I have been drooling over this digital book coming out and it is finally here! The Prairie Homestead has put together a incredible resource of over 40 recipes for homemade chicken feed and treats, natural pesticides, herbal supplements, non-toxic barn cleaners, herbal salves, DIY fly sprays, and TONS MORE!
As soon as I downloaded this book I printed the WHOLE thing out. I’ve been so confused as to what to use on my chickens, what to feed my goats, how to care for my barn, and what is safe to use in my garden. I want to have a natural homestead but there is NOT ONE book on all this. Now there is!
This book is perfect if you are:
- Tired of feeding commercial feed to your chickens that contain GMOs, antibiotics, and processed by-products like feather meal
- Struggling to create a natural environment for your cooped-up flock
- Battling pests on your homestead because you refuse to purchase chemical pesticides that contain toxic
- Feeling discouraged because chemical dewormers are no longer working
- Wishing you had some home remedies on hand for when your critters get cuts or scrapes
- Giving yourself a headache when you try to disinfect your coop or barn with bleach
- Want to utilize essential oil in your homestead
Why a Natural Homestead is Important:
I personally have felt terrible because I’ve been so focused on creating a natural environment in my house that I have neglected to create a natural environment in my homestead. My chickens and goats shouldn’t have to eat crappy commercial feed while my family and I are eating locally grown organic food. That’s just not right!
Did you know that:
- Parasite resistance is a very real problem as many chemical deworming products are simply no longer effective due to overuse???
- Not only do some bagged chicken feeds contain bizarre ingredients and even added antibiotics to the feed???
- That the popular herbicide that everyone has sitting in their garage has been linked to tumors in animals, DNA damage, cancer, endocrine disruption, and physiological disorders in crops???
What I Loved Learning from this Book:
- I learned how to put a natural supply cabinet together with stuff I can find at the feed store.
- I learned how awesome diatomaceious earth is.
- I learned that that pumpkin seeds, garlic, baking soda, vinegar, and kelp are more than just old wives’ tales but they are very beneficial to a natural homestead.
- I learned that essential oils (I use these) are extremely important to a homestead and can be used countless ways around your farm or house and even directly on your animals.
- I learned how to mix up grain-free, corn-free, and soy-free feeds for my flock!
- I, also, learned how to battle bugs without using toxic chemicals on my garden.
See how much I loved this book…I printed it out and have highlighted and tabbed it all up!
Wanna see a free preview? Click here!
click here to purchase!!!!
Some Chicken Recipes You Will Love:
FOUR different chicken feed recipes including a grain-free option, and a corn-free and soy-free feed for both layers and broilers
Deworming Cookies
Bordom Buster Block
Some Recipes for Your Girls in Milk:
Udder Balm
Teat Dip
Other Pest and Garden Recipes You Will Love:
Bug Be-Gone Garden Spray
Fly Spray
Get these and so many more when you order this digital book TODAY!
Still not convinced you NEED this book? The Prairie Homestead gave me permission to share a recipe with you! Think of this recipe as a giant granola bar for your chickens. This block is a wonderful way to alleviate boredom in your flock!
Boredom Buster Block
- 2 cups scratch grains
- 1 cup oats
- 1 cup cornmeal
- 3/4 cup wheat germ
- 1/2 cup raisins or cranberries
- 1/2 cup crushed egg shells or oyster shells
- 4 eggs + shells, crushed
- 3/4 cup blackstrap molasses
- 1/2 cup melted coconut oil, tallow, or lard
- Mix dry ingredients together in a bowl.
- Mix the eggs, molasses, and coconut oil in a separate bowl.
- Add the wet ingredients to the dry and mix well.
- Pour your mixture into greased pans
- Bake for thirty to forty-five minutes at 400 degrees. You may need to bake slightly longer if you are using a deeper pan. The block is ready when the edges have become dark and the middle is firm.
- Allow to completely cool. Serve it to your chickens.
- I was able to fit this entire recipe in one eight-inch round pan. But you could also divide it between two pans to help it bake more quickly, or use 2 nine-by-five inch loaf pans.
- This is not meant to be a substitute to your flock’s regular ration
- Feel free to play around with the ingredients to see what your birds like best.
click here to purchase!!!!
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