It seems fitting that Frankincense was one of the precious gifts presented by the Wise Men many years ago to Baby Jesus. Frankincense was known as a precious incense, very costly, and was burned ceremonially by the temple priests. Its gift from the Wise Men to Baby Jesus was a symbol of that little baby’s own gift to mankind as our King of kings.
Still renowned today as one of the most prized gift, this resin is used today in the form of a precious Frankincense oil. Frankincense oil has extraordinary health benefits that we are going to go into you, but I wanted to make sure you knew this very important news. During the month of December, Frankincense oil is a gift that I would like to give to you! When you purchase a qualifying starter kit through me, Frankincense oil is your for free! I want to give you this extraordinary oil that could help to “gift” you this holiday season with feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction, and overall wellness. Hey, if it’s good enough for Baby Jesus, it’s good enough for you!
Click here to learn how to get Frankincense oil for free during the month of December ’16!
Its Powerful Benefits
Holidays—as wonderful as they are—can become so busy and chaotic that they zap us of the very energy and strength we need to accomplish all the things we deem so “important and necessary” to make the holiday so memorable to our families and friends.
That’s when this powerful essential oil really shines. It has benefits that seem perfectly suited to counteract the chaos we have allowed into our lives at this time of year.
It promotes feelings of relaxation
Relaxation?! Yes one of the primary benefits of Frankincense oil is its ability to promote feelings of relaxation and to balance our mood (which may have become a little Scrooge-like) as we rush into all the holiday preparations.
Do you need a little relaxation? Try some of these ways to benefit from Frankincense’s powers.
- Have you reached the end of a chaotic day and find yourself filled with anxious feelings? Mix 1-2 drops of Frankincense essential oil with fractionated coconut oil and apply it to your temples and the back of your neck. Sit back and feel its comforting effect.
- The holidays bring more than chaos to your little ones—it brings excitement and anticipation. So much excitement and anticipation that bedtime becomes, shall we say, a little like a nightmare? Sleep seems impossible, and getting them relaxed and calm just doesn’t happen easily. Frankincense oil can help your children relax and be ready for bed. Try rubbing some of my Whipped Sleepytime Rub on your children’s feet before bedtime. Then spend a few quiet moments with them (you may want to rub some on your feet first!) reading a holiday story, or talking quietly about the importance of Christmas.
- How about “the mood.” Do you have to admit that you are just a little Scrooge-like when you get home from a busy day? Remember that frankincense is a great mood balancer. Try diffusing it in the room as you gather for a calm evening meal, or diffuse it while you sit together as a family and try to relax. Say “bye bye” to the Scroogy mood by adding 3-4 drops of Frankincense oil to your diffuser along with 2-3 drops of Douglas Fir and 2-3 drops of Balance.
When we are tired, everything seems so very much worse.
—Jane Green
It supports healthy cellular function
I know…you aren’t really thinking about your cells right now. You’ve probably got cooking, shopping, decorating, wrapping, baking, partying, and lots of others things on your mind. But trust me—even our cells have trouble keeping up with the mad pace of the holidays. They need a little help with healthy regeneration, and Frankincense oil is just what can help with that.
Try some of these helpful tips.
- Maybe you’ve been neglecting your own healthy beauty regimen. Maybe the cold, blustery weather of the Christmas season has caused wind damage, drying your face, and causing some seasonal skin imperfections. Try making some of my DIY Facial Serum, which uses Frankincense oil along with Lavender and Geranium and Myrrh (another gift from the Wise Men to Baby Jesus). If you apply a drop or two of it before you go to bed, the powerful regenerative effects of Frankincense will restore your skin to its healthiest state.
- In the busyness of the season, it’s easy to find that you or your family members have gotten some minor cuts, scrapes. You can apply the power of Frankincense to these areas and find your health returning. Try mixing 1-2 drops with fractionated coconut oil and dabbing it gently on the affected areas.
- You can speed up the regeneration process by adding some frankincense veggie capsules to your daily supplementation. Put 1-2 drops in veggie capsule, and take one daily to support healthy cellular function. In this busy season you may find it beneficial to take two or three capsules each day. (Only use high-quality essential oils internally like doTERRA).
The cells in our body react to everything your mind says.
It is a wonderful support during periods of a weakened immune system
It’s almost a double whammy that the greatest problems with our immune system comes right at the same time as the holidays. Put several people together—including kids—who live in separate locations and experience diverse seasonal bugs, and it’s almost a given that someone, maybe everyone, is going to get a little under the weather! That’s when Frankincense can shine! Try some of these solutions.
- When you are gathered together as an extended family and group of friends, keep your diffuser (essential oil diffusers come in most of my essential oil starter kits HERE) working by diffusing 2-3 drops of Frankincense oil with 2-3 drops of On Guard near the party. Add a little Douglas Fir or Holiday Spirit oils, and you’ve instantly supplied the holiday aromas.
- If your little ones bring some seasonal symptoms from school or holiday parties, be ready with a rollerball filled with 4-5 drops of Frankincense and 4-5 drops of On Guard, then filled with fractionated coconut oil, so you can rub this healthy potion down their spine and on their feet daily, as needed. Here’s an article I wrote on using essential oils on kids.
- Don’t forget that Frankincense oil is a natural household cleaner, and will help protect against environmental threats that linger on your counters and sinks . Use it in a diffuser to reduce indoor pollution, and add it to your favorite cleaner to disinfect any room or surface in your home.
Happiness lies, first of all, in health.
—George William Curtis
How to Get Started Using Essential Oils:
Give yourself or someone you know the gift of Frankincense oil this season! During the month of December, you can get this highly prized essential oil for free! Simply get started in doTERRA as a wholesale customer and purchase a qualifying essential oil bundle.
Click here to learn more about getting therapeutic grade essential oils at a discount!
Holidays are a joyous time, meant to remind us of the vital importance of family and friends. However, with all the hustle and bustle, it’s easy for the joy of the season to turn into stress. Don’t let the spirit of Scrooge take over your life and the life of your family.
Access the power of Frankincense oil to keep you filled with peace and happiness—the real spirit of Christmas.
Maybe Christmas, the Grinch thought, doesn’t come from a store. Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness.
I like to add a drop of Frankincense to my daily moisturizer! Love the smell, and it’s great for my skin.