Are you thinking about trying Paleo but you aren’t sure how to make it work for your family?
Are you on a budget and think that eating Paleo is too expensive?
Or maybe you have been eating Paleo for awhile and would like some more guidance and simplicity on meal planning.
You are in the right place!
I’ve created a WHOLE MONTH of budget-friendly meal plans for you! The best part? These are EASY to make. You will not be in the kitchen forever…maybe 30 minutes max to prep a healthy and whole meal for your family!
To get 4 weeks of meals plans PLUS a printable grocery list, sign up below by leaving your name and email.
You will get your first week of meal plans TODAY and then, one email a week, for four weeks! If you don’t see the form below, click here.
Just wanted to tell you I sent you on f/b through your site a long message. It seems that WE have A LOT in common and God must have crossed our paths for his purpose! Thanks so much and God bless you for your help! Much Love always! xo
Love your website, and am just starting on this path.
Thank you!!!!
Loving what I’m reading. Thank you for showing the ropes.
Looking forward to seeing your recipes!! Thank you!!
Thank you
can’t wait.
Well I am new at all of this and I am a nurse that had a brain injury back2013 so I am trying to start all over again but I am going holistic. J=I have a daughter who I mono her freshman year and now suffers from severe CFS. She is in college now and wants to go into the FBI (not a joke or whim) she interns this next summer but she has to get into shape. We are taking her off all the meds, they took her from a 4.0 to a 2.0 student. So I can use all the help I can get.
Hi! Id love a copy of the free paleo plan. I tried entering my email but am unable to find a way to actually submit the information. Thank you.
I am very interested !!
I am so impressed by you and your family for taking this brave step of living “Close to Nature” (maybe new website name, with link to Paleo Matters?). Your children are learning first hand how precious and important the land is, and how raising good quality produce (animals as well as crops) is part of that cycle. I have been folloiwing with great interest your journey, including all the little side roads of how to raise organically grown chickens, goats, train guard dogs etc. I don’t know how many acres you have for rotating the grazing but wouldn’t be at all surprised if I read next about your Alpacas. These are amazing creatures and they too, have an inate ability in their genes, to look after the herd and have been seen to chase of foxes from the sheep, as well as having the softest wool ever. They are slightly smaller than a Llama and not as feisty and their wool can be harvested and spun for making garments – socks being a firm favourite. Forgive the diversion and back to the wonderful Pyrenees Guard dog Esme – she is beautiful and such an asset on your farm. Congratulations and envious dreams!!! Wish I was many years younger as this way of life is the Good Life!
I was trying to sign up for your meal plans but don’t see a submit button.
Use this link to get signed up for the meal plans: