After many, many requests to make a kid-friendly, remineralizing toothpaste for kids, I have this kid-tested recipe ready for you all! My DIY Remineralizing Toothpaste has been a hit and I’m so glad that you all love it. However, I agree that it is not kid-friendly. It’s paste-y and chunky when you get it in your month and kids have so many texture issues. So, I’ve created a tooth powder recipe from it and my kids love it. I know yours will too!
This is a great recipe to use if you are doing the Cure Tooth Decay protocol to heal any existing cavities naturally. And, yes, eliminating your cavities is 100% possible. I am proof! I eliminated 6 cavities naturally with proper diet and nutrition. Both my remineralizing recipes contain ZERO xylitol. Xylitol is NOT safe for you if you are trying to remineralize your teeth. It’s really hard to find a xylitol-free, glycerin-free, and fluoride-free toothpaste recipe, so I really hope you enjoy this one!
DIY Remineralizing Tooth Powder for Kids
- 1/4 cup of Bentonite Clay (where to buy) – this comes from pure sources of undisturbed deposits in the ground. What is special about bentonite clay is that it draws toxins out of the body.
- 1 1/2 Teaspoons of Cinnamon (where to buy) – cinnamon is antibacterial, kids love it, and it helps discourage bacterial growth in the mouth.
- 1 1/2 Teaspoons of Stevia herb (where to buy) – this is the dry herb that is green and unprocessed in it’s natural form.
- 1/4 Teaspoon of Real Salt or Himalayan Salt (where to buy) – real salt is unrefined and full of natural minerals.
- 6 Drops of Peppermint Essential Oil (where to buy) – this gives the toothpaste a great flavor and helps to freshen breath
- 4 Drops of OnGuard Essential Oil (where to buy) – this blend is full of immune boosting properties and is known for eliminating germs (or cavities)! CLICK here to learn more about what brand I recommend
- Mix all the ingredients, except the essential oils, in a bowl.
- Add the drops of essential oil directly to the top of the powder mixture.
- Grab a fork and mix the clumps of essential oil into the powder. You may need to use your fingers to mash the clumps together and break them apart.
- Store in a bowl with a lid. ***do not use a metal bowl like the one in the pic. Bentonite clay pulls toxins and metal is a big no-no. I only used this container to make the picture prettier, but don’t do this! ***
- Wet your child’s toothbrush and dip the tip of the toothbrush into the powder. You don’t want too much. A little goes a long way.
- Then brush the powder into your child’s gums and teeth.
Some tips:
- This recipe is great for adults too!
- This powder can be used to rub on gums to promote good oral health throughout the day.
- You may want to make separate bowls for each child.
- Kids have texture issues, so don’t use too much powder at one time. I find that I need to make sure the powder is wet before I give the toothbrush to my kids.
- Only use quality essential oils.
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I was wondering how this works on bad breath? I’ve been really interested in homemade toothpaste, but am a bit worried about bad breath.
This is GREAT for bad breath. Nothing freshens breath like peppermint essential oil!
What about risk of ingesting? I know that sometimes toothpaste is swallowed and eo is not great for kids to ingest
If you are using pure, quality oils such as doTERRA essential oils, you don’t have to worry too much about your children swallowing a little. Just keep stressing the importance of not swallowing.
Great recipe! I PINNED it. But as a heads up, I am also emailing you with a request for your opinion on another toothpaste question, if you don’t mind.
I just got my Bentonite Clay in the mail and am waiting on my On Guard to come. I can’t wait to make this for the kids and the other one for me. I forgot to order real salt. Do I need it?
You can leave it out! Let me know how you like it!
If you have a big grocery store nearby, you might be able to get it there, there’s a common brand that’s actually called “Real Salt” that I get at MY big grocery store. 🙂
Can this powder be used to replace toothpaste all together? I am glad I found this post. I have been wanting to try remineralization but cod liver oil and desicated liver powder is not an option for me. I can’t wait to try it out. Thanks!
Oh yes! This is toothpaste…it’s just a powder, not a paste!
Bentonite clay should NEVER be put in a metal container. Bentonite clay pulls out the heavy metals in whatever it’s in contact with, so putting it in a metal container makes it grossly less effective.
metal container is for the pic.
I was also wondering why you had it in a metal container… ESPECIALLY if people are coming from pinterest or Facebook for a recipe they might (read most likely) not know how to store it.
Nice recipe. I’m curious, have you seen it work? I was under the impression you’d need a calcium base for remineralizing.
I have a few questions.
1) How/why is it not good if you are remineralizing your teeth and how is it OK if you are not remineralizing? And for that matter, glycerin too?
2) What else could I use besides stevia because I can’t stand the flavor of stevia.
3) Also, I know this is a powder, but can I add water to it and make it a paste and not have it go bad?
4) My husband wanted to know from a comment above, “If the bentonite clay pulls the heavy metals out of anything, will it also pull the mercury from your blood stream and/or amalgam fillings in your teeth?” (Great question!)
Thank you so much for the information you share and the research you do to bring it to us.
1) It’s a very healthy tooth powder recipe and, honestly, probably has mostly the same ingredients you would get by spending big bucks on an alternative tooth powder. I believe in making it myself if I can…and saving money. Glycerin coats the teeth and counteracts remineralization. Not a huge worry if you don’t have a cavity
2) I wouldn’t recommend any other sweetener. Xylitol is commonly used but it’s not supposed to be used if you are remineralizing.
3) Did you see my recipe that I made this from? It’s a paste. Link is in the article.
4) Good question! Let me know if you find the answer 😉
Sorry, I meant to ask, “Why is xylitol not good for remineralizing your teeth?” Do you have studies or links to help me with this new information?
I did not see that link before, but after looking again today, I found it.
They don’t make glass lids for mason jars anymore (due to the breakability and lead rings), only metal and plastic now. So if I kept my paste or powder in a glass jar, it’s not safe with a metal lid, is it safe with a plastic mason lid?
*I know I could use a swing lid jar with a glass lid and rubber or silicon seal, but those are too cumbersome for toothpaste. I’m trying to make this easier.
Thanks again!
If all you have are the Metal rings, you could put a square of Wax Paper in between the lid and jar
I keep hearing conflicting info on Xylitol (Mostly anecdotal). Found this that seems to say, Xylitol is worse for surface remineralization but better for deeper remineralization. Seems Sciencey enough to convince me.
Diatomaceous Earth (food grade) will help your body detox heavy metals.
You can use a plastic lid if your using the powder form. Once you wet the powder and turn it to paste it is activated and will pull toxins from the metal or plastic container it’s kept in. So a glass mason jar with a plastic lid is okay.
I don’t know what planet your kids come from, but mine think this is horrible! I even doctored it up with more flavorings to help it, but the texture, color AND taste are a turn off. Mind you, I still plan of forcing them and building character in them to save us some money and teeth in the end, but I would hardly call this kid friendly!
I’m sorry your feel that way…or your kids. Mine love it and think it taste like cinnamon and sugar. You might be putting too much on the toothbrush…or may need to add less cinnamon. You can adjust the measurements and use different essential oils that your kids prefer. All kids are different so maybe it’s not kid-friendly for YOUR kids.
I made a small trial batch of this to try myself before trying it with my toddler. I subbed oil of oregano for the other oils beacuse it is what I had on hand. After three days my molars were painfully sensitive when I chewed anything. I stopped using the toothpaste immediately. The pain gradually faded away and was completely gone after about 4 days.
oooo I wouldn’t do oil of Oregano! Ouch! That is probably why you had such pain! Too sensitive for your mouth…oregano oil is a very hot oil.
My son has a severe allergy to stevia (swollen throat/tongue/lips). Is there any other sweetener I could try? How bad is it if the sweetener is left out?
I’m not sure I can recommend another sweetener. You can try leaving it out though and see how he likes it. The cinnamon really does help with the taste.
Tea tree or melaleuca is good!
Can I use pure stevia extract (the white KAL brand)? It is all I have, I am looking forward to trying it!
You can. You might have to adjust the measurements though.
I looked up the bentonite clay you recommended and it said that it contains lead. How is this safe for kids? Is there another clay you know of that does not have this issue? Thanks!
My son and I are both topically allergic to cinnamon, anything else we can use in it’s place?
Hmmmm…I have only used cinnamon. You could try another spice that is not too strong that they might like.
Cloves or fennel would be good.
I was looking at a brand of bentonite clay and it said it contained 18% aluminum. I see another commenter asked about the lead present in another brand. I am just wondering how safe these are to ingest, especially for children. Since bentonite, when wet absorbs toxins, do you know if there is something special about bentonite’s properties that doesn’t allow these metals to leach into our bodies?
If anyone has every heard of Earthpaste, it contains Redmond brand bentonite clay. I have bought some from whole foods and intend to make this recipe with it but it does say it contains trace amounts of lead and may not be appropriate for consumption by children or pregnant women. I was going to try this for me and my husband though 🙂
would it be safe to use if i have metal fillings?.. would it make them fall out over time?
I used this recipe and added water and coconut oil to make this a “paste”…I used tea tree or eucalyptus (I don’t remember which) to replace the OnGuard.
I ALSO made just the powder which my 12 year old daughter likes much better…I decreased the cinnamon to 1/2 tsp, and added a little extra stevia leaf. She loves it.
The problem I’m having is the sensitivity issue that someone else mentioned. My paste cleans better than the powder, but it tends to make my teeth pretty sensitive (I’ve only tried the powder twice). I’ve started only using it only once per day, but I’m curious as to why it’s making my teeth so sensitive…could it be the cinnamon??
I read on another site with a homemade tooth powder recipe that sensitivity may be caused by the salt?
Thanks. I think i will try this.
I’m wondering if anyone has tried “Primal Life Organics” tooth powder and how the taste compares to this homemade version. I really like their cinnamon flavor powder, but just cannot afford it anymore.
I just made and used it. I left the stevia out and added possibly more OnGuard than it called for. It poured out of the bottle instead of dripped out. But I liked it, my teeth feel clean. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
I too am concerned about the lead in the clay. I see it has not been answered yet. I picked up some Earthpaste for my kid and haven’t used it after reading that in the fine print. I like that this recipe re-mineralizes and I would like to try it with my family but not until I am certain that the lead is not going to be as toxic as the fluoride I’m trying to avoid. Thanks in advance for your research on this issue. I look forward to your reply.
I have This clay indian one is this the same stuff? The one I have is green in color
thank you 🙂
Would you say this is okay for a 16/17 month old? My baby has a cavity already 🙁
Yes I use it on my young one.
Thank you so much, I’ll make him some tonight, his cavity is only getting worse. Part of his tooth is missing now.
I have gotten the ingredients made it for my 14/15 month old who has her first cavity in spite of a very healthy diet. I substituted eucalyptus for on guard because that is what I had. She seemed to like it and wanted to suck it off the brush. Please share how it worked for your kids? I am scared and dubious but want much more to avoid dental procedures if I can. Thanks
Well, just mixed this up using TTO instead if on gaurd, because that’s what I had. My 6yo and brushed our teeth trying to figure out how much toothpaste to use, and how we liked the taste. We added ~1/8tsp more cinnamon because she was really looking for that cinnamon sugar taste. But overall, we like it, and tho I am going to mix up your adult recipe, too, I would be perfectly content using this one! My mouth feels very fresh and clean after!
I was telling my holistically minded dentist about this toothpaste before mixing it. She loved the list of ingredients and asked me to post the recipe to her FB page if we liked it. I would post as a link to your website, obviously, to give credit where credit is due. Would that be ok with you?
Sure that would be fine if you link to me!
I want to use this on my two year old, who still swallows the toothpaste. Is this safe to swallow?
It would be easier if you put toothpaste on the toothbrush first (you can buy or make your own) and then dip it in the powder, all texture issues would be gone, and its just nicer and less harsh on your toothbrush!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for this recipe and post!! I stumbled upon it last spring after reading a lot of scary reports on the terrible chemicals in commercial toothpaste. I started using it myself first, but after my daughter was diagnosed with 4 cavities : ( I started using it with my kids and also flossing their teeth EVERYDAY and we held off on filling the cavities. They used the tooth powder a few times a week alternating or combining with their Tom’s of Maine toothpaste. When we recently returned to the dentist for a checkup and X-rays to check the cavities the dentist was shocked to see that her cavities were reversing themselves and that we no longer needed to drill!! I told her and the hygienist about this tooth powder (though I do leave out the Xylitol but not for any reason other than I didn;t have it and didn’t feel like buying it). They requested the recipe for other families and so I passed on your website. I know that the combination of this tooth powder and daily flossing is what is saving her teeth and now we can avoid the trauma of so many fillings and having to decide between the evil and lesser evil of the two types of fillings!
I thought you might want to know what a true miracle this stuff is – but maybe you already do : )
That is wonderful!!!So happy to hear this!!!
Is bentonite clay safe to swallow? Because my 20 month old doesn’t know how to spit yet. Thanks!
Yes it is.
What ingredient is remineralizing?
All of them
This tooth powder sounds great, but I’m thnking it may not be a good idea to repeatedly dip the same toothbrush into it (bacteria). What do you think?
We do separate containers for each child…but you don’t have to dip…you can sprinkle it on if you are worried.
Xylitol (the birch bark type such as Xyla brand) is a natural cavity fighter and also helps prevent demineralization of tooth enamel. Why not use it?
You can read the resource I linked to on Xylitol in the post!
This is amazing! We have been using homemade tooth powder & paste for some time now. I stumbled across your recipe & decided to give it a try.
My kids love it! (Although my kids love eating stevia out of the garden & eat cinnamon like other kids eat sugar.) So when I read this recipe, I knew it was a shoo-in!
Thank you for your blog.
So glad they like it!
Yes, it’s safe to swallow. Many people eat betonite clay to detox theor body.
I wouldn’t encourage them to swallow it, but a little bit of it won’t hurt!
My family has been using activated charcoal. My husband and I have been using JUST activated charcoal for a year now. It works similarly to bentonite clay by sucking the toxins, odors out. It also whitens. Our kids use it once a week but I am about to start making them the bentonite mix. They only use it once a week because they are 4 and 2, and charcoal stains their clothes if it’s spilled and I usually need to brush their teeth with as least hassle as possible because I also have a newborn to tend to. I bought my 10 lb bag for less than $20 at a health food store and expect it to last 5 years lol. Activated charcoal has no taste- the texture is weird at first, and you only need a little. I have never added anything in with it. It’s safe to swallow, though I don’t recommend swallowing it at teeth brushing time due to the yuckies you’re trying to get out of your mouth- don’t wanna put the yuckies in your body.
Would soaking the toothbrushes for a couple minutes once or twice a week in vinegar be alright for your family? It kills germs.
Thanks Jackie! Knew i could count on you. When the dentist said Zach has ‘weak enamel”, I knew right where to look! Hope you are doing well!!
So glad this works for you.
My sister and I are planning on making this for ourselves and young children! We are wondering if stevia is a necessary ingredient? I don’t have the stevia you used, if it is necessary, could liquid nunaturals stevia be used in it’s place? THanks!
Stevia is a sweetener, and I think the liquid could also be used.
All of my 50 years+ I have consumed food & drinks containing cinnamon.
I started using this tooth powder (OnGuard EO not added) close to two months. I liked the scent of cinnamon & clean feeling after brushing. Then about almost a month ago, I experienced severe allergic reaction (swollen & itchy gums/lips) after I handled some kiwi fruits.
Less than 2 weeks ago, I suddenly had dry mouth. Any kiwi allergic reaction would have disappeared long ago. I stopped using this powder for a few days & reverted to regular toothpaste. The dry mouth symptom cleared off. I went back to using the powder & the symptoms reappeared.
Instead of throwing the remaining batch away, I mixed some of the powder & my regular homemade liquid facial soap & started using it on my face, chest & one arm. Immediately after that, hives started appearing on my face & itchy rashes were all over the parts that I used the soap on.
All other ingredients are safe for eczema but on the other hand, cinnamon is known to cause allergic reactions.
I would suggest to those intending to use this tooth powder to do a self patch test before you include cinnamon to it.
I will try making your DIY Remineralizing Toothpaste, but will definitely make a smaller batch to determine if I am sensitive to coconut oil.
Hi Jackie,
Is there another place for purchasing the stevia herb you recommend? I clicked on the link and it’s over $90! I’m really interested in trying this, but am unwilling to pay that kind of money for one ingredient. Or is there another form you would recommend?
The larger quantity (1 lb.) is what costs over $90. You could start with a smaller, less expensive quantity and see how it does for you. If it is super helpful for you, then you can decide if it’s worth the higher price for more.
I’d like to use lemon eo to replace the others. I know it has antibacterial properties but would it be sufficient? Thanks!
I love your website Paleo mama and have used it a lot. I have been looking for homemade recipe for a long time and of course checked your website again. I was happy to see that you are helping to spread the word about xylitol, which was refreshing since almost everyone else saying it is the next great thing since sliced bread. So when I i was reading your blog I was wondering what your version will be. One thing I see in your toothpaste is betonite clay and here is what I found and also side effect that my family had. My mom and I had sever headaches the next day after using betonite clay. And after doing more digging it is not allowed to use in California and it should say toxic for internal use. Betonite clay has lead (although true not all has it but there is no way to easily verify that they one we get does not) and as you know it is lethal and with California passing a law now manufactures have to put warning on the label but it happened not long ago and for example earth paste just started putting it on their product but not all of them have that warning. I hope this helps. I stopped using betonite clay right away once my husband saw the warning and we looked more into it and happy to say my headaches went away the next day. Have a great day.
I am saving up for doTerra oils as they are pricey so I don’t have OnGuard. Could I do this recipe with NOW brand peppermint oil?
Will this also work on adults with cavities? or is this just for kids? bc my husband WILL NOT GO TO THE DENTIST!
It will definitely work for adults also. Here is my link to the story of how I got rid of my cavities. https://thepaleomama.com/2013/12/diy-remineralizing-toothpaste/
Was wondering if I could add coconut oil to this to make it more like a paste? TIA!
Yes, that should work fine.
I was wondering if I can omit the ingredient of Stevia leaf – is it specifically to ‘sweeten’ the tooth powder to make it more appealing? Or is there a quality in it that helps with the remineralizing property of the powder?
Thank you so much ?
It’s simply for a more palatable taste. You can leave it out if you prefer.
Hi there,
Can I use this on my 4 years old son who has tooth decay?
Hey there! Thank you so much for the recipe!! I mixed it tonight and tried it for the first time… my teeth feel amazing!!! I do have a couple of quick questions though…
Do you rinse your mouth after you are finished brushing or just spit out any excess and leave the rest on the teeth?
Is it okay to use with silver fillings? I have one and didn’t even think about it before using…
Yes, you can rinse when you finish, and it’s fine to use with silver fillings.
I was just wondering why the question about the Betonite clay having lead in it has not been answered yet? I really want to try this but I’m afraid to because of the lead factor…
There is a trace amount of lead in Betonite Clay. The EPA says that the average amount of lead in uncontaminated soil is 50 – 400 PPM, or much, much higher than in either clay or food. This amount is considered safe. So what we know so far is that yes, bentonite clay contains lead, but it isn’t much and the level isn’t dangerous.Jul 18, 2014
I’m linking you here to one website that has done some research on this issue, and may be helpful to you.
Bentonite Clay absorbs heavy metals it doesn’t leech them out. There may be lead in the clay but it will stay bonded to the clay and not dissipate into your body. Do some research on how the clay works. Once wet, it acts like a sponge locking in toxins and heavy metals.
Question for you. Can you use this on toddlers even if they can’t spit out yet? I’m thinking you can from the recipe looking at it but not sure. Please let me know. Thank you very much. 🙂
As long as you are using only a little powder and making sure it is wet you should be find using it on your toddlers.
Hi, We are loving the tooth paste. Do you have the kids spit or swallow when doen brushing?
Also, is there an adult version that i missed?
Have them spit it out! Yes, here is a link to my adult toothpaste: https://thepaleomama.com/2013/12/diy-remineralizing-toothpaste/
Hi Jackie,
I would love to try to make this on my own but with my budget it is impossible at this point in time. I have a 3 year old with two visible cavities and am determined to try to make changes to reverse these and improve health. Can you recommend a brand that is premixed ready to use. I can afford to buy a small quantity and get started. Thank you so much.
I am a little confused as to what to put it in. I have little glass hrs but all have metal lids. One has a metal lid but the inside lining is a thin plastic/rubber? Would that work? What do you use? Thanks! Can’t wait to try it for my 17 mo who is experiencing decay due to a lip tie!
Please understand which Bentonite Clay you are using.
Sodium vs Calcium
There is a difference in ‘Bentonite Clays’ and both have different functions.
Sodium Bentonite Clay has a swelling action. (external)…good for sealing ponds.
Calcium Bentonite Clay has a detox action. (internal, non-swelling)
The Redmond Bentonite Clay is SODIUM Bentonite and most western states mine Sodium Bentonite Clay.
Hello Belle. If the Redmond is Sodium Bentonite Clay. Where do you reccomend to buy Calcium Bentonite Clay? thanks a lot, MT
I’m wondering if this is safe in a child’s mouth who has stainless steel crowns? I have seen a remineralizing tooth paste using ground egg shells, baking soda, salt, coconut oil, peppermint oil…any experience with this recipe?
I have a Toddler w tooth decay on her four top front teeth, and was wondering if this recipe is editable?
Can I use a liquid stevia extract? How much would you recommend?
Most commercial Stevia which is a white crystalline color is actually the dried powdered extract of Stevia and is not the whole leaf. The dry leaf I recommended is whole leaf material. I’m not sure I would try using the white powder or the liquid form in this tooth powder.
My son is getting braces and his orthodontist prescribed Colgate PreviDent 5000 (a high-fluoride toothpaste) to protect his teeth while having braces. He said it will help prevent white spots and cavities since proper oral hygiene is challenging with braces (and for teenagers in general!). I am reluctant to use any Colgate products due to their ingredients. Does anyone have suggestions about alternatives? Thanks!
I got the ingredients for the powder but you don’t mention the protective oil by name, or I missed it somewhere? I don’t use DoTerra oils so I don’t know what you’re referring to, but I gather from the comments that I can use tea tree oil?
I’ll make and use this myself before using it on my 2 year old, as the comments talked about sensitivity issues and headaches; I’d hate for my daughter to go through that…
At any rate, if you could let me know if tea tree oil is acceptable as a protective oil, I’d appreciate it. Please advise, thank you!
The protective oil I referenced is doTERRA’s On Guard essential oil blend, which includes the following essential oils: wild orange peel, clove bud, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus leaf/stem, and rosemary leaf/stem essential oils. If you would like to order some, please see this link: https://thepaleomama.com/essential-oils/
I just wanted to tell you thank you so much for posting this information. Two weeks ago I purchased the clay, and mixed up some tooth powder. I tried it on my 5, 8 and 12 year old children. The 12 year old gagged a bit…but mostly because he is used to brushing his own teeth and didn’t like me in there. My 8 and 5 years old said “it felt funny on my tongue, but I really like the taste!” We are trying to heal a mouthful of cavities in the 5 year old…so this was AWESOME to hear! I am ordering the cod liver oil with butter oil as a gel. I am praying it is as easy to give them as the tooth powder. I am curious how long do you think it will take to see any kind of results? We have already noticed a definite whitening on everyone. Oh…and for the curious, we used Thieves for the protective oil, cause that is what I have. Thank you again!
Hi Cherie,
Did this recipe help you heal your kids’ cavities? And did you find the cod liver oil with butter oil as a gel easy to give to your kids? I know it’s been awhile since you posted. Thanks!
Which oils are considered protective essential oils? Thanks!
The essential oils included in doTERRA’s Protective Blend (On Guard) are wild orange, clove, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary.
Hi, I’m planning to make the toothpaste, what I still can’t understand is the protective essential oil. Do you mean I should mix all the mentioned oils and then take 4 drops of the mixture? Or I choose one of the protective oils and apply to the powder?
Pls reply as soon as possible, thanks.
Choose which essential oils you prefer to use and you can mix a total of 15 drops with the rest of the toothpaste ingredients.
My child was born premature and had the same two teeth on both side of her upper jaw just rot out. We eat super clean and were told it may be from the antibiotics administered to her in the NICU. Anyways she has two metal caps on her teeth. Would this tooth powder therefore not be suitable because she has metal in her mouth?
Can I use the Aztec healing clay (it’s considered a calcium bentonite clay)?
Thank you for posting this. I found you through Pinterest and I’m so glad I did. I just made this tooth powder last night and my 8-year-old daughter and I like it. I’m sure my husband will too. 🙂 We don’t have more of our “protective essential oil” right now, but we’ll add it when it comes in! I’m hoping it does well as part of our plan to heal our dental troubles. Thanks again. 🙂
Where did you find protective e o ?
It’s OnGuard and you can get it in one of my essential oil starter kits! http://www.thepaleomama.com/essential-oils
The toothpaste calls for protective essential oil and when clicking link I cannot find it. Any suggestions? Is this toothpaste still being used and loved?
You can get it here: http://www.thepaleomama.com/essential-oils
Hi Jackie!
I read the Ramiel N. book over a year ago since my Kids have mineralization Problems. We did 3 weeks without eating grains and added a lot he recommended, but couldnt see a difference.
Now I found your recipe and was wondering wether the two essential oils: protective blend and on guard are the same? Since you recommend one for the Kids only and the protective blend for the paste.
Thank you for your time!
Yes the protective blend is OnGuard. The kids prefer the powdered toothpaste due to texture!