In the two years that I have been blogging about eating Paleo, the MOST asked question is, “How do I start?” It can be very overwhelming for you…I know…I have been there. Throw transitioning a family into that mix and you are so overwhelmed that you don’t even start.
You can scour the internet for hours and hours on how to start eating Paleo and you will find a lot of information. However, you won’t find it all in one spot. You will have to search:
- “How do I transition my family?”
- “How do I eat Paleo when I’m out of the house?”
- “What kinds of foods should I eat when I’m sick?”
- “What do I eat when I’m at parties?”
- “What do I feel my Paleo kids?”
- …and on…and on…and on.
You quit before you even started! Let me encourage you by suggesting this extremely beneficial book that Sylvie McCracken from The Hollywood Homestead has put together a brand new digital book, “The Paleo Survival Guide: Getting Started with Paleo“. Sylvie has not only written a book for you, no, she has written you a survival manual! This book is going to help you make the transition to eating Paleo so much easier.
Sylvie is a walking testimony of how Paleo has changed someone’s life completely. She has lost 65 lbs since she started eating Paleo and weight loss was not even her main goal.
You see, being overweight or underweight is often not the problem. It is a symptom of a problem. When you’re body finds health, it will most likely self-adjust on the weight front quite a bit. – Sylvie McCracken
10 Reasons Why I Love this Book?
- 50% of the book is information that will be extremely beneficial to your success with Paleo. Actually, 100% is beneficial, but 50% is a manual. The other 50% is recipes that will help you get started.
- It starts at the bottom and addresses what Paleo, truly, is.
- It talks about how Paleo is safe for kids.
- It talks about how to afford eating Paleo.
- It talks about reluctant spouses who don’t want to eat Paleo. I had one of those! He’s a firm believer now.
- It talks about Paleo in times of sickness
- It addresses how to eat Paleo On the Go and when traveling.
- It addresses sleep, exercise, and managing stress.
- It’s loaded with 45 recipes to get you going.
- But you know what my favorite reason why I love this book? Because she is a mom just like me. She has 3 kids and she is making Paleo work for her family. You can see that health and happiness is evident in her family’s life because of Paleo.
Oh, the delicious recipes…did I mention the recipes?
Baby Broccoli Salad
Bacon Guacamole
Sneaky Green Popsicle (aren’t they adorable?)
Chocolate Dipped Strawberries
Hollywood Homestead is offering my readers a special discount of 20% off if you order it today!!! Coupon Code: PALEOMAMA !
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