The holiday season has already begun. Every year it arrives, and so often chaos, stress, and uneasiness about gift giving comes with it. But it doesn’t have to be that way for those prepared with several homemade gift ideas for the homesteader in your life that loves the beauty of things “from scratch”.
In this blog I want to get your season started right by sharing some of my favorite homemade gift ideas for those homesteaders-at-heart in your life. You can make these easily for your friends and family and give them healthy, original gifts that are so much better than last-minute store-bought items. I will follow up with a second blog on ideas for making homemade tasty food gifts for your loved ones.
Get your shopping list ready and prepare to impress your loved ones with these great gift ideas. I am including three groups of DIY homemade gifts:
- DIY Homemade Beauty Products
- DIY Health Supporting Products
- DIY Home Cleaning Products
For most of these recipes, you are going to need high-quality essential oils.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE dōTERRA and would love to help you get started using essential oils. dōTERRA is sold exclusively through independent distributors like me. Working from home, these advocates, like myself, introduce, educate about, and sell essential oils in their local markets through person-to-person contact and globally through websites (like this one!). If you want to take a peak at the starter kits which include most of the essential oils you will need for these recipes, CLICK HERE and let me know if you have any questions!
DIY Homemade Beauty & Health Products
(Click here to get my DIY Beauty Recipes eBOOK for even more ideas!)
Sugar Scrub Bars
I love making my own sugar scrub. I, also, love making my life easier which is why I made these sugar scrub bars. All I have to do is grab a bar before getting in the bath or shower. No more opening up a mason jar and scooping out the scrub and letting water get into the scrub. Now I just take a bar and start lathering it over my body. It’s easy to hold and easy to make! (Find Recipe here)
Lavender Body Butter
I have an obsession with making body butter. There’s something about putting together the simplest of ingredients and then whipping it up into this luxurious, natural, and nourishing lotion. This Lavender Body Butter does just that; it’s simple to make, only four ingredients and uses lavender essential oil. (Find Recipe here)
Spiced Chai Lip Balm Recipe
I love chai tea and the way the spices in a chai tea smell. I have been making my own lip balm for years now, usually I just put my Healing Salve on my lips, but I wanted something a little “fancier” so I created a delicious Spiced Chai Lip Balm recipe that I know you will enjoy. (Find recipe here)
Whipped Sleepytime Rub
Winding down at night can be tough at times. I know my mind keeps going for minutes and sometimes hours after I lay my head down on my pillow. The same goes for our kids.
Our nightly routine has become essential at our house. I notice that the nights we go from dinner to bed is CRAZY. The kids are not ready to rush rush rush and then get in bed. So, I stopped expecting it from them and started taking our bedtime routine a little more seriously.
Now we eat dinner at the table as family and then we slowly start getting ready for bed. The kids take a nice relaxing bath, sometimes a detox bath, with certain essential oils in it, and then we get all snuggled up in our pajamas and read books.
During our reading time I apply this Whipped Sleepytime Rub made with essential oils to my kids. They absolutely love this! The 3 main oils I choose to apply are Frankincense, Lavender, and Vetiver because these oils promote a nice, restful sleep. (Find recipe here)
DIY Health Supporting Products
Elderberry Syrup
Elderberries are packed with Vitamins A, B, and C, iron, potassium, and powerful antioxidants. Making an elderberry syrup recipe is a great way to get all the nutrition from these delicious bushes into our body! (Find recipe here)
Comfrey Salve
One of my favorite things about my new homestead is our very own comfrey patch. Of course, you don’t need to grow your own comfrey to make a nourishing salve with it. There are several places online that you can purchase dried, organic comfrey leaves to make this simple and homemade comfrey salve.
Comfrey has been in use as a medicinal herb for more than 200 years. The allantoin content of comfrey aids in healing wounds, sores, burns, swollen tissue, and broken bones. It can be applied externally to bruises, sprains, arthritic bones of any inflamed tissue, and acts as an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. (Find recipe here)
All-Purpose Salve
My goal in creating this recipe is to minimize your medicine cabinet and prove to you that, once again, nature has given us the remedy. This all-purpose salve is good for so many things. The coconut oil and olive oil bring nourishment, while the beeswax is known to lock in moisture, foster cells, and protect skin from damaging environmental factors. For children, the BEST two essential oils to have on hand are melaleuca and lavender.
DIY Home Cleaning Products
Multi-Purpose Floor Cleaner
When it comes to cleaning your floors, you don’t need expensive products to do the job. Essential oils are great at cleaning up the dirt while leaving a refreshing, clean aroma in the air. Cleaning your floors with essential oils is completely safe, non-toxic, frugal, and easy!
The beauty of using essential oils on your floors, is that you don’t have to worry about using a specific oil on a specific service. Each essential oil will work on your floors. This recipe works if you have tile, hardwood, linoleum, ceramic, laminate, and vinyl. You can mix any of the oils I recommend above to make this recipe or use one single oil. (Find recipe here)
DIY Laundry Detergent—$0.02 a Load
I’ve been making my own laundry detergent for years now. I was so scared at first to switch over to natural-homemade detergent because there was this mindset that store-bought is best…store-bought smells better…store-bought makes my clothes fresher. However, when we did our budget makeover, I decided to take homemade detergent into my own hands and come up with a DIY laundry detergent recipe that saves a TON of money. (Find recipe here)
Wool Dryer Balls with Essential Oils
Since I have made the switch to using wool dryer balls, instead of dryer sheets, my pocket-book is much happier, and so is my energy bill! I love my wool dryer balls with essential oils and I know you will making the switch too! Here are some of the reasons why you should try these wool dryer balls:
- They can cut your drying time in half
- They help reduce static
- They save you money on your energy bill
- They are chemical-free, unlike dryer sheets
- They can be re-used over-and-over again
- They increase the fluffiness of your clothes
- They are safe to use with cloth diapers
All of these easy-to-make homemade products would make fantastic holiday gifts for your friends and loved ones. You will have fun making them, and your loved ones will appreciate the efforts you make to prepare gifts offering healthy, economical alternatives to the chemically laden products you can purchase at stores.
Jackie, I have used your pain relieving salve for many years and I have played around with the recipe myself. I now wo Ld last i.e. the original recipe and I can’t find it. Can you direct me in the right direction.