Selling all the things you own, taking your kids out of traditional school, and purchasing an RV to travel the world makes complete sense for several reasons; you’ll save a ton of money on things that go in and on and around the house, you’ll make so many memories traveling and connecting with your family.
You don’t have to have a home-based job like I do to make this dream happen. You can do it on a part-time scale, living in the RV at your home-base which is near your job and just traveling on the weekends and vacations. So many people are jumping on this because minimalism is in and keeping up with the Jones’ is out. Anyways, here’s our top five reasons why we decided to sell everything and move our family of 4 into an RV.
1. We were watching time pass us by.
You heard it time-and-time and time again. “They grow up so fast….enjoy these moments…life is so short,” however it doesn’t really mean much until you are smack dab in the middle of raising your kids. One of them might turn 9 and one day you stop and realize that they are halfway through their childhood.
Unfortunately, my husband and I have lost several close friends and family over the years. We know the sting of death and how short it is. But one day we literally WOKE UP. We have one life to live and why not do all the crazy things that we want? Why not buy the farm of our dreams and learn how to raise our own animals? Why not put farming on hold for a year and buy an RV and travel the world? Why the hell not?
2. We were getting overwhelmed with all the stuff.
Stuff stuff everywhere. Even as a minimalist stuff finds me. We felt like slaves to our stuff, to our house, to our farm. When you live in a house, you feel like you have to fill it up, decorate it fully, make it look nice, keep it clean, etc. We were tired of it. Marie Kondo would be ashamed of me and yes, I did finish her book.
When we decided to travel the United States for a year in an RV, we had some major downsizing to do. After nearly 20 trips to Goodwill and other charities we donated to, multiple landfill trips, and bags of clothes, shoes, and household goods to sell, we were ready. I can’t even remember how many times my husband and I said, “Why do we have so much stuff?”
After 3 months of living in an RV I will tell you, it is so nice to have a clean house in 5 minutes using just essential oils and vinegar!
3. We wanted to see the world with our kids.
I think this should be #1 because this was our number one reason why we decided to do this. How cool to be able to go to the places that most kids just study in school! We love being able to show them things like Yellowstone, The Grand Canyon, historical museums, capital cities, and different cultures. We call it “road schooling”! Our kids have learned so much in the short 3 months we have been on the road. This world is a beautiful classroom.
4. We wanted to save money.
It’s no denying that this lifestyle is cheaper. We still haven’t sold our farm, it’s still on the market, but for most people, they sell the house and then buy the RV. You do whatever works for your family. I will tell you this, we have saved money being on the road!
If you are interested in how much it cost to travel America in an RV, then read this post.
5. We wanted to value experiences over belongings.
This was the core of our decision. Many of the things we sold were really really hard. You’ll make those same decisions. But I wouldn’t trade those moments we have had, like standing in complete awe at the Grand Canyon, watching my kids fill out their Junior Ranger journals, or being able to have the freedom to pick up and move to any city that we want.
It’s totally worth it.
Now that you’ve read my story of selling the house and buying an RV, go out there and make your dreams happen! It doesn’t have to be as extreme as mine, but if it is, then know that there are thousands who choose to become full-time families and create a life that they truly love!
Congratulations!!! My husband and I are retired but when we were younger (in our 40’s) we sold our house and travelled Canada and the U.S.A. for four years. Our kids were grown by then, but I always said that raising our kids living the RV lifestyle would have been a wonderful way to teach the kids all kinds of life experiences. Besides that, there are museums in almost every town and city and that alone is a great learning experience. I wish you well and give your little ones a hug from us. Diane.
Awww, thanks Diane!
Hi Jackie, your post made me feel so good! Although we are much older than you and our kids are grown, we want to simplify our lives and get rid of all unnecessary “stuff.” We had the big houses, cars, etc. We are nervous, of course, about this huge endeavor. Thank you for your wisdom-filled post!!
Thank you so much Susan! Blessings to you as you simplify!
Good for you.I am 60 ,been on the same job for 30 year.I want to sell everything and go.