Lately, my kids and I have become quite addicted to our nightly detox baths. There’s nothing like taking a hot bath, lighting a few candles, and allowing the troubles of the day to simmer away. This is my ultimate way to unwind. Kids benefit from the nightly ritual, as well. And when you throw in some epsom salt or magnesium flakes, some coconut oil, and a little bit of some essential oils, you have a recipe for a deeply healing bath that promotes healing and relaxation. Before I explain how to give your kids a detox bath, let me dive into why you should be giving them detox baths.
Why Give Your Kids a Detox Bath?
- To flush out toxins that have built up in our body. THIS is a great article on how and why we should take detox baths.
- To strengthen our immune system.
- To promote sleep and relaxation.
- Help muscles and nerves function properly. Great for growing kids.
- Helps promote concentration.
“While increasing your magnesium levels, Epsom Salt also delivers sulfates, which are extremely difficult to get through food but which readily absorb through the skin. Sulfates serve a wide variety of functions in the body, playing a vital role in the formation of brain tissue, joint proteins and the mucin proteins that line the walls of the digestive tract. Sulfates also stimulate the pancreas to generate digestive enzymes and are believed to help detoxify the body’s residue of medicines and environmental contaminants.” (source)
How to Give Kids a Detox Bath:
Materials Needed:
- Epsom Salt (where to buy) or Magnesium Flakes (where to buy)
- Hot tub of water
- Baking soda if water is unfiltered
- High Quality Essential Oils (where to buy)
- Coconut Oil or Olive Oil (where to buy)
- cranky, wired, sick and adorable kids!
STEP ONE: Add the Epsom Salt to a tub of hot water
Epsom salt dosage:
- For children under 60 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
- For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
- For people 100 lbs and up, add 2 cups or more to a standard bath. (source)
STEP TWO: Add the baking soda (optional)
Adding baking soda to a detox bath helps to neutralize the chemicals in the water, especially chlorine. I have well water, so I don’t need to do this. But, if you unsure about your water, or if you know that it is not filtered, then add in some baking soda.
Baking Soda Dosage:
- For children under 60 lbs, add 1/4th cup to a standard bath.
- For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
- For people 100 lbs and up, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
STEP THREE: Add the coconut oil (or extra virgin olive oil)
I like adding coconut oil or olive oil to our detox baths for a few reasons. One, it helps the essential oils to bind to the coconut oil and stick to my kids skin which helps moisturize their skin. Two, it keeps the essential oils from sticking to the side of the tub. And lastly, it clings to skin even after you get out of the tub.
Coconut Oil or Olive Oil Dosage:
- For children under 60 lbs, add 1 tablespoon to a standard bath.
- For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 2 tablespoons to a standard bath.
- For people 100 lbs and up, add 3 tablespoons to a standard bath.
STEP FOUR: Add the Essential Oils
Whenever I mention essential oils, I am referring to only the top quality, therapeutic grade oils. I don’t recommend purchasing any other kind. Click here to see which oils I recommend. The great thing about essential oils is that they can be used for a variety of different reasons.
Essential Oil Dosage:
- For children under 60 lbs and over 2 years old, add 4 drops to a standard bath.
- For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 6 drops to a standard bath.
- For people 100 lbs and up, add 10 drops to a standard bath.
Here are a few of my favorite ways to use essential oils in a detox bath for my kids.
Essential Oil Suggestions:
- Calming and Relaxing: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile, or Cedarwood
- Bonding: if you would like to jump in with your baby or child, I recommend frankincense to help promote bonding.
- Immune Boosting: Protective blend or Wild Orange
- Respiratory Support: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, or a respiratory blend
- Digestive Support: Peppermint, Cardamom, Lemon or Peppermint.
*A Few Tips:
- Don’t wash your children’s hair on detox bath night! The coconut/olive oil makes it very greasy and hard to get out.
- Don’t wash their body with any soaps or harsh cleansers with chemicals. Their pores are open and you want them to absorb the magnesium and oils. I recommend using something like Dr. Bronner’s Baby Soap or a bar of castile soap if you must wash them. Otherwise skip the soap.
- Try to keep them in the bath for 20 minutes to get all the benefits of the bath.
- Lather them up, if you wish, with a natural moisturizer like coconut oil. I add in a few drops of lavender and give them a light massage as I’m putting on their clothes.
- Give them some water or leave some beside their bed. Detox baths can make you thirsty.
- Cuddle on the couch and read a good book before kissing them goodnight! Magnesium promotes sleep so they should sleep very good for you!

- Epsom Salt or Magnesium Flakes
- Hot tub of water
- Baking soda if water is unfiltered
- High Quality Essential Oils
- Coconut Oil or Olive Oil
- cranky, wired, sick and adorable kids!
- STEP ONE: Add the Epsom Salt to a tub of hot water. Epsom Salt Dosage: for children under 60 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath. For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1 cup to a standard bath. For people 100 lbs and up, add 2 cups or more to a standard bath.
- STEP TWO: Add the baking soda (optional). Adding baking soda to a detox bath helps to neutralize the chemicals in the water, especially chlorine. I have well water, so I don't need to do this. But, if you unsure about your water, or if you know that it is not filtered, then add in some baking soda.
- Baking Soda Dosage: for children under 60 lbs, add 1/4th cup to a standard bath. For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath. For people 100 lbs and up, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
- STEP THREE: Add the coconut oil (or extra virgin olive oil). I like adding coconut oil or olive oil to our detox baths for a few reasons. One, it helps the essential oils to bind to the coconut oil and stick to my kids skin which helps moisturize their skin. Two, it keeps the essential oils from sticking to the side of the tub. And lastly, it clings to skin even after you get out of the tub.
- Coconut Oil or Olive Oil Dosage: For children under 60 lbs, add 1 tablespoon to a standard bath. For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 2 tablespoons to a standard bath. For people 100 lbs and up, add 3 tablespoons to a standard bath.
- STEP FOUR: Add the Essential Oils.
- Essential Oil Dosage: For children under 60 lbs and over 2 years old, add 4 drops to a standard bath. For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 6 drops to a standard bath. For people 100 lbs and up, add 10 drops to a standard bath.
- Calming and Relaxing: Lavender, Ylang Ylang, Roman Chamomile, or Cedarwood
- Bonding: if you would like to jump in with your baby or child, I recommend frankincense to help promote bonding.
- Immune Boosting: OnGuard or Wild Orange
- Respiratory Support: Eucalyptus, Peppermint, or a respiratory blend like Breathe.
- Digestive Support: Peppermint, Cardamom, Lemon or Peppermint.
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(Photo Credit: Flickr)
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I was wondering about this the other day since I started doing my own detox baths a few weeks ago. My little guy is almost 2…is that too young? He has a lot of issues with his system, skin, and sleeping and I thought this might help.
Nope, I think even babies can benefit from light detox baths. My son is 2 as well and he gets these all the time. He is very healthy and we have never had any problems. I think your son would really benefit from this.
Thanks! We are going to try it!
My daughter is 19 months and I would love to try a detox bath with her! She has eczema and for all the other benefits you mentioned, I think it would really be great for her. What would you recommend for amounts of the ingredients and also what eos would you suggest?
I’m sorry I read further and you answered all my questions. I can’t wait to try it out, thank you!!
My baby girl is 3 months old. Is it safe to do the epsom salt bath? She has a cold?
Just use a little bit (1/4 cup to the tub)! You don’t need much! I would recommend diffusing essential oils in your home to help boost her immune system: http://www.thepaleomama.com/essential-oils
My child and I are on our 4th detox bath. We have been taking them together — is this safe?
Sure is! Just follow the recommend amounts for the child and not the adult amounts.
I just did a version of this last night for my 14 mo. old! He seemed to love it, but I do have a question – I’ve been unable to find much info about detox baths for little ones. Your post states: “under 60 lbs” so am I safe to assume this holds true for babies/young toddlers? I’ve also read detox baths should be spread out – weekly perhaps. Your thoughts?
I think a couple times a week would be safe. That is what we do…probably more towards 3 times a week and when they are sick, I do it every night. And the under 60lbs is for babies and toddlers if you are doing a standard bath. If you have a baby in a smaller tub then I would cut the measurement in half. Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any more questions!
Thank you very much!
Thank you for this. Can’t wait to try it with my son
What is your recommendation for a 6 month old. My little guy is in day care and it seems he stays sick 🙁 I though about doing a detox bath for him, but worry he is too young.
I usually bathe both of my kids together. Would I up the measurements to reflect their combined weight?
Yes, that is what I do.
Awesome post. I never thought about adding the essential oils, or even coconut oil.
I found that Epsom Salt does wonders for eczema. My toddler eats a modified Paleo diet, but she has broken out a couple times when she gets a little too pink from the sun, which doesn’t take long because she is so fair skinned. She also has reactions to many chemicals that are added to lotions and sun screens, so I don’t use anything on her.
I wrote a post about our experience, and how I use a combo of Epsom Salt baths and Sunflower Seed Oil: https://contradictorytendencies.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/natural-treatment-for-eczema/
Great! Thank you!!!
My daughter has been having some sleeping issues lately so I’d really like to try this and see if it helps. She just fell and scraped her knees a little today. Would it sting her knees if I did this tonight? Should I wait a day or so?
It could sting cause of the epsom salt. I’d wait a day or two!
I do something very similar, but I also add sea salt (about a cup-full) to my baths. Love, love, love my nightly bath – it is how I relax and unwind after work!
I do detox baths a lot for myself but have read it’s important to rinse off quickly after, do you follow that practice for yourself and children? Thank you!
I don’t know why I never thought to do this with my child…. I do the Epsom salts and baking soda for myself when I’m sick…. or just achy… THANKS! Hadn’t thought of the coconut oil part…
You’re welcome Carol!
I love this!! I’m going to share it on my facebook page 😉
If I do this once a week, is it safe to bath with regular Aveeno bath wash for every other night? How long does it take pores to close?
I’m not too sure Megan…I would think a good 15 minutes or so.
Aveeno has a lot of toxic chemicals in it. It was touted as a natural source years ago, but in recent years the truth has come out, it’s right up there with other soaps.
This is a such a great idea with the coconut oil!!! Thank you!!
You’re welcome Katya!
Is the measurement for the Epsom salt the same for magnesium flakes? Thanks!
Jaimee- I’m not sure if it would be the same or not. Your flakes should have a recommended dosage on them though.
I love it!!!! i usually give them a warm bath when they are sick with eucaliptos powder, and put some olive oil too, than I massage comes after.
NOw, certainly can try a everyday or weekly detox for calming and feeling fresh for their busy days!
Thanks for this great idea! I would like to start doing this with my daughter, but I am sure she would get her hair long hair wet … Without watching it, will it end up all greasy?
Thanks again!
It’s hard to wash out but it’s great as an extra conditioner! 😉
My son has eczema, would this be an issue for a detox bath. His skin is very sensitive.
My son has eczema too and I just have him a bath and he seems fine. I caked him in coconut oil right after too lol
So excited about this! My daughter is in it as we speak and fighting a little cold so I used Breathe and OnGuard as her essential oils. Can’t wait to use this regularly! Thanks!
You’re welcome!
I’d be worried about the coconut oil clogging in the drain or making the tub slippery. Is this a problem at all?
No never been a problem for me.
I love the idea of the detoxing bath and love to take long soaks. I am not sure about the baking soda. I own a swimming pool company and we use sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to raise the alkalinity level in the water and soda ash to raise the ph in the water. This does not neutralize the chlorine in a swimming pool at all so I am not sure it would in a bath. Ascorbic acid does neutralize it and knocks it out quickly. We use it as a stain remover and it negates the chlorine from the whole pool in just a matter of minutes.
I read that you are to rinse off with cool water after a Detox bath to close the pores but you have that the coconut oil and oils can be rubbed in? Just curious on your take? thank you
Great Sarah! Glad you enjoyed it!
Thanksgiving for the ideas! I did this for the first time with my 3 & 5 year olds tonight. We’ll see how well rested they are in the morning!!
Just tried this with my 3yo son. While he was in the tub, I put his towel in the dryer since we’re having a really cold winter and also let his tube of lotion sit in the sink which was full of hot water. I can’t stop laughing to myself because my son who’s got sensory issues and detests baths is saying repeatedly how much he liked his bath and how calm he feels. I tried to stay calm, even with water flying everywhere at times, so I didn’t ruin his experience. I also omitted the hair washing because that’s the part that always sends his over the end and ultimately makes bath time a bad experience.
I used the epsom salts, coconut oil, and lavender oil — all of which I had on hand. After his bath, I followed up with magnesium oil (unscented spray) on his feet. I’m trying this as an experiment based on all the anecdotes I’ve read, particularly regarding noise sensitivity. Oh, I hope, I hope, I hope it helps.
So glad he had a good bath!!!
I could never seem to get my kiddo to accept hair washing, but to go under and blow bubbles? No problem! I just scrubbed her first so the water had a little soap in it and it seemed to work great. Rarely needed a separate shampooing, only when she had sunscreen in it or something, so the fights about it were fairly few and far between at least.
Does it matter what brand of Epsom Salt? Is all Epsom Salt created equal?
I don’t think so. I just get regular epsom salt.
Just did this with my littles tonight, lived how soft it made their skin. Question: how do you get rid of the oil in the tub and on their toys?
I just give it a quick scrub with a scotch wand as the kids are getting out of the tub. Sometimes I make them do it 😉
I have been adding coconut oil to my son’s bath for some time as he is biracial & it helps with his dry skin. I noticed that since I have done this, his bath toys no longer develop mold on them 🙂
Do you think one could make this detox solution up ahead of time, as in have a jar with the combined ingredients ready to go? Or would that not work due to the different nature of ingredients? Thanks!
Sure I think that would be a great idea!
My husband want to do a detox s o in my interest search I came across your article about detox bath….love the idea I can’t wait to try it.
You will love it!!
I have a question regarding the toxins from the detox bath. How do the toxins being pulled out from the bath not get soaked back in from through water with your pores being open? Really interested in this!
Good question. I think the detox bath works most after you get out of the bath. Your body keeps working and eliminating the toxins.
What about getting all this in the kids eyes, seems like oils will cause irritation or worse. I think its a great idea, I am just unsure if there is any harm in these additives.
Most people I know use tear less shampoo and wash to avoid this.
I’m just careful when I give them this bath to avoid the eyes.
My question is I have a 10 month old baby. Is it safe to give her a detox bath and how often should I do it?
My 4yr old is always putting her bath water in her mouth. Gross I know, but she won’t stop! Anyway, is this safe for her to put in her mouth? She doesn’t drink it, just spits it on the wall. lol.
My daughter is 8 years old and she has increased magnesium levels since she had her first blood tests. She is also diagnosed with autism. I’ve read about Epsom salts and how relaxing can be to autistic children but i still have the question: can they be beneficial to her concerning her magnesium levels?
Thank you
Would detoxing like this help my body to not get BO so often? Also do I have to use essential oils? They are pretty expensive from what I have seen online.
My six year old son suffers from chronic idiopathic constipation. We are giving him his first detox bath tonight and holding thumbs that this starts to help my poor little man. He’s been suffering with this since 1.5 years old and only just found out exactly what’s wrong with him!!
Will keep you posted x
Was wondering if the baths have helped. My 4 year old daughter is chronically constipated and trying to find a healthy way to help her. She has gone up to 7 or 8 days before a bowel movement. I am getting frustrated! Thanks!
My son is 7 and has molluscum in between his legs and its slowing spreading to other parts of his body. In my research I heard about Epsom baths and found your site. Hoping this will help his skin. Thanks for sharing.
Hello, can I mix two different types of oil, e.g. lavender and wild orange for relaxing and immune boosting purpose? Thanks
Yes you sure can!
Hey. Have you done this while nursing? I know you shouldn’t cleanse while nursing.
This is a super silly question, but do you have any tips for an adult taking a detox bath in a too tiny tub? I’m sure I’m not the only adult sized person using a small Shower/tub combo, but my legs stick out, the top half of my torso is typically out of water, if I lay flat on back or stomach then the full half of the back of my body is out of water >< It's isn't terribly relaxing and I'm not sure how to get the full benefit of the detox…but I sure want it to be enjoyable!! TIA
You could try a foot detox bath!
Be sure to add some rubber ducks to the bath, preferably the ones that quack when you squeeze them.
I really look forward to trying this out. My 15 mo old does not sleep very well so hopefully this will help. How high should the water be in the tub? She’s not fond of laying back in the tub. Also she’s got terrible exzema and I’m hopeful this will ease the inflammation. One last question, I’d like to wash her lady areas but feel I shouldn’t as you mentioned her pores will be open… I use Honest soap, do you think she’ll be ok? Thanks so much!!
I wouldn’t use soap at all during a detox bath unless you are sure it is 100% natural. Just fill the tub up to the normal height!
Hi, question….i have a child that has been perpetually sick with a cold/then turned to strep/now back to cold, she’s 4 1/2 and has never been this sick in her life!! Anything in particular you recommend that is GOOD! I hate antibiotics!! THANK YOU!!
On Guard is amazing at booting immunity.
Hi there. I am very interested in trying this with my kids. They are 16 months and 3 years old with a combined weight of about 55lbs. I bathe them together so I am just wondering about the measurements. Should I stick to the under 60lbs measurement? Or do I have to double it because there are two children in the bath? Thanks so much. Cant wait to try.
Stick with the under 60lbs!
I would like to make a batch of this as a gift for a friend. I’m wondering what amounts of each item to use in a big jar so that she could use it for herself and her kids. Could instructions say “one cup for kids and two cups for adults”? Also – let her know to add the coconut oil or could that be mixed in as well? Thanks so much!
Yes that would be great!
Which toxins does this eliminate?
My 2 yr old has a nasty cold that is just making her miserable. I did one of these detox baths yesterday and one today. She feels so much better when she gets out! She doesn’t seem as conjested, she ate a little, started playing for the first time all day, and actually say on the potty and had a bm- she’s been in the constipated side. I mixed all but the evoo in a jar with 2 T bentonite clay power per bath. I used immune boosting, respiratory and relaxing blends of eos in it. Thank you so much for this post, which I found via Pinterest.
You’re welcome!
Is this safe for children with excema? And any suggestions for mosturizers after the bath due to a coconut allergy?
First thing first – you are my most favorite blogger and are so down to earth, I love it! Secondly, my son is 2 and is obsessed with bubble baths. I’d like to start giving him detox baths and still incorporate the bubbles. I saw your picture in this post and was wondering what you use for bubble baths for them? Thanks for your time 🙂
My dd is 25lbs 23m..how much mag flakes should be added? 🙂
Great post! We are linking to this great content on our site.
Keep up the great writing.
I have a soaking tub problly 2-3x the average tub would I still use the same salt and baking soda ratios?
If you have double the water of a normal tub, I think you’d be OK doubling the ratios also.
I read this article and I am so glad this is safe for the children. I know if I enjoy detox baths then any children I have will also. Thank you so much for sharing this information I reposted this article on facebook.
I wouldn’t use soap at all during a bath with Epsom salt or magnesium [chloride] flakes either, because they counteract each other, regardless of whether the soap is 100% natural. Together they form curdy magnesium soap that doesn’t dissolve.
The only thing I’ve found that naturally gets coconut oil out of hair is lemon or lime squeezed juice diluted in water. I do about 1 part juice per 6 parts water, and this is actually what I use to clean my hair with normally. Leave it in for 2-5 minutes, any longer and you will start getting blonde highlights and potentially drying out your hair. Orange works some as well with minimal dilution and would be less acidic for use on older children. I’ve struggled for a long time with either greasy or dry hair, and using this lemon wash twice a week with occational coconut oil conditioning has kept my hair healthy and balanced.
If I use coconut oil in the shower/tub I spray a little vinegar-water mix all around when I’m done. That helps me with the slippery issue. 🙂
I Would suggest that you blend your oils with a little bit of the baking soda or Epsom salts before mixing into the bath water as this will help the highly concentrated essential oils dissipate into the water better and not potentially burn sensitive skin due to being undiluted.
This has worked wonders when my 2 year old daughter has had fevers! Thank you for this post. Do you know if there would be any reason that you shouldn’t take a detox bath like this when you are pregnant? 2-3rd trimester? I was going to use the lavender oil if that makes a difference.
Total body detox should not be done daily. Two to three times a week are recommended for continued success. Symptoms of light-headedness and tingling are normal. Anxiety and restlessness are also noted as common side effects. Detoxifying also unbalances your system by extracting all pollutants in your body, which may lead to other temporary side effects, such as irritability. Detox baths are not recommended for someone who is pregnant or has a heart condition. Since the body is working hard to release toxins, many people experience high blood pressure and overheating—two side effects that can become potentially dangerous for a person who is at risk of a heart attack, or someone with a developing fetus.
How do you get the bubbles?
Regarding Epsom salt baths for autism, there is science behind its use. I had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Rosemary Waring who first documented the sulfate deficit that is typical of autism and suggested Epsom salts as a potential therapy. A transcript of the interview is available here: https://autismrc.com/2016/05/01/autism-research-connections-3-5-a-conversation-with-dr-rosemary-waring/
I didn’t think peppermint or eucalyptus oil was safe for kids
The doTERRA Science information on Essential Oils and Kids (https://doterrascienceblog.com/essential-oils-and-kids/) says:
“When used as directed, essential oils are safe for the entire family. However, when beginning essential oil use for any age group, we recommend that you follow some simple guidelines. Start off using the oils aromatically or topically, diluting to prevent sensitives. One drop of essential oil to four or five drops of a carrier oil is a good ratio for young children. Start with a single oil to address the immediate need, then try something else at a later time to determine what works best. Remember, young children need less oil because of their lower body mass. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears and nose, and sensitive areas. Finally, all our essential oils labeled for internal use are on the Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) list, but consult with a physician before using oils internally with young children, and to avoid accidental ingestion, keep out of reach of children.”
Hi there! My babe and I are both MTHFR, I have 2 questions I hope you can shed some light on. 1) is it okay to take a detox bath together? ( he’s 8mon) I worry he will absorb my toxins. 2) sometimes I take a very hot and intense detox bath on my own, is my breastmilk safe after this? Or full of toxins? Thank you!!
I worry the same. detox bath together just absorb each others toxins??
Help… My mother gave my two year old a detox bath thinking she was helping….. I don’t know what ratio she used, but she washed his hair and also put in bubble bath… should I give him another detox bath to get out the chemicals he probably just absorbed…???
Love this article! Why didn’t I find it sooner?!
Ah, I love this soooo much! Detoxing is definitely necessary-even for children! This is such a gentle bath, and could really even help with some skin conditions, like eczema. We do weekly detox baths here and include some ingredients like diatomaceous earth, bentonite clay, and ACV. Thanks so much for sharing!! <3
I appreciate the information on your site. thnx!.
Hello! Often my kids will take a bath one after the other. Is it okay for them to use the same bath water in this instance?
Thank you!
Quick question do you ever add Borax? If so for smallest kiddos is a teaspoon okay?
The only thing I’ve been willing to use Borax with is my DIY Laundry Soap. You can read some of the pros and cons about Borax here: https://crunchybetty.com/getting-to-the-bottom-of-borax-is-it-safe-or-not/
Is it safe to do this detox for a 2 month old? He’s getting shots today and I would love to give him a good detox afterwards!
I would not recommend this for a child under 1 year of age. I suggest you just do a foot bath instead.
Hello can I apply aquaphor after the bath or I have to wait a few minutes? does this work for a toddler with eczema?
Awesome! Thanks for the recipe ;D
Do you ever add apple cider vinegar (for eczema related relief)? I’m thinking I should keep them as separate types of bathes.. if that makes sense?
I have not added apple cider vinegar, but I think you could try it if you wanted to.
Epsom salt baths may sound innocent but they are quite powerful in the body. Children under 6 should NEVER be given an epsom salt bath. It says so right on the package. Children must have the ability to explain to you how they are feeling. We are a healthy family with no allergies or health concerns. I gave my three children an epsom salt bath before bed after reading this article and in less than 10 minutes two of my kids had a severe reaction. My two year old was not able to tell me what she was feeling, which was scary as a parent to not know. She did complain about her tummy hurting. My 5 year old seemed okay but he is not one to take notice of pain. My 7 year old had severe tummy cramping (magnesium is a laxative) and his face became swollen. His eyes had dark circles around them, parts of his cheek swelled up, and he was in a crying panic. Very scary. We almost had to take him to the E.R. We called a nurse hotline and we had to stay awake for hours checking on his breathing. Not a fun night. Please do not give your young children epsom salt baths. It may have effects that you do not realize.
My year old was really sick last week..missed a lot of school …my oldest daughter sent me this link and I did it with my sick little one….BY Sunday no wait by Saturday my child felt amazing….She said she felt better then she did in a long time..i did also put her on vitamin C tablets and gave her green tea with ginger..but lets say I recommend this!!!!!
So awesome to hear this Colleen!
I started giving my 2 year old daughter detox baths (once or twice a week) several months ago due to her waking up screaming and crying in pain saying her legs hurt (growing pains). After doing some research, I found your blog and decided to give it a try. She slept so well after the first one I immediately went out and bought a ton of epsom salt and baking soda lol. I give her legs an extra long massage with coconut oil after and she sleeps like a champ. She also had an eczema breakout that wasn’t going away, and after about 3 baths it was completely cleared up. Thank you for posting about this! As a fellow mama trying to be as natural as I can I really appreciate the tip!
So great to hear this Jen!!!!
Could you add a fragrance free, bubble bath for bubbles to the detox bath?
I wouldn’t. Most bubbles has toxins of some kind in them. When you are in a detox bath, your pores are very open and you don’t want them taking in the chemicals from the bubbles. You want them taking in the magnesium from the epsom salt.
I have 3 kids who really need a detox. They are 2,4,6 years old. If I understand from previous comments I need to use more of each ingredient into the bath tub because their weight together is around 100lbs? I give them bath together
I wouldn’t use too much even if you have 3 kids in a tub. The problem is that the oils can be too powerful on their immature skin. Stick with using 3-5 drops for all 3 kids of that age. And make sure to use a milder oil like lavender or roman chamomile.
Hey Jackie
I am writing you a good 3-4 years after having found this post of yours. and I have to say: this is the ONLY TIPP I EVER SHARE with new parents / people who ask me about cold/flu remedies. This is absolutely amazing and has such a tremendous effect that I recommend it to anybody who feels a bit unter the weather. I CAN NOT THANK YOU ENOUGH for sharing such a great, timeless uncomplicated, effortless remedy. Thanks so much!
I’m so glad to hear this has been helpful to you Mary!