I’ve had so many people write me and ask me how to even begin blogging. This month I celebrate my 2 year blogiversary! I can’t believe that 2 years ago I wrote my first blog post. I cringe looking back at those early posts. I had no direction and my posts sound like one big run-on sentence.
I feel like I have learned a lot over the years and my love for blogging has turned from hobby to income. The last 2 years of blogging has been a roller coaster. There have been times where I wanted to quit, where I would beg or readers, and times when typing words on a screen was the best thing for letting go of stress and emotion.
So, to save some of you HOURS of research and HOURS of trial and error, let me put my thoughts and advice in one spot. Right here.
How Did The Paleo Mama Begin?
Every blog has a story. A beginning. An inspiration. My story began more than 2 years ago. I was a avid Weston A. Price (WAP) follower and ate very well whole foods, lots of animal fats, whole grains, and even ground my own grain. I had sourdough starter, kefir, kombucha, and water kefir. I knew about eating good. But….I ate good, healthy WAP yet carried around more weight then I liked. I was 70lbs heavier than what I am now. My blog began about 2 months after I began eating Paleo. My younger sister passed away and I was an overweight, depressed mess. My journey into blogging began when someone baked me a Paleo “sympathy” meal and since that day I have been Paleo. I started my blog about 6 months after I started eating Paleo. I had no idea what I was going to blog about. I just wrote random things and didn’t really worry about making any money.
This changed quickly. I wouldn’t call it greed, but you get to a point where you want to make money. I mean, if you are spending a few hours a day on the computer blogging, then you sure as hell better be making money. People were reading my stuff. Using my recipes. The idea of blogging for hobby turned into blogging for income about a year after I started my blog.
I never thought I could make a living off blogging, but now I know that if I needed to support my family, my income would be able to provide 100% of our needs. The money didn’t come easy. I used that first year of blogging to really build up my traffic and my readers. That first year I never advertised or threw marketing ads at anyone. I never promoted products or tried to sell e-books, summits, or anything else. I just wrote and I did it for free.
But as social media grew and became such an avenue for traffic, so did my demand to be on the computer. This is when I made the decision to use my blog as an avenue for income. It combined something that I loved to do with something that would meet the needs of my family. And you know what they say, “when you love what you do, you never work a day in your life. ”
10 Tips to Successful Blogging:
1) WordPress.org – when I first started my blog I used wordpress.com. I didn’t know there was a difference between .com and .org but there actually is a BIG difference. With wordpress.com you CANNOT put any ads up. NONE. About a year into my blogging I wanted to start putting ads up. When I found out I couldn’t I decided to migrate my blog over to wordpress.org. So, for anyone starting out on blogging just go ahead and avoid the ABSOLUTE frustration of migrating a website over. It is really intricate and frustrating…especially if you do it on your own, like I did. My husband stayed away from me for about 3 days when I was going through the migration. At one point I thought I had lost over 100 blog articles.
TIP#1: Start with WordPress.org
2) Hosting – you need to pick a host. I started out using Go Daddy and it was *okay*. Not the best but for $80 for the year it worked. I currently use WP Engine on The Paleo Mama. It is expensive but it is THE BEST. I have around 500,000 page views a month, so I need a host that is reliable and can handle the traffic and possible peaks of traffic that can happen in hours. I, also, have used BlueHost and really do like them too. If you are serious about blogging, get a good host. WP Engine is incredible but, like I said before, they are pricey. I probably wouldn’t recommend going with them until you have around 100,000 page views a month.
TIP #2 Pick a good host.
3) Keep it Simple Stupid (KISS) – my dad taught me to always follow the KISS method. When I named my blog, I was in the hype of eating Paleo. Now that Paleo has become a lifestyle and it doesn’t define me, I have some regret about naming my blog, “The Paleo Mama”. I feel like it really limits me. I know it is what has drawn a lot of people to my blog, but I, no longer, feel like Paleo is what I am 100% about. I want my blog to have a feeling of more than that. I want my blog to be, maybe, 10% Paleo, 10% homesteading, 10% recipes, 20% essential oils…and so on. So, pick a name that is broad but unique, if you know what I mean?
TIP #3 Pick a broad blog name
4) Affiliates – about 30-40% of my monthly income comes from affiliates. I love supporting my fellow bloggers and when they have an book, a program, or a product that I love, I sign up to be an affiliate with them. Most of my affiliates I find through the blogs or articles that I read that seem to really be on brand for my audience. Many websites offer affiliate programs, and all you have to do is sign up. I link to these affiliates in blog posts or I put them on my right sidebar on my homepage. A few of my favorite affiliates right now are Squeaky Clean Paleo, Toxic Free, Kickin the Weight with Keto, Natural Homestead, and these Paleo Meal Plans. PS. I have over 10 affiliate links in this blog post!.
TIP #4 Find On-Brand Affiliates
5) Amazon Associates – Amazon Associates has been a great avenue for income. Anyone can sign up and all you do is link to the product in the Amazon store. This is great for people who are writing recipes and articles with products in it. I try to not post an article or recipe without a few Amazon links in there. It’s a really simple affiliate program and one you don’t want to be without!
TIP #5 Sign up for Amazon Associates
6) Google Adsense & Media.net – Google Adsense is an advertising program that is a great source of passive income. It’s nice to make money without ever having to promote anything. Google Adsense gives you advertisements to place on your blog. There’s lots of ways to strategize about how to maximize your income from Adsense. I can’t really talk much about media.net because I was just approved for it and running a trial on it right now. But, there are several ways to make money with advertising and it’s a great income for doing practically nothing.
TIP #6 Sign up for Google Adsense
7) Take Good Pictures – I cannot emphasize enough how important this is. My early pictures are SCARY. I used my phone to take them. When I got serious with blogging, I bought a used Cannon Rebel with a good lens and it has made a drastic difference. The big chunk of money to buy a camera is sometimes just NOT there. Don’t fret…I, absolutely, love Deposit Photos and recommend signing up for their monthly subscription. You get 5 downloads a day and there is thousands of photos to choose from (click here to check out depositphotos.com).
TIP #7 Take Good Pictures
8) Edit Those Pictures – I use picmonkey.com and Keynotes app on my Mac to edit my pictures. I like to make a horizontal picture (good Facebook sized picture is 800×419) and a vertical picture (good Pinterest size pic is 419×800) for each posts. The vertical pictures are mostly to stand out on Pinterest and the horizontal picture is for Facebook shares. I have stopped taking step-by -step pictures during recipes because it is just too much. I do it sometimes, but mostly I just use ONE good picture.
TIP #8 Make pictures stand out
9) Have a newsletter signup on your blog – I never understood the importance of this till about a year into blogging. You want to be able to give people this option if they LOVE your blog. Click here to check out my newsletter sign-up form. My newsletter sign-ups are my most devoted readers. They have signed up for my RSS feed and get my new posts delivered in their email inbox. I send out personal emails to all my readers once a week and, also, share specials and giveaways with them. I love MailChimp for this! It’s free until you start getting thousands of sign-ups. You can have a signup on your right sidebar or use a pop-up like Pippidy to grab emails.
TIP#9 Set up an RSS feed and/or Newsletter Signup
10) Get on the Social Media Train – you have to get good at social media. You just have to. Pinterest is my leading traffic source with Facebook following close behind. Make a Facebook page that runs along with your blog and share articles and posts. Encourage your readers to engage more and more on Facebook. Don’t forget Google+! Google+ is a huge asset to bring in traffic and it’s also great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Make a Pinterest, Facebook, and Google+ plus account. The thought of managing all these might stress you out. I got tips for you on that: Hootsuite sends out all my posts to all 3 of my social media outlets in ONE post. Saves me tons of time! Viral Tag pins images to my Pinterest page throughout the day. I just have to schedule my pins in the morning and that’s it.
TIP#10 Utilize Social Media
Other Tools I Love:
Google Analytics – Google analytics is something to use to really take a look at where your traffic is coming from, what articles they are looking at, and key words they used to find your blog. It’s nice to watch to see how your traffic is growing and it’s, also, fun to look at the “real time” analytics! If you have a blog, you want to sign up for this free google service.
My favorite plugins – Plugins are programs you can download to your WordPress Dashboard. They are tools you can use to make your blog flow better or to customize your blog. A few of my favorite plugins are: Quick Adsense, Before and After Content, Pin it Pro, Shareholic, WordPress SEO by Yoast, Print Friendly, Pretty Link, Pippidy and Custom Content.
Design and Themes – for 2 years I used a free WordPress Theme on my website. It worked great until I really wanted to have my website stand out and give it a little personality. I wanted my personality to shine through it. Michelle Guzman Design made a custom web design for my blog! She is awesome to work with and made my website really stand out. Check out my new design (click here).
doTERRA Essential Oils – I am an Independent Product Consultant for doTERRA Essential Oils. I have a wonderful team that I have built and am growing with. I make a little extra income with doTERRA. My goal in signing up to sell doTERRA wasn’t to market. My goal was to be able to make great recipes for blog posts and link to a reputable essential oil. My love for oils grew so much that I decided to start building a team.
Networking with other bloggers – I have so many wonderful blogging friends that I have met over the years. I love supporting them, selling their e-books, meal plans, Amazon or Kindle books, etc. When the time comes around, they do the same for me. It’s a “scratch your back” mentality but, also, I have made some amazing friends.
Alright, where’s the cheese?
In all these things listed above you can make some money. How much can you make? Well, that depends on you. I started out getting excited about $50 checks from affiliates and it being a good little job on the side for spending money. Now, I can support my family if my husband was to ever lose his job. Blogging is NOT easy and it’s not a fast road to success. It took me 2 years to get to this point. However, I am so glad that I am doing something that I absolutely love, I’m making an income from it, I’m sharing my love for Paleo foods and natural living, and I work from home.
Working from home is the highlight for me. I’m so blessed to be able to stay home with my kids and make my own hours. It’s hard to find time to do everything…between milking the goat, making healthy Paleo meals, blogging, and maintaining a home, my life is a little chaotic. However, I’ve built discipline to make hours when the kids are in bed or napping.
Alright, there it is…so do you still wanna start a blog after reading this?! I say go for it!
Leave me a comment with your blog below so I can follow you!
Hey Paleo Mama,
Thank you for posting this article! I started my Paleo lifestyle 4 months ago. 20 lbs later and a much happier me, I am considering a blog. However, just like you, Paleo doesn’t define me completely. I have my own small promotional marketing business, 4 kids with one special needs daughter, and a passion for great marketing and my dog. So, with all that, deciding what direction to take a blog can be daunting. I am quite fond of your site and appreciate the real life aspect. Thanks again for your article…it gives me more food for thought. -Christine
Hi Christine! Just take time to think of a name that defines ALL of you. I chose my name in 5 minutes! I never expected anyone more than my mom to read it!
Awesome tips!!! Girl you made my day today…and I’m sending you prayers and blessings for continued abundance that honors your higher self and family! Much joy and love, Denise
thank you so much for sharing this information! i’m putting together a lifestyle blog for mothering, homeopathy and nutrition because people often ask me to share what i’ve learned on my crazy journey! i want it to have an impact and be able to make it a source of income too, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. this article is invaluable.
i came upon your blog a few weeks ago when i read your post on an alternate vaccination schedule and have shared with people who are planning to vaccinate. it’s a great article, as well.
thanks again!
Awesome Heidi! I can’t wait to see your website! Come back and share it with me when you have it live! Good luck! – Jackie
I just started mine and really needed this! I can easily change my host or whatever I need to, this one is free. Thanks for the great advice! I also just started homeschooling my 12yr old daughter. I am a rep for Secrets of Eden Essential Oils. I have used EO’s for about 12yrs now and love teaching people how great they are for good health and actually an alternative to prescript/over the counter drugs. But if you are a DoTerra user/rep you know that!! 🙂
Thanks again!!
That’s awesome Vanessa! Thank you for sharing and for reading!
my blog is http://www.livehealthybyvanessa.weebly.com
Great Vanessa! Checking your site out now!! Thanks for reading!
Awesome tips! Thanks for taking the time to share the tools, but also what did and didn’t work for you. Sometimes it is difficult to choose an avenue from just a list of possibilities. I will have to remember to come back as I grow (or hopefully grow).
THANK YOU for this post! It could not have been more timely for me as I am just now starting to put together a blog. I’m so overwhelmed and am feeling kind of stuck. I always wonder how the great bloggers got started. so THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this!!
Getting started is the hardest part! You can do it…just take it in strides and it will eventually get done!
Great info! Thanks for sharing! Check out http://www.ToxicFreeOrganicKids.com for more toxic free products and more ways to make an extra income! 🙂
Wonderful website!!!
I started a lifestyle blog at the beginning of the year, and I absolutely love it. This article was SO helpful and had some amazing tips. I would really appreciate it if you could check out my blog (allobeautiful.com) and pinterest (www.pinterest.com/allobeautiful) and give me some advice! 🙂 thanks so much for sharing this. Feel free to email me.
Great alloBeautiful! I’m checking it out now!!
Thank you! This article answered so many questions! I am not quite prepared to jump on the blogging bandwagon but I am headed that direction.
Thank you Darcy!
Holy Moly this was SO helpful!!!! And now I have the scary task of switching over to .org, I never knew, thank you!!!!
HAHA Ruca! If I could do it again I would hire someone to switch it over. It was a very daunting task. Good luck to you as you migrate it!
Ok, so my friend that works at Go Daddy claims it doesn’t have to be .org however, I think she is wrong! Man, blogs are WORK, everyday work, no joke. My website is http://www.hautebutterfly.com if you don’t mind taking a look see, and giving feed back, thanks!
Love your site and loved this article!
I’m not looking to start a blog as a living right now however I just had to write to tell you how impressed I was w all the info you shared for someone who might be looking to do this for a living.
Your writing is very honest yet professional and easy to read, Best of luck with the site ,
I look forward to all your interesting articles.
Be Well,
Dianna Ivanov
WOW. i learned alot, not to put some of it to work for me. I have never done a blogg, but have wanted too, never knew where to start to get it seen. I want a private lesson, or to hire you to get me started… LOL Ok I know that might not be possible. But wanted to let you know how much you article just meant to me. I do Facebook thats about it and am a new subscriber to your newsletter. Thank you.
Thank you Donna!
This is a great article. I love your blog, always lots of useful info, I must sign up for your email so I don’t miss anything!
I’m just about to take the leap of faith and put my blog site live but I’ve learnt a few new things here so thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear you are finding success doing something you love 🙂
Vanessa x
Thank you Vanessa! Let me know when you site is live! I’d love to follow you!
Hi Jackie
My site is now live, I’d love you to take a look and follow me… I still have lots to learn but I’m really enjoying the journey
Thanks again for the tips. 🙂
Vanessa x
Great job Vanessa!!!
I agree!! Those are some great tips–wordpress.org is one that a lot of people don’t realize–but it can really screw you over! I very much enjoy your recipes and reading your posts–thank you for sharing them =)
Thank you Rachel!
This is the post I needed to read toay. I started my blog a few months ago, and did a lot of research before hand (which I’m sure you know can be overwhelming). I decided that for now, I was going to get a feel for what I would like to write about, and start out slow. My goal is to some day also make a decent income so I can work at home, and not have any future children in daycare. I understand there is a lot of hard work involved, so I’m not expecting an overnight sucess, but my hope is that in a couple years it won’t be a question of whether or not I blog for a living, but why I was afraid to in the first place. Thank you for the inspiration!
Here is my website; jennsjourneythroughlife.com. Like I said, I’m a newbie, but if you ever get a chance to take a look, I would love any feedback!
Thank you Jenn! Checking out your website now!
Wow what a great article! I have a really new blog (on blogger) and this is some great advice! I can’t wait to start incorporating it into my blog. Is it possible to migrate from blogger to wordpress.org?
I believe it is possible Lindsay. Not positive though!
Haha! Yea I love HootSuite so far, now I just have to figure out how to work it!
Hello and THANK YOU for this post!!!! I’ll admit I haven’t read It all through yet but I’m printing it out to take with me to my little ‘writer’s retreat’ I’m giving myself over the next three days to catch up on all kinds of writing stuff including organizing my blog! So this post is PERFECT timing!
My blog is OrthodoxMom3.wordpress.com and I know what you mean about names…. I thought about changing it but….. as it is, I write about all kinds of things… food & natural health (how we cured ourselves of bipolar illness and how we eat – now experimenting with Paleo), homeschooling, books, writing and of course my faith (Orthodox Christianity)….and all sorts of random things. Sometimes I think I write too much…
And I thought you can advertise on WordPress.com but just had to go about it a certain way…. I’m pretty sure you just have to have a statement that says you are making money off of it. I’m really pretty certain I read that not long ago in an article comparing the two….. wish I could recall the source but I think it was a blog post on WordPress.
Great Carol! Thank you so much for your comment!!! Will check out your blog!!!
Awesome! Thank you so much for putting it out there for us! I love how it’s all there, including your favorite tools. This is a great resource!
You’re welcome Laura!
I just read through this and wow….what great information. I was a little confused over the wordpress thing because I thought I read somewhere that you CAN put advertising on there as long as you indicate you are getting monetary prizes for doing so…. not sure where I read that. So it was hard to switch over? I’ve been blogging for over a year but have just gotten really serious over the last 4 months or so. It would be nice to eventually make some money. I’m constantly putting links to things.
My Blog is OrthodoxMom3.wordpress.com Please come see me 🙂 I write about all sorts of things (I know what you mean about the name thing) Food (we cured bipolar illness by eating a whole foods , no additive diet), natural health, homeschooling, books, writing, and of course, Orthodox Christianity.
I am really enjoying this and your post really gives me a lot to ponder. How does one find affiliates by the way? Do they advertise for them or do you have to contact them?
I’m almost 100% positive that you can’t. Maybe certain ads, but the majority of them you can’t. You might be able to link to them in your blog posts (not sure really) but you cannot put any sidebar ads on your homepage.
I just read through this and wow….what great information. I was a little confused over the wordpress thing because I thought I read somewhere that you CAN put advertising on there as long as you indicate you are getting monetary prizes for doing so…. not sure where I read that. So it was hard to switch over? I’ve been blogging for over a year but have just gotten really serious over the last 4 months or so. It would be nice to eventually make some money. I’m constantly putting links to things.
My Blog is OrthodoxMom3.wordpress.com Please come see me 🙂 I write about all sorts of things (I know what you mean about the name thing) Food (we cured bipolar illness by eating a whole foods , no additive diet), natural health, homeschooling, books, writing, and of course, Orthodox Christianity.
I am really enjoying this and your post really gives me a lot to ponder. How does one find affiliates by the way? Do they advertise for them or do you have to contact them?
Your comment is awaiting moderation. (sorry….realized I typed in my email wrong again!)
One more question! I so hope you don’t mind! You have my mind racing…. at what point does one know one is ready for affiliates? I’m figuring I’m not as I still only have 113 followers and my views per day are usually less than 50…. but I also think I should do the switchover now if I’m going to change from wordpress.com…. the sooner the better I imagine…
I love your blog and I loved this post! Thank you for sharing such helpful information in such a kind, transparent way!
I do have one question: do you think there is really more space for *another* blog when they seem to be becoming a dime a dozen? I have had friends tell me (based on reading my somewhat errant Facebook posts) for YEARS now that I should “write a book!”, followed closely by, “or at least a blog!”, and I have been hesitant for a number of reasons. Fear, obviously, but also that in order to be published these days one has to have some kind of experience (read: a blog) and yet, blogs are literally EVERYWHERE! Anyway, I don’t mean this to be insulting, and I hope it’s not been, but really, do you think the blogosphere might be approaching critical mass?
Thanks again for sharing!
Great question Amanda! I’m reading a great book about a guy who threw in blogging and started writing Kindle books. I plan on writing a few this year. I really love blogging so I don’t want to give that up so I plan to do both. However, I will spend more time writing kindle books than writing blog posts. Then once I have my kindle books ready, I will have my blog following and readers built up and can promote my books to them.
I enjoy your blog. Blogging is so interesting to me – I’m not so sure I would be comfortable sharing so much of myself so often. I appreciate those of you who do.
Hey Paleo Mama,
This was a great article and so helpful! I was wondering how you get started with giveaways? I’m sure this is something that creates a good amount of traffic to your site. Do the company’s provide you with the products to be able to give away?
Yes, some companies do sponsor giveaways. They do it to bring recognition to their company and to direct people to their social media outlets. I do self-sponsored giveaways too, as well.
To get started, you can check out a few of my past giveaways. For a self-sponsored giveaway, your goal would be to collect newsletter signups and social media followers. For a sponsored giveaway, the company pays you to do it.
Thank you so much for this. My blog has been up for less than a month, but I hope it will provide income for us as well eventually!
This is wonderful information! Thanks very much for posting, and keep up the great work!
Hi Kelly! Your site looks great! I hope this helps you on your blogging path!!! <3
Thanks for putting this info out there…I really learned a lot! I’ve only been blogging for a few months and I’ve found the most important yet hardest element for me is TIME. I’ve got 2 toddlers and a newborn and almost every minute of my day is spent on them. So, I blog when I can but put my family first. I’ve got tons of ideas swimming around my mind it’s just finding the time. Thanks again for a great post!!
Check out my blog on eating real food, running and raising kids 🙂
Yes time is the hardest part! I have 2 toddlers too and I know the constant battle!
I have 2 toddlers too! It DOES get hard!
Thanks for the great tips. I’m just starting out so have lots to learn.
Thanks for the tips, I’m just starting out, but have figured out most of these already! thanks!
The Toups Address is my FB, Pinterest and WP acct.
Hi Jackie,
Thanks for writing this article. Really enjoyed your wisdom and tips. My husband and I are really wanting to grow our site and to make it profitable. Our biggest hurdle is doing what we know we need to do AND run our farm (and homeschool :)). We know we should blog more and do more videos but working on the confidence.
Wondering how to become an affiliate with other blog sites?
My farm website is https://www.ajoyfulnoisefarm.com. You can watch our Live Goatcam right now as it is kidding time!
You can sign up for e-junkie and find affiliates that way. also commission junction. You can search for a keyword that might be on brand for your site and it will pull up affiliates you can promote.
Thank you so much for this great article!! I love all the info you covered in one easy place. I was curious as to how much time you put into blogging a night or week? Do you have goals of so many blog posts a week? Same with Facebook? Are you constantly on Facebook posting or reposting or managing comments? I’m just trying to get a feeling of what it’s really like. I work full time so I was wondering if its something I could incorporate in my life somehow.
Thanks for the good tips! I love to blog, have been doing so personally for over 7 years! Just recently started up a couple to potentially turn into some money as well. We’re new “real food” converts and started our own ranch/homestead this year! We’ve learned a LOT in a year! Hopefully some of that we can share with others through the blogin’ medium as well. 🙂
I ‘m really hoping you’ll answer these questions…please? I was having trouble getting yesterday’s posts to go through and seemed to have duplicated some things so I” sorry.
But here’s my questions:
…. at what point does one know one is ready for affiliates? I’m figuring I’m not as I still only have 113 followers and my views per day are usually less than 50…. but I also think I should do the switchover now if I’m going to change from wordpress.com…. the sooner the better I imagine?
How does one contact a company to do a giveaway for them? Do you just email them and say what you want to do and hope for a response?
And how does one find affiliates? Do you just contact them yourself and tell them you want to? Do they only respond if you have so many followers?
I’m really thinking about switching over but I am soooo computer illiterate…I’m afraid if something goes wrong and I’m not with wordpress, I won’t know what to do…. any advice on that?
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Carol ( Orthodoxmom3.wordpress.com )
great post with great tips! and thanks for sharing your hosting, we are looking into changing ours as our traffic is growing and we are starting to have issues. And we are trying to be more active on google+
Yea, Google+ is a little gem! You get google google ranking with each post onto your G+ wall. It’s been really good for traffic.
Thank you so much for all of the information! I’ve been blogging for a bit now and am just starting to focus on really trying to build my readership and monetizing. I originally started the blog because I wanted to help my students, clients, and friends (my Healthier You Challenge series), but then I began to enjoy the process of writing and creating content.
My blog is about healthy living. I’m a fitness professional who has struggled in the past with weight and body image issues. I post recipes as well as essays that blend information about fitness, parenting, mental health, relationships, food . . . anything that impacts our general well-being 🙂
I am so impressed when successful bloggers like you take the time to share your knowledge and experience. Thank you for your generosity!
My blog is: http://www.hbwbrooke.blogspot.com
My facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/hbwbrooke
twitter: @hbwbrooke
Thank you so much Brooke! I’ll be following along with you now! Checking out your site now!
You’re the best! I’d love any feedback, positive or negative 🙂
What a fantastic resource! As a new blogger (almost a year), I’m right at that point you write about where you are ready to make some money for all your efforts! Thank you for sharing so many things that work for you. I can’t wait to dig in to this list further!
Very timely! I am starting a blog this month and have been wondering how I am going to make money at it. I’ve used a few of these tools in my past corporate life but the focus was not to make money – that was driven via sales. I’m excited! Thank you!
No problem Leah!
Hi Jackie,
I’ve came across your blog while browsing http://www.thankyourbody.com. I’ve just recently started a blog myself and have to proudly announce that I’ve got all fancy and made the switch from wordpress.com to wordpress.org after reading your experience described in this post.
I have a question regarding signing up for Amazon Associates and/or Google Adsense. When do you think it’s a good time to apply? I assume there could be penalties in case no traffic has been made?
Thank you,
Freya http://www.nooceanview.com
I would say apply now! Then you have it and you can start making a little passive income. No need to wait!
What a great post! You are a true inspiration for me. I started my blog a few months ago, and even though it’s about Paleo as well, it’s about so much more than that. I decided to go for VitaLivesFree because it sums up everything that my life and the blog are about. Living free from health issues, acne, excess weight, ego, emotional baggage, etc. I guess it gives me enough room to write about a lot of different topics, as long as they deal with a primal lifestyle.
Oh, and did I say that I love your blog? 🙂 A lot!
Hi, I certainly enjoyed reading your post. It is very informative and inspiring. I have been blogging since August last year. I wrote a Jamaican cookbook and thought it would be a good idea to start blogging. I also include articles about Jamaican culture and intertwine it with the American culture as well. I would certainly like to make income from the blogging and hopefully start achieving this goal after following your tips.
AWESOME post. Thank you SO much. I “started” an account on wordpress.com…..but never went through with it and actually made the blog live. I’m so busy right now…but my busyness will end in the next 6 months and I will be LOOKING for things to do. I want to blog. I love to write and I’m constantly making notes of what I could write about. I’ve pinned this post and looking forward to actually making use of it. Thank you!
This is perfect!! Thank you! I’ve been looking for good info like this for a while and yours us simple to understand for newbies and perfect!
Chasin’ Mason @ birenbunoutoftheoven.blogspot.com
Great post! I’m a sahm and have been meaning to start up a blog for some time now! Between two little ones and not being sure how to approach it I haven’t gotten very far but now you’ve posted this sort of guide, I’m going to sit down tonight and get to it. Thanks!
Thanks for all the great information…I will be using every thing you have spoken in the future…Great job
Hi, I wish I had this article when my sister in law talked me into starting a web page 9 months ago. I am a full time cosmetologist that loves eating healthy, gardening, animals, taking pictures, golf, many things. I own my own business and do everything for it. I have spent a zillion hours on my website and not happy with my header. I need help on that. I have looked into a lot of the suggestions you have given and need to take care of more of the steps. Like everyone else here says, time is such a factor. My husband comments on my always being on the computer. 🙂 My website is: http://www.foreverbeautifulbymarguerite.com I know it is long, but that is the name of my business. Any comments, negative or positive would be greatly appreciated. May I do a short blurb about blogging and link to your page? If so may I use your picture or is that completely wrong? Thank you again.
Looks great Marguerite! I design my own pics using pic monkey. I would prefer that they are not reproduced anywhere else but you can absolutely link to my article!
Thanks for this post. It is great to get some advice from someone who has already done this. I got interested in the food world when my health plummeted. I was depressed, extremely exhausted, had a lot of joint and muscle pain, and many other symptoms. The wonderful woman who is now my mother-in-law helped me go gluten and diary free. That along with the eventual diagnoses of a thyroid problem saved me. The more I learn about how important what we eat is to our health the more I want to share it with people, so a year ago I started my blog. Now I have a 3 month old and could really use the extra income so I don’t have to go find work. I named my site hopehealthcoach.com because I want to help those who are close to giving up on their health like I almost did. The plan is after we pay off the car I’ll start an online course to be a health coach.
Great Chrissy!!!
Wow so helpful and motivating! Thank you for all of your awesome posts!
I’m a few days late, but want to say a big THANK YOU for this post! So very informative. I have a blog in the very baby stages still: themamafiles.com. 🙂
Great post! Thanks for sharing, I had just started my blog (The Realistic Mama) so the timing was perfect.
Still need to install Google Analytics, do you install it as a plug in? And there are several options: Google Analytics, Google Analytics for WordPress, Google Analytics Dashboard, or Google Analytics Dashboard for WP, which would you suggest?
Also do you have any thoughts or how to’s on disclaimers and disclosures?
Alida at https://therealisticmama.com
Natural Parenting, Real Food,
Google Analytics for WordPress is what I use.
Thank you for sharing this great info. I haven’t decided on my direction yet, but sure would like to be a social influencer!
This is great advice! I’ve wondered what I was doing or not doing to get more successful with my blogging. Thanks for your input! http://www.thestyledlifeblog.blogspot.com
Thank you for this post. I just started my blog last week, so this was an excellent read for me. My blog is just about life. My husband and I recently sold half of our belongings, gave up our lifestyle, (he was in upper management at a bank) and moved away from our family and friends so he could go to seminary. While my blog was started to keep people back home up-to-date on our lives, I have hopes I can reach a few “unknown” people with our story, too. I plan to blog about our life, faith, budgeting, health and fitness and home schooling. (I home school our 12 year old son.) I just started a month long trial of no wheat and dairy so I am blogging about that as well. Hope you can stop by and give me some pointers!! Thank you again!
Wow i love this article. You are so selfless to share this to starting bloggers.
Thanks for the input. Very easy read and credible.
I really enjoyed reading your post. I have recently decided to start a blog and have absolutely no idea where to start! I have a name but haven’t registered it yet and wanted to confirm if that’s the first step. If so, how do I know who to register it with? I’d appreciate any advice you can offer. Thank you kindly in advance and I will be sure to keep you posted on my progress. =o)
Thank you so much for generously sharing your experience and knowledge! Wow! You have a great blog, and I’ve enjoyed following you on Facebook.
Thank you for sharing this. It inspired me to finally start my own blog! Do you have any advice on how to reach out to other bloggers? Do you contact them through their website or message them on FB? I would love to share your knowledge with my followers. My site is about eating, living, and loving paleo. 🙂 Foodineerandlivingpaleo.org
Wow, congrats on 2 years! I’m excited to jump in to my own blogging project, your post has been quite helpful!
Hi jackie! I love your blog! I am now trying to create a more natural way of life for my family and I and am inspired by your posts 🙂 i have a question. I want to start a blog but find most of my info through other peoples blogs for ex: oil cleansing method or your healing salve. If I want to post a recipe such as your healing salve on my blog am I able to do so?? Would I just link to the other blogs recipes? I don’t want to copy or have a legal issue… thanks so much!!!
You cannot reprint any recipe or ingredients on your own blog that was from someone else’s. You can certaintly talk about it and link to it!
Hi Jackie!
I just wanted to thank you…this article has completely inspired me to start back up my own blog, foryourindijoyment.wordpress.com. It’s pretty dusty, haven’t posted since I was in college (graduated last year), but I just happened to fall upon this article on Pinterest and now I want to bring it back! Writing has always been a passion of mine, as well as indie music and other indie activities! I hope to share my music finds and ideas with the world once again, but I just wanted to absolutely THANK YOU for this inspiration.
Just one question…my wordpress account is a .com site, so do you think I should keep it for now until I get more followers or go ahead and move it to a .org site? So grateful for your tips and inspiration!!!
I would migrate as soon as possible. The more you blog the harder it gets to migrate over. That is just my personal opinion though. I waited too long and the process was so frustrating.
Very helpful for new blogger like me. I wish there was more community among bloggers (facebook groups, Google+ groups etc). Thank you for sharing.
Thank you so much for being willing to share your hard-earned-blogging-widsom with us! I have been blogging here and there for a couple of years but only recently decided that I wanted to start building up traffic and earning money. It’s hard!! Thanks for the information and for being a reminder that it is possible!
You’re welcome Erica!
Thanks for the tips! I pretty new to blogging and can use all the help I can get.
Thanks a million…this has been so so so helpful…i intend on starting my blog sooon … when i do i shall surely leave my url here…
ur doing a great job… Be blessed…
much love ,
Jas, (india)
Hi Jackie!
Thank you for this article! I have used many of your tips and need to implement more. At the moment I am trying to figure out how to back up my site. How do you do this?! Thank you for your help!
I’d love it if you checked out my site as well: http://www.howdothejonesdoit.com
Wow! Thanks so much for the information. I have tried two blogs, one for staying fit through midlife/menopause and one for my classroom (I am, obviously, a teacher). It was so hard maintaining two blogs. They were free blogs through blogspot and I didn’t have a lot of traffic but it felt good to get my thoughts out and I enjoyed sharing what I was learning with others who might benefit. I have since deleted both blogs and want to come up with something broader, as you suggest. Boy, do I have a lot to think about as I come up with a blog title. I want to talk about the grief process (recently lost my father), trying to lose weight, motivation to exercise, and midlife issues like menopause. Hmmmm…… BUT, thank you so much for your tips! I am going to work very hard on find a broad title and use your other suggestions!
Thanks again!
oops! I just left a comment but now I have a question for you. When thinking of a broader blog title, is it important that it have “key” words to be picked up in searches or do you place those “key” words in in other ways? THANKS!!!!!
Thank you for the info…although we do not follow a completely paleo diet–can one be semi-paleo? I do like your blog. I have had friends tell me I need to start a blog or write a book and I think Blogging is definitely more up my alley…This is very helpful!
Hi Paleo Mama! This was so helpful for me. I’ve had my blog for over a year but am just now getting really serious about it. I wish I had known about the differences in WordPress .com vs .org when I started using it. Now I’m in the process of switching over. You don’t know how much you don’t know sometimes! I feel like I have a long way to go but am so excited to start on this blogging journey. Thanks for this post, I’ve been a fan of yours for months. Thanks! Holly @ http://www.theinstinctivefamily.com
Hey! I just started a new blog, reading up on your tips of how to make some money on a blog. Confused a little. Can you help at all more? Promoting? Ill do anything? Need to figure out way to make more money for family! lol I love your recipes too. Been doing them for 2 weeks so far. I blogged your website on my site too.
Thank you for all of this great information!! I started my blog about our full-time RVing life 9 months ago and have started to feel a bit overwhelmed. We could really use the extra income, but like you, I had started my blog for fun. I’m having a hard time figuring out how to turn it into an income earner, but your post will hopefully help! I’d love for you to visit my site and give any advice/pointers you have! Thanks!!!
Thank you for the great info! I am new to blogging and this seems like it will really help me!
I went through about 4 post-its writing down all these great tips! I am new to blogging, and there are definitely a lot of things I didn’t think of that you discussed (newsletters and Amazon specifically).
My blog is:
Hello Paleo Mama,
This is the second blog post that I have read from you and although I do not follow a paleo diet, you have contributed to the inspiration behind me starting a new blog. I love how you promote a better way of living and I intend to do the same. Your above suggestions are wonderful and I look forward to applying them to my blog and I hope my blog can do for others what your blog has done for me! 🙂
I’m just starting out, using Bluehost, haven’t even fully set up yet, but did you buy the protections that are offered with it?
hello! I’m from Guatemala and I’m about to start a blog (hopefully I’ll get it done in August) and I was trying to get some tips around pinterest and I found you thanks so much for the advices…
great article.. have been thinking about it but it is so overwhelming on where to start. I do have one question, how many articles(blogs) should you have written when you go live?
Thank you for posting this! I’m thinking bout starting a blog & this helps me out a lot& motivAtes me. Thank you 🙂
I have been doing some research on starting a blog and found your input very helpful. I do however have a few questions. I currently have a business website (startup) and have not had alot of success yet. I was thinking a blog would help drive traffic and let people know the person behind the product. The question is If I start the blog do I really need the website too? Can the blog help with sales on the site? or should it be the sole driving force behind the product. I also have a FB page Basket Kakes? Not sure what direction to go, Help!
Thank you for your inspiration, and especially for being so genuine and responding to comments.
I have honestly always blogged before blogging became a big deal. It has always been a private blog; but for the past 2 years I kept feeling the need and inspiration to blog publicly. So what is stopping me? This great overwhelming feeling of, “What if I don’t do this right? Like the registering, naming, social media, etc.” (I look into the future too much & over think things).
With that said, can you help me answer one main concern:
For social media (more specifically Instagram and Facebook), do you make a separate account for your blog? My biggest stumbling block is Facebook. To make a page, do you use your own personal account you had pre-blogging or do you make an account with blog name and then a page?
Hope to hear from you.
You can use your personal FB page to create a business page!
This article has been tremendously helpful. It’s amazing what a person can achieve in 2 years (and I don’t think I can get that far in that amount of time).
We started The Sustainablitist blog in the hope of disseminating a bunch of biohacks and other paleo-inspired lifestyle habits. We expect the content creation to be the most difficult part — As it requires extensive amount of research and references.
Hey! I’ve followed many of your recipes but JUST came across your article about blogging. I have been blogging on and off for a few years and have a few different sites going. I’ve decided to streamline my blogs into one called Moms of Anarchy. I’ve got the free WordPress site so far but will be going for the .org site soon.
Thanks for posting this! It has been a HUGE help!
Thank you for all the great tips. I am a newbie blogger. Like many, I did a lot of (overwhelming) research before starting and no longer remember everything (if anything) I researched and sometimes find myself more confused than ever. Your post here put it back into perspective and reminded me where I both want to be and need to be, not just loving it but making an income with it (hopefully someday). So again, thank you so much.
~Alexa @ http://www.ohmeohmom.com
Hi Jackie. I am always inspired when I read your posts, whether here, on your FB page or in your FB essential oils group and also in the bloggers group. I am almost 6 months into my writing career with my blog Refocus On Being (www.refocusonbeing.com), and am enjoying it very much. It’s the only thing I’ve ever done that feels “right” and I am sure you understand. I am not rushing into anything, am enjoying the ride and the learning experience and have already been chosen as a contributing writer for a MUCH larger and more popular blog than mine…so proof that following your heart does payoff. Thanks for the truthfulness and tips in this article, I am sure I will use some, if not all, of them in my journey.
Love and light to you, your family and your journey
We absolutely love your blog and find nearly all of your post’s to be exactly
I’m looking for. can you offer guest writers to write content for yourself?
I wouldn’t mind writing a post or elaborating on some of the subjects you write regarding here.
Again, awesome blog!
Hey there Paleo Mama!
I actually love your name because it sounds super sassy!
I’m a UK based Paleo enthusiast, I’ve been Paleo for at least 5 years and I’m also a mum to 3 little terrors. (Currently up all night every night with a teething 1 year old)
Right on to the blog stuff. Traffic…. Traffic, traffic uhhhh tragic.
I woke up this morning in tears because I just can’t get my head around the number of visitors I should get in a month. I’m averaging at around 1000 views but my visitors are all over the place. Now here is the best part, I have only been blogging since 15/09/14. What should my traffic look like?
I love blogging so far, I’ve met some lovely people, I’ve created some fun recipes, but because I am so passionate I am getting increasingly upset that I don’t know how to rapidly expand, or that maybe my recipes are rubbish, or maybe people don’t like me and find me boring. Daft I know. And I want to meet more lovely people.
If anyone is interested in Greens of the Stone Age please check me out I’d love to hear from you 🙂 and any input would be more than welcome.
Thank you Paleo Mama you’re wonderful!
I’ve got to say this is a wonderful article! I eat paleo, and agree that it doesn’t “define” me. I want to be home based, sustainable, and fit. I love yoga and non-concussive training. I also love teaching, gardening and cooking. I want to find a way to incorporate all of this into a home thriving business. I know the readers are out there! Now is the time to get started and I have thought maybe a blog is the best way…? Thank you for this article… very helpful 🙂
Found you through pinterest! Thanks for sharing. Some very helpful tips for a newbie like me!!
I really appreciate your tips and I”m going to try to use them.
What a great article! Thank you! I have had a blog before but just started a new one. I’m using blogger now. I am not sure about the name though. I dont feel it defines me as a whole and I want to have a wide audience. I have a large following on Pinterest of 2.8 million. I am trying to build up my blog using my pinterest account. Thanks!
Thanks so much for posting these tips! I’m trying to put together a food/craft blog and there is just so much information out there to sift through before even trying to start a blog! These are some great starting points to look into though.
Thank you for the “tricks of the trade!” I have been blogging for years and have considered, from time to time, turning it into a career (potentially a money-making blog or even a book). I titled my blog “Living is a Process” and feel it is broad enough to cover all areas of my life, fortunately, while encompassing my general mantra. Glad to see all is working well for you! Thanks again for sharing!
I love your story and blog! I am starting out and feel like I am in the same position as you were when you started..right at that point where I am realizing there needs to be change!
Keep shining lady!
Xoxo Bea
Thanks! very helpful
This is a great post! I’ve been going back and forth about a blog this whole last year and in the last few months decided that it is truly what I want to do. Thank you! You can email me if you want, but my question might not be for you. I went to wordpress.org to get started, got the webhosting and domain name, but I feel like I still don’t have my wordpress.org blog. I feel like wordpress.org is for people who have wordpress.com for information and support and not for starting a blog. I don’t see anywhere that is says to start a blog. Why am I so confused by this? Again, you can email me if you prefer or tell me to figure it out for yourself. 😉 Thanks!
I just quit my job because of the unhealthy stress levels. My health is more important than money. That being said, my husband does not want to be a sole breadwinner, but I’m not overly anxious about jumping back into a 9-5. This is exactly what I needed to know. I nearly cried when I read your about me section. I think honesty is what many people are looking for and it looks like it is working for you. Thanks for the advise!
Thank you so much for this post Jackie. It is extremely informative. I just started my blog this weekend and I will make my first post Monday AM. Posts like yours have made becoming a blogger rather easy.
You’re welcome Sabrina!
Thanks so much for the great information in this post. I think it’s time for me to start looking into switching from wordpress.com to .org. I’m really just getting started with serious blogging even though I’ve had a blog for years. I’ve added more content in the last 6 months than I did in the previous 5 years. I’d love to make some $$ since i’m not working presently; so I will be looking into your suggestions. Thanks again My blog is https://rainydayreflections.wordpress.org — at least until I get it moved.
I’ll be checking out your blog more in the next few days.
Thank you so much for this article. My husband and I live in Madison, NC and are truck drivers. We’re home daily but I need to start something to get out driving. I have been wanting to start aquaponics for a couple of years now. Finally we’ll get that started this spring. My hope is to start blogging about organic vegetables/ fruits/ herbs and raising your own fish as our experience grows. It would be good to get a nice setup with a greenhouse for ourselves , to sell organic to the public and blogging!
Go for it!
Thank you for this post Jackie! I have been blogging for a few months. Im learning so much but your post provided some great insights! Im eagerto search the rest of your site now. keep up the great work!
~ Jaime
This article is very informative and I love your blog in general.
I am thankful for so many bloggers like you who share their expertise for those of us who are trying to get started. I am the loving mother and stepmother of 5 and grandmother of 9, and I care for my 2 youngest granddaughters 3 days a week while parents are working.
I was hoping to make some retirement income with a website and blogging, and so far haven’t been exceedingly successful.
This article has given me hope. Thank you very much for the information.
Thank you so much for sharing all of this awesome information! Yesterday, I posted an ammature picture on facebook, and it went viral (for my family, anyway). It was a picture of wood being brought off a truck, as my inlaws were getting a new privacy fence installed. Almost immediately after, my family bombarded me with the idea of starting a blog. I have a lot to say, and I talk a lot, so I figured I would entertain the idea. So here I am! I’ve spent the last 12 hours looking on google and Pinterest on how to write successful blogs, and I found yours to be very informative! Thank you for that! I cannot wait to join the blogworld!
Thank you for all this great information. Right now I don’t have the funds to do any more with my blog, but I am going to save this post for the future.
My blog is my recovery from depression, anxiety, self injury and other forms of mental illness. Paleo is only part of my recovery. Other things I cover are gratitude, meditation, humor, journaling, creativity, getting the correct medical testing to check for hypothyroidism and other possibilities for the cause of mental illness, vitamins and minerals, etc. I was on antidepressants and anti anxiety meds for 20+ years, and after being diagnosed as hypothyroid and put on thyroid meds, I was able to get off them.
You can also find me at:
Thank you.
Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for providing these details.
This post inspired me to start blogging! I originally stumbled across your blog looking for ways to use essential oils, and fell in love with your writing. You write about so many different things that interest me! Thank you!
Josie Hart
I LOVE this post, Jackie! It’s super helpful for new bloggers such as myself 🙂 My blog is http://www.foodbykatie.com if you want to check it out!
Thank you for your wonderful content!
Katie Swisher
I loved this! I’ve dreamed of starting a blog for so long but it feels so overwhelming.This is such great and simply-put advise I’m so excited. I literally just started and I started with wordpress.com I’m so bummed I wish I had seen this first :/. I should probably try to move it over now before I have a lot of content right? My blog is houseunwritten.com if you would like to check out I would be so thrilled if you had any feedback or input ( or really, even if you just visited I would be so excited) ! Thanks in advance!
This article has been THE BIGGEST HELP in creating my blog. I’ve wanted to do one for years, and finally have begun! Thank you so much for all of your suggestions, it’s been a Godsend! It’s still a lot of work to do w setting up pages and plug-ins, etc., but I’m on my way! Thanks again!
Hi. Thank you for this post, I’m just starting out on my blog and I am so confused and lost. This has been helpful to me. If you have any other advice please email me. I have absolutely no followers yet. Thank you.
Thank you so much for this post. It was really helpful. I have been in the youth development field for 16 years, and wanted to share my experience. The world of blogging is really new to me, and it is learning a new language. I have been reading numerous posts to understand what I should be doing to build my blog and your tips and language were clear and easy to understand. Again, thank you.
Thank you so much for posting this! I started a blog a few months ago (www.raisingprimal.com). The focus is on raising a family with a primal lifestyle. While there is a large focus on food and what I pack in my son’s lunch, the blog is also more than that. I have a lofty goal of this blog being my sole source of income in the next year and I am looking for motivation since it feels like I have a long way to go. You have some great tips in the article that I find helpful.
Thank you, Caro
Thanks for the helpful tips ? funfiercemama.com
Thank you thank you thank you so much for sharing all these tips…
You actually make it seem really easy together with your presentation however I in finding this matter
to be actually something which I feel I would by no means understand.
It kind of feels too complex and extremely broad for me.
I’m looking forward on your next post, I will try to get the grasp of it!
Keep researching and getting a feel for it. You will be able to do it I’m sure.
Hi Jackie! So much great info – thank you! Your blog is amazing, and I know how much work it is to keep up. I started mine a little over a year ago, although I have been inconsistent with my posts since I am a student and also own a small business. However, it is my hopes to create an incredible health + wellness blog and be able to obtain a great income from it! Sometime in the future I am sure. 🙂
My blog is: theplantprescription.wordpress.com
PS- I so wish I had known about the .com and .org difference. Ahh, I have to look into that now!
Hi Emily! Thank you and welcome to blogging! I appreciate you stopping by and saying hi!