I’ve been using herbs and essential oils for over 10 years now and I’m shocked at the risks that people are taking when they jump into using essential oils. So, I feel I need to warn you all before you use another essential oil or before you buy your starter kit of essential oils.
10 Risks of Using Essential Oils
1. You will need to buy a new purse
It’s true. Your purse you have now won’t work. You need something that your oils will fit nicely into. I love my Sew Grown clutch but there are tons of great purses on the market that you can fit all your oils into.
2. You will notice your family is healthier.
This is a huge risk. I mean waking up in the middle of the night with a child who has ear discomfort can be frustrating. Thankfully, now you will have the answers at your fingertips, and you can run downstairs and grab your Melaleuca and rub it behind his ears and down his jawline.
3. Your house will smell better and feel cleaner.
Throwing away your plugins and candles is scary! DO IT! Those things have chemicals in them and you’re breathing them in ALL.DAY.LONG. Swap them out for an essential oil diffuser. My kids don’t know this but I sneak sleepy-time oils in our diffuser at dinner-time because I NEED THEM TO SLEEP….and they do, thanks to Lavender and/or Serenity “calming” blend.
4. You will have more energy.
You might not be bouncing off the walls like you do with your energy drinks, but you also won’t experience that dreadful “caffeine crash.” I love using essential oils for energy. My favorite combination is Peppermint and Wild Orange. I put a drop of each in my hands and rub my hands together and then breathe it in like I’m a crack addict.
5. Your kids will scream for you to put their diffuser on at night.
So, if you’re like me and on some nights, you just want to throw the kids in bed (literally), then you’re gonna hate this one. EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT. my kids must have their diffuser on. I created little mini-monsters. And they seem to remember this when I’ve sweetly tucked them in and kissed them good night and settled into my chair downstairs with my hot tea and homemade afghan. I hear little footsteps coming down the stairs saying, “Mommy, can you put some lavender in my diffuser?” Monsters.
6. You’ll need all the oils.
Oh you will need them all. You will buy your starter kit and realize you need Cedarwood, or Arborvitae, or some Lime to put in your “mommy drink.” Oh yeaโyou’ll need them all and you’ll buy them all…which is why you should buy the Every Oil Kit and just get it over with.
7. If you’re a guy, your testostrogen will increase.
Oh that’s a word. Traditionally, doTERRA has mostly women doing the business. So when a man goes to a class or an event and sees all the women embracing each other and telling powerful stories, he will not be able to help becoming emotional and teary-eyed as well. Trust meโI’ve watched my hard-faced, military husband break out in tears over this Nepal video.
8. People will actually want to hang out with you.
Oh you’ll be nicer. You’ll be pleasant to be around. Not only will you smell incredible (especially if you wear Whisper “Blend for Women”), but essential oils have such a positive effect on your mood. Essential oils are now known to stimulate the limbic system, which can cause one to reminisce about positive events in their past and that can lead to smiles and laughing and visions of goats bouncing around on the mountain (oh wait, that’s just me).
9. Everyone will want you to make them a roller-bottle.
You’ll become the crazy, oil lady…oh yes you will. Just embrace it. When everyone calls into work because their immune system is shot, you will be the next phone call. So, get ready to make samples and roller-bottles for your friends and family, you crazy snake oil lady.
10. You will say you don’t want to sell, but then you’ll come crawling to me asking me how to sell because all your friends want to buy the oils.
“I don’t want to sell the oils, Jackie. Don’t bother me about that if I purchase a starter kit with you.”
Oh, absolutely. I will leave you alone. The great thing about doTERRA is that you don’t have a monthly order. You can just purchase the oils whenever you want and there is no requirement to sell anything. But I’ll be here WHEN you need help sending someone your referral link or when someone at your work won’t leave your office because you have your new diffuser sitting on your desk and they really need to get out and buy their own.
See, you guys. This is risky. Essential oils are a huge risk. ๐
My sister introduced me to essential oils in October. I came home and read all I could about them. I ordered a book, “Essential Oils, Natural Remedies”, from Amazon. Then I decided to try it for myself. I order mine through Rocky Mountain Oils (mostly because that’s where I live). I am medically retired from the USAF since 1989 with multiple disabilities (ileostomy due to Crohn’s disease; mastectomy; hypothyroidism; COPD; Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension; and Atrial Tachycardia). Even before using the oils I was known as the ‘ever-ready bunny’ because I do a lot of things many people with even one of my disabilities don’t do. In August last year via a CT Scan a 3 cm lesion was discovered in my left lung, plus multiple spots in my right lung. In November I decided to give up my chickens (raised chickens for 17+ years due to having to give more time to care for my husband who was diagnosed last year with Progressive MS—he, too, is retired USAF with 21 years service). Anyway to make a long story shorter, when I went in January to have a biopsy done on the lesion (yes, it took that long because of the Veterans Choice Program), the lesion and the spots were gone! No sign on anything except the COPD and PAH (and yes, I am on oxygen 24/7 since 2012). The doctors are stumped. I know it was prayers and the oils that did it. I’m also seeing big changes in my skin (heck I just turned 60 on Saturday, 26 March, so any change is good). I feel healthier right now than I did 10 years ago. I love my essential oils!!!!!
So glad to hear you are beginning to use essential oils. I highly recommend that you look into doTERRA essential oils, and would love to help you with that. You can get more information from this blog I did earlier: https://thepaleomama.com/essential-oils/. You will see at the start of it that you can get my Free Cheat Sheet on 100 ways to use essential oils. They are so beneficial, and I simply couldn’t be without them.
There is one major risk for a small group of people. My friend had an organ transplant and received a liver from a donar. She does everything to keep her body healthy, exercising, eating organic, etc. She was thrilled when she got the essential oils. She used the for about 6-9 months. She went in for her yearly check up for her liver and they found that her body was starting to reject her liver in spite of her taking her antirejection medication. She was hospitalized for a few day until they could get everything under control. Her doctor said her daily use of oils was causing her body to reject her liver. She rarely uses them for herself now, but continues to use them for her family. I think they are amazing but cannot be overused. Anyone who has a donated organ needs to be warned and consult their doctors before taking any kind of medicine, supplements, or oils.
I never would have thought of that, but you make an interesting point! Transplant patients are on anti-rejection meds which suppress the immune system. I guess this means essential oils really are helping kick people’s immune systems into gear! Huh.
Oh, Dear Lady…
[Anna Orgeron]
Along with these oils, (which I am definitely g purchasing….), my heart both broke & lept to you as I’ve been down so many of those digestive issue roads as you have….
Well, I started taking a 400mg Apple Cider Vinegar Tablet first thing in the morning with a full glass of water, a couple of yellow bananas, & Activia Yogurt (live cultures, it’s the only one with them, even if you have lactose issues!).
Within 1 week, I returned to NORMAL!!!
My Gastro Intestinal Specialist was freaking out, insisting I needed Medicine & Steriods… but with PRAYER & ALL NATURAL FOODS ~ My gut is doing beautifully!
Pardon me if I overstepped, but I get sooo excited to share this “miracle”, I can hardly contain myself.
p.s. My prayer is you have the same miraculous result I did! ๐
Hello Jackie I was wondering if you could let me know how keep track of what blends you make for specific ailments? I tend to go to my essential oil book, make a recipe for what I need, put in one of my glass role on bottles (about 10 ml) then forget what I made because I can’t label the bottle. Just wondering how you keep your blends organized. Also I see that you use fractionated coconut oil as a carrier oil for some of your blends, can I make that from unrefined coconut oil or do I have to purchase it? To be perfectly honest I feel a little overwhelmed with all of the uses for essential oils but find myself spending more time researching things; blends for example; than actually using them. Don’t get me wrong I do use them but I feel like I need a system, you know get my butt organized. Any suggestions would be great.
Thanks for your questions. It can seem overwhelming when you start getting acquainted with essential oils, but you will quickly get more comfortable with them as you use them and research them. I recommend that you stay up to date with information on the WOM Facebook Page (I see you are a member), because it has so many people giving great information all the time. There are lots of different labels available thru the internet, but one a lot of us use can be found at:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B011DNRNM0/ref=cm_sw_r_pi_dp_xpQOvb0CN3R5C. I would also recommend that you communicate directly with whoever is your upline leader, and perhaps get some direct help for your specific needs.
About a label for blends you make: I use address labels, like you print on the computer. List the oils I use and what it is for and wrap around the bottle. Might say 50 drops of each and list them, or sometime I just eye ball the amount I put in a bottle.
Great idea….I would top that with putting clear packing tape over label. Sometimes oil will drip down bottle and make ink run. With the packing tape it protects it.
What is the WOM Facebook page?
Hi Christine,
I know your post was a few years ago now but I thought I would still share how I keep track of my โspecial blendsโ. I use the cap stickers, I get mine from dลTERRA as that is where I purchase my oils. Each time I make a roller blend I simply add a cap sticker of all of the oils I add. Trust me it helps as I make loads of roller blends for family members & they simply hand me back the roller bottle to fill with the oils listed on the actual bottle itself. I also cover over Stickers with stickytape/cellotape.
I wish I could afford any of these kits. I’m on a limited income. Maybe 1 or 2 bottles?
Mary, I see that no one replied to you question about 1 or 2 bottles. I would recommend DoTerra’s introductory kit. It has 3 5 ml bottles of lemon, lavender and peppermint, plus an educational cd. That would be a great way to get started and learn about essential oils.
does anyone know if wild orange and tangerine are safe oils to go out in the sun if made into lotion?
It is recommended to not use citrus oils when you are going to be in the sun for an extended time.
No they are citrus and that means the contraindications are phototoxic . Try staying the shade or out of the sun atleast 12 hours after applying.
I’m interested in getting more into essential oils in my business. ๐
You scared me with the header on this! I loved reading it, though.
Your post was very funny to read…thank you for the touch of humor!!! ;)) As an ostรฉopathe for more than 20 years, and a master un aromatherapy, i wouldnt consider using essential oils brands that do not give the exact name of the botanical plant….an example: lavender….you have multiple kind of lavender…with different health benefits or counter indications…or that do not give the plant material used: flower, bark, leaves…the chemistry is sooooo different depending on the plant material….let’s be serious about aromatherapy…essential oils deserve it…and our body too ๐
I agree, which is why I use only doTERRA essential oils.
I have been using essential oils, but I would like to learn more about them. Does anyone know of a good book that could help me learn more about them?
I recommend the “Modern Essentials Usage Guide,” available through Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_2_18/188-9355911-7512857?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=modern+essentials+usage+guide&sprefix=modern+essentials+%2Cstripbooks%2C184
Essential Life from http://www.oillife.com is an awesome new book that I found
I agree Carole… this is a fantastic book!
I’m with Jackie…the Modern Essential Usage Guide is my go-to book. It is what I would call “exhaustive!” It has the chemical breakdowns of the oils, what the chemical constituents are for, research tidbits about the different oils, information on EVERYTHING! I love it! It’s worth the $28, or whatever it cost; I forgot!
Awesome article! Made me laugh. I love oils. ๐
Just a question, what do you mean in the heading about men, with “testostrogen”? Testosterone makes them more manly, estrogen more feminine. Or was it a play or words? Feels a little confusing. :/
But I really loved the concept!!
I love essential oils and am slowly finding more uses for them and I love this article and the humour in it.. My only comment is regarding no.8. Please don’t live and breathe them. Not all people want to have every conversation directed to essential oils and not everyone wants to be signed up to sell them. Some people will push you away if you are pushy and overbearing, no matter how much they actually like you. Saying that, I have peppermint and wild orange on me now. I needed an energy lift.
I love this! Oils are addicting I can’t believe how risky this venture was! Great article!
What an enjoyable and informative read. I’ve been using doTerra essential oils for a year now and have shared with SO many! So appreciate you sharing this…so I can too. =D
This is so cute- thank you for this blog post!
I am in my 3rd month as a doTERRA Wellness Advocate (I’m building a business), and my whole family has fallen in love with the oils. My two kids use the oils freely, and YES- they each have diffusers in their bedrooms!
Thanks for the good read Jackie!
Love it Jackie! I was at a women’s retreat a few months ago and my friend’s hubby texted her with a huge emergency- they were out of white fir oil for their’s son’s diffuser and he was pretty sure he couldn’t live without it- you nailed it, the struggle is real ๐
Was expecting. bad news. ..am happy to see it’s all good news. Thanks
I love your tongue in cheek humor. I’ve been using them and the related products got years. Love them.
#5 is SOOOO TRUE!!!
Ha, ha…I thought this was going to be real bad news. It’s funny how there are some people who are scared of essential oils. Just the fact that 100,000 people die of properly prescribed medications each year, and about 3-4 people die from natural remedies goes to show you that, yes, they are dangerous. But not nearly as dangerous as what your doctor prescribes.
Loved IT! The curiosity got me, and the humor made me stay.
I am a die hard essential oil user (YL), and I am SO tired of bloggers bashing us oily people, that I ALMOST popped a gasket when I read the title of this post. I am SO glad I read it. ๐ ๐ Fabulous and all these are spot on accurate!!
Way to get my BP up with that title. LOL. I was like OMG– another blogger bashing essential oil users and fear mongering. SO glad this wasn’t the case. Loved the post!! Blessings on you and your blog! I’m studying to be a Doctor of Naturopathy as a result of my journey to health and wellness which started with going chemical-free in our homes, which progressed to eating real food, which progressed to oils and herbs, which progressed to a Whole9 lifestyle. So you see, oils lead you down a dangerous path of taking your health and wellness into your own hands and then desiring to increase your knowledge in an effort to help others. That should be #11. ๐
That was so humorous, giggled a lot but all so True! Thanks for making me smile.
I have thought so much about our rising cancer rates in this country. I wondered if it was partially due to the low vit d for lack of sun with all the uses of sunscreen. Also, most meds run a risk of some type of cancer. I’ve been lightly using oils the last cpl yrs. However, have heard such good reviews about all the ailments oils seem to correct in thinking of buying a whole lot!!
I have experienced dizziness whenever I use essential oils.