I started my natural living experience nearly 5 years ago! I remember how daunting it was to get rid of all the chemicals in my house and how overwhelming it was learning about toxins in my skin care products. I was so happy to follow so many wonderful bloggers who generously shared their home remedies and recipes. After 5 years, I still feel like an amateur when it comes to creating DIY beauty products for myself or my blog! I love the learning experience, but when someone like Jenni from Jenni Raincloud comes along and offers to do a guest post for a DIY Cooling Cucumber Mask…I am thrilled to allow it! So, please welcome Jenni! – Jackie
Hi everyone! I’m Jenni, from Jenni Raincloud Homebody Extraordinaire! I am an aesthetician and have been in the skin care industry for over a decade! After taking a break from my career to start a family I started realizing how my favorite skin care products were full of false promises and CHEMICALS! I started to search for alternatives to my favorite lines and came up with very few choices of skin care companies that were charging an arm and a leg for organic, pure products. So, I decided to take control and make my own! I immediately fell in love with the wonders of nature in skin care. My blog is all about my adventures in do it yourself skin care! Thanks for having me and I hope you enjoy today’s post!
Anyone have issues with dark circles, crows feet, and puffy bags under your eyes? My hand is up. Let’s just get real for a second-Sometimes drinking 10 tons of water a day just doesn’t happen. Sometimes you just don’t get a full night’s sleep-baby is screaming, 5 year old had a bad dream, husband snores, dog is trying to get underneath you, bladder is shot (thanks Sofie and Heidi for that) weird noises outside, cell phone mysteriously vibrates-you get the picture, the older you get the less you sleep through stuff, but that’s a whole other post, huh?! More often then not, stress is a daily annoyance-that breeds and multiplies itself while reeking havoc on our bodies. These annoying issues all contribute to worn out, tired eyes. So, let’s fix it. Let’s take 10 minutes to do something for ourselves? It’s easy and relaxing-You in?
I always love to use food on my face. Seriously-nature is full of remedies. This is an easy way to relax those tired eyes with out adding chemicals to your body or breaking the bank! All you need is a cucumber, coconut oil and aloe vera gel! If you really want to get fancy, Carrot Seed Oil is my go to essential oil for the eyes. It regenerates and renews-I talk more about it in my DIY Anti Wrinkle Eye Stick post. Now, I like to not waste. So, I use a whole cucumber, 2 TBSP of coconut oil and 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel. I put it in an ice cube tray and freeze (hence the cooling part). This will give you many applications without wasting your cucumber and will also save time and effort in the long run!
Cooling Cucumber Mask
- 1 large cucumber
- 2 TBSP Unrefined Coconut Oil
- 1/4 cup Aloe Vera Gel
- 8 drops of Carrot Seed Essential Oil (optional)
Blend all ingredients together until all ingredients form a smooth cream. Transfer to ice cube tray and freeze. You might hold a bit back and pop it in the fridge so you can use your mask now!
Apply all around the eyes. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. It feels HEAVENLY! So refreshing-you can just feel the puffiness disappearing! If you are using the Carrot Seed oil be very careful-if it gets in your eyes it will burn. If the oil gets in your eyes, rinse out your eye with cool water immediately.
So there you have it! A fast and easy remedy for those pesky tired, puffy eyes!
Cucumbers rock!
Jennifer lives in Edmond Oklahoma with her husband and 2 daughters. She has been in the skin care world for over a decade. She believes beautiful skin comes from the inside out. In order to achieve youthful skin a healthy lifestyle must be in place. If you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin are her words to live by! She sells her skin care products on Etsy, runs her “at home spa” for close clients and blogs full time. She is happiest staying home with her family and cooking up healthy skin care products in the kitchen! You can follow Jenni Raincloud on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter!
Do you wash off the mask with warm water? And when you take out the freezer how long till you can apply?
Hi Kelly! Yes, wash off with cool water. When you take a cube out of the freezer you can apply it once it’s thawed. Applying it cold will really help with puffiness!
Yes, I have the same question; once you take it out of the freezer, how long until you can apply it to your eyes (and face?)?
Missy, you can thaw a cube and transfer to a small container and keep in the fridge fro about a week, that way it will be ready when you need to use it. When you take a cube out, let it thaw completely before applying it to eye area. Applying it cold is excellent for de-puffing!!
Hi jenni! Love your stuff. I had two questions: how often would you recommend using this? Also, I’m making your anti aging serum (adding a few drops of geranium oil!) but I love this nightly cucumber eye gel I’ve been using. Can I apply that over the anti aging serum? (It’s basically just cucumber juice and aloe Vera gel) thanks!
Hi Jenni – Quick follow up questions: how often would you recommend using this? Currently, I love this cucumber eye gel that I make (courtesy of a friend in common!) and use nightly. I want to continue using it after I make your anti-aging serum (w a few drops of added geranium oil!). Can i apply over the serum at night? And again, would added this mask as say a weekly ritual be beneficial? (My eye circles are green/black! its sad!) Your help in exploring building my own natural skin care regiment is greatly helpful.
Sound like a wonderful recipe! Excited to try it! Was curious as to why you’d recommend to wash out the eyes with water if carrot seed EO was ever splashed in the eyes? It’s usually suggested to use a carrier oil like vegetable oil vs water. Water will bring the EO absorption quicker and deeper whereas the oil will usually soak up the EO.
Very excited to try this. I was just thinking “I want to find a cucumber mask that can be froze” and HERE it is! I live on a sailboat and I have a freezer instead of a frig. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
If you have carrot seed oil in there and you det some in your eyes do not rinse with water, you need to put a drop of milk or another oil like olive oil since the essential oil will need a fat to cling to
I have chronically puffy eyes, no matter how much sleep I get. Couple that with early mornings and late night, my poor eyes were in need of some serious help. I wear eye cream every morning, out of habit, but typically don’t see any obvious benefits (other than moisturized skin, of course). But using Made from Earth Cucumber Gel has literally been an eye saver. Less puffy and more moisturized within minutes of applying it. Love love love this stuff.
This is so interesting. Cucumber is well known to be a good source for hydrating skin. It has silica which builds and repairs tissue in our skin. This is so refreshing to see and an effective way removing dead skin cells. This is worth a try.
nice blog , very good content , like it
loving post