Today I’m welcoming Lora from The 21st Century Mama to my blog! She is going to share a wealth of information on essential oils and hormone support! Let’s give it up to my expat friend Lora!
When we talk about hormones in every day life, we are usually talking about our menstrual cycles and periods and PMS. However, there is much more to it than just the so called “women’s problems”.
While hormones do control the reproductive system and therefore your periods and your PMS, they also controls the internal balance of the body’s systems; our body’s response to stress and injury and even our body’s energy levels.
There are no less than ten glands or organs that control our hormone production, and balance each hormone relative to the other hormones in our body so that our bodies can function properly.
Below I have looked at the five most problematic organs that can be supported by essential oils.
So the support you give your endocrine system in terms of a healthy diet; adequate exercise and adequate sleep is really important because it directly affects how you feel, and how your body functions on a day-to-day basis. When any one of these glands or organs becomes sluggish or over excited, they can change the level of one or several hormones, which can throw off the delicate balance of the entire body.
In addition to the support you give your body via your lifestyle choices, there are some essential oils that can also provide some support to the various glands or organs of the endocrine system. I’ve listed some of these essential oils below.
The Thyroid – Frankincense and Lemongrass:
The thyroid gland controls your body’s metabolic rate and digestive system as well as the function of the heart and brain development. It does this by producing two hormones: thyroxine and triiodothyronine.
The Pancreas – Cinnamon, Rosemary and Basil:
The Pancreas is a gland that controls the production of digestive enzymes, which break down and digest food after you eat. It also produces hormones that control the glucose levels in the blood, such as insulin and glucagon.
Maintaining steady glucose levels in the blood is important as it ensures that the body has a steady supply of energy. This energy is used for the body’s metabolism, when we exercise and to fuel the parts of the brain that use glucose.
Cinnamon supplements, when taken for a period of three months, has been found to significantly improve blood glucose control in Chinese patients with type 2 Diabetes taking Gliclazide (a prescribed diabetic medication) Source.
Basil leaf extract was shown to help maintain an already healthy blood glucose in diabetes patients, suggesting that Basil could be used as dietary therapy to help strengthen the immune system (source).
Pituitary Gland – Frankincense, Sandalwood and Vetiver:
The pituitary gland is the “master gland” of the hormone system. It senses the body’s needs and sends signals to other glands and organs throughout the body to regulate their function. For example it secretes hormones that regulates the function of the thyroid, the adrenals and the ovaries or testes.
The pituitary gland controls metabolism, reproduction, growth and blood pressure, along with many other functions.
Giving your pituitary gland the right support is extremely important as it controls the function of so many other glands and organs in the body.
Adrenal Glands – Basil and Rosemary:
The adrenal glands control the level of salt and water levels in the blood, which in turn controls blood pressure along with producing male sex hormones such as testosterone. They also produce cortisol and adrenaline which deal with stress responses in the body and helps control the body’s metabolism.
Ovaries – Rosemary and Geranium:
The ovaries are part of a woman’s reproductive system and they produce eggs for fertilization alongside the reproductive hormones oestrogen and progesterone.
Both oestrogen and progesterone levels need to be balanced for optimal reproductive health. An imbalance of these hormones can lead to a decrease in fertility and alterations to a woman’s menstrual cycle.
How to Apply & Diluting for Topical Use:
I would dilute the essential oils according to the recommend guidelines in the chart below and apply them over the organ or gland you want to support and on the reflex points in the feet. With the “hotter” oils, like cinnamon, rosemary, basil, and lemongrass, you will want to use a higher dilution.
You dilute essential oils with a carrier oil such as: fractionated coconut oil, almond oil, or jojoba oil.
Where to Buy High Quality Essential Oils at a Discount:
I recommend that when using essential oils to support your hormones, that you use the highest and most therapeutic quality you can find. CLICK HERE to see my brand of choice and how you can purchase them at a discount.
Hopefully this blog post gives you some ideas on ways to support the endocrine system, but if you have any symptoms of an endocrine disorder, please consult a doctor. These recommendations are, simply, to support your overall wellness.

Thank you Lora for your information and inspiration as well. I have always wondered about Essential Oils and haven’t really been into Holistic type of therapy yet grew up on a farm and we took care of ourselves. But thanks for taking the time to share with us so we can all be aware of things going on. I have friends from Spain and England as well as PR and the UK, so thank you for sharing! I look forward to finding out more in the near future as I pray for guidance to get this 100 lbs off of me to become a New person that God wants me to be! God bless you my friend! Much <3