I’ve tried to get back to a more natural way when it comes to skin care. I, especially, am very cautious what I put on my children’s skin. Commercial skin care products, even the very expensive ones, have so many chemicals in them that are so harmful for your skin. Your skin is what protects you from outside invaders, but when you are applying products that have chemicals in them, the invaders are getting a free ride inside your body.
For awhile now I have been doing the Oil Cleansing Method for my facial skin care, and I must say, I will NEVER go back to buying any other form of skin care products. For starters, this method is washing your face with oil. Yes…oil. Seems absurd, I know, throwing oil on your already oily face. But, oil cleanses oil. Oil moisturizes. Oil softens. Oil cleanses. Oil is natural, made by the earth. Oil has ONE ingredient…oil. There are several kinds of oil that you can use. I use a mixture of Olive Oil and Castor oil. Castor oil is an amazing cleansing agent (look at my son! He was cleaned out of me with the use of castor oil! lol!). I do a 60% Castor oil, 40% Olive Oil mix. I put it in an old bottle and shake it up before I use it.
I splash some water on my face and put a quarter-size amount of the oil mixture on my hand. Then I rub the oil all over my face. I rub it into my pores in a circular motion. Then I get a washcloth and put it under HOT water. I lay the washcloth over my face and let the steam open my pores. You’re supposed to keep it on for about a minute or so, but I am usually in such a hurry to get myself ready that it only stays on my face for a couple seconds. Then I take the washcloth and rub the oil into my skin. I do circular motions again and rub the oil off. I do this until all the oil is rubbed into my pores as much as possible and my face is no longer oily. I pat dry with a towel and I’m done! My face is soft, never needs anything more! I do this every night and in the mornings I just splash water on my face.
Commercial cleansers strip oil away from our face, leaving it dry and tight. We need our facial oil! It was put there for a reason. When I used a 4 step facial program, my face would get so oily in the mid afternoon. I used to carry around those things you can dab the oil off your face with. My oil glands went into overdrive producing so much oil because the cleansers were stripping it away. Now, I have balance to my skin. And my skin looks good! I get compliments on it quite often!