It’s time to announce the winner of the $1,000 Amazon Gift Card that my friends and I wanted to give away to one of our very lucky readers!
First, I want to say thank your all my friends who helped make this giveaway possible. We are so excited to be able to offer such an incredible gift to someone…
Green Thickies
Homemade Mommy
Good Girl Gone Green
Weed ’em & Reap
Don’t Mess with Mama
Living Low Carb, One Day at a Time
Primally Inspired
The Darling Bakers
Thank Your Body
And the winner is…Michelle Y.
michelley _ _ _@gmail.com
Congratulations Michelle! Please email Lindsey at homemademommy dot net to claim your gift card!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
A winner will be chosen via random.org. We will announce the lucky winner on Friday, December 30, 2013. The winner will have 48 hours to contact (homemade mommy at gmail dot com) with his/her full name, address, and phone number. There is no purchase necessary to win. This giveaway is open to everyone!
Use it for Christmas for my husband and myself.
My greatest desire this time of year is to help as many people as possible! Wow! There are a lot of people on my secret Santa list! God bless everyone that is involved with this giveaway!
I would use the money to buy furniture for our new arrival in March! Who knew that crib sets were soo expensive?!!
What wouldn’t I buy with it?! Haha. Cookware, books, cook books! Gifts. Himalayan salt lamps. Coconut oil to last me forever. The list could go onnnn and on 🙂
If I were lucky enough to win, I’d buy my sweet hubby the new gopro hero 3 he’s been wanting and I’d love to treat myself to a fancy new Epsom photo printer that is way out of my budget. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win! Merry Christmas!
Wow…I would actually use this gift card on me. I would love a stand mixer, a gadget to make zucchini noodles, new pans…..
Buy Paleo/SCD cookbooks and things like Vitamix & spiralizer to make this way of eating easier.
I would give my family a great Christmas!
I’d finish up my last-minute Christmas shopping!
I have a HUGE list on Amazon. The windmill and a few other goodies. Awesome.
I would surprise a few friends with gifts and then I would buy myself some new kitchen gadgets.
Kitchen gadgets and supplies to help me cook! I have grown to love it so much I share my food with family and friends every chance I get.
I would share with my entire family! But I might spoil myself a little extra! I could use new cookware, workout videos, cookbooks, etc…
I would use it for some patio furniture and a new dresser for my kiddos!
I would buy stuff for my kitchen that would help me to maintain this wonderful paleo lifestyle … a stand mixer for sure, a super awesome blender, and a year’s supply of all the pantry staples that cost me a fortune!
Christmas shopping!!! : )
I could finally start my Christmas shopping!
Christmas presents for the family, new pans, and new workout gear!
I would definitely spoil my son this is his first Christmas! Also just started the paleo lifestyle so investing in a blender, dehydrator, cookware things to make it easier to cook when you’re a full time working mom and student 🙂
I would for sure get some awesome gifts for family members for Christmas! I am student and working full time and have student loan debt and my family means the world to me so it would be awesome to be able to give them something amazing for Christmas 🙂 I would also love to use some of it to purchase school books and of course maybe spoil myself with a small surprise 🙂
I would finish up Christmas shopping for my family, get some new books for myself, and send some surprise gifts to a few of my friends! I LOVE playing Santa!!
I would use the gift card for my kids., my husband and myself. My kids need some new clothes, my husband wants outdoor/camping gear and I would like to have a mini deep freezer.
Great giveaway. Would be a great help with kids. Thanks
I would definitely use it for Christmas gifts! It would also help me purchase textbooks since I’m in nursing school! Thanks for this opportunity!
I would buy Christmas presents and homeschooling materials. Maybe a new meat dehydrator!
I would actually use it for myself!! I would buy more kitchen gadgets and attachments for the stand mixer!!! Thanks for the opportunity!
I would use it to buy last minute Christmas presents for my family and for our County Angel Tree.
I would save a little, spend a little and give more!
I would buy a vitamix blender for our family, and some new cookbooks to help with our lifestyle change. My son is dx with Aspergers and ADHD and changing our diet has proved to be the best thing to help him thrive!
Whoa!!!!! This is so awesome! Just *thinking* about the wishlist is exciting, even if I do not win… BUT! If I do win, I would totally buy a pink Kitchenaid stand mixer, and then get my kiddos the things on their Christmas wishlist that my husband and I were unable to afford, then I would use the rest to buy a couple books and a gift for my mama! This is so cool, thank you for doing this! Merry Christmas!
I would help my daughter and her husband out by getting them some items they are needing. Also would buy toys for a local Christmas charity I volunteer for called Mission Norman
I would give my soon-to-be 4 year old twin girls the best birthday ever. I’d buy my first paleo book and start my journey. I would jump up & down repeatedly and scream like a preteen girl at a justin beiber concert!!!!
I would spend it on my boys- Archie (5) & Noah (2). My husband works 3 jobs and we struggle so much that we don’t have much. I’d love to be able to get them nice bedding and other things for their room including books (which they very much love to read) and a nice big bookshelf for all of them to go. These two are the sweetest and they deserve the best that the world has to offer, we just can’t afford to give them the best right now. Thank you for your kindness!
I am not totally sure what I would do with it! Probably stuff for my kids.
We have four children. My husband and I are buying one thing per child and as in years past, we do not buy for each other. If we won this gift card, we could actually buy each other a present- which we have not done in over FIVE YEARS.
I hope to win so I could also buy some Christmas gifts for my family & also get some of those kitchen gadgets to help me on my journey to a healthier lifestyle for me & my family as well!
Well I guess I’m not unique…. I would love to stock my soon to be all-paleo kitchen!!! And last minute treats for the fam!
I would buy a couple of presents for my kids, but then I would make a less fortunate family’s Christmas bright!
I would use it to help pay off bills and provide gifts for my family for christmas!
I would be so excited and make this Christmas such a suprise for my husband and daughter. I’d love to be able to watch them open so many fun things Christmas morning that weren’t expected due to finances.
Mama needs boots! I just moved to Utah and it’s cold!
wow! if i won, i would continue to replace all my family’s stuff we lost during Hurricane Sandy – it’s been a long road, and definitely a shiny new mixer!!!! i love paleomama!!!
Actually buy gifts for my daughter.
Wow…with $1000…I could buy the outdoor compostand indoor compost buns I’ve been wanting…new dishes…maybe a couple good pieces of cookware….surprise “out of the budget gifts” for my toddler and hubby……..sooooo much!!
I would buy some coconut flour and canning supplies for sure!! Then some cute sassy clothes for fun. i live in mn and the snow is coming so i would like a good pair of sorel winter boots. i hope i win!!
I would purchase some books – for me and for my kiddos. I would purchase some items to help me transition fully to the Paleo lifestyle (coconut flour, Coconut palm sugar, coconut oil, great lakes gelatin).. I would also purchase a vitamix.
I would give my family the Christmas they deserve! We don’t have a lot of money, so this would help a great deal!
I might be so overwhelmed if I won this I wouldn’t know what to buy first!
I would use this gift card to buy some kitchen tools I have been dying to get. I would buy a Vitamix and a dehydrator for sure!
WHAT would I do with $1K to Amazon.com?! It’s going to sound awful boring to some . . . I’d go supplement shopping. I have one boy with Autism, and another we suspect has it, and all four of our kids have varying digestive issues, so $1K would go far. Good quality multivitamins, pastured beef gelatin, dried elderberries, probiotics, some good sensory therapy toys . . . that would be completely and totally awesome. 😀
I hope you win!!
I’d finish Christmas shopping for my 4 kids and then plan a fun little getaway in the snow since we don’t get a drop of it here in FL!! 🙂
I would use the gift card to stock up on a lot of basics that are needed to make homemade makeup, lotion, body wash, soap, cleaning supplies. And basic ingredients for cooking and making kombucha and other homemade fermented foods!
This is great! I’d buy books, kitchen appliances, something for my son of course, there are just so many things I could do with this! Thank you!
Thank you!! This is a wonderful opportunity! I would give my boys, who have never had the ability to enjoy a big Christmas, a nice memory to carry. I would also like to stock the kitchen with pantry items not found in store, so that it is easier to be full Paleo. I especially want to get the gelatin. Most of all , I would like to get my mom everything she needs for her kitchen, so that she can prepare Paleo/Primal meals for my little sister.
Awesome. I’d actually use most of it to bless others that I hardly know. 🙂 Fun!!!!
I would buy a year’s supply of household goods – would be a HUGE savings to my budget and probably make me cry with joy 🙂
I just realized it it wouldn’t be in time for Christmas so I’d like to revise my answer. I’d use it for my husband for his bday in April and get my daughter some surprises as well. 🙂
I would be able to afford to take my two amazing kids on their first real family vacation!! They deserve it soooo much. Thank you for this opportunity!!
I’ll buy some kitchen appliances to go with my paleo lifestyle and also some books with delicious recipes to learn and make. Also treat my family to whatever they want 🙂
I would buy lots of craft items and a sewing machine to start my own little business. Items to create homemade beauty products and I will promise to make a kefir drink and kombucha 🙂
I would use this on my family and things they need.
I will be lots of presents for my Fam & friends!!!
What a great gift! I would be gifting my friends and family with lots of healthy items and information. We are all trying to eat clean, get more exercise and use more earth friendly products. What a great start this would be! Thank you! Good Luck everyone!
I would gift this to an amazing autism mommy that I know that puts her heart, soul, and every dime towards healing her kiddos! she is an inspiration and totally deserves it.
wow, what would I do???!?! If I didn’t pass out from shock of winning something lol, I would probably buy a few kitchen items to make fun healthy kiddo foods, a few canning supplies and then pick up a few baby items like diapers and sleep n plays for our local womens help center. 🙂
I would use the gift card to buy books and supplies for my classroom at an inner city school 🙂
I would use this gift card to help but for my children and grandchildren and since my brother is raising 5 children ( 3 w/special needs) all alone, I would help him out.
I would like to purchase toys for the children , food and gifts for the shelter, animal and human, and storage items and tools to help me work and eat healthy and work too. I have just joined a co-op and am learning all over again!
I would use this gift card to buy all the cook books and kitchen gadgets on my amazon wish list 🙂
I would use this gift card on Christmas presents for my family and possibly to buy the ingredients to make homemade laundry detergent!! So exciting!
What a wonderful way to spread Christmas cheer!
If I won, I’d buy a Vitamix and an Excalibur dehydrator. If there was anything left over after those high priced items, I’d add products for my pantry that I usually cringe at the prices when I have to buy.
Merry Christmas and thank you!
Because we feel so blessed and would like to pass it on……I commit to use the 1,000 to provide for a family in need and start off the New Year right
I will buy Christmas presents for everyone and not end up in the poor house.
Buy a KitchenAid stand mixer with sausage making and pasta attachments
I would buy Christmas presents!!! My husband would be so surprised that “Santa” left him a gift for the first time in 10 years! We never buy gifts for each other because we have 4 kids and well, any money we have goes to them! 🙂
I would definitely use it to buy Christmas gifts for my children. This year has been difficult with health problems and medical bills so it’s definitely a tight year.
Buy some new kitchen gadgets I have wanted for awhile.
I will buy a new blender, probably a Vitamix, and lots of books.
Comment Comment LOL I wanna win baby! Good luck all and Merry Christmas! I would use half…to see the man I love who I haven’t seen in a year… The rest for basic needs for my home… New kitchen knives, pots, pans, mixing bowls…
I cannot even comprehend an extra $1,000 to spend on Amazon! BUT if I win, I have no doubt I will come up with a few things – some cast iron pans & tea kettle, pantry staples, homemade soap/lotion supplies, and of course, lots of books! Thanks for doing this – Merry Christmas!
I would buy a soft play activity center for my kids!
I would use this gift card to ensure a very Merry Christmas for my whole family (me included!). This would cover my daughter’s entire “Santa wish list” as well as mine, my husband’s and some left over for the grandparents. What a great opportunity!
First thing I would get is a vitamix!!
With $1000 Amazon gift card, I would get the new stove we so desperately need. Ours is on its last legs!
I would buy a food processor and the dehydrator I have been wanting! 🙂
Oh! This would be fantastic! I would love to use the Amazon Gift Card to do some shopping! And what a HUGE spree it would be! I have a bathroom that my 2 girls are fighting over that desperately needs some organization!
This is an amazing giveaway!! If I won, I could buy everthing on my Amazon wish list which includes: a treadmill desk, about 20 books, an awesome gift for my amazing husband, a vitamix, and a few ingredients I can’t get here in Montana!
I would finish up my kids’ Christmas shopping and buy my soon-to-be college kid some college supplies!
I’d use it to buy books for our homeschool!!!
Love Amazon and paleo mom!
Being that I’ve been unemployed fora year, my family will actually get a Christmas gift from me, rather than an IOU
I would have the BEST homeschooling library/activity center
I would buy a VitaMix or Ninja and spend the rest on healthy supplies for my home!
I would buy some tech toys and almond flour.
The possibilities are endless!!! I’d stock my kitchen with everything that I’ve been wanting to help make my clean/paleo lifestyle a little easier..
New kitchen gadgets for myself, my parents and my siblings
I would use the money on exercise equipment and organic real food products.
We’d replace our food processor and blender and probably buy a few items on our amazon wish list!
Love it !
I would buy a few things that would help me complete my New Year resolution of starting my own business.
I would use the money to buy my son his gluten-free foods that are much cheaper to buy a in bulk on Amazon then buying the store. He has celiac disease and autism so the diet is very crucial!
I would buy a colloidal silver maker and what be I would need to start making silver and give it away! I would also buy a water filtration system that also removes Fluoride From Tap water.
I would purchase the cookbooks you have told us about, and then some of appliances that would make the job of preparing those delicious meals easier. You have helped our family so much as we’ve transitioned our not only our diet but our health. Thank you.
I’d buy Christmas gifts as well as all my supplements I buy from Amazon.
I’m not sure what I would do with the entire amount (we have five children, someone always needs something) on the card but I know that I would definitely purchase a better blender than the plastic $25 one that I have now.
Christmas shopping for all my family and friends! 🙂
Actually buy my daughter Christmas gifts
I would buy Christmas presents!!!
I would love this!!!! I would buy stuff for my kitchen, supplements, new cookware. The list of possibilities is long. 🙂
I would spoil my kids a little, buy my parents some groceries, and have a movie night with the family!
I would use the gift card to help my local food pantry, then probably gifts for my family. Maybe some food items I have wanted to get, but felt they were too expensive!
What a fun giveaway! I would use it to finish up Christmas shopping for EVERYONE! Just tell me what you guys want 😉
I would finish my Christmas shopping! !
I would buy a wealth of excercise dvd’s and health cookbooks for our Fire Hall. Too many of the men I work with have no idea that eating well, doesn’t have to mean starving yourself. I would likely also treat myself to a new hand blender, I’ve had mine since college (over 16 years!)
I have bought 4 of my grandchildren tablets for Christmas so if I won I would load their tablets up with children’s books. They all Love to read! Thanks for this opportunity to win!!!!! 🙂
Vitamix and new cookware to prepare delicious meals for my family!!
I would use it to by all of our vitamins and nutritional supplements that I’m always stressed out about spending too much money on! I’d also finish Christmas shopping!
I would take my family to the mountains to see snow:)
As a single Mom, I’d be able to give my two girls a Christmas like they haven’t enjoyed in a LONG time, which would include a huge, organic meal on Christmas. Penny pinching doesn’t stop just because it’s Christmas. :/
Finally buy all the things on my “saved for later” list!!! lol Books, kitchen gadgets, shoes, oh my!!!!
Wow what an amazing gift! I would use it to buy quality food and the tools to make it, for my family and myself. I’ve been battling several autoimmune conditions since I was a young teenager and proper nourishment has been my saving grace. I’ve strayed away from conventional medicine since my body is hypersensitive to the toxicity that comes along with it and I also believe in the power of food as medicine. This would literally be a lifesaver for me!
I would use this gift card for my son and I. He has plenty of toys, so I would use it for books and clothes. For me, I would use it to help me pay for my expensive textbooks. I’m also an esthetician and have to buy my own supplies. I would love a towel warmer and to be able to stock up on all my supplies.
I’m ultra cheap. It would hurt my soul to spend that much. Ouch! But…..after 15 years of marriage and 5 kids, I think I would finally break down and buy a mixer, a nice present for my inlaws and my dad. The rest would be saved for shoes for the family when needed. Wish lists are fun!
Oh dear. Where to begin. I’d give my kids late Christmas and buy some gentle parenting books to share with my mommy friends. And enough coconut oil to do oil pulling and gelatin for bone health. And save some of it bc kids birthdays feb a two yr old. March a 19 yr old. April a 15 yr old. ♡♡♡♡♡♥♥♥♥♥♡♡♡♡♡ thank you for this giveaway.
I would finish Christmas shopping and use it on diapers, household items 🙂
Wow, I would do so much! My Dad recently lot his job and all though he is retirement my parents did not plan well, so I would love to provide them with an extra special Christmas this year. I would also like to buy a dehydrator, I am alone on my food journey my husband and kids have not joined me fully but I would love to be able to experiment with food ideas that would help me to make this transition with me!
With our budget being as tight as it is I would get things we desperately need for our kitchen, my boys, etc.
I would use the money to buy a bed because we are moving into a house and it’s pretty much empty. I would use the rest on toys for my in home childcare center I just started.
I would buy some kitchen tools to help me make healthy food for my family. And I would also use it to buy my kids shoes when they outgrow them and some healthy supplements.
It would definitely come in handy with a new baby on the way. Thank you!
I would order things we’ve been needing/wanting. Like a Berkey 🙂
great giveaway! I would use the gift card to buy things that I really like, without feeling guilty that I’m not the one bringing home the majority of the bacon. 🙂
I think I might just splurge on myself!!! hohoho.
I would invest it in my family’s health. We need to get on the right track with better small kitchen appliances and cookware, so we could actually cook at home. 🙂
My husband has been off in disability since last February and has been depressed because of it. I would give him the best Christmas ever and also add to my paleo cookbook collection, paleo food and a few things for my son
If start with the 21 Day Sugar Detox Book and cookbook that I’ve had my eye on 🙂
I’d buy a Vitamix for sure & spread the wealth around…donate to local charities, help pay off some bills, donate to church and save a little too 🙂
I would provide my 2 and 4 year old a magical christmas and also surprise my hubby and our family and friends with some sweet gifts. Thank you for the opportunity.
oh my! vitamix, new pans and dishes, gifts for my young boys and husband 🙂 thank you!!!
I would use this money to help with Christmas. What an awesome give away!
A new home library for my daughter and I!
My husband and I are expecting our first child and I would love to use this either on bills to pay off before he gets here or on his necessities. It would definitely make things a lot smoother. 🙂
Christmas gifts for my babies, cast iron set, coconut oil and of course almind flour!!!
With a new baby on the way, I would use the gift card to help check things off our list. Then, I would love to be able to surprise my husband with a few of the techy things he’s been wishing for that just don’t fit in our budget right now.
We are moving into out new house in two weeks after living with my parents for several months during our house hunt. I buy all of our staples like almond flour, coconut milk, ect from amazon and of use the money to restock! We have an amazing new pantry and cellar and I can’t wait to fill it up 🙂
I have my 1st baby due in March so I would use the money to buy all the baby items we will be needing….and maybe a few last minute XMas gifts too 🙂
I would buy a chicken coop and chickens for our backyard! I’ve been wanting one for years!! Thanks!!
I would use the gift card for a stand mixer and some new silicone muffin pans. I’d still have money leftover! Hmm…. Maybe I’d stock up on my Paleo pantry essentials, too. *fingers crossed*
Kitchen gadgets!
I would order all the books that I have had saved on my wishlist for forever!
Wow this would cover all of our spending on things for our house this year. I cannot even begin to explain how awesome this would be. Thanks so much for the chance!!!
I would use the money to start my essential oils collection and to buy tools to make my own soap.
Definitely would get some kitchen stuff and some things for the kids 🙂
I am trying to slowing stock my pantry and kitchen with whole, healthy foods for me and my new husband. I have type 1 diabetes and my husband is lactose intolerant. So we are always looking for food to help both of us stay healthy. Paycheck to paycheck I have to make decisions on what to buy and what to pass up till next time. I would LOVE to start our marriage/family off with healthy foods that will keep us happy and healthy!!! 🙂 Your blog has helped me a lot with ideas on how to make living paleo-ish a reality for us!
I would gratefully use the Amazon card for “special” ingredients that I can’t find around here, I would like a lot of different canning supplies/gadgets, I would order lots of books and cookbooks on Paleo and I would probably pay it forward and get a friend started with supplies/books,cookbooks to start a healthy lifestyle!
I’d start by getting one of the high speed blenders I see everywhere. (my plain ole blender is 14+ years old and well loved.)
I would use the money to help offset the cost of our upcoming international move! We will need electronics, household items that “fit” the outlets, windows, etc!
I would use this to buy some Paleo cookbooks and some essentials, like coconut flour, almond flour, coconut sugar, and coconut milk! Thanks!
Wow $1000!! Well I would start by buying all the awesome gadgets for my kitchen and then I would buy all the awesome things I don’t have. Like gelatin, FCLO, and just all sorts of things that I don’t have.
With $1000 I would donate to different charities that help with Christmas for less fortunate. I love giving to others.
I would purchase a new set of cast iron pans. Then the rest I would spend on family, friends, and our Christmas family in need donation. Thanks for the giveaway!
I would use it to help with running gear. It is a new sport to me and have only been running a year and LOVE IT! My husband and I never realized how rewarding it can be. We have lost a combined total of 200 lbs. Our eating habits have changed drastically and we are focused on whole living now.
I would use this for food and household items so we could use our regular income to catch up on some other things!
I would buy a lot of stuff on my amazon wish list that we just can’t get right now.
With a $1k gift card, I would buy Christmas presents and paleo goodies. Our closest ‘natural’ grocery store (that meets my health needs) is about 45min away from where we live. Lots of the products that I consume can be found on amazon!
I would definitely stock my pantry with all kinds of healthy goodies. I normally order all my staples from amazon such as almond flour, coconut flour, coconut oil, etc. I’m currently running extremely low on all of the above so I am super excited to have this chance to win a $1000 gift card from my favorite online market!!
I would use the money to make more of our yard (stuff for gardening, growing year round veggies & herbs, etc), kitchen appliances that I have always wanted, just to name a few
I would use the $1000 to finish buying the items we need for the home we just renovated! Restoring this 1950 cottage has been a 5 month labor of love and we absolutely love it, but still have lots to do!
I could give my kids the Christmas that we can’t afford. I would also find another family in need, and help them out as well.
First I would buy a couple things for my boys (they’re in they’re 20’s). The rest would be for the husband and myself. I have a couple Paleo books in mind that we need!!
Wow!Where to begin…
Vitamix for myself and gifts for the family
With $1000 I would stock up on some organic, non-GMO things that I can’t find locally. We’re in a small town and our grocery and specialty stores are very limited in the paleo-friendly goods they carry so I have to improvise a lot. I would also add to my children’s home library. I home school both of my kiddos and there are so many beautiful books I would like them to read that aren’t in the library!
I would buy a new blender and thine some essential oils and a Himalayan salt lamp 🙂 thanks for the awesome give away!!!
Would finally buy myself a serger and a vitamix!
I’d love to buy a Vitamix but what I would really need to do is buy some clothes that fit my husband and me since we’ve both lost so much weight since going Paleo, but we don’t have the money to buy them. He’s not working and we never buy anything for ourselves. It would be so awesome to splurge on something just for us, for once!
I would love to win because it would allow me to spread the holiday cheer! I would help me buy a refrigerator which I am in dire need of. I hope I win!
My baby brother is getting married in March so I would use some of the money to buy them some awesome wedding presents for a healthy kitchen. They both love to cook & could use some good pots & pans, a mixer & other goodies. I would have to invest in a good processor for my kitchen….been wanting one for a while but it’s not in the budget right now. Thank you so much fir the amazing giveaway!!!
I would use the money to buy new things that I need for moving out on my own!
Awesome giveaway! Thanks!! I would use it to get a new Vita Mix and a Kitchen Aide Stand Mixer 🙂
I would be buying some Christmas gifts. 🙂 Gotta be honest
I would spoil my kids! But first thing, I would buy my son a tablet… He has sensory processing disorder and a tablet would be a huge blessing for our family.
this Would Be Great! I Was diagnosed With An Untreatable Lung Disease this Year. It’s Been Sparse Living Sinc I Couldn’t Work So I Would Catch Up On Letting My Daughter Live Life Without Always Saying “We Just Can’t Afford It Right Now.” Wooohooo!
First of all, what an amazing generous gift!!! I would 10% to our local church. Second, I would love to provide to my family, friends, and co-workers an all PALEO gift basket. I would hand-write a letter for each one and explain how much I care for them and why I chose this PALEO gift for them. Thank you for your generosity and your wonderful friends generosity!!!
After paying off a credit card (being honest!), we would get our little girl a trampoline for the backyard (with a safety net of course). I believe strongly in getting kids outside as often as possible, and that would be a wonderful way to do it, especially since she is such a little jumping bean already. My hubby has also been dreaming of a new knife set…so I can see that in his future.
I would use this gift card to help buy my daughter family members presents for christmas and supplies for my bakery that ive been unable to afford. I run a whole foods and grain free bakery from my home to allow me to homeschool my daughter. As a single mom it is still important to me that i raise my daughter the best way i can.
This would mostly go to buying my triplets necessities. I would use any remaining amount for kitchen gadgets or ingredients to continue a healthy lifestyle. Merry Christmas!
I would use it to buy grass fed beef for my family!
Ohhh I have no clue!! I’d probably use it for the kids bdays next year and things hubs and I have wanted but couldn’t justify buying for ourselves 😀
Thinking about all the things I could purchase with the gift card. I could start stocking up my pantry. 🙂
I would use it to purchase some new clothes for myself as I have lost weight. Would also use it to add to my crossfit gym I outfitted in my garage to work out. Thanks!
Take my little mister on a Christmas shopping spree. Oh, and buy those boots I really want.
Great giveaway. I would invest in anything (books, cooking items, workout gear) to help me on my fitness & lifestyle change & journey!
i have a 4 year old son, who has a bit of a weight issue. I would like to get into a healthier lifestyle for him, having our house be strickly Paleo, maybe have him join a sport I have not been able to afford. Then I have 24 nieces and nephews, so I would like to get them some gifts if I could.
I would buy some great whole foods products, gelatin, Vit. D, elderberries, gummy bear silicone baking pans, a winter jacket for my son, a few books, maybe a new jacket for my husband, a mandoline slicer, and one of those things that makes noodles from zucchini. Oh my. The possibilities are endless!
I would buy Christmas presents for my whole family!
I would buy everything off my Amazon wish list for myself and my family/friends to help us on our journey to get healthy.
I would restock the pantry and buy all of the fun stuff I have on my amazon wish list like kitchen items, cookbooks, food, cast iron cookware, etc. Super fun!
Ooohhhh!!!! This would be a wonderful prize to win! I could buy new running shoes and books and something awesome for the hubby!!!
Thanks – great idea! love Amazon!
I really want a Vitamix or similar blender, and a ton of other fun gadgets and books…but I know me and I’d most likely use it to buy my friends and family gifts!
Buy Christmas gifts maybe some for myself lol 🙂
I would restock my pantry with Wholefoods and get rid of all the processed
Oh wow! Merry Christmas! This is terrific, I would probably get my parents some things they have been wanting for a while as well as the essential oils, specialty flours and coconut oil, and the chicken coop I’ve had my eye on 😉 Thanks for the opportunity to play along!
I would buy presents for my family and friends and also stock up on some books to donate to the local children’s hospital. I am trying to do random acts of kindness this holiday season!
I would probably buy myself one or two things too 🙂
I’d use it for things I need like paleo foods, supplements, getting a birthing pool for my home birth 🙂 as well:)
I would buy new swim gear for my girls!
Amazing gift. Makes me giddy to think about what I could do.
I’d use it to buy groceries, the remaining few Christmas presents and other household items so that we can continue to pay-down-debt with Dave Ramsey’s baby steps.
This has been a very financially straining years for our family. This would be an enormous blessing and answer to prayer.
I would use it to make Christmas extra magical for my 6 year old son and 4 year old daughter. Thank you for your generosity. :o)
We are adopting a little boy with medical needs from Eastern Europe and could use this for a car seat and other things we need before he comes home late winter/early spring!
i wouldn’t tell anyone i won and i’d buy all sorts of surprise gifts for everyone in my family!
I would use this to give my family some of the things they’ve really been wanting for Christmas and to fill the toys for tots box at my sons school. I would use a little for myself, to buy some Paleo ingredients I haven’t been able to buy mysefl before (beef gelatin, cocoa butter..).
Thanks for the chance!!
If I won, I would use it for Christmas gifts for my nieces!
First I’d buy your books! Then any gifts still needed and then I’d use to buy items like almond flour, etc.
I would love to with the gift card! I am having a baby in march and it would help to buy all the necessities! 🙂
I would finally be able to purchase a stainless steel pot and pan set! I would also purchase some glass food storage containers and stock my pantry. Thank you for this contest!
Oh my gosh I would do everything. Just everything. Namely buying my cat a lovely cover for her litter box, one of the nice chest-like things.
I would buy my family fun gifts!
Wow how generous and awesome of you, Paleo Mama! I would use part of the $1,000 to purchase needed items for local food banks. They are always in need of non-food items not covered by govt assistance. After stocking up on some essentials, I would also bless my family and me 🙂
I would buy my kids clothes and shoes
Mom to 7 so I’d spend $100 on them each on something they’d really enjoy…. Ripsticks for my youngest 2, jewelry on teen girls, Kindle books on a couple of them, skateboard for one teen boy then NEW IRON SKILLETS!
Thank you for opening this up to everyone 🙂 What would I do? Vitamix of course!!!!!!
I would use the gift card to buy a waterbirthing tub (a really nice one). I would save the rest until there was a need like Dawn dishsoap, Standard Process Beet Pills, indirect vitacost ordering, etc. Thank you for the chance!
Would buy a kitchenaid stand mixer or a vitamix and load up my boy book shelf with lots of books (maybe a few for me too :).
Put it towards our Florida trip we are saving for in May!
I would buy a food processor and a Christmas present for my husband.
I would pay off my car!
I would use it for a ton of things!! New dishes, cookware, decor… The list goes on and on!!!
I would use the giftcard for Christmas, to purchase gifts for my son and other family members
I would stock up our pantry and freezer!
I would make sure to get my mom a spectacular gift. I would also by essential oils and healthy food, plus diapers and wipes for my son and my niece :). Thanks.
I would buy all the kitchen items i want but don’t want to spend money on and books.
I have had my eye on a few things such as the gadget to make the spiral noodles. Plus, my son has been asking for some Mario toys. $1,000 is a lot of money so I’m sure more Christmas gifts and some awesome stuff for me.
If I won this giftcard I would buy my dad a new bicycle. His brand new one was recently stolen and it’s his only mode of transportation.
I would use it for Christmas gifts, a slow cooker (mine gave up the ghost 2 weeks ago), and a food dehydrator. I also get to remove some of the things on my wish list and “save for later” list that I already have on Amazon 🙂 Thank you for the awesome giveaway!
This is exciting! I would use some of it to help out a family in need. Also, ever since we started paleo a lot of people have asked how we do it, therefore I would buy a few cookbooks for them. I also would invest in a few things I’d like for our kitchen to make paleo easier! Kitchen aid mixer and dehydrator for sure!
I started a new adventure this past fall……I’m homeschooling my two kids. We desperately need a new laptop. My oldest does the majority of her work on the computer, however, that means we all have to schedule time in front of it now. We need odds and ends around the house. We are still in the process of setting up desks and work stations. We need better art supplies and research books. I am a project oriented person, we need more materials!!! That’s what I would use the $ for, my children’s education!
I just moved into a new house and am starting a Paleo challenge/diet – starting fresh on many levels! I would use this to stock my kitchen with the tools to become and stay healthy!
Christmas gifts for family and friends and some just for me from my wish list!
Oh, there are soooo many things. I need some equipment for my kitchen, ie. a food dehydrator, or a food processor. My daughter loves my mixer and my vitamix, maybe a gift for her. Something definitely for my 8 grandkids to enjoy at my house, maybe a rebounder. Thanks for the chance 😀
First off…bless you for your generous giving! May you be abundantly blessed in return! With $1000 gift card, I would purchase my 4 nephews (all have December birthdays) their birthday AND Christmas gifts! Then I would purchase equipment for our new volleyball club. I am a military wife and in our current town volleyball is pretty unheard of. We are trying to gather funds to pay for military kiddos who financially can’t afford to play volleyball. By purchasing equipment with an amazon gift card we could use our equipment money to offer more scholarships! Lastly any remaining money I would use to buy board game for Operation Home Front for military families. Again bless you for your generous spirit of giving this Christmas season!
COOKWARE and a smoker.
This is amazing!! I would put it toward Christmas presents for my son and my 2 year old nephew who just had his third open heart surgery. Thank you!
A bit of Christmas shopping, chickens and more goats!!
I would buy new cookware and gadgets for the kitchen! Also Christmas presents for my family, close and far!
I would use it for my kids and I just might buy that vitamix 🙂 Pay it forward and help someone who helped me last Christmas season.
I would use it to do something special. The feeling you get from brightening someones day is like no other.
I would buy lots of staples for our family- raw honey, coconut oil, ACV, organic herbs and spices, essential oils, salt lamps….what wouldn’t I buy?! AWESOME giveaway!
This would be a huge help with the repairs and painting I need to do on my house!
I would buy a cast iron skillet and gifts for family members! And I would be SO HAPPY!!!
New winter shoes and school clothes… It’s cold!
I’d stock up on essential oils, and purchase a good blender and dehydrator.
Ohhh! I would use it to buy all the kitchen gadgets I’ve been dreaming of. One of each for me and for my friend!!
Wow! What a giveaway! Christmas gifts…birthday gifts…cookbooks…this could take care of a lot! Happy holidays!
Restock the cloth diaper supply. Get more homeschooling materials. Books. Yarn. Pantry staples. Cleaning items. Toilet paper! And possibly a sewing machine 🙂
I don’t know what I would do with $1000 (so many necessities and even more wants!) but I definitely would be thankful for it!!
Would love the chance to win!!! Thank you so much!
since I lost my job last year, I would use it to totally go over board with gift for family and friends 🙂
Groceries!! It’s been a rough month money wise and my pantry needs restocking!
This would be such a blessing!
I would replace all my cookwear and cooking utensils. Fingers crossed!
I would finally have a real bridal set!!
I would use it on my husband. He works very hard do I can stay home and it feels odd buying him gifts with his money. I used to work, and back then, it didn’t feel weird at all. He deserves something good!!
I would use it to stock up on things that we normally couldn’t afford to stock up on: coconut oil, good sea salt, coconut flour, coconut palm sugar, vanilla beans, etc.
What would I do with a $1K Amazon gift cared? I would buy one thing on my wish list. Then I would stock up on food and toys for the family’s I help during the holiday.
Can I buy car repairs with it? Hmm, then Christmas it is!
WOW, well considering my hubby got laid off a few weeks ago and the few kids I was watching in my day home are done we could defiantly use this for A LOT! We have no money till January! I would most likely take a few hundred and buy gifts for random people and drop them off at their doors, its our way of doing ding dong ditch! 🙂 Pretty bummed we cant do it this year 🙁 also a food processor would be awesome! mine is dying! 😛
Xmas shopping and tools to build a tree house for my kids
Well Fed 2, a Vitamix, and a high quality digital camera. Planning on starting our family next year, so the camera would be for capturing all the memories!
I would use it to finally buy a Berkey water filter and then replace all the toxic plastic items and pans left in my kitchen. $1000 could help remove a lot of poisons around here!
This is amazing.. bless you
I Would move some Christmas gifts for my kids and some things we need for our uncoming move.
I’d probably use a bit to splurge on expanding my kitchen tools for all the cooking I’m doing at home now! And the rest would allow me to buy uniforms for my daughter for school!
I would use the gift card to buy a vitamix because its SO awesome and I’d love one.
The rest of the gift card, I would gift to my MIL as she is having a very lean December and doesn’t have money to buy her grandbabies gifts.
Wow! I would do some crazy dreaming then bounce back into reality get some list ideas from my five kids and husband and plan random and fun surprises throughout the year. And lots of spoilment. And probably lots of supplements, and a really good juicer.
I’d start by purchasing a Vitamix 🙂
Well, I am new to the foodie world, and I would use the gift card to buy cod liver oils and coconut oil… And all of the wonderful things I have seen all of you inspiring ladies post. My husband gets a new job in January so right now we are really tight on money, and I am doing your “Paleo on a budget”! You have inspired me beyond words Paleo Momma!!! Some day want my own goat and chickens too!!! After having my 3rd son last year I was diagnosed with Mild Congestive Heart Failure and only at 24!!! I started doing my research, and how the food I was eating could be affecting my body! But thanks to you, some others like you, and my weight loss surgeon I have already almost dropped 100 pounds in less than 6 months! Also, I have reversed some of the heart failure, and I am confident I will reverse it completely! Me getting healthy for my children is my number one goal, and teaching my children about healthy food is my second goal! Even if I don’t win I want to say keep doing what you are doing! Because it is making a difference!!! Thank you!
Hard to say maybe a new cookware set
I would use it to get tablets for my kids. It’s what they want more than anything!
I would be able to spoil my children for Christmas – “Santa” has never been able to give my kids all of the things that they really want which is disappointing for them and breaks my heart. It would truly be a blessing. Thank you for this opportunity. Happy Holidays!
Thank you for being so generous!
I would usd the gift card to buy christmas gifts for my 7 nieces & nephews and 2 great-nieces!
Such an amazing gift! First of all thank you for the opportunity!
I would by gifts for my boys. Then get a few gifts and/or groceries for some of the families I know that are in need. And if there was any leftover, I would get a few of our grocery staples to help buffer out our grocery budget.
i would get my husband a descent pair of sunglasses and invest the rest in our farm. ee always need something…we just kicked of our dream of having an organic farm. i stick a recipe in the farm boxes each week and archive them on the website thebackfortyfarm.net 🙂
My parents are in the process of opening a new business, so I would definitely get them some of the things they need. Or I would get new tires. I wonder if Amazon even sells tires? :-). Either way, thanks for offering your fans such a great giveaway!
Wow!! I’d finally buy multiple copies of all the books I give away all the time…
Make Christmas jolly for my family
Health food gifts-
I would take my family on a mini- vacation!! Buy some more essential oils!
If I won I would buy Christmas gifts for my family. My Grandson tells me what he wants for Christmas everyday! Lol Gotta love 3 year olds at Christmas time!
I would by a reverse osmosis filter and Christmas gifts for my son and family. Thanks! 🙂
Christmas presents for my family 🙂
I would buy myself some new boots! My kids would get the new clothes they desperately need and my books for next quarter would be taken care of.
I would give my family an amazing Christmas! Especially my mom. She always gives myself and my kids a great Christmas and rarely does anything for herself, and I have never been able to do for her even half of what she does for me. I would love to turn the tables this year and do something truly surprising and wonderful for her!
I would fill my cart with tons of paleo goodies and then pay for overnight shipping!! 😀
I would buy Christmas presents for my kids!!
Use for Christmas presents for kids and family!!
Buy lots of new cookware and Paleo books!!
A Vitamix, an entire set of Lodge cookware and special gift for the hubs.
If I was to be the lucky recipient, I would buy my hubby new work shoes, workout clothes and crossfit shoes. He works 60 hours plus a week so I can stay home with our kids. He is an amazing man and he always puts us first. He deserves to be spoiled.
I would buy books for my grandchildren, and healthy foods, and things for Christmas for the family, that help us all be better educated about food, health, lifestyle, living the best we can in a toxic world!
Winning this would be a miracle. I would buy my two boys what is on their Christmas list (which isn’t much).
Pick Me!! I love you and I love Amazon!!! 🙂
I would use it to give to others during this holiday season.
Lots of good healthy food stuff you can’t buy in town, like yummy coconut oil!! Also a nice gift for my mother-in-law that watches our kids whenever we ask.
I would use it for Christmas and groceries.
This would really help to get cought back up after Christmas, with a little left to do something for myself or hubby. Ive really been wanting chicks in the spring.
Buy food, kitchen gadgets, & books!
I will give it to my husband’s family of 11 adopted kids still living at home {19 all together – first generation gone – 19th child they are in the process of adopting}. Foster/adopt ministry many with special needs coming from broken homes. They moved out to east Texas a couple of years ago from the Dallas area to give these kids a better life on a farm. It is what they always wanted, so they bought over 100 acres and now raise organic pastured raised meats available to the public. Their farm is HindsFeet Farm. They’ve really done an amazing job with these kids growing up in a Christian environment and having this farm means the world to them. That is how they are supporting themselves with the farm, they really don’t have much money despite their growing success, it’s still starting out and difficult for them and often hear of how they are struggling and need us to help them out financially. I would give them the $1000 to make this an amazing Christmas for them. They deserve it so much, for all the work they do not just on the farm but for others. They have so much going on yet they continue to volunteer their time to help care for those in need. They’ve done so much for everyone around them, including me and my family. I would love to give this to them and help make this Christmas one they will never forget. I can’t even describe how much of a blessing this would be. They’re truly one amazing family who gives everything they got and asks nothing in return, except love.
I will likely use the money to buy gifts for my husband, kids and four grandchildren, and maybe a new blender. 🙂
I’d buy Christmas presents for my family and kitchen gadgets for me with whatever was left over. And cloth diapers for my babies!
so many choices! amazon is awesome. i broke my camera recently, so I see a new one in my future 🙂
I would love to buy a good juicer and some much needed items for my home.
I’ll probably use half on new kitchen gadgets and the other half things to give to the local community.
I would use the gift card to buy some Christmas for the kids and family and round out my kitchen needs to better feed my family healthy.
I would use it toward items on my long “wish list.”
We just had our 2nd baby and we are both back to work….needless to say, things are tight! We would use the money towards bills and maybe some Xmas presents!! What a wonderful gift you are providing for someone!!!
I would buy groceries.
I would get a dining room set so we can start having family dinners at the the table and not the couch. We have a baby girl due in March 2014 and I would start purchasing things to get ready for her arrival. I would get her a crib, dresser, breast pump, nursing pads, and crib bedding set. I would start stocking up on diapers and wipes. I would buy my 15 month old son news books and toys. There is so much lol!! I would get a new camera and a kitchaid stand mixer to make baking a lot easier for me. I would also get new pots and pans.
I would buy bedding for my kids so they have nice warm beds that they are proud of.
My hubby has been out of work for a year now. I would use it towards Christmas gifts for us and our family!
I would buy Christmas gifts for my family!
If I were to win the gift card, I would give my 4 kiddos a fantastic Christmas, and fill my kitchen with all the healthy food that I try to buy, and sometimes am unable to buy, for my family.
What wouldn’t I be able to get….amazon has everything!
I would use it for books, household items, and stuff for my daughter’s birthday coming in January.
I’d love to buy a kitchenaid mixer and a bunch of attachments!!!
I would get the much needed new tires on our truck. We drive it everywhere including family camping trips. Tires are getting worn and it’s our only vehicle.
Kitchen gadgets, food, clothing, shoes, cook books, etc for the entire family. What an awesome Christmas present!
Oohh! I love Amazon! $1000 would be so great for stocking up on essentials and fun things, too 🙂
I have a huge wish list of stuff that I drool over. I think I’d be able to get just about everything on that list and it would take care of myself, my husband, my kids, my nieces, etc….. Something for everyone:)
I would use it to make my family’s christmas a little brighter by taking us on a trip to a bigger city in January to just spend a few days together. My husband has been out-of-town for the past 5 weeks and hasn’t seen myself or our 2yearold daughter more than a few times for a few hours.
I would use the 33/33/33 rule. Spend 33% on myself (probably kiddos), save 33% and donate 33%. I’d love to support a family or 2 during Christmas and this would be the best way how! Thanks!!
I would use the money if I won to get all the kitchen tool I need to make dealing with my daughter’s allergies easier
I would use it for a new computer, mine is 10 yrs old .. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would buy a BIG SCREEN!!
The man of my dreams just proposed to me on Friday so we would use the gift card to get what we need for the wedding. It would make our wedding to be able to have some of the stuff paid for without using our budget. So excited about this giveaway!!
I will spend it on my family, but also give some gifts to the charity one simple wish. Maybe a fitbit for me too!
Nice!! I would spend some, save some and share some! Amazon wish list is getting longer and longer ha!
Give my family an amazing christmas
I would use it to stock my kitchen! Hoping Santa brings me a food processor and other gadgets to make eating real food more convenient, but if not, I would purchase those items plus grass fed gelatin and other supplements that I can not purchase locally. Thank you for the opportunity 🙂
With the gift card, I would purchase supplies for my planned community garden spaces for next year, which I will use not only to feed my family, but families in my area that don’t have much in the way of food. I will also use it to buy a couple of small gifts for all of the kids (4 boys), as well as for some families here in Ann Arbor, MI, that have nothing for Christmas!
I’d be able to afford a nice Christmas for my family.
I would use it towards my missions trip to Haiti and for plane tickets to visit family and friends!
I would buy some new kitchen gadgets and get the kids a little something extra for Christmas
I would buy a blender and use the rest to travel to Rome with my husband for a cooking class 🙂
What a great giveaway! If I won the moolah, I would use it to buy books and supplies for the upcoming semester of school (I’m studying business management), and some kitchen supplies in support of my at home baking business and food blog.
Thanks again!
I personally probably have enough ‘stuff’, but it would be amazing to pick a few more angels off the angel tree & give as many nice Christmases as I can… thanks for the awesome giveaway… 🙂
I would buy my husband his whole wish list! What an awesome giveaway!!
It would be a huge blessing for my boys for christmas
My husband and I close on our new home on the 20th! I would use this gift to paint, decorate, and fill our new home!
I just started making the homemade items and am giving this stuff away to my family at Christmas. If I won the gift card, I’d probably get more items to create product for an Etsy shop. I’m really enjoying tweaking recipes into my own creations! Thanks for the opportunity.
I would buy a new refrigerator and use the remaining amount to stock up on mason jars and pantry supplies.
Hi Jackie,
I discovered your blog through Pintrest a few days ago and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. It has increased my quality of life in just a few days!! I love your recipes and budget help, it opened my eyes so much! So if i won this giftcard I’d use it to start my collection of essential oils and homesteading materials (almond oil, castile soap,etc.) and most likely make my new year as natural as possible 🙂
Happy Blogging!!
I would use it to buy a freezer for all of the homemade meals I’ve made and don’t have room to store. I’d also get a food dehydrator because I’ve always wanted one! Thank you for this awesome giveaway!!
I would start buying some of the products I see you and the other bloggers talking about. Otherwise, I couldn’t afford them! Thank you, Merry Christmas
Books, games, toys, so many things to choose from. I would be able to get the kids some of the things on their lists that I would not otherwise be able to
I’d use it to buy vocal recording equipment!
There are so many kitchen items I could buy!
I subscribed and liked 🙂 I would get gifts for my family of things they and I need!
This would allow us to have piece of mind this holiday season.
We would use an amazon gift card to stock up on paleo goods, kitchen appliances, paleo cookbooks for ourselves and loved ones, gifts. The possibilities are endless! A $1,000 goes a long way!
Definitely a Blendtec or Vitamix! After that, who knows? Maybe a tablet.
We just moved to a new state so money is tight. Honestly, I don’t know how we’ll give Christmas presents this year. God will provide though.
I’d use the gift card for Christmas. For diapers. Probably to stock up on some grocery items. There are several things we’d like to buy to decorate the new house.
I would buy my mom a dehydrator…. She needs one desperately!
I will stock up on all my Amazon subscribe and save items that make it so much easier to eat healthy/go paleo!!
I’d get Tegu blocks and art supplies for my daughter’s 2nd Christmas and a much needed cookware set!
Wow I would love to win! I would share with the family…. Great idea Jackie. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and your family.
Hello Paleo Momma,
We have 4 kids and we are as Paleo and holistic as possible. Money has been tight so I’d use the $ to buy the kids winter clothes. It’s getting cold here. Thanks for all your great recipes and holistic info on your site.
Love and blessings ❤️❤️
I’d use it to stock my cupboards with some paleo staples and spoil my kids at bit too.
I would finally buy all of the ingredients to make my homemade gifts…for deoderant, body butter, etc. 😀
Christmas gifts for my kiddos!!!
Sounds like an amazing way to further implement a healthy lifestyle for my 1 yo & my 41 yo!!!
What an awesome giveaway!! With all that money I could stock up my kitchen with useful cookware like a good food processor, a slow cooker, cook books, maybe some paleo treats and last but not least, I’d buy present for my beloved family and boyfriend 🙂
Oh gosh! I would love this! I am a newly wed and there are so many items we could buy to start our life together! 🙂
I would buy a food dehydrator and then spend the rest in my son. He’s in need of clothes! He’s 9 months old but already wearing 18 months.
I LOVE Amazon! I would buy my husband a couple gifts for his wine-making station for our 25th anniversary in January. I would also buy a couple kitchen gadgets to help prepare healthy foods (spiral cutter, new juicer, and cutting boards). I would buy some bath salts, bath rugs, bath towels. I would also buy sheets, a new duvet, and duvet cover for our bed. Any money left over would be used to stock up on herbs, nuts, seeds, and food items that I can’t find in our little mountain community (chia seeds, various oils, quinoa, etc.)
I would use the money to purchase a slide set for my little one to play on outside. He loves slides, but they’re so dang expensive. :):) Love the blog.
I love Amazon! I would use it for gifts for my daughter, mother and sister. Kitchen gadgets for myself.
I would use this to purchase Christmas gifts for not only my son but my three nieces and nephews who don’t have much. I’d also use a little on buying a few new Paleo cookbooks. 🙂
To be honest id buy christmas presents for my 2 year old. I am the only income and cant afford christmas. This would be a miracle for me I could get a tree, food, gifts for him.
I would probably use it to have a weekend getaway with my husband: we have been struggling and need to reconnect as friends and have some fun: we have not had more than a couple of hours alone without kids in almost 6 years.
If I won this gift I would bout a kindle fire for my son who is Dyslexic because the kindle will read a book out loud. I would buy some cast iron pans for cooking, paleo cookbooks, and find out what books my sons teacher would like to have and get them
Thank you!
I would give it to my wonderful daughter who took us in when her dad had a BAD stroke and we lost our house.
I would buy a much needed pressure cooker and new baking pans for myself then use the rest of the money to teach my son the joy of giving back. We would buy and deliver random gifts for people in need.
I would use $1000 to buy all the organic meat I can’t afford now!
If I won $1,000 gift card, I would use it to buy Christmas presents for my husband. In 10 years, we’ve never bought each other presents. Thanks!
So many things could be bought, healthy food, books, needed kids items, and fun stuff!
I would stock my kitchen with fun extras for the paleo lifestyle!
If I win I will use the $1000 to buy Christmas presents.
I would use it to do some more Christmas shopping for my kids.
I would throw a paleo party or buy some much deserved gifts for friends and family for Christmas!
I would buy a few things that are on my wish list and donate the rest.
Oh wow! I know I would buy a few staples for our household but our community food bank and community diaper bank needs staples more than we do, so I know I would shop around for some really good things to donate. Thanks for the opportunity!
I have a giant Amazon wish list, that grows by the day! This prize would take care of a big chunk of it 😉
I would buy something for my husband and pay on debt.
I would use it to give someone less fortunate than me a great Christmas!!
I would go Christmas shopping for my entire family!!
I would go Christmas shopping for my entire family as well as buy yummy nutritious goods!
I would buy my husband his dream grill, the Traeger. He just returned from deployment and I would love to surprise him with an amazing gift.
I would get a bunch of the cookware I need…blender, cookware, mixer, oh yes.
My husband and I just closed on our homestead and take possession in January. I would buy a riding mower or a hen house and poulets to start raising layers and broilers.
Buy gifts for my family
I would use this to prepare for our fourth baby coming May 2014, and to pay off more debt sooner, so we can start saving for a BIGGER home! We are bursting at the seams already! 🙂
With a $1000 gift card, I would probably buy clothes for my kids and spend a little bit on food from azure standard. Or maybe I would buy a bunch of gifts for people on our gift list 🙂
I would start with a new KitchenAid Mixer – the big honkin’ one, with all the bells & whistles. And then stock up my pantry with all kinds of goodies….eyes glazing over just thinking about it..
I would get storage stuff. For the playroom, garage, closet. I would love to have our clutter out of sight!
I would buy my kids a really nice trampoline. They both do gymnastics and could use it to practice 🙂 Thanks!!1
We are PCS-ing a couple days after Christmas, so I think we would use it to buy our kiddos some lovely Christmas presents when we get to Florida that I wasn’t able to buy while at our current station, and the rest towards things for our lovely new home…oh and I would definitely buy one of those spiral slicers!!! 😀
Make Christmas amazing for my family!
I would finally buy all that stuff that sits in my wish list 🙂
I would love to pick up some last minute Christmas gifts and some kitchen goodies for my husband and I!
I would buy food products, books, and a kitchen utensil or two. So exciting! Thanks for this amazing offer!
I would use it for Christmas presents! As well as some workout equipment and clothes for me. (: Okay, and dark chocolate.
I would use this $$$ to purchase thing to help better organize my home and kitchen and kitchen supplies to help make eating clean more appealing to my munchkins.
My husband works very hard to support our family and I would spoil him spending most of the money on him but saving a portion to get our daughter something special too!
If I win I will buy books on how to write cover letter and do well on job interviews (I am so driven but breaking into todays job market is not easy!)
Food, clothes for my growing kiddos, surprise gifts for loved ones…. Amazon rocks!! Thanks for offering an amazing giveaway!
Some new cookbooks and cast iron pans to start 🙂
I have been eyeing an Excalibur dehydrator and a kitchen aid for years!
Oh the possibilities! Cast Iron set, books for my little girl, baking items for my lactation cookie business, hoover floormate vacuum, add to my cloth diaper stash, artwork, toys, rug for the MBR….
I would buy a new sofa ! 🙂
I would buy some kitchen gadgets to make my cooking easier 🙂 because I’m in the kitchen all the time with my kids and I have food allergies & SIBO. It would be a blessing!
I would use this for Christmas!
Buy a Vitamix for the kitchen and a new camera. Love all the possibilities that the vitamin would provide for feeding my family.
I’d purchase Himilayan Salt Lamps for my house, since we’ve been wanting them for sometime now. I also run a non profit group & we’re doing Christmas for the kids in there, so this would help out with that cost Tremendously! :).. I’m also interested in purchasing healthy items, as we just went all natural food consumption in my home! What a blessing this money would be for many of things. I couldn’t even name everything I’d do with it 🙂
I would buy some kitchen gadgets to make my cooking easier 🙂 because I’m in the kitchen all the time with my kids and I have food allergies & SIBO. It would be a blessing!
I would buy a new treadmill for my husband. He has such a hard time getting out to work out because he is so busy with work and having one in the house would be an excellent way for him to get his daily exercise in!
Thank you for this opportunity! What a blessing! I would buy my children some much needed essential items and bless another family with the same.
I need a food processor or a Vitamix or something! Also would like to get some more toys for ‘Toys for Tots’
My hubby is 100% disabled vet and with me being his caregiver, we have focused our money on bills more than Christmas. I’d buy a few things for our kids and then share the gift with other families in a similar position.
Without a doubt, it’s the season of giving. This would be some pretty awesome giving!!
I would get a high powered blender, possibly a food dehydrator or a new tv!
This year has been really tough. I take care of my mom who is 91 and she recently fell and fractured her back. I have not been able to work, so money is tight. There will be no gifts this year. If I was to be lucky enough to win this, first off I would get Christmas dinner, then I would get something for my three sons and their families (especially the grandkids), help out my husband (who I am separated from) with getting his truck fixed and the rest I would donate to the survivors of the recent tornadoes in Central Illinois, and to the volunteers who are so tirelessly and selflessly giving of their time and money to help.
I would use the gift card for Christmas gifts and school books!
We would buy gifts for our family, this would be a huge blessing!
I have 6 children this would help a lot with Christmas and everyday!
There are so many things we can do with this card. Gifts for those less fortunate, a little help for us at this time of the year, help for others who can’t afford much for the holidays. We really believe in giving back and not only will this help us a little, but can impact so many!
Buy baby stuff!
I’m very fortunate this yesr to have what I need.
I’m not 100 percent sure what I would do but I would use it to give back. Buy baby things for a shelter. Help a school tht needs kitchen items. Baby and kuds toys to a daycare.
Thank you for this chance!
Books and pantry staples and cooking toys oh my! I do so much of my shopping from Amazon!
What a generous and amazing gift!
I am going back to school for a degree in Lactation Consultation so I would use the gift card to purchase the long list of textbooks needed!
Eeeeeek I would definitely use this to buy new cookware, like stainless steel or copper pans :))
WOW, I could do so much with $1000!!! I would purchase a few christmas gifts for my family, then use the rest to help out a dear friend that is going through a terrible divorce, losing almost everything and struggling.
I am pretty certain that I would get this KitchenAid mixer in Nickle Pearl…
This Vitamix along with the dry blade attachment…
This would be a Christmas gift for me AND my family since they will benefit from all the yummy & healthy things I could make. 😉
p.s… I tried to subscribe to CHEESESLAVE and got this Feedburner message twice… “The publisher has deactivated subscriptions by email”. And their page is the only one that I don’t see this giveaway mentioned on.
PRAYING with all of my heart that I win. I want a Vitamix & KitchenAid SOOOOO much! Thanks for the opportunity!
This is so exciting! I love Amazon, and I have three kids 5 and under, so I’d put it to good use. I manage multiple food allergies, so I’d probably buy some safe food, toys and goodies for the kids, and treats for me like a Le Creuset, new yoga pants, paleo cookbooks, and an All Clad slowcooker!
I would use the money to pay off dr bills. Thank you for the chance to win!
If I won I would use for a dehydrator maybe some kitchen supplies and an entry way table. Also maybe some homeschool preschool supplies and supplies to make my own cleaners and beauty products!! Awesome giveaway!!
iPhones for the whole family!
I will treat my 4 year old daughter and my husband to an awesome Christmas. I really could use this card as I have not worked this year and it breaks my heart that I can’t do anything for my family. They fill my life with joy and I just want to be able to thank them. With me being visually impaired I am so thankful for an awesome husband who accepts me and I want to show my appreciation.
New snowshoes for the entire family!
I would save it to use throughout the year on things like bulk food, essential oils, kitchen products 🙂
Since the drawing is too late for Christmas I am going to be selfish and use it on me. I need new recipe books, cookware, bakeware, blender, food processor, veggie spiral slicer, and much more. Thank you for such an awesome gift. You will make someone extremely happy.
Groceries and household goods – every penny counts right now.
I would be able to buy Christmas gifts for my kiddos and all 7 of my nieces and nephews instead of one gift to share! I would also be able to buy some kitchen gadgets to donate to my friends gluten free baking business!
I need a new washer and dryer! I’m sure I could find one with free shipping!
I would be very thankful to win. I would use it to support my children.
I’d probably get a radial arm saw… I need some new shelves 😉
I would use the $1000 to buy gifts for all my friends and family. If any money was left I would buy myself the list of things I have in my amazon wishlist, most items are what I buy in order to feed my Paleo cooking needs.
I would use most of it to support my paleo habits 😉
I would buy Christmas presents for my family and friends! I would also buy winter gear and book shelves!
Use it for gifts and for a few items on my wishlists, couple of cookbooks i have been really wanting!
I would use the Amazon gift card to continue buying the items my kids need everyday. I love Amazon, and shop their website daily!!
I’d probably get a few things for my hubby and maybe even some Lego/school stuff for the kids (yes, I can turn just about anything into a Lego school lesson given enough time to think about it).
This would be awesome!!
Wow, I dont even have an answer. I’d likely save it to ensure I’d spend it slowly & wisely. Maybe buy my sister a nice wedding gift for her wedding in July.
If I won the $1,000 gift card I would first tithe $100 to church. Then, I’d buy my hubby some bagpipes, because he’s always wanted to learn them. Next, I’d stock up on coconut oil, flour, and manna!! Then, buy a thing or two for our 4 kiddos!
I would use the gift card to buy my kiddos Christmas gifts!
I would put the money in my son’s education fund.
I would use some of on Christmas and the rest I would spend on items to support a healthier lifestyle, such as a Vitamix or Blendtec mixer, almond flour, cocount flour, etc.
I would love to win this!!! What an awesome Christmas we would have. I would use the $ to get furnishings for our basement that we are trying to redo after we had some water back-up damage. We’d like to get an air hockey table and basketball hoop for the kids and their friends to use!
I would buy a food processor, and two salt rock lamps…and then…buy stuff to bless people with.
I would spend it on Christmas presents for my family!
If I win, I would use the $1000 to go towards the purchase of a Vitamix Blender as well as filling my kitchen with organic/paleo friendly foods. My daughter is tube-fed and is showing signs of intolerance to her commercial food, which I’ve just found out is made from GMO products!
Buy a new set of cookware and stock up on good-for-us staples
wooooow!! I would share it with my family 🙂
I would use it for gifts for my friends & family- this year has been tight. Thanks for the chance 🙂
I Would buy gifts for this familyI know who currently is struggling and probley will have nothing for there kids under the tree,we planned to help already but this would just make it over the top 🙂
I would buy an organic crib mattress for our third son (due in Feb) and definitely a vitamix!
I would buy my sons Sam & Ben DJ equipment. They need it to keep working and Amazon has great sales. If you have a Soundcloud account or Youtube you can hear some…it’s electronic mostly…just type in OceanRae. I want them to succeed at something they love instead of living a life of uncertainty in something they don’t.
I’d get all the books sitting on my amazon wishlist that I haven’t been able to afford buying.
My mom. She deserves a good Christmas 🙂
Buy new camera equipment so I can photograph my daughter and our adventures
$1000 would buy a lot of Great Lakes gelatin 🙂 And, a ton of cool gifts for all of my nieces and nephews– I have 13 and one on the way!
I would LOVE to use this to pay off debt (go Dave Ramsey!) but since that won’t work on amazon…I would love to buy some food storage, and maybe splurge on a good mixer! 🙂
I would use it to furnish my soon to be new apartment, since leaving a 20 year marriage, and starting over. Exciting!
I love Christmas so much.It would make my family so Happy to have gifts under the tree this year since last year wasn’t a very good Christmas.It would brighten our Christmas if we could win. Thank you for the giveaway. Hope to win .
Christmas Present
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO many things I would get. Mostly, I need gear for the endurance competitions I’m competing in next year like a ruck, sandbags… I need more workout gear. A new food processor, because I killed mine trying to make coconut butter. Whoops. I’d get some clothes for my kids… single mom with a 4 and 5 year old… those boys put holes in pants almost DAILY! Sigh.
Christmas gifts…then some cookbooks and kitchen necessities to help me in my transition to a paleo/primal way of life.
If I won, I would definitely get a new treadmill!
Wow! What would I do with $1000?? My family would have a very merry Christmas, that’s for sure! I’ve always wanted a stand mixer so that would be my first purchase.
Gelatin, magnesium, Paderno spiral slicer, books and books and books, gifts for family!!!
I would buy amazingly fun things for my family for Christmas. 🙂
Id give the money to a local organization called The Joy House, located in Cut and Shoot Texas. They help young pregnant girls by provide shelter and support during crisis pregnancies, making it easy for mothers to choose life instead of abortion for their babies. This is an organization that I truly believe in and every year, my family gives to them. 🙂
I could use this to buy my sons clothes especially pajamas to keep them warm at night…
I would use it to by thank you gifts for the staff at the care facility my grandparents are living in. They are amazing people and treat every resident like they are family- which is needed as some of those folks have no other family to spend time with. Thank you, Jackie for having such a caring heart.
I would buy Christmas presents for my family. But mostly I’d buy some low carb/ paleo things off of amazon!
I would buy Christmas gifts for me family
A vitamix & lots of EOs!!!
My family has had a hard year after losing their house of 28 years and some deaths in the family. I would love to have this card to brighten up their spirits with some needed gifts. The animal shelter can also use some extra blankets and other needed items as the weather gets colder.
I would use the gift card to buy healthy food like coconut milk, gelatin, almond flour etc. Thanks to all the bloggers who are offering this giveaway!
I would stock up on all my paleo kitchen needs and diapers 🙂
Definitely get my grandchildren some Christmas gifts. I have 5 beautiful grandaughters and without this prize they will probably not have a Christmas. I pray for this prize for themLove them so much…..Kiara,Hannah,Mariah,Khloe, and Baby Kosette.
I’d restock my pantry and maybe get some things set on auto-ship FINALLY!
STock up on some homeopathy books I’ve had my eye on!
It would be amazing to win this gift certificate. I am on a super-tight budget and would use it to stock up on the necessities my son and I need for our special diet (coconut milk, coconut oil, gelatin, FCLO, etc). It would be nice to be able to get a few gifts for my son and for my other family members, as well. Thank you for the giveaway! 🙂
We have somehow been managing without a food processor so that would be first. Next would be gifts for my family. Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
I would pay some bills and I would also like to bless others if I won 🙂
I would love to win the gift card!! I would use it to buy gifts for my family and friends. With whats left I’d buy tons of ingredients for all the awesome recipes that Paleo mama posts. 🙂
I’m going to buy all new healthy cookware!!!! LeCreuset, please 🙂
We would be so blessed, we would simply use it throughout the year for household necessities, birthday gifts for the children, etc.
I’d stock up on core products like gluten-free flours, probably some grass-fed beef/buffalo, a smoker – ah the list goes on and on!
I would buy new furniture for my child’s playroom and bedroom to help re-organize our home for her growing and developing needs, the cooking/kitchen equipment on my long list, probably some gifts, gadgets…the list really could go on. Thank you for this opportunity.
Cookware, cook books and everything else that I can’t get locally and Amazon will ship internationally. But probably more books on self sustainability…
I would totally use it slowly over the year to help pay for groceries. Things are so tight these days that it often hurts when pulling out the funds while in the grocery line. Thanks so much for posting a give away.
I have NO Christmas budget this year. A win like this would certainly change our Christmas plans. We might be able to have that Christmas feast and tree afterall. AND maybe even bless some others along the way. Thanks for the opportunity even if only to dream! Merry Christmas.
Honestly, not sure what I would do with it, but I know I could put it to good use!
Thank you for the giveaway.
I would sure love to use the gift card to get some of the harder to find products that I read about on this blog and other similar website. I have a gluten free 2 year old who is very picky about what he eats because he “thinks it might hurt his tummy” So I try very hard to cook gluten free and paleo for the entire family!
New furniture!
As someone else said, What wouldn’t I do with it?!! We might actually be moving… to place with an actual proper kitchen X-D So there’s where a good chunk will go!
I have several things on my Amazon wish list that would no longer need to be wishes!!! A $1000 gift card would take care of those and more. Books, healthy foods for my pantry, workout toys, maybe a new kettlebell, one for me and one to share!
First thing on the list would be Coconut aminos ’cause I can’t find it anywhere else in Australia!
Then the spiral machine thingy! Would then have to explore Amazon for other goodies!
I’d split it among the family or at least come to a consensus of what to buy.
I would cry if I won. I never win anything. I would use it for Christmas gifts for the family. Can’t afford them this year :-/
What a blessing this gift would be – I have spent the last two days searching online for items on the Amazon wish list for a local animal rescue. I would purchase every item on their wish list and donate those items to Lakeshore Paws animal rescue!! Congratulations to whoever is lucky enough to win!
I would spend some on Xmas gifts, buy a little for those on need at Xmas, and use the rest to stock my kitchen with all the gadgets etc I need to stay on the paleo diet successfully.
I would buy somethings for my mom! Then I would buy the things we need to fully make the healthy switch in eating!! SO exciting 🙂
Merry Christmas!
I would first buy a vitamix! Love smoothies and the like! I would then buy other healthy items for my pantry. Running low here 🙂
I’d use it for homeschooling books & resources, cooking appliances & coconut milk!
I’d buy gifts for friends and family, a few things for the house to replace old tattered ones, and the supplements I need. 🙂
A Vitamix!
I would spend it on a new food processor and some other appliances.
Ready to have a baby! Will use the money to fix up the nusery!! Need new windows, doors and carpet!
Stock up on grassfed beef and pastured pork, buy all the kitchen supples that are on my Amazon wish list. Then I would purchase giftcards for my family and friends from my favorite ranch, Sonrise Ranch here in San Diego!
I use it to buy some toys for my son and to get new cookware. Cookware is so expensive and we need some so bad.
Wow! I never win these things, but if I were to win…. I would like a kitchen aid mixer 🙂 And of course something for the kiddos 🙂
I would renew my Crossfit membership for a year and gift my fiancé with the same!
I would buy a Vitamix, maybe a spiral slicer, and then give my 3 grandkids a little extra for their Christmas.
If I win, i will buy my beautiful son a car. He deserves that, and so much more.
Finally buy the Paleo cookbooks I have been eyeing for a long time and definitely treat my husband to something special!!
I’d donate it or what I bought with it to someone truly in need.
Hmm, I would hope to use this gift card for items I need to start building my backyard gardens, some gadgets we could use for the kitchen and definitely a pot rack! I have so few cabinets I have to keep pots and appliances in the garage!
I would buy my cute little dog some more food and send my very broke sister some staples.
I know it’s not the most exciting answer, but I would use it to buy a much needed dishwasher, a nightguard for my hubby and musical instruments for my kids. 🙂
I would buy home school books!
What a great gift! I would use for a long list that includes coconut oil, coconut flour, coconut sugar, coconut milk, gelatin, nuts, unsweetened coconut, etc., as well as sharing with family/friends!
I would buy home school books!!
We so desperately need a food processor (trying to get my very picky, autistic son to eat fruits and vegetables any way we can). We’d also purchase attachments for our stand mixer and probably an iPad mini for my boys to share. Thanks for the chance 🙂
I am slowly moving to a “natural” lifestyle on a very tight budget..this would be so great to use towards our new healthy lifestyle ♥
What a huge blessing this would be! We purchase our supplements and other foods we can’t get anywhere else on Amazon. We’d definitely use it for that and to be able to bless others with it as well!
I think I would finally get that Vita Mix and KitchenAid mixer that I’ve been looking at!! 🙂
I would buy a computer since I’ve been without one for a year.
Paleo cookbooks of course!
l would buy much needed clothes,food,and toys for my family!!!!
If I were to win I would love to buy a vitmix for myself! I would probably spend it very carefully on things my family really needs, though.
Wow, what a blessing that would be! I would get my daughter the art desk she was looking at & get my Mother a plane ticket to visit my brother and his son!
I would buy a vitamix !
I’ve got 3 kids so I have a feeling it would go all to them 🙂
Books! And some gifts 😉
Oh! I’m with Teresa! Vitamix!!!
I would use it for LOTS of stuff. Amazon is my favorite place to shop 🙂
I would get baby items for my 2 boys under 2 years old 🙂
I would LOVE a VitaMix and some new cookware!
My husband and daughter are both celiac. I would buy a kitchenaid mixer and several cookbooks for my daughter and I. Also some baking pans!
I would get a berkey, some kitchen gadgets and use the rest to stay stocked on my usual amazon goods! 🙂
Since it’s nearly christmas I would love to buy gifts for my friends, family, pets and well of course for myself 🙂 For myself I would buy some cd’s and clothes I think 😀
A grand at Amazon? The question should probably be what wouldn’t I buy… top priorities on my wishlist are cookbooks, a gymboss time, foam roller, and a vitaclay slow cooker.
I would by several things but the very first thing I would really like to get is a Kindle so I can read all of my ebooks instead of trying to read them on my small cell phone screen. 🙂
I would finish paying off my car (ford focus) so I can get the SUV I so need for living in Colorado!
A dehydrator, paleo snacks, something fun for my boys, and ALL of our school books for next year. What a blessing!!
Christmas gifts for our family and friends, and new items for home!
I would fix our rangetop which I damaged trying to make apple syrup on the stove. I’d get my rugs professionally cleaned by eco-experts since they are stained from the kids. I’d buy the Vita Clay slow cooker. I’d buy pantry/kitchen items like FCLO, coconut milk. And I’d take my family on a much-needed vacation.
Part of it would go towards things for our special needs toddler and part maybe towards kitchen items that we’ve had our eye on but never can justify the $$$. Thanks for the giveaway!
Amazon has so much stuff. I would buy gifts, things that my family need and i would get myself a pair of fit flops.
I would love $1000 gift card, I could finally clear my wish list and “saved for later” items 🙂
Kitchen supplies to make all the yummy paleo food 🙂
Books, homeschool supplies, and last minute Christmas gifts. 🙂
I would add it to my account and use it as needed. Groceries, homeschool curriculum, etc…
We would use $1000 to help pay to visit our family overseas for the holiday!
I would use it to get my parents something really nice for Christmas.
I would buy some Christmas presents for the famil and the family pets. Then use whatever was leftover to treat myself to something for my birthday.
Christmas gifts for my children and a dehydrator.
I would purchase gifts to give out throughout the year. I would also buy things to help complete my two daughters’ kitchens. Oh what fun!
Books, books, books! I want to support so many authors out there in the “natural health” community, but haven’t been able to afford to purchase a lot of extra stuff lately.
Well, I already bought presents for my kids, so MAYBE I could get a present or two for myself. 🙂
I am a SAHM of four children. I have recently returned to work part-time as a substitute teacher making $8/hr. I’ve applied other places but this job is all I can find for the time being. My husband works for the United States Army (civilian). The recent government furloughs have absolutely killed us. We have no money for Christmas this year. We are barely affording food. This gift card would save Christmas for my family this year. Thanks for the opportunity and for sharing your lives with us through your blogs.
New “green” cookware
I would be able to buy my family some amazing Christmas presents!
I’d probably stock up on bulk items so we wouldn’t have to stress about it as much! <3
Honestly I am not sure! I think I would save it for a rainy day 🙂
Oh boy I would love to win this. Unfortunately things are tight this year and we are making the best of it but this would really take the pressure off us. I would even buy toys to donate.
With $1000, I’d finally buy that VitaMix blender, a Kitchen Aid mixer, annnnnd a fancy dehydrator. Ha. I’d probably also pick up a water filter, too. It’d be the best new home/Christmas celebratory purchase party ever. 🙂
Would love to win this. I buy a lot of things on Amazon and could use this money for buying bulk. 🙂
I would help to finish the remodel of my 100+ year old farmhouse kitchen. I’ve seen tiles on amazon that I’d love to get for the back splash, as well as lighting fixtures, faucets, etc. It has been 8 months that my cabinets have been up on casters & the floor is just plywood. We are “do it ourself-ers & kinda old school. Our family calls us Ma & Pa Kettle. I’ve been extremely patient & my husband has been very busy, but I think having things provided, he might feel a greater sense of urgency. Merry Christmas to you & thank you for this blog. I enjoy reading & the changes it has brought to my life.
Coconut oil! Haha.. And more groceries. And I’d probably try and get ahead with the gift giving for the following year. 🙂
I am going to buy Kitchen gadgets.
Taking my Florida-born children to see snow for the first time!
Thank you so much for your generosity and the generosity of your fellow sponsors! This money would be such a blessing to our family for many reasons. With it, I would purchase things my daughter needs while undergoing treatment for infantile scoliosis and physical therapy to help increase her mobility. Currently, we are scraping up our pennies to provide what she needs and this would truly help take some of the weight off of our shoulders. I hope that you and yours have a wonderful holiday season!
I would get more cookware and cookbooks to continue to be more Paleo! My hubby and I aren’t doing gifts this year to prepare for baby #3. This would allow the two of us to have a Christmas too! 🙂
I would use it to get a few things for the home that we need, and a few little goodies for my kids, hubby and myself.
A dehydrator and a water filter first, then stock the freezer with pastured and grass-fed meats!
This would be a fantastic resource to be used all year long!
I would do all my Christmas shopping!
I would first throw a super fun holiday party for my friends and family that would include so many yummy Paleo treats! Then I would use it to supply my husband and I with plenty of paleo staples-including grass-fed beef, coconut oil, almond flour, cacao, herbs, coconut of every form, and gelatin! I would also love to buy several of the ingredients you use for your homemade beauty products. It would be such a blessing for sure! 🙂 Thank you!
I have adopted the Paleo lifestyle to help my MS, so I would use the gift card to purchase some kitchen equipment like a good blender and spiralizer, supplements and food items that are hard to come by locally. Thanks for the opportunity to enter.
Oh, wow! I love Amazon so there’s lots I could get with this card! Thanks so much to all of you who are sponsoring this giveaway! What a nice thing to do. 🙂
As a full time student of Nutritional Science and unemployed, this would be an amazing gift to catch up on essential oils and other natural products to keep my family healthy and my household natural. Thank you for this opportunity!
I’m trying to start my own business, so this would really help with buying supplies.
i’ll probably buy lots and lots of paleo kosher food stuff, and maybe some new books too!!!
it’s great to fantasize…
I’d SO love to win this! I’d get plenty of coconut oil and some other health products.
Use it to buy gifts for my ministry Celebration of Life and also for my grandchildren
I am pregnant and due in March. I just got laid off from my job so I would use the money to buy baby things! Crib, changing table, breast pump, everything! lol! Also, I want to become a member of Weston A. Price, so I might use any leftover for a membership for myself and my husband. Thank you for your generosity and Happy Holidays!
I would be so overwhelmed with that amount, but would start with restocking my kitchen and treating my family to many surprises!!
I would immediately purchase a few books that I’ve wanted plus the Little House Books and Anne of Green Gables Books for my little girls and the rest would go towards birthday gifts, anniversary gifts, and other needs throughout the year. We are on a very tight budget so this would help tremendously.
Would buy a Berkey and other kitchen essentials. Plus some gifts for the family!
I do almost all of my shopping on Amazon — it would be great to help out with that!
Christmas shopping for others and a little something for myself 🙂 thinking about an iPad since I don’t have one yet (I know, I’m WAY Behind the times)
I will use it to buy all the paleo goodies on amazon!
I live in venezuela and grass-fed/organic/gluten-free are foreign concepts so I spend a good part of my paycheck buying ghee and other substitutes that will make my life easier in terms of eating healthy to get rid of the health problems I have…
Ok, i will also use it to buy wrist bands and rings for crossfit practice!? maybe my first pair of olys? 🙂
What an incredible Christmas $1000 of Amazon shopping would bring! I’d buy a lot of long overdue Christmas gifts for family and friends, and maybe Santa would bring me some allergy friendly foods and supplements too!
Christmas <3
I would spend mine on updating my son’s room into a “big boy room”. He’s getting a new bed & I have a wish list of things I want to get to decorate. I would also but the bowflex adjustable weights I’ve had my eye on for months now!
I would use it to but textbooks.
I would stock my pantry with Paleo friendly things, buy a few more Paleo cookbooks I don’t have and with the rest buy some gifts that were out of my budget, but would be greatly appreciated by my family.
I would use the gift card for Christmas presents for my daughter and other family members, I also would use some of it to buy gifts for a co-worker who is going through a rough time around the holidays.
I would buy so many expensive cooking ingredients I never get to work with, truffle salt, saffron, and maybe some le creuset cookware! Man would that be great.
My husband and I would be able to actually exchange Christmas gifts as money is tight this year as well as stock our Paleo pantry! 🙂
Gift for my wife, gift for my son, and a laptop for me.
I would love to get new flooring for my living room. Thanks!
I’d love to be able to use this gift card to buy gifts for my husband and help with buying more natural living products to bring into the home. I’m a stay-at-home mom so we have one income and this would be such a blessing!
I would cover all my Christmas expenses with this card! It would be wonderful !
I would buy baby furniture! I’m gonna have a new little one soon and she doesn’t have a bed yet.
What woudln’t I buy?!? But at this time of year… I echo the Christmas comments! I will buy presents!
Wow, with $1000 I would buy a VitaMix and a Le Creuset dutch oven, as well as a few SCD safe cookbooks (like Against All Grain). I am on round #2 of treatment for SIBO and in phase 1 of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, while battling adrenal fatigue and hormonal imbalance. (It’s all tied together.) This cash would help the healing process by making my kitchen an easier place to work.
Christmas would be spectacular this year!! 🙂
If I were lucky enough to win, I would use the 1,000 to buy things for my family that we need. New socks, snow boots, hats, gloves, coats (it’s cold outside)!! Whatever was left I would save to use to buy things that we needed as they came up. I am surprised at what you can buy on amazon…pretty much anything 🙂
I would use it to go buy a grass fed cow and pic from a local farmer who sells them! I’ve already bought my freezer; next step-fill it up! Merry Christmas!!!!! 🙂
I would purchase small kitchen appliances that reduce my time in the kitchen and puts me back into life. Kitchen aide mix master, food processor, and just maybe a Kuerig as a treat for the cook. 😉
This is definitely the best giveaway ever!!!!! Awesome Christmas present!!!
Pay it forward for Christmas
Buy some cast iron cookware.
I would use the $1,000 gift card to purchase a smart phone for my aging parents. Also, some hardware supplies so my husband could use his carpentry skills to repair our deck that is falling apart.
Wow! I would start with the Breaking Bad gift set then move on to gifts for everyone I know! 🙂
One word….Vitamix!
I will use the gift card to buy nice gifts for my mom and my sisters! Maybe a kindle for myself since it has been on my wishlist <3
Wow! This would be AMAZING! I’d use it to finally by GOOD essential oils for the family, new clothes for the kids since they’re growing so fast, and new clothes for hubby and I since it’s been about 5 years since we could. Bless your heart for such an awesome give away!
Just having any extra $$ makes one breathe a little easier! We’ve already cut down in so many areas like no cable, no going to the movies, no elaborate spending, used cars, etc. What a blessing to have a little extra to spend on incidentials or birthday gifts for kids, etc. Whoever wins will be blessed indeed!
An awesome shopping spree for my daughter! She turns 18 1 week after Christmas!
Since I am a stay at home mom and we are a one income family, this money would be a huge help to buy presents for my son. Also, a gift for my husband who works so hard to support our family. Early learning toys for my son, and anything to do with grilling for my hubs!
I would buy gifts for the family we adopted for Christmas.
Oh my goodness – I’d finally buy all the paleo cookbooks and gadgets on my wishlist. And probably splurge on a new tablet for the family. Thank you!!!
I’d probably replace my phone, gifts for family for Christmas if I haven’t already gotten them, and essential every day living supplies.
would love to buy wonderful gifts for the family
I’d use $1000 to finish up Christmas gifts and then I’d save it to use for grocery items and necessities as they come up. $1000 would be a huge blessing!
I would buy all the things on my wish list at Amazon, books, cookware, organic foods.
This would be an amazing give for me to get my grandmother an awesome gift! I would also like to buy a blentec and other fun gadgets now that are family has transitioned to a paleo lifestyle do to my husband and sons extreme food allergies!!! This truly a blessing for any person that wins!!
Buy a bike and start working out again!
Some new dishes (we are sooo mismatched right now!) some cast iron cookware. A new crock pot. Vitamins, supplements and coconut oil, sugar, and gf flours. <3
I would totally buy almond flour, tapioca starch, and other random baking items!!!
I will buy my mother a laptop so she can replace her current one which is breaking down.
I would buy some kitchen gadgets and books! Lots of books!
Open a Saving account for my 2 mo old grand daughter
I would be THRILLED to win this amazing gift (to say the least!)…I have had a few items on my Amazon “wish list” for over a year now, and here are a couple that I have been drooling over for some time now! First is the Blendtec The Professional’s Choice 1560-Watt Total Blender ($434.95) – I am a passionate cook and lover of whole foods and un-processed living, and with a husband with Type 1 diabetes, this machine would make my tasks of making raw fruit/veggie smoothies SO much easier! The other item on my wish list is the Omega J8006 Nutrition Center Juicer ($299.95)… this is something we’ve both been wanting for ages, and to have either of these would be an answer to prayer! Thank you for the opportunity and for sharing such wonderful blogs and facebook pages with us! God bless, and happy holidays to you!
Love your blog! If I win, I will use my gift card to buy some green household items, some new cast iron pans, and treat myself to a new book or two. I hope I win! It would be an awesome surprise!
I’d love to buy a new bedding set. New down comforter, new duvet, new sheet set & tons of throw pillows. After 4 years of marriage, it’s time my husband and I have a ‘grown up’ bedroom.
I would use it to bless people with an extra special Christmas as well as bless some who could really use it.
I would buy some last minute gifts, some essentials for my paleo lifestyle, and lots of extra fun goodies for me and my family.
I would buy my husband warm clothing for his job.
I will buy Christmas presents for my family if I win!
I would have a blast buying some very special people some very special presents. 🙂
I’d probably start with a Big Berkey and a miele vacuum and finish with a whole bunch of little things on my wish list that would make day to day life easier.
I had a vomit/diarrhea fest over the weekend with my kids and my couch is completely ruined. We’re on folding chairs till the new year. True story! I’d get a new one.
I would buy a new windshield (exciting right!?!?) and go somewhere fun with my kiddo
I would use it to buy 12 bottles of fermented cod liver oil….
I would use this gift card to get essential oils, books, and coconut oil to improve the quality of life for me and my husband – we have numerous health issues.
First of all, If I were to win… I would buy a new washing machine! Mine is broke but it still runs…I just have to stick around and “help” it through its cycles. If I leave it unattended it will overflow and flood out the place! The extra sad thing is that my son and his new wife also use the machine to do their laundry to save money. I’ll get a new machine eventually but right now money is tight. My husband is retired and I’m unemployed after looking for work for over a year. Then, I would use it for Christmas presents for my 8yr old and then help out our grandchildren whose parents are going through a rough time. I know this sounds pitiful, but we’re making due with what we have and trying to still help others. (If there’s any money left over, I might even buy me another Paleo book…I’ve had my eye on the “Everyday Paleo” book to help me with meal planning.)
I would use this gift card to get essential oils, books, and coconut oil, etc … to improve the quality of life for me and my husband – we have numerous health issues.
If I had 1000$, I would rent a campervan and go away for some days with my husband, my daughter and our dog. It’s more than 2 years that we don’t take a holiday, and I really miss it. 🙂
I would use this to help me spoil my niece and nephew! Of course I’d have to buy myself some books too…
I would use the $1,000.00 on my twins <3 they both have food allergies and weekly trips to whole foods gets expensive.
OH MY STARS! I would pay for the medicine I can’t currently afford (why, hello there, expensive probiotics and Throne Research Supplements), books and school supplies, and healthy food that is a bit out of my price range (yes, the BPA-free coconut milk)! Yay!
I would donate a portion of it, then I would use the rest to help me thru the holiday stress-free. I would purchase gifts for my family as well as some paleo kitchen stuff for me:)
I would invest it into my family – my husband and my two girls to buy some much needed and wanted things as well as be able to use it as needed to bless others we know through gifts for a long time. It would be a lot of fun – we also love to be generous with those in need so we would use it in that direction as well. Thanks for doing this!!
I would buy a new laptop and give the one i am using away to someone that doesnt have one.
Thanks for the chance! Love using Amazon!
I would use this to buy kitchen items that I would like to have such as a blender, pressure cooker, food processor and stainless steel pots and pans. I would also buy some Paleo and Raw food cookbooks.
I would surprise my husband with something from his wish list . He is deployed and I think he deserves something nice . I also would Love to get my kids some educational materiel .
christmas gifts of course!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I would purchase kitchen gadgets (like the Kitchenaid mixer I’ve had my eye on for awhile), paleo books and lots and lots of bulk food. My oldest has type1 diabetes and loves Paleo, but as a growing teen, he eats a ton! So getting a bunch in bulk, would be great 🙂
I’m pretty new to Paleo so I have a growing wish list- many dry goods I cannot find easily in my area, Paleo cookbooks and a couple of useful appliances. We hope to be adding to our family in the near future so diapering supplies and a whole host of other things will surely be needed. A $1000 gift card would go a long way for us and our family and having it to spend at Amazon would allow us to put more toward our bills.
I would buy some much needed clothes for children and people on street. thanks
I’m not going to lie, I would buy myself something real nice. Probably some iron cookware, some new cookie sheets, and a mixer.
My husband and I are coming up on our 10 year anniversary! He has always been such a hard worker and provider. Especially these last few years as I’ve been working & failing at creating a handmade business. He still pushes me and inspires me to try harder and keep at it everyday. I would love to use some of the money to get him an amazing 10 year gift. The rest would go towards finally updating & replacing some of our hand-me-downs & yard sale finds we’ve collected and used over the past several years. Including a much needed bedroom facelift!
What a wonderful giveaway! As much as I’d love to get myself a Vitamix, I would most likely get something meaningful for the people who go out of their way to support me. My parents, brother and mother in law. (and maybe save some $ for a little something fro my husband and me). 🙂
Christmas gifts for sure!
What a fabulous gift for someone at this special time of year. I’d love to win and be able to share with many folks who are in such need, and my husband and I also have had a year with so many unexpected expenses, so it would be wonderful being able to replace a few old items that have died or are about to do so. One of the things I’ve been trying to save for is the Excalibur Dehydrator, as I’d love being able to dehydrate many of the foods I now can and freeze. We eat no gluten, sugar, or processed foods, and try to maintain a very healthy lifestyle.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this exciting gift.
I will probably use if for Christmas cheer. Gifts for my littles and gifts for others who might need a little something this season.
To be able to share a wonderful Christmas! Thank you for the chance!
I’d purchase supplies and books for crafting, books on sustainability, and a few allergy-friendly foods! 🙂
I would buy some pastry book and clothes. 🙂
I would LOVE to win an Amazon gift card. i shop Amazon constantly b/c I live in a very small town in rural MN and don’t have access to lots of “real” healthy foods (almond flour, coconut flour, gelatin, etc etc) so I’m constantly purchasing on Amazon. I’d also love to have a Kindle Fire HDX so I could have all these wonderful newsletters, recipes and ebooks at my fingertips on a tablet size I can read (as opposed to my phone) This is a wonderful giveaway! Thanks.
I would get a Burkey water filter, Vitamix blender, and Excalibur dehydrator!
Just found your site via PINTEREST and I love it! Looking forward to viewing it more.
I’ve had my eye on a rowing machine for awhile now that I’d love to give hubs for Christmas.
Help this one family to have a very Merry Christmas. A mother of 3 who is struggling to make ends meet and is working hard to provide for her children.
Would love to be able to bless another family that is starting a small school.
A blender for sure, lots spirulina, and paleo greens. some books to get my friends on board and a cute fixed bike I’m totally in love with. It would be bliss
I would get a few cool things for my kitchen, stuff for my kids and spread some cheer to others who don’t have much. Thanks for the opportunity – happy holidays!!
I do not even know how I ended up here, but I thought this
post was great. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re
going to a famous blogger if you are not already 😉 Cheers!
I would pay medical bills
I’d buy Christmas presents for my family.
I would use the money to stock up on essential oils and bulk organic foods for my husband and I. We’re a young military couple stationed in Hawaii and the organic/health food situation here is quite disappointing. Getting this money would be a huge blessing!
I would buy a sous vide supreme and a kitchenaid mixer.
books, vitamins, kitchen gadgets etc etc!! good luck everyone!!!
a spiral veggie slicer, a dehydrator, kefir sands. good luck everyone!
Wonderful kitchen appliances that i would normally not be able to afford!
I would buy some great glass jars and spoil my children:)
I would use the gift card to purchase things for a house remodel. Great giveaway!
I’d like to buy a lot of books, christmas gifts for my family and graduation gift for me and my brother.
Homeschooling books! And probably some winter gear for the kiddos (have they really grown that much??!)
I’m thinking I’d finally have the garden that I dream of!
I would use it for health goods and juicer to help me treat my PCOS and for health products for my mom who is trying to get healthier but has a hard time affording healthy natural products.
Buy some cook books for my mom and get myself a kitchen aid (as well as other kitchen goodies!!)
I would buy a crock pot, juicer, essential oils, and books from my kindle wishlist!
Having lost my job this year and so far not getting any of the jobs I’ve applied to, I’d def have an awesome time shopping. I have a whole stack of new uni books that I need to buy, but haven’t been able to. Tulsi tea, Holy Basil oil, cook books, a Sandbag for my work outs, new weights, workout music, books for my 2 kids and I’d love to get my mom a kindle which she’s wanted for ages. Ohh and my laptop needs a new battery 🙂
What would I do with $1000 from Amazon? Well, there are a few cookbooks I’ve been eyeing, such as Nom Nom Paleo, Well Fed 2, and Jerusalem. I’d also load up on cooking staples, like coconut milk, coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil. Of course, I would share with my family. I like to get my boys a cookbook each Christmas as a special gift from me. I hope they will love cooking (and taking care of people with food) as much as I do. With the $800 or so I have left, I would order my husband the Weber Genesis 330 gas grill. He grills 3-4 times per week and our grill is on its last leg. He’s holding out for his dream grill and I would love to surprise him with it. It’s a gift that benefits the whole family (or so he says in a very convincing tone…). Thanks for a great blog!
For sure a vitamix!!!
I would go to Colombia to see my grandfather, whom I haven’t seen since 2004 and was recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
I have 6 kids. I would buy them all something unique and special to them and something awesome for my husband because that’s what he’s made of! Thanks so much for this chance! 😀
Oh my goodness, to win this would be amazing. If I won I would use it to get some much needed items for my family. It would be an amazing blessing.
Christmas gifts for the whole family!
I would buy a Vitamix and some essential oils. And a few presents for the grand babies. 🙂 Merry Christmas!
Buy lots of baby stuff!!! New little one on the way and a 15 month at home 🙂
A vitamin, for sure, coconut flour, almond flour, ghee, Pilates gear (I teach), and tons of health and nutrition books!
Being on disability I have no extra income to buy Christmas for my 16 yo daughter, and 2 grandbabies who are 1 and 2. Winning this would be a God send. Thanks for the chance to win!
Just to clarify, the 2 grandbabies are from one of my son’s, NOT my daughter! lol
I will buy probiotics and organic gelatin to support my journey to heal my gut and get my life back:)
First, give a portion of it to my friend Beth who was diagnosed with ALS this year, and doesn’t have much time left with her husband and 13 year old son. Then use the rest to furnish my girls room at our new apartment that’s pretty bare and make them feel more at home.
First, give a portion of it to my friend Beth who was diagnosed with ALS this year, and doesn’t have much time left with her husband and 13 year old son. Then use the rest to furnish my girls room at our new apartment that’s pretty bare and make them feel more at home.
OMG…I would buy Kefir cultures, sourdough starter, cheese making kit, take some paleo courses, buy the herbs needed to make face creme, healing salve and many other concoctions that will be better for my body and for others and I would share them. I can’t imagine what all that I could buy to make many of the things I have wanted to make. AND I would donate at least $100. to a really good cause….that would be fun to choose.
I would probably spend the money on more Christmas gifts and items for our business (needed equipment). Thank you for the giveaway!
Seeing as how I have a baby brewing, and due the 12th, I will likely get the rest of the items on my registry, and spend some of it on my family for Christmas gifts since we really can’t afford to buy anyone anything this year because we are down (my) work income!
It would really be a true blessing.
xmas gifts
Oh boy…lots of goodies for my classroom!
I use amazon for everything from Thomas the tank engine dvd’s for our three old, books for our six, nine amd eleven year olds, pull ups, and a huge array of food I cannot find in the grocery store. I would use the gift card for some staples such as coconut oil, dried beans and baking goods. The rest I would use for gifts…. It makes me happier to give than receive…. I love knowing that you are making someone else’s day!
I will use it to buy equipment for my PT business to help others in their health and fitness goals. Also some gifts for the family and friends 😉
Wow- what a great thing to win!! If I won, I would buy all the necessities I could, that would help save my family money throughout the year… Things like toilet paper, paper towels, diapers, and wipes. I would get my husband and I something too, since we never get the chance to spend money ourselves. Thanks again for the opportunity!
I would use it to help pay for Christmas for my family and some for the church.
I would buy my family Christmas presents:)
I want to buy a nice set of essential oils and coconut oils. My family and I are just starting to use essential oils and trying the paleo diet! And we want to get serious about it in 2014! Thank you!
I would use some of it build up my fridge and pantry with paleo and gluten free foods. And I would use some on gifts for my family and some to buy clothes for myself. It has been a while since I have spent any money on myself that way.
If I won the Amazon gift card, I would finish my Christmas shopping and also buy some of the food items I typically buy in the grocery store, so that I could have a little extra money lying around to get more caught up on bills. That way, Husband and I will have a less stressful 2014!
I would buy groceries for the entire year!
Would maybe use it for gifts or a vitamix juicer
I would finally get a dehydrator, winter clothes for me and kiddos and all my coconut oil, etc.! Maybe some gifts too!
I would start with an Omega vert juicer!
If I win this gift card I would buy an awesome wagon/cart to pull my little one around in at festivals and a Vitamix so we can eat all sorts of healthy things at home.
hopefully find a pair of lifters!, buy some things for my brother who struggles financially, then buy an extra gift for everyone on my Christmas list!
I would buy items to help me continue on my path to healthy paleo eating; as well as to buy Christmas presents for my family and friends and purchase a toy or 2 for the toy drives in the area.
I would use it on cast iron cookware, and stock up on coconut oil and such 🙂
I’d use it to buy a laptop and help me to continue my education.
First things first…a dehydrator!
We just started homeschooling and the budget has been pretty tight with 3 kids. This would cover their textbooks, supplies and the reference books I’ve been saving up for! I would probably spring for an Ipad as well so they get some technology exposure and access to the learning apps on there. – See more at: https://www.homemademommy.net/2013/12/1000-amazon-gift-card-giveaway-december.html#comment-31392
You might not like this…but….
My son, Jonathan, needs to have a specific therapy called Brain Integration Therapy. It is available in NC by an expert. It is crucial that we get this done soon, because the older he gets, the more difficult it is to make the changes he needs. We’ve had the initial 2 hour evaluation which shows Jonathan’s brain is not balanced….he only uses 17% of the left side of his brain, which makes many things difficult, if not impossible for him. This therapy will raise his ability to use the left side of his brain, which will make life so much better for him, for the rest of his life. Help him in relationships, in compliance. It will give him the ability to control his impulses and ability to be more flexible and less fixated.
Jonathan has autism, Type 1 Diabetes, Hashimoto’s and Alopecia. Life is tough for my boy. And I want to see him be all he can be, and ease what I can.
So what would I do with this? I would sell it, and use the money for his therapy, that I feel would make such a difference in his life.
I would buy with the $1,000 amazon gift card that I win a new desk chair for my husband & I. Also Christmas gifts for the family.
Christmas gifts for my 3 girls, 5 nieces and nephew; stuff for our new house and kitchen goodies for my paleo adventures!
i have so many wishlist on my amazon account.it’s not for myself,mostly for my love ones believe it or not.if i win..i will finally have them for my loves… 🙂
There are so many little things that I’m always eyeing on Amazon, and a few bigger purchases I can never convince myself to go for. As a total foodie, I would likely spend a good portion of the $1,000 on all things kitchen – new cookware (hello cast iron skillet?!) and some bulk almond flour!
I love Amazon! I would buy a dehydrator to make my daughter yummy fruit roll ups! Some exercise equipment for myself and some last minute Christmas gifts for family!
I’d buy myself a much needed new computer and I’d get a new table and chairs for my kids’ new playroom.
I’ll use it to buy cooking utensils, pots and pans! And some paleo books too!
I would be able to get everyone a little something for xmas this year. And maybe treat myself to a new kitchen gadget as well. I have never been able to do that! It would mean the world!
Use some of it for our short film we are making, contribute to a couple more indie filmmakers I know to help them get their film made and then buy some groceries and gas!!! 😀
I would use it to buy essential oils to make great Christmas Gifts for friends and family
Books, books, and more books. 🙂
Moving in a few weeks so I won’t have much money to spend on my friends and family, so that is definitely what I’d do with a gift card 🙂
Coconut oil, fermented cod liver oil, food!
I’d divide it evenly among the 4 of us, and probably spend all my $ on e Cookbooks!
I would get lots for stuff for my kitchen!! A blender, kitchenaid mixer, spices, flours, tea. and oils!
With a $1000 gift card to Amazon, I will begin my Kahlua bottling DIY project. I have my first batch of kahlua aging in the cabinet in a mason jar, as well as homemade vanilla extract, but I am just dying to begin bottling. These will make for wonderful holiday presents.
Thank you, Paleo Mama, et al. !
With my oldest son’s birthday being this month, then Christmas, then my youngest son’s birthday is next month – this would be very helpful! Plus, I would love some books, cookbooks (e.g. paleo, gluten-free), and kitchen gadgets (e.g. food processor, blender, crockpot). There’s so much I could do with this :).
Probably buy something off of our wishlist… a Berkey water filter, baby bedroom furniture, or a piano keyboard!
Definitely a water filtration system, a video baby monitor, a big cast iron skillet, maybe some film for our cameras, lots of audiobooks, and maybe the new cookbook from Per Anders Jorgensen that’s coming out this March (looks awesome as an inspirational coffee table type book)!
I would buy a tv.
ohh the possibilities with that 1000 i could bake so many tasty treats 😀
There a few kitchen gadgets I would like to have, Hurom Juicer, Veggie noodle maker, Cuisinart food processor, a Le Creuset pot, a nice supply of coconut milk, and a ton of natural pregnancy, birthing, and natural healing/ medicinal herb, homeopathic & cell salt books, but I would get something for my 4 sweet daughters too. And probably my husband. 😉 I have a Vita-mix and a kitchen Aid, & cuisinart ss pans, so those are taken care of. 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity!
I would use it to buy all the essentials I need when I move to London in a few months. It would be extremely helpful since I’ll need kitchenware, linens, etc to build a cozy home away from home!
A Vitamix, essential oils, essential oil diffuser and books!
Appliances to help with the Paleo lifestyle, like a juicer, a new blender, a dehydrator and a standing mixer.
$1,000 would go along way. We are living on one income so money is very tight this holiday season. I would use it for household and everyday essentials that tend to add up real fast on a tight budget.
Spend it on my kids….
Christmas shopping and restocking my Paleo kitchen with food and equipment!
My daughter is a struggling recent college grad who lives in Seattle, where Amazon provides grocery delivery. I know she often gives up good nutrition just to make ends meet, so I’d use the $1000 to surprise her with groceries throughout the year.
I would pay off some of my hospital bills for the birth of my son in September.
I’d love to get a vitamix or similar blending set and have some left over $$ to get a few special gifts for special friends!!
Christmas Shopping 🙂
And a little something for myself (Like a Paleo-centric Full Bookshelf)
I would use the money to fill up my kitchen with all kinds of organic goodies from amazon!
I don’t often enter contests, but this one I couldn’t resist. With $1,000 I would get the spiral slicer thingy for making zucchini pasta. Then I would get a new stove because mine is old and one of the burners and the self cleaning cycle don’t work. What’s left will go to pay bills, I guess 🙂 Thank you!
I would buy some new clothes!
I really enjoy your blog
Christmas gifts and food! An extra car payment. And a DSLR and art supplies for me. :]
This prize would be an incredible opportunity for me to get some items needed for my Children we sponsor in Honduras! It would make a huge difference for our sons Rene and Noe’!
I would use it to build our library and homeschool area! and maybe stock our pantry!! 🙂
This would be a fantastic opportunity to fill the pantry of my daughter, my sister and myself with all the needs to be able to successfully follow the Paleo Diet which are all committed to to start the new year. Healthy eating, losing weight, feeling good… all the goals on our agenda!
I would use the money to get together with all of my children, in Florida and North Carolina!
If I were fortunate enough to win the gift card I would use it to buy books for my classes and gifts for friends and family. I’d buy the hubby a piece of music equipment he’s been needing too! God Bless & Merry Christmas 🙂
Pay off some bills!
I know I would start with purchasing essential oils to make homemade household cleaners. Then I’d replace our cookware for some nontoxic items. Hmm… I don’t know how much of the $1000 I’d have left after just those two things!
I would buy two of my wishlist items I have been saving for!
On my Amazon mom subscriptions and paleo cooking accessories.
I would use it for homeschool supplies.
I would use this gift card to stock my pantry with hard-to-find Paleo items.
i’d use it for gifts!
I would use it to set my household up better for paleo living.
I start buying college supplies for my sons and art supplies for my daughter.
This gift card would be such a blessing. Like a lot of people these days, money is really tight. We have a trip planned in March, but will likely cancel due to finances. With $1,000 gift card, we’d likely stock up on a lot of food items to free up a little cash for our trip and help us get ahead on our bills. Thank you for the giveaway!
a computer for my husband who is getting his masters full time~!
If I won $1000, I’d buy my family snow boards, boots, mittens, and warm clothes seeing as how we have just moved from FL to the mountains of upstate NY!
I’d probably get big gifts for everyone – a Kindle for myself – and save what’s left for my DIY project ingredients.
College textbooks for my kids.
Lots of food intolerances and allergies among our seven children. Would use it to buy food.
Our family has talked a lot about giving this season, along with where we would like to give. We decided that if we won we would keep half and give half. We selected Royal family Kids camp as our charity to give towards.
Royal Family Kid’s Camp of South Dallas is a one-week, overnight camp designed to meet the unique and overwhelming needs of children who have been abused and neglected (from Dallas and Ellis Counties). Children, ages 6 to 12, who have a history of abuse and neglect, or who reside in foster care, are eligible to attend. Every person involved in the camp – director, leadership team, staff, and counselors – is a volunteer. This means that 100% of all donations goes directly to creating positive memories through a life-changing, camping experience.
There really is so much joy in giving!!
Hmm I think I would stock up on some grass-fed meat 😉 So good, but so pricey!
I’d buy photography equipment to use for taking family photos
wow what a giveaway! i can’t start to think what to do with such a gift … so many things that i could use, and that a good friend of mine can use (he’s being evicted), that my sister can use (she just had a baby), ….
I would buy gifts for my parents and grandparents and then treat myself to lots of gluten-free baking goods, cookbooks, baking supplies and lots of great reads! :o)
I’m fundraising for missions training – taking sex and human trafficking head-on!
With $1000, I’ll have more than enough to supply my basic needs over the next few years, as every penny I earn will go towards my mission.
Thanks so much for this opportunity! 🙂 Grateful!
PAY BILLS! And throw my son his 3rd birthday party! aaannndddd…buy myself some clothes!
I would use it on myself and my son!!
I would buy food storage…and maybe a tablet for homeschool use… 🙂
$1,000 would totally be used to bless my family with a few needs, and a want or two…but also some needs within our community. There are several people in need this Christmas season. You can check them out at http://www.outrageouschristmas.com
I need a new juicer!
Get my car fixed so my kids and I can dirve down to So Cal to visit my mom and brother for xmas!
I don’t know if I would buy big items like a vitamix or camera or if I would use it to buy daily mundane things. Be responsible or be fun??? Hope to find out!
WOW! The family would be so lucky. Lots of cookbooks and fun for the family for sure. Thank you for the opportunity!
I would kick off my homestead by buying a few key items and lots of books!
$1000 for Amazon? Holy cow…paleo cookbooks, paleo ingredients, kitchen gadgets, tools for my husband’s new business, kids’ clothes…I’m sure there are other things but those are my knee-jerk answers right now 🙂
With that GC, I would buy my hubby and I a new bed. We are in daily pain due to our old bed.
I would like to purchase a Vitamix!
I have a L O N G Amazon wish list (books, mainly).
This would be wonderful – I’d use it for new cookware for starters. Definitely use some for family and friends – a little extra Christmas for them, too!
It would help with some reference books my daughter needs for college–but my hubby likes to read and rent movies, so it would be fun for he and my son after she heads out the door. Thank you!
I LOVE buying & surprising things for other people so this would able for me to bless others and I probably would buy about $100 worth of arts & crafts supplies so I can restock when I go over to my friends house to do crafts with their kids!
I would the stroller and carseat we need for our new baby and then ensure that my hubby has the best holiday ever! And with what’s left, Mama gets some new kitchen gear. 🙂
I would definitely buy new kitchenware to help with eating healthy, paleo/gluten-free cookbooks, CrossFit appareal/equipment…..
I would save it and use it when we need something. Probably on food 🙂 Or maybe to buy glass storage to replace the plastic in our home. I’m sure all that would add up quick.
kitchen pantry makeover 🙂
I would tithe, give some away, pay down some debt, and buy pure foods for Christmas dinner.
I would use it to buy my little boy the laptop he wants (and which we cannot afford right now).
I’d use the gift for birthday gifts throughout the year! What a lovely thought!
I would SHOP!!
I would buy for my kids and a little something for me and my husband. 🙂
I will probably get some much needed new things for the house, bath rugs, lighting…and a new something for my 8 year old 🙂
buy stuff for baby #2 due in May 🙂
new kitchen stuff and buy stuff to donate
I just got married last month so I could use the gift card to buy kitchen wares, dining wares, etc. 🙂
I would buy the remaining items on my baby registry! Our first is due in February and we need some more supplies. This would be a BLESSING! 🙂
I would purchase the new lens Ive been wanting forever! Then take off with this photography business finally!
I would donate half of the winnings to a special boy in need of medical supplies “Running over cancer with Austin” and use the rest for supplements and a heavy bag with stand that I have been wanting!
would love to win and help out our daycare provider. she does an amazing job with all the kids she watches.
I will use it to pay bills!
no idea what I will buy….next years Christmas presents?…….but will be nice to have! 🙂
Use it to buy some things for our kitchen…veggie spiral slicer…new pans…utensils…etc.
We are so deep with bills and my son is graduating high school this year. I would love to get him a nice laptop as a graduation gift… fingers crossed. Thanks for the fabulous giveaway!
This would be such a blessing for my family right before Christmas!!! I would use the gift card to make my family a bit happier with presents!
I will buy lots of meat and vegetables with the $1000 if I win.
I would use it to stock my kitchen, buy myself a bike, and then spoil my fiance with the rest.
I live thousands of miles away from family, so I would finally get to go visit them for Christmas! I would get to meet my nephew for the first time!
Waterski’s for the kiddos from Santa and other fun stuff. The options are endless.
Outfit my kitchen with all the food prep equipment I have been drooling over but can’t afford like a grain mill.
I have a large family (7 children) & have been going through a rough season financially. I would have to use some of the money to pay bills; but, Christmas is one of my family’s favorite seasons & we haven’t been able to afford even stocking-stuffers this year. I would like to get the children each a special inexpensive gift & a few trinkets to bless them & keep their hope alive.
There is a list of things I would use it for with a family of 6, 2 college students an 2- 1st graders that always need something. Anything would be a blessing.
The wishlist is longer than the budget!
This would be really awesome for my family. I would get gifts for my kids and a little something for my husband and myself.
I might buy myself a juicer, a Kindle fire & load it w/ books!
I would spread the holiday cheer with the gift card…to family and friends, and maybe buy myself a little something too.
My son has finally decided what sort of sport he wants to do. Archery. He will be getting the needed items to accomplish this. Then I will be saving in an empty bank account.
I would put some towards my extensive medical bills from this past year & then splurge on myself, my kids, my grandson & my boyfriend for Christmas 🙂 Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas!
I would definitely put most of it away for saving (we are wanting to purchase our first home in the near future) and keep some to help with food bills and/or good kitchenware. 🙂
Haha. I just realized I was talking about a gift card. I would then use it for some good quality kitchen items. A nice kitchenaid mixer and a le creuset dutch oven would be wonderful! I would definitely still save some of it (it is in my nature) for when items are needed around the house and can be ordered.
buy educational toys for family
I’d stock up on crunchy baby items for my first, due in May! And probably buy a bunch more paleo cookbooks 🙂
Use it for supplies for our educational farmstead over in Brevard NC!
I have been trying to feed and cook better for my family… I would buy a vitamix and a few other gadgets to make my new cooking venture easier!
I would buy some essential oils as well as some new clothes after losing weight!
Buy Christmas gifts…so broke this year 🙁
I’m desperately needing a new blender and an air purifier for the family. Thanks for this giveaway!
I would buy new furniture!!!
This would be such an amazing gift! My husband left his very comfortable job with an enormous pay cut so we, me, my husband and 10 month old baby could move in with my dad and help him heal as his wife of 35 years, my stepmom, passed away a few months ago. He has saved my dad’s company so I would like to buy him something nice for all his sacrifice. Also, my mom has advance periodontal disease so I would like to buy orawellness for her among other items I read about in your encouraging blog post about healing your teeth.
Wow, this would be amazing: kitchen things, books and lots of other things.
I would buy a new area rug and kitchen staples.
I would buy books and toys for my son, and maybe even a few things for myself and my husband.
I would stock up on several supplements for myself and the kids that we’ve needed for a while. I would also get a few cast iron pieces I’ve been wanting and possibly a better computer. Mine is pretty old and not fun to work with most days.
books!! so many books!!
books for my kids who read so much!
I don’t have any idea what I would buy…but I’d figure it out! I haven’t had that much money available to me for a long, long time.
I would give gifts to those around me that deserve them. A lot of people i work with could really use a secret santa!
I could use some new shoes for Zumba class & some good books to get me through the long, cold winter. The kiddies are outgrowing everything (especially my boy) and hubby is *always* needing a new pair of running shoes. That should make a nice dent in $1K.
I’d catch up on giving back to those that have been nice enough to give to me. The rest I’d use to splurge on myself for some things for my health. Going through some things and it’s been expensive for Drs, making it unnecessary to buy anything else that I wanted. Maybe I’d get a few things I want and need.
There’s a ton of books I’ve been wishing for, a new laptop, a TV… yeah!
If I were to win the $1000 Amazon gift card I would be able to give my family a late Christmas. 2 children, spouses and 5 grandchildren would be so grateful. I could even get some Paleo supplies to treat my husband and myself. What a blessing that would be!
Great prize. If I were lucky enough to win, I’d buy books and other materials to help my daughter catch up with her schoolwork, as she’s had a hard struggle acute anxiety and missed much time at school this year. I’d also buy Christmas presents for my other three kids, and the wider family. 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and to all the readers from Tasmania, Australia. xx
I would use it for healthy organic products!
I couldn’t begin to tell you what I’d do if I won $1000 on Amazon. Start continuing my education in nutrition for a start. And maybe attempt find a way to get my 8 year old brother to realize how cool reading is, so he doesn’t play video games 24 hours a day.
If I win I’ll help my mama pay for remodeling the kitchen (appliances, decor, knew knives!)! And buy new matching ugly sweaters for my entire family, haha! Okay, and I’d buy myself a pair of boots, but the rest goes to mama!
and I’d also buy the 21DSD cookbook!!
I am a new mama. So I would use the money to get things that help me take care of myself and my growing baby.
Toys for my sweet daughter! ^_^
I would use the gift card to buy many of the health food I have been wanting to buy for my family that it is not in our budget to buy right now. What a blessing it would be to be able to improve our diets. I would also set aside some of the money for gifts that we couldn’t afford for Christmas. Merry Christmas!
I would buy shoes and clothes for my kids, shelled hemp seed, coconut oil, fermented cod liver oil, etc.. 🙂
I would buy a toaster/convection oven to replace our microwave, a pressure canner, an excalibur dehydrator and a vitamix 🙂
A vitamix and excaliber!
A high powered blender and all the books I’ve been wanting to read!
I would really like to buy a full set of essential oils from doterra as well as a dehydrator and swing top bottles for storing kombucha. All things to help me further by paleo, crunchy, nourishing lifestyle!
I would buy books for years, or maybe a computer or bike. I’m feeling lucky 🙂
I would use the gift to finish up my holiday shopping! Thank you!
Would use it for Christmas presents, toys and supplies for my Church’s Children’s ministry, and for textbooks for school! 🙂
I would spread the love and xmas cheer a little further.. and I would probably get myself a nice new and shiny kitchen gadget! 😀
I’d buy lots of healthy food for my family, health & home cleaning DIY supplies…
If we won an extra $1000, we could actually afford to send my husband to school! It would relieve a lot of stress and worry. Thank you for giving us a chance to win!
I would use the $1000 toward a new camera lens that I’ve been wishing for.