A recent case study reported in the Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research suggests that chiropractic adjustments can help reverse and prevent autism and issues related to the autism spectrum. The patient was an adopted three-year-old girl who was born at 28 weeks weighing 2 pounds, 5 ounces by a woman who had a history of prior drug abuse. After two years of abnormal behavior and receiving multiple “autism” diagnoses from medical doctors, her parents decided to take her in for a thorough developmental evaluation. Five critical items were failed: social/emotional, communication, cognitive, adaptive/self-help and sensory.
Little girl’s life changed by chiropractic
The child’s parents brought her to a local chiropractor, presenting with a cocktail of horrible symptoms including common neurological autism manifestations, unrelenting headaches, acid reflux, vomiting, sleeplessness and seizures. Subluxation-based specific chiropractic care was performed on the patient, which resulted in complete resolution of her headaches, acid reflux, vomiting and sleeplessness within one month. Significant improvements in autism-related issues were also noted, including calm behavior, increased eye contact, happier demeanor, improved attitude, increased focus and attention, and an initiation to sound out words. The study reports that the girl continues to progress as evidenced by a significantly increased vocabulary, continued improvement in attention and focus, and complete lack of epileptic episodes.
According to her mother, the patient from this case study has been “off all of her medications, she’s making improvements with her occupational therapists, speech therapists, even her pre-school teachers are noticing a big difference. I’m getting my little girl back – look, she’s making eye contact with me, and even starting to say a few words! She’ll use her hands to do the motions to the Itsy Bitsy Spider song!” Her mother cannot stress enough the impact that chiropractic care has had on her daughter.
Natural health experts speak out
According to Dr. Matthew McCoy, a chiropractor, public health researcher and editor of the journal that published the study, “If you damage or compress or otherwise interfere with the neurological structures in the spine this can have far reaching implications on the functioning of the body. Through research reports like this we are finding that correcting the misalignments or abnormal motion associated with these spinal problems reduces the nerve interference and people experience improvement.”
The authors of the study stated, “We believe that working together, chiropractors, MDs, occupational therapists, and other health care provides will see results by managing the root cause(s) and not just the various symptoms presented by ASD children.”
Vertebral subluxation
“Finding the cause of autism, and not simply masking the symptoms, is the most effective way of managing the disease,” one author of the study says. One such risk is thought to be spinal misalignments and/or abnormal motion of the spine, termed “vertebral subluxations” by chiropractors, which result in structural and neurological interference to the spine and nervous system. It is this interference that may cause a cascade of neuroendocrine events that lead to abnormal cholesterol metabolism. The theory is that, once those spinal distortions are corrected, the body is better able to balance its physiology.
Not surprisingly, other researchers have found similar results in regard to diseases in the autism spectrum being managed by chiropractic adjustments, and this case is one of several emerging studies describing this phenomena.
The authors call for further study in a controlled environment.
- Amalu WC. Autism, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, strabismus and illness susceptibility: a case study in chiropractic management. Todays Chiropr 1998;27(5):32-47.
- Marini NSC, Marini SC. Improvement in autism in a child coupled with reduction in vertebral subluxations; a case study and selective review of the literature: case report; review. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health Chiropr 2010; 3:107-115.
- Cleave J, Alcantara J, Holt K. Improvement in autistic behaviors following chiropractic care: a case series. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health Chiropr 2011; 4:12-13.
- Hoffman N, Russel D. Improvement in a 3 1/2-year-old autistic child following chiropractic intervention to reduce vertebral subluxation. J Vert Sublux Res 2008; 7:1-4.
- Cohn A. Improvement in autism spectrum disorder following vertebral subluxation reduction: a case study. J Pediatr Matern & Fam Health 2011; 4:87-91.
- https://science.naturalnews.com
- https://science.naturalnews.com
About the author:
Journalist, medical researcher, speaker, and life coach, Eric L. Zielinski has been writing prolifically since 1998. Formerly trained as primary care provider and peer-review researcher, he has published an eclectic selection of health content for several print and online publications. Zielinski earned his Bachelor of Arts in English from Wayne State University in 2002 and is currently wrapping up his Doctorate of Chiropractic at Life University along with a Masters of Public Health at Emory University. Visit his blog. Track his work on facebook. Read Eric’s other naturalnews.com articles.
Original Source: Natural News
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This is an irresponsible article with an attention-grabbing headline probably posted in the hopes of getting lots of clicks.
This ONE girl, “an adopted three-year-old girl who was born at 28 weeks weighing 2 pounds, 5 ounces by a woman who had a history of prior drug abuse” probably didn’t really have autism to begin with but a myriad of complications arising from being born very premature, underdeveloped and to a mother who may have abused drugs during pregnancy.
Bottom line……chiropractic helped this girl regardless of the diagnosis or the condition.
Reverse Autism? No, autism isn’t something that happens to a ‘normal’ person which can be reversed, autism is who that person is. Chiropractic care can’t completely change a persons brain…let alone magically turn back time to change development within the womb.
What has happened is that chiropractic care has eased co-morbid conditions, as such made the person more comfortable and thus they are not showing as severe autism symptoms – they are still just as much an autistic person as they were. If you were suffering problems like headaches or acid reflux and they were relieved then wouldn’t you also be happier in yourself?
I’m autistic, compared to when I was a child I exhibit ‘calm behaviour, increased eye contact, happier demeanour, improved attitude, increased focus and attention’ I am also now verbal, amongst other improvements and a greater ability to cope and function – that doesn’t make me any less autistic. If I have a headache my autism symptoms worsen, does that mean that painkillers effect on my brain makes me less autistic? Of course not!
Given the right support autistic people can flourish – whether that be through ‘alternative’ treatments like this or with a supportive environment, rather than just drugging children and trying to force them to try to act like they’re something they’re not. To suggest that such treatments reverse autism suggests a complete lack of understanding and acceptance of autistic people as-is – we are not broken neurotypical people, we are autistic and continue to be autistic even when characteristics or symptoms improve and when we learn to adapt.
Chiropractic care may help autistic people (incidentally I’m a big fan of chiropractic care, but it had zero effect on my autism), but to imply it somehow ‘reverses’ autism is incorrect. Frankly the terminology here suggests an assumption that we’re broken or that the ideal is to change who we are as people, which is harmful to autistic people.
This is just ridiculous. Autism cannot be reversed.
Maybe the word reversed is being defined differently between you and the author.
I have a personal experience knowing a friend with autism as a child. His fingers are bent because he used to bang them together as a child. He is a completely functioning citizen, no one know if he didn’t tell. I would say that his parents took action that yes, helped “reverse” it. Maybe. that is a poor choice in describing the talked about solution above but the author is not a doctor and that’s OK. I am happy when people deliver good news. I do not see that this article is intended to hurt anyone but if there is a chance it helps some, the word should be out.
Kate, I would respectfully beg to differ. Autism IS reversible. It is also preventable. There are thousands of children and adults around the world who were autistic, and no longer are. I’m not saying they “outgrew it, and are now just a little quirky”, nor am I referring to high functioning Aspergers Syndrome. I’m talking about individuals who had severe, low-functioning, self-injurous behavior, seizures, and no verbal communication, who now are completely recovered and indistinguishable from their peers. It is happening. I agree, it is rare, but it DOES happen. It usually takes loads of therapy and medical interventions, but it IS possible.
I agree with Jay and Kate. My son is autistic and his school’s approach isn’t to “Fix” anyone but to embrace them as they are and create successful adults with the gifts they have by helping them with the challenges they may face. There is no reset button on this one.
My son has been clinically diagnoised with REGRESSIVE Autism meaning he developed tyipically meating all milestones and regressed into autism.
I have been RECOVERING my child ever since.
My son is a blessing Autism is not. He was miserable and self injurious and the more hippy home remedies and quacks I see the better he gets with language self help socially cognitively less seizures reducing inflammation and the more we detox him from environmental and food toxins the better he gets. I dont see why thats so hard to beleive.
Good for your! Keep working on him and don’t give up to get him better. I am an occupational therapist and have spoken to many parents in your position. Children are not born with autism. They are being neurologically poisoned. It breaks my heart everyday. I wish more parents would try to find a way to detox their little ones and get the poisons out.