was wondering if there is any other place to by the oils if you do not want to sign up with the company? Thanks 🙂
I made this for my husband & myself because we’ve both been having trouble staying asleep. Well, we’ve gotten the best sleep for the last 3 nights! Thank you so much!
Is there another type of oil you might recommend? I’m allergic to coconut. 🙁
new to essential oils…dumb question…where do you rub it?!?! will be applying to 9yo boy, 6yo girl and 55yo “big kid” 😉
thank you!
withdraw comment!!! just read to apply to feet. apparently didn’t read far enough! thank you for your posts!!!
If you are allergic to coconut oil substitute with sweet almond or jojoba oil
I also add 1/2 teaspoon vitamin e oil for skin benefits and to prolong the life of yr cream
Yes vit E has natural preserving disinfectants
Just remember anything you would consume is good for your skin if it tastes gross or can’t pronounce it then question it anything you apply to your skin IPAs absorbed within 20 seconds to 2 mins
Lavender is-stress relief, I make a head ache balm and a calming massage balm to help people, also encourage flowing on a thumb this slows down the heart rate ccccccc
Do you sell the whip already made. I would be interested in purchasing some. How much do you charge?
No I don’t!
How should we store this? In a closed container? Fridge? Counter?
Counter is good!
How and where do you store the rub? If it starts to loose the “fluffy-ness” can you re-whip?
I store it on the counter and it stays light and fluffy but after awhile it will lose the whipped consistency.
do you ever find the cocoa butter smell overpowers the rub? I LOVE the consistency of this rub, but sometimes feel like the cocoa butter smell is overwhelming the wonderful aroma of the oils. Thanks
YEs I can smell it…but it doesn’t bother me. You can remove it completely from the recipe but it helps hold the whipped consistency.
Buy the organic unscented coconut butter. Thats what I use and I cant smell the “coco” smell at all.
Hi! Great idea! I have read serveral articles about lavender being connected to sending children into puberty early. Have you heard this? Thank you!
Yes, but that myth has been debunked! https://roberttisserand.com/2013/02/lavender-oil-is-not-estrogenic/
I made this, but wasn’t able to whip it until a couple days after. I let it sit on the counter for about 15 minutes before whipping and I was only able to get it to a “butter” consistency. Should I whip it longer? I only made one batch so there isn’t much there to whip and it definitely doesn’t look as nice as yours from your picture. Thanks for any input!
You could try whipping it a little longer. Mine took about 2-3 minutes to whip in my Kitchen Aid and it was ready.
Did you get the info you needed? just thought I would check to make sure The Paleo Mama answered this 🙂
Can you use this on babies? How young?
It’s very diluted and I have used them on my babies!
Could this be used all whole body or just feet?
You can use it on your whole body
Is it okay for babies that are 9 months old?
See my blog here on kids and essential oils to verify that you can safely use oils on infants: https://thepaleomama.com/2015/05/kids-and-essential-oils/
I’m excited to try this! I love doTERRA oils. Can I substitute shea butter for cocoa butter?
Yes you can!
Can you substitute shea butter for the cocoa butter? I don’t have cocoa but I have shea.
Yes you can!
Hi – can you add magnesium oil to the cream?
Sure can…but try this recipe: https://thepaleomama.com/2015/01/whipped-magnesium-body-butter/
I just tried this and it was not whipping up on me. It looked like the way I put it in the refrigerator no white fluffy thing like in picture, so I placing it back in. Only thing different was the oils so what could I be doing wrong.
What oils did you use?
Can you substitute it with shea butter or lessen the coca? I would like to have the hint of some the oils but the Coca hides the scent.
Yes you can!
My reply keeps getting deleted and not sure why but can you add she butter instead of coca?
Diana….would you share your headache balm receipe with me….my daughter and i have reaccuring headaches and would love to try it
I was all ready to make this and realized that I don’t have Cocoa butter. I have Shea butter, and thought that I had bought Cocoa butter at the same time but it seems as though I did not. Is there something else that i can use instead?
You can use Shea!
I made this and within an hour it was turning back into oil….did I do something wrong?
After placing in refrigerator longer it did whip. I just tried a batch with shea and it was horrible it was runny and I did the same oils different brand of coconut oil and used vetiver, lavender and serenity.
So upset had to throw a batch out it was so runny and second was not better went and got the brand I used first time and that did not work either.
I tried it out. It did not get soft and fluffy 🙁 It’s pretty hard but it softens up in my hand which makes it still completely usable. Any suggestions? Maybe my house is too cold 🙂
It’s possible the temp in your home is cool enough to cause the oil to solidify.
Can you use this nightly as a whole body lotion with 2.5yr old? If it’s better just on the feet, do you have a whole body toddler lotion recipe? Thanks!
I use eddible glitter to make it fun for the girls
Cute 🙂
can you use shea butter instead of cocoa
We have a tree nut allergy and can’t use coconut oil. Can avocado oil be used with the same results?
Just made a batch and put it in the fridge, and after 35 minutes it was hard as a rock! I reheated it to soften it up enough to whip. We’ll see how it turns out.
Is this safe to use if you are still breastfeeding? Sometimes I have a really hard time falling asleep nights before I work as a nurse, but I don’t like to risk my milk supply to take anything! Thanks 🙂
would this help for someone who can’t sleep and restless leg syndrome?
It’s certainly worth a try.
Is this safe for whole body on a 4 and almost 2 year old, as well? Sorry if this is redundant…just want to be sure 🙂
If someone wants to try this but are allergic to lavender what are some alternatives?
I just wanted to let you know this turned out so fluffy and soft beautiful i took a pic but it wont let me post it 🙁
I wanted to know if there is anything other than coconut oil I can use …I over did it one year and I would rather find a alternative how long does it last
I found your recipe a few weeks ago and decided to make it for my 2 daughters. It’s awesome! A little bit goes a looooong way. They share a room and often have trouble settling down for bedtime. I just rub some on their feet and give them a mini massage and they are good to go! They now request it when I forget.
i was wondering if you used the “whipped” part with any other recipes like vapor rub for chest congestion, ect? I wouldn’t even begin to know the ratios to use. Like how many drops of Eucalyptus, etc. or Breathe.
This didn’t make as much as your photo implies. I whipped it up, placed in a container and had to return to the fridge. As soon as i touched it, it seemed to melt making me think it will be hard to get a “pea size” amount. We’ll l see….making this for grandkids who have a hard time settling down. Does it have to stay refrigerated?
Is the whipping necessary? If I didn’t whip it, would a salve work too? Just wondering if you ever tried it.
mine did not “simmer” as in low boil. it just got very hot and smoked. was it supposed to boil then turn down heat? or just “simmer” as in heat for 10 mins? and after getting so hot and smoky is it still ok to use? or start over?
I ordered a block of raw cocoa butter from amazon..I used a portion to make this rub. The cocoa butter smells horrible, even after adding the essential oils, I am returning it. Also mine was not white, I did not whip – maybe that’s why. I would love to sign up for the wholesale but will not give my SS number because I am not going to sell the product. I ordered shea butter and made this rub and it turned out with a pleasant smell.
Can I substitute coconut butter for cocoa butter?
yes you can
Is the coconut oil solid? I have Shea Butter and fractionated.
Depending on the temperature in the house, the coconut oil may be solid of liquid. It will be fine as long as your house is not too hot.
Do u have to refridgerate it?
If your home is usually pretty warm, it may become too liquidy for you. You can put it in the frig and get it out an hour or so before you use it if desired
Where can i buy sweet almond oil?
Here is one source I’d recommend on Amazon where you can get it: https://amzn.to/1Ehurnb
i am addicted to this rub! love it. works well and lasts a long time. making my second batch and sharing with friends. funny, the same oils rubbed on my feet in a roller to not produce the same effect. thank you!
Do you know the shelf life? I’m not familiar with Cacao Butter. Would this need to be refrigerated?
You should have several months shelf life. Like any “butters” with an oil base, the warmer the environment the less solid they will be. If your home is reasonably cool you should be able to leave it on a counter
how much does this make? I amabout to make it i need it to make 10 pint jars 16 oz.
i cant figure out the break downoff each ingreident.
I am severely deslyx and this stuff lkills me.
thank you for the hielp.
This makes just 1/2 cups.
I live in Asia, so our house can get pretty warm. Can I refrigerate this? Also, what about using peace and calming EO and not doing frankincense? Would that be another good one for this mix?
Yes, you can refrigerate it but you will need to let it warm up some to be able to rub it on effectively. I would think you could make the essential oil substitute as you choose.
I made this recently, and it is very “grainy.” Any suggestions?
The only reason I can think of that might cause your “grainyness” would be not simmering it until fully melted.
I bought a coconut oil (not my usual brand) and it was grainy… that could be it. Went back to my usual and it’s all good. The grainy one was in mark down (date was good-just discontinued). I used the grainy one with oils for my skin and just considered it an exfoliate! LOL!
Could I use eucalyptus and lavender?
Hi there! I made this recipe yesterday but it seemed to have hardened overnight ? does this indicate that perhaps I didn’t mix it long enough? It smells delightful & now works perfectly as a lotion bar but I would also love it to stay ‘whipped’ 🙂
If you live in a cooler climate, the coconut oil probably hardened. Just warm it slightly and you should be fine.
What can i use besides coconut oil im allergic to it
You could use Olive Oil or another oil like Almond oil or Jojoba oil.
I’ve got some Shea Butter coming Monday and I have the rest of the ingredients on hand — I’ve had this pinned for quite some time, so excited to finally make it!!
Just made this and used on my feet. My dog absolutely loves coconut oil. He keeps following me around, trying to lick my feet! 😉 Thanks for the great recipe! Feels amazing!
Lovely recipe! At what age is this safe to apply, I know too much EO for Littles can cause seizures. I have a 2 year old, I think this would be OK but I’d like your opinion.
Used carefully and sparingly this should be fine for your 2-year old.
In the amounts and essential oils suggested, shouldn’t be used in children under the age of 12.
NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) and AIA (Alliance of International Aromatherapists)
One should note that a child’s age is important on how much essential oils are used.
For example: 1-5 yrs of age, a “total” of 5-10 drops in 2 oz. of carrier.
5-7 yrs. of age, a “total” of 5-12 drops in 2 oz. carrier.
7-12 years of age, a “total” of 5-15 drops in 2 oz. carrier.
Not only that, only certain oils are recommended for children such as (newborns) Roman chamomile, Lavender, (2-12 months add) Manadarin, Tangerine, Eucalyptus, Radiata, Tea Tree, (1-5 yrs add) Geranium, (5-7 yrs. add) Ginger, Ravensara,(7-12 yrs. add) Frankincense, Cypress, Rosemary, Spearmint, and Lemon.
According to NAHA (National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) and AIA (Alliance of International Aromatherapists)
Hi! I’m diabetic and have to becareful of my feet, would this be safe for me?
Mine turned out really, really oily. Could I add more cocoa butter to help maybe?
So I whipped this for 10 minutes and it’s whipped but there’s like little bead like things in it of coconut. I may have added a few spoonfuls of coconut oil after I started whipping. Is tHat why? Should I remelt it and start again?
Lavender is a hormonal oil and should not be used with young boys.
Can this be used all over the body on babies that are 12 months old?
Yes, it should be fine.
is this rub safe for 2 year olds? I know some oils cannot be used on kids under 6.
Yes, it is safe, and i recommend you follow the suggestion to use just a pea-sized amount to rub on their feet.
Mine turned out oily not light and fluffy likes yours. How can I fix it?
And how did you get yours white? Mine is a yellow color
I made this and let it whip to long and it started getting runny. I put it in the fridge until it hardened a little. Then whipped again and it is nice and fluffy. I used Shea butter instead of Cocoa butter.
My question is; My 95 y/o M-I-L has Alzheimer’s and wears shoes all the time. She hasn’t wanted to go to bed lately so can I put it somewhere else on her?
Sure, try putting it on her wrists, temples, nape of neck, and even just rubbing it on her chest if you are able to.
Just a note on consistency. My house is very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer. In the winter I add fractionated coconut oil to help keep it soft and during the summer I use bees wax to help keep it from getting to melted.
How could I use this in a roller?
Do you apply with bare hands? Maybe the proximity of oils near the face re the hands helps?
Yep! Just scoop it out and apply. Be careful about getting near the eyes.
What about using shea butter in place of cacao butter?
Yes you could do that!
Good recipe! I use a drop of lavendar and vetiver oils daily and it chills me for the day. I put it right on the back of my neck. Of course, you may want to use a carrier oil to dilute it but it seems to be in small enough amounts that I don’t have a reaction to it. I bet this sleep rub is awesome. Thanks for sharing!