When I was starting my “real food” journey nearly 10 years ago, I was so curious how to make bone broth. Everyone was talking about bone broth this and bone broth that.
I must admit, the thought of making bone broth was intimidating. Some recipes called for the FEET! The feet y’all!
Please remember that before I was Ms. Homesteader that I was Ms. City Girl who thought my chickens came from the store and never would I purchase a WHOLE chicken with the bones (gasp!) still inside the chicken.
But, I put my fears aside and I made my first bone broth…and it took 48 hours. That was MISERABLE. I didn’t even want to taste it by the end of the 2 days because I had been smelling it all day and night for those 2 days.
Then my InstantPot came into my life at just the right time and I haven’t looked back. I haven’t made bone broth any other way for the past 3 years and I don’t think you will either.
Here’s the video tutorial on how to make bone broth in 100 minutes on YouTube. Here’s the InstantPot that I use.
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