The moment I feel myself getting the sniffles, I grab a few lemons, some ginger, some green tea, cinnamon, and some local, raw honey and I make myself this Soothing Elixir for cold and flu season. It’s so deeply nourishing and easy to make and helps to boost immunity.
You can make it in the crockpot and let it simmer all day, ladle a hot glass when you want, or you can make it on the stovetop. Either way works great and there are many “add-ins” you can put it in to add more nutrition.
Soothing Elixir for Cold and Flu Season
- 2 lemons, sliced in circles
- 8 echinacea tea bags (I use this tea)
- 3 cinnamon sticks (I use these sticks)
- 2 inch piece of ginger, sliced thin
- 1/4-1/2 cup of raw apple cider vinegar (I use this one)
- 6 cups of water
- Raw Honey
- OPTIONAL: turmeric, coconut oil, or gelatin.
- Pour the water in a pot and bring to a boil.
- Add the lemons, ginger, tea bags, and cinnamon sticks. Cover and let steep for 20-30 minutes.
- Pour the apple cider vinegar into a pitcher or a large half gallon mason jar .
- Dump the tea into the mason jar. You can keep the lemons and ginger in, but remove the tea bags.
- When ready to drink, warm up, and add in a teaspoon or two of raw honey.
- OPTIONAL Add-ins: tumeric, coconut oil, and gelatin.

- 2 lemons, sliced in circles
- 8 Echinacea tea bags
- 3 cinnamon sticks
- 2 inch piece of ginger, sliced thin
- 1/4-1/2 cup of raw apple cider vinegar
- 6 cups of water
- Raw Honey
- OPTIONAL: turmeric, coconut oil, or gelatin.
- Pour the water in a pot and bring to a boil.
- Add the lemons, ginger, tea bags, and cinnamon sticks. Cover and let steep for 20-30 minutes.
- Pour the apple cider vinegar into a pitcher or a large half gallon mason jar .
- Dump the tea into the mason jar. You can keep the lemons and ginger in, but remove the tea bags.
- When ready to drink, warm up, and add in a teaspoon or two of raw honey.
- OPTIONAL Add-ins: tumeric, coconut oil, and gelatin.

I needed this a couple weeks ago! Bookmarking this for the future.
How long will this save?
I’ve let mine go near a week in the fridge and it was still fine.
Allison, I’m an avid fermenter. If you use live vinegar (that has mother floating around in it) the tea mixture could begin to ferment immediately. Which is not a bad thing (the acid from the lemon may kill the mother though, not sure) If you see a little clear circle begin to form on the top of the mixture that means it is growing it’s own colony of bacteria and yeast (which makes it even more healthy.) I keep a jar of chopped up lemons (rinds and juice) covered in honey in my fridge from late summer through winter (the honey will begin to break down the lemons and it makes for a wonderful addition to hot water for sore throats and flu season remedy.) I can’t imagine adding the other ingredients would change its longevity. Because all the items are considered natural just use the taste test to tell when it’s become a little too vinegary (from fermentation process.)
how much Tumeric do I used it did not say
and can I used powder ginger in this drink I don’t have the whold ginger and how much to used
In my opinion, no. Fresh ginger has so many wonderful healing properties when it’s fresh I can’t imagine using any other form. If you’ve never had a warm ginger tea with lemon and honey in the winter… OH my… mmmmm. Between us… warm ginger tea saved my life last winter – literally. While visiting my dad for the winter (and leaving my albuterol at home) I suffered recurrent asthma attacks from the many triggers in his home and around the area. I bought some fresh ginger and steeped it with hot water. The tea instantly opened my airways. I survived because of my dad’s raw honey and the fresh ginger tea. Don’t skimp on the fresh ginger. 🙂
Do not add raw honey to any heated drink as it will destroy it’s good properties. Just eat a teaspoon with some cinnamon right from the jar.
Good point, Amy! Also, don’t add the tea to the Bragg vinegar until it comes to room temp because too hot of temperature will kill the bacteria and yeast (the only reason live raw vinegar is used.)
This sounds wonderful! From the way the recipe is written it sounds like you intend the options to be part of the final product, just before drinking. Is it intended that the essential oil and gelatin are used together?
How palatable is it? Will kids willingly drink it? Drink it on a full tummy – or does it matter?
I made this yesterday and it was fantastic! I added coconut oil and tumeric. However, after it sat in the jar for a few hours, the next drink was very, very strong. Next time, I’m going to just have the liquid in the jar and remove the lemons and ginger.
Yea, it gets stronger with time!
I’m going to add garlic to mine, what about leaving out for awhile and letting it ferment.
I didn’t finish reading the instructions and added the apple cider vinegar and all the ingredients and simmered. Is that ok? Or am I not supposed to heat the apple cider? Thxs.
Heating the apple cider vinegar or adding the tea mixture before it has cooled off will kill the ‘mother’ in the vinegar. Live vinegar is good for the intestinal track (among other things.)
Working great, I am feeling so much better
How long does this keep? Do you stock up on ingredients before flu season?
It will last 2-3 months or more. I stock up just before cold and flu season so I am prepared.
ohh I just made this and I got a little throw happy and put the apple cider at the same time …. Will this matter? Oopsy
You should be fine!
I always add mustard and garlic and sometimes cayenne. This reminds me of Fire cider, but different and sounds good. I mix my fire cider 50/50 with tomato….a spicey V-8! haha
Jackie thanks for posting you’ve inspired me to get going on my winter concoctions! 🙂 Such a smart combo…
Hello! Thanks so much for this post. I’m excited to try it. Do you keep it in the refrigerator or on the counter top?
Because of the fresh lemon and ginger, I recommend keeping it in the frig. You can warm it up when needed.
I’m doing this right now, as I can’t get rid off the cold I have. I don’t understand when I have to add the vinegar… Can you please clarify this for me? And when the coconut oil, and how much?
Thanks a lot
You put the apple cider vinegar in the pitcher or large jar just before you pour the tea into the jar. The coconut oil is an add-in if you want it, and I’d suggest just 1 Tsp, which you add to each cup when you warm it up to drink.
Does it need refrigerated or can it stay on the self?
Ok ive just made my 5th pitcher of this tea,an my sysptoms of fibromyolgia an neuropathy is almost gone,not hurting near as much,an ive just fallen in love with this drink.. Its also curbing my appetite an i helping in my weightloss.. I just have a few questions…. I use turmeric powder,an have been using up to a tablespoon at a time,just wondering if anyone knows how much that really is,like if it were in root form… An also i used organic coconut oil a few times also an i was wondering how much to add of that… An if i should just add the coconut oil to a glass when i go to drink it,or to the entire pitcher…. An ive been using organic cinnamon powder 1tablespoon ,cause i cinnamon sticks r too expensive,just wondered if your supposed to use the sticks only…. An one last thing how much water is ok to add to this if any cause it dont make a lot… Ive been adding 4cups….. OK i think thats it for now…… thanks
I just made this for the first time, I only drank a little but now I’m wondering… Is it only me that this makes sleepy? Lol I’ve had a bad case or bronchitis so I’m wondering if this is kicking my immune system into high gear and in turn making me tired. Either way, I feel great! Just in need of an early night.
Is it concentrate to be watered down?
No, it is not a concentrate. You drink it as it is.
I am happy to say this drink was a total success! I have the worst asthma my doctor has ever seen and when i get sick i have to be on a fairly heavy dose of steroids. I figured “eh ill give it a try. Whats the worst that could happen.” After my first cup i could actually breath and i felt so much better! Im so happy i tried this!
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I will be trying this as soon as I go get all the ingredients.
Perfect Christmas present, especially this year, I’ll be making a lot of this. Thank you.