Sandalwood is a name given to a class of fragrant woods that, unlike other aromatic woods, can retain their fragrance for decades. Sandalwood essential oil is extracted through steam distillation of pieces of wood from matured Sandalwood trees which are 40-80 years old, although 80 years is preferred. The older the tree, the more oil is available, and the aroma is stronger. For centuries, sandalwood has reserved a place of dignity and respect in many civilizations and religions of the world, especially in the Hindu Religion, where it is considered holy and indispensable in almost all of the social and religious rituals and ceremonies, from the birth of an individual until their death.
The main chemical components of Sandalwood essential oil are: Alpha Santalol, Beta Santalol, Santyl Acetate and Santalenes.
Where to buy therapeutic-grade Sandalwood?
Click here to purchase therapeutic, high-quality sandalwood essential oil.
What are the benefits of Sandalwood Essential Oil?
Sandalwood essential oil has some really remarkable benefits. Some of its primary benefits are:
- One of the top benefits of Sandalwood essential oil is its ability to promote healthy looking, smooth skin. Applying Sandalwood to the skin will not only promote a smooth complexion, but can also be helpful in reducing the appearance of skin imperfections. As you can see, there are many benefits to making Sandalwood essential oil a regular part of your skincare routine.
- To use Sandalwood essential oil for your skin, try creating your own at-home spa experience by doing the following: fill a large bowl with steaming water, apply one to two drops of Sandalwood essential oil to your face, and cover your head with a towel. Next, place your face over the steaming water. This at-home spa treatment will leave your skin feeling nourished and rejuvenated.
- Sandalwood essential oil is also useful for enhancing your mood. The grounding, balancing aroma of Sandalwood will help settle and balance emotions. To take advantage of these benefits, apply one to two drops of Sandalwood essential oil to the palms of your hands. Then, cup your hands around your nose and inhale for up to 30 seconds. This will help lessen tension and balance emotions.
- While there are many applications for Sandalwood essential oil on the body and inside the home, it can also be a gardener’s best friend. Studies have shown that Sandalwood essential oil can have positive effects on garden plants. In one study, researchers sprayed several species of plants with a solution of Sandalwood essential oil. After being sprayed, results showed that the essential oil helped the plants cope with environmental stress. If there are plants in your garden that need help surviving times of environmental stress, consider using a Sandalwood essential oil solution to save the day.
- Along with serious benefits for skin and complexion, Sandalwood essential oil also holds benefits for hair. If you want to use Sandalwood essential oil on your hair, simply apply one or two drops of the oil to wet hair. Sandalwood will give your hair extra shine by restoring moisture to your strands. An easy way to work Sandalwood essential oil into your regular haircare regimen is to add a few drops to your daily shampoo or conditioner.
- One of the most common uses for Sandalwood oil is for meditation, due to its grounding and mood-enhancing properties. The sweet, woody aroma of Sandalwood is known to enhance mood—which is why the oil has been used in meditation for centuries. Consider diffusing Sandalwood in your bedroom after a long, stressful day, or before meditation to promote an uplifting atmosphere.
- Not only is Sandalwood essential oil good for the complexion, but it can also contribute to a smooth, comfortable shave. This DIY Shaving Cream uses some of the best oils for skin—Peppermint, Sandalwood, and Tea Tree oil. Combining these soothing oils with shea butter and coconut oil will leave your skin smooth and moisturized after every shave. Perfect for men and women, this comforting concoction is easy to make, and will provide you with a close shave every time.
- While Sandalwood essential oil is helpful for meditation sessions, it can also provide a soothing, relaxed atmosphere even when you aren’t meditating. If you like to relax by taking a hot bath, Sandalwood can create a soothing atmosphere at bath time. After a long day at work or an afternoon of taking care of the kids, or any time you need a little balance, add one to two drops of Sandalwood essential oil to a hot bath to reduce feelings of stress and promote relaxation.
- Because it provides grounding effects, Sandalwood essential oil can also be helpful at bedtime. Diffuse Sandalwood next to your bed as you are going to sleep to help promote a relaxing environment for a restful night’s sleep. You can also apply a few drops of Sandalwood essential oil to the back of your neck before going to sleep to promote an atmosphere that will lead to restful sleep.
What are Sandalwood’s cautions?
Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.
Top Ten Uses for Sandalwood Essential Oil
- Sandalwood oil can bring mental focus and clarity when used in your diffuser. Add 3-4 drops to your diffuser or try inhaling some sandalwood oil the next time you have a big deadline that requires focus and calm.
- It is beneficial to reduce irritation from mild skin irritations. Add 2-3 drops to a carrier oil and apply over the areas of skin irritation. It can also be applied directly if desired using a Q-tip or cotton ball.
- Sandalwood is excellent at easing coughs. Add a few drops to a tissue or washcloth and inhale to help reduce the severity and duration of a cough.
- Sandalwood is high in antioxidants that can help reduce damage caused by free radicals, which promote aging. Try adding 5 drops of sandalwood oil to an unscented lotion and applying it directly to the face for anti-aging benefits.
- It can help to eliminate occasional digestive discomfort. Add 8-10 drops in bath water and take a nice long soak. You can also add 2-3 drops to a carrier oil and massage into lower back and abdomen.
- For chapped, dry, or cracked skin, mix 2-3 drops with coconut oil and rub into the affected areas.
- Sandalwood oil can be used as an insect repellent. Use 2-3 drops in your diffuser in the area where you need protection from insects.
- Sandalwood oil can be diluted and used as a gargle if you have a sore or dry throat.
- You can apply 1-2 drops of Sandalwood oil to clean, wet hair to help restore moisture and give hair a silky shine. This is my favorite way to use Sandalwood!
- Sandalwood oil can even help to resolve the problem of uneven suntans. Mix 5 teaspoons of coconut oil with two teaspoons of jojoba oil and 7-10 drops of Sandalwood essential oil. Massage this into overexposed areas. Sandalwood helps break down the pigment that has reached the surface of the skin and will leave you with a more even skin tone. (source)
Where to purchase Sandalwood essential oil
Home-made Sandalwood Essential Oil Recipe
It is easy to make your own Sandalwood Perfume recipes with essential oils. Sandalwood is a perfect base note. It creates depth to a perfume, so it can be blended in many different ways. Try making your choice of these four perfumes using Sandalwood blends: Aphrodisiac, Serenity, Lift Your Spirit, and Beautiful. You can find the recipes for each one here.
Sandalwood and Emotions
Sandalwood is the oil of sacred devotion. It assist with all kinds of prayer, meditation, and spiritual worship. This oil has been used since ancient times for its powerful ability to calm the mind, still the heart, and prepare the spirit to commune with God. It assists in quieting the mind so that individuals may hear the subtle voice of the Spirit. It teaches true humility, devotion, and love for the Divine. (source)
Companion Oils: Oregano, Frankincense, Myrrh
- https://www.doterratools.com/documents/Sandalwood_%28Indian%29_Essential_Oil_Product_Information_Page.pdf
- https://www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/essential-oils/sandalwood-essential-oil.html
- https://articles.mercola.com/herbal-oils/sandalwood-oil.aspx
- https://thehealthyhavenblog.com/2014/01/24/suggested-uses-for-sandalwood-essential-oil/
- https://www.sustainablebabysteps.com/sandalwood-essential-oil.html
Aaaaand, it pairs nicely with Ylang Ylang as an aphrodisiac. So I’ve heard… 😉