Aloe Vera has more healing properties than most any other plants or herbs on the planet! It is a disinfectant, antibiotic, antimicrobial, germicidal, antibacterial, antiseptic, anti fungal, and antiviral!
My husband and I have lived in 6 different places, in 6 six years of marriage (thank you Army), and everywhere we have lived, we have kept an Aloe Vera plant in the yard or in a pot. You may see a lot of Aloe Vera products pop up in the stores as people are becoming more aware of it’s benefits; but the best way to use it is to grow it yourself.
This underrated power plant is one of the best things you can carry in your home remedy arsenal. It comes from the lily family, the same family that garlic and onions belong to. And another incredible thing about this plant is that it can be used both internally and externally:
Here’s How it Helps Our Body:
• Halts the growth of cancer tumors.
• Lowers high cholesterol.
• Repairs “sludge blood” and reverses “sticky blood”.
• Boosts the oxygenation of your blood.
• Eases inflammation and soothes arthritis pain.
• Protects the body from oxidative stress.
• Prevents kidney stones and protects the body from oxalates in coffee and tea.
• Alkalizes the body, helping to balance overly acidic dietary habits.
• Cures ulcers, IBS, Crohn’s disease and other digestive disorders.
• Reduces high blood pressure natural, by treating the cause, not just the symptoms.
• Nourishes the body with minerals, vitamins, enzymes and glyconutrients.
• Accelerates healing from physical burns and radiation burns.
• Replaces dozens of first aid products, makes bandages and antibacterial sprays obsolete.
• Halts colon cancer, heals the intestines and lubricates the digestive tract.
• Ends constipation.
• Stabilizes blood sugar and reduces triglycerides in diabetics.
• Prevents and treats candida infections.
• Protects the kidneys from disease.
• Functions as nature’s own “sports drink” for electrolyte balance, making common sports drinks obsolete.
• Boosts cardiovascular performance and physical endurance.
• Speeds recovery from injury or physical exertion.
• Hydrates the skin, accelerates skin repair.
Aloe Vera contains over 200 active components including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, polysaccharide, and fatty acids. This explains why there are so many uses and remedies for the Aloe Vera plant.
FIVE Ways to Use Aloe Vera at Home:
1) Aloe Vera is amazing for your skin. The clear fluid of the aloe vera plant is 99% water, so it’s no wonder why it’s great for your skin. It hydrates, moisturizes, and nourish our largest organ – the skin.
- Acne – Aloe Vera has antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria and anti-inflammatory properties with minimal scarring. Rub it directly on acne.
- Moisturizer – Aloe is not greasy and perfect for someone with oily skin or looking a for natural regime. Place a small amount on fingertips and smooth over face
- Aging – there is vitamin C and E present in aloe which can improve our skin`s natural firmness and keep our skin hydrated. Many of the TOP anti-aging products have aloe vera. Why not save the money and get the product directly from the source – the earth. Dot on wrinkles and under eyes morning and night.
- Stretch marks – rub aloe vera on your pregnancy stretch marks to keep them at bay.
- Sunburn – this is the most widely known use. Aloe vera gel can reduce the pain and swelling you experience during sunburn, act as a protective layer on the skin, and help replenish moisture.
2) Lowers High Cholesterol – when taken internally, aloe vera rebalances the blood chemistry in a way that lowers cholesterol and total triglycerides.
How to Take: People who suffer from high cholesterol can achieve optimal results by taking 1-2 TB of Aloe Vera juice a day (source).
3) Aloe vera boosts immune function and destroys cancer tumors –
Scientific research shows strong immunomodulatory and antitumour properties for aloe vera polysaccharides. That means the gel helps boosts immune system function while destroying cancer tumors. One study published in International Immunopharmacology (1995) showed that aloe vera polysaccharides exhibited potent macrophage-activating activities including producing increased volumes of nitric oxide, which has antitumor potential.
How to take: Work with a naturopathic physician to learn how to add Aloe Vera into your treatment plan.
4) Aloe Helps Reduce Inflammation – Aloe Vera contains 12 substances, including B-sisterole, which can help to slow down or inhibit inflammation.
How to take: rub the gel onto any areas of pain. For rhumatoid arthritis, take internally by drinking 2 to 3 oz. of aloe juice once per day, and work up to 3 times per day.
5) Disinfectant, Anti-biotic, Anti-microbial, Germicidal, Anti-bacterial, Anti-septic, Anti-fungal & Anti-viral – Aloe Vera’s active ingredients are sulphur, lupeol, salicylic acid, cinnamic acid, urea nitrogen and phenol which are substances that prevent the growth of disease-causing microorganisms and act as a team to provide antimicrobial activity thus eliminating many internal and external infections, also active against bacteria. It also helps to treat fungal and viral infections.
How to take: rub on burns, cuts, bruises, and take internally during times of sickness or just to boost the immune system.
How I Harvest and Use Aloe Vera:
There are many ways to actually “harvest” aloe. You can just cut off a piece of the plant when needed, or you can make a batch of the gel and store in the fridge. I like to make large batches at at time. Here’s my method:
Step 1: Cut off large pieces of the plant near the stem. I usually cut 5-10 at a time.
Step 2: Rinse the cut pieces under water.
Step 3: Cut off the top of the shell.
Step 4: Grab a spoon and scoop out all the gel.
Step 5: Pour the gel into a food processor or blender and process it for a few seconds.
Step 6: Freeze in small ice cube trays and use as needed! I leave a little in the fridge, as well.
A Few Things I do With My Aloe:
Face Mask – I add 2 TB of aloe, 1 TB sugar or salt, and 2 TB of raw milk or coconut milk to a jar and stir. Once the sugar/salt is dissolved, I rub it all over my face and leave it on for up to 10 minutes! Then I grab a hot towel and wipe off. Baby butt soft!
I add 1-2 TB to my smoothies.
I put them on my kids dry skin.
I put them on cuts and burns.
I rub it onto my sore muscles after an intense workout.
I hope you now believe in the incredible healing properties of the Aloe Vera plant. Remember “fresh is best”, so pick up a plant, and start benefiting from it!
- https://www.naturalnews.com/021858_aloe_vera_gel.html#ixzz2d08K2ftE
- https://www.aloeplant.info/harvest-fresh-aloe-gel/
- https://sacredsourcenutrition.com/top-12-benefits-of-aloe-vera/#
- https://www.aloelf.com/wp-content/uploads/aloe-vera/aloebook.pdf
Shared at: Homegrown & Healthy, Small Footprint Family, and Happy Roots, Happy Soul
Do you cook with it?
I never had…just used it raw in smoothies
I am wondering how long aloe vera is good for medicine purposes exposed to the open air? Do you have any idea how much a thousand plants would cost or how many plants could be planted on a acre?
Thanks for all your information it was great just need to know how long the juice is good when it it totally exposed to the air?
Your article is very helpful, Jackie 🙂 Just came across this web site, Dakota, as I thought of Aloe as a good, natural anti-bacterial re a “flare-up” [redness] in inguinal area… Thank you so much for getting the word out on traditional healing…
Have you ever made it into a juice? I buy the juice from Publix and it is very expensive! Would love to learn how to make it at home. Would you just add water to the gel mixture?
You can make it into a juice, scoop out all the gel from Aloe and put it in the blender, don’t forget to add a little bit of water and a little bit of sugar ( it will helps you to drink it a little bit easier) since it will be very hard to drink. Drink it everyday and if there’s a left over, put it on your face as a mask. Very helpful, especially when you have severe acne and whiteheads. cure it really fast if you do it everyday.
Scoop off the gel..mix ot with some fruits or vegetables to maje the drink a bit tastier and enjoy your juice???
You shouldn’t intake the yellowish part…lol…And sorry for spelling errors in previous comment
I have an aloe that I’ve been hoping to use to harvest, but it’s only one plant and it’s not that big. How does the plant hold up to the harvest? And is there a better way to do it, like take ones from the bottom…? How often can it be harvested or how long should I wait in between harvests? Any further info on the actual harvesting would be super helpful as well, thanks so much for this post!
Hi Jamie! I usually just take 4-6 really large pieces at a time and cut them at the base. The stub will wither and die, but the pruning encourages more growth. This will give you a good few cups of aloe juice which is alot and all you have to do is follow my steps to freezing it in ice cube trays. You can just take a few at time too if that works better for you….and no freezing. Hope this helps!
Hi, living in the UK, I don’t have lovely big Aloe plants outside, just 2/3 piddling little ones on my window sill. When I have cut them to use as medicine, it’s left the plant’s branch stub withering & dying. Is there anything I can do about this? Do the branches/leaves grow back & how can I encourage the growth of the entire plant.
I love my Aloe but it’s way to small to be of any use.
I take bought Aloe Juice but I don’t suppose that’s so good
(Although, I started on cancer trial drugs in April & was told I would burn terribly in the sun because of the drugs, I did, until starting the aloe juice every day – don’t burn at all now! – with sensible exposure of course)
Yes, it will just wither and die at the stub, but more will grow in. Pruning it will encourage more growth!
I don´t want to sound stupid, but I have an excuse…my native language is German amd I´m not familiar with all the abbrevations used everywhere…well, my question would be what does “TB” mean?
You’re not stupid! I have been asked that several times, yet habit keeps me from actually spelling it out…it’s tablespoon! Sorry!
Hi, thnx for sharing UR views…
My question is do we have to wash our face with water after applying aloe Vera on my face?? Or de we had to keep it’s as it is
You’ll need to wash it off!
I have read articles that said that you need to be careful of the “yellow latex” found at the base of the aloe leaf, I have noticed it dripping down into the containers when I cut them (I read it is not really poisonous but can cause stomach crampping and diarreha if consumed). I always wash it off and peel both sides of the leaf as I thought that this “yellow latex” might be on the sides of the plants as well. I feel like I waste a lot of the gel by peeling it, I like your slicing off of one side and scooping out the gel, it seems you would be able to get more from it. Do you have to be careful how close you scoop to the skin to avoid the yellow latex or do you feel that is only found at the base of the leaf???
I rinse that yellow part off and just slice above the yellow latex. I also let the it drain for awhile. Then I just scoop it out as close to it as possible but without touching it. I actually heard the opposite….the yellow part is the best for you. So, I’m not sure what’s true. I also heard that the more potent the yellow part smells, the more minerals and vitamins in the plant.
Many sources say that consuming the yellow latex can cause upset stomach & diarrhea, also it’s what makes the aloe gel bitter. I soaked the leaves for five minutes (once in one jar, then rinse, then again in fresh water for another five) and that removed all the latex. After hearing people warning of the bitter taste, I was so pleased that this method did indeed remove any bitter taste!
My question is about the freezing. Blending it first, then pouring it into cubes and freezing it doesn’t harm any of the properties once thawed? Do you just add the frozen cube to your smoothie?
I add the frozen cube right to my smoothie.
Hi. I am just stumbling across this blog post and I am in love! I would love to have an Aloe Vera plant, but I have a black thumb. Is it easy to keep alive? Can I just buy one at a local Lowe’s or do I need to get one from a local green house or some place like that! Love the post and can’t wait to get my Aloe plant.
Oh yes…Aloe Vera is one of the easiest plants to keep alive. I’m sure you can find one at Lowes!
I found mine last year at Walmart..than found a patheic guy at Home depot this last winter, Both are doing really well in my “sun room”. It faces south and I have them right in the window sill,. I water them once a week and them them go!
Hi I know this is way after the original post but I have two aloe plants but as I read about this you have to have a certain type of (Aloe Barbadensis). I don’t know if mine is so I will use that only externally and find the right kind for internally somewhere. East coast doesn’t have the climate for them to grow in nature. Anyways I wanted to say this as lowes, walmart and other places might not be selling the right species. FYI
Hi I live In Australia and was reading your post I have a big aloe Vera plant but not the type you are talking about mine has thorns or spikes on the outside can I use this aloe Vera plant in the same way . Thanks regards Betty
Felicia Inman, I just came across this blog post also, I saw your comment and wanted to let you know about my aloe plant. I have had it for at least 20 yrs. It has been in the same medium size pot, outside, in the heat, cold and any other weather condition that central Florida may offer. All this time I have never done anything with it except to go out to break part of it off for a burn here or there. Never watering it except for the rain we may get and never giving it any kind of plant food or any kind of attention what so ever. I can tell you, it has never died on me. I am sure that even with a black thumb this plant will not die on you either. Give it more space than I have given mine and I am sure it will even grow more than you could every imagine. Good Luck with this even though I know you won’t need that luck.
Easy to grow but you need to take it inside during freezing weather.
Please send me the tips how to use aloe for ulcers
Please, send me information how to use aloe vera for the hitching and lost of hair. Thank you.
i notice the aloe gel turns dark after cutting and refrigerating, can it still be applied to face after color change. i read the change is due to oxidation. thank you
Hmm it seems like your blog ate my first comment (it was extremely long) so I guess I’ll just sum it up what I had written and say, I’m thoroughly enjoying your blog.
I too am an aspiring blog writer but I’m still new to everything.
Do you have any tips and hints for first-time blog writers?
I’d definitely appreciate it.
How long can we store in the fridge once we’ve blended?
I believe it would be good for up to a week. That is why I recommend freezing it.
can gel turned brown in refrigerator from branch be used on face?
hello, I have acne skin problem, can i like use this plant as my daily skin cleanser. I cleaned it and cut it, but I didn’t spooned it, I just use the gel on the leaf and rub it on my face. I didn’t let it on my skin for too long, I then just rinsed it off my face. I just started using this way today, I just wanna know if is it okay to do that or I should just use normal cleanser and use the once a while?
ps: I have tried so many cleanser products and it does shit on my face.
I can only speak from my personal experience here but it absolutely worked wonders for me. I have atrocious breakouts and have for about three years (I’m in my mid-20s so it’s not puberty, it’s a stress issue unfortunately). I use a gentle, non-creamy cleanser 2-4 times a week (ZenSociety is the one I’ve used specifically and while it can burn a little bit, its excellent stuff) and afterwards once my face is dry, I just take about half an aloe leaf and coat my face in the gel/juice.
I’ve had it help as quickly as overnight, and the aloe (again, in my personal experience at least) has helped to fade the scars a LOT.
Hi! I have acne scars and heard that aloe Vera can help with that (rather, aid in the fading of the scars). How long do I keep the aloe vera on my face? Also, I noticed that my skin gets red and itchy EVERYTIME I put it on my face (and elbows since those are quite dark). Is this a common reaction? I have extremely sensitive skin so I wasn’t sure but I thought being that it’s as natural as can be (I’m getting my aloe vera from my plant) how bad could it be? Third day in a row and still experiencing these itchy / red skin. Please help!
I have a plant that’s about 2 yrs old and the leaves are huge…I didn’t know that it could be frozen. My question is: How long will it last in the freezer? i burned the palm of my hand, being stupid and not watching what I was doing, by grabbing the exhaust manifold on a lawn mower one summer while mowing the lawn….Thank goodness I had an aloe plant. I peeled a large piece of a leaf, put it on the burned area and within 30 minutes….no pain, no blister and no scar….yes it was a little tender for a day or two but that made me a believer in power of this plant… ty
I have read that Aloe Vera can heal the gut, but they don’t say how much to use at a time or in what way. I have aloe plants and I just cut some large pieces and know how to open and remove gel. I’m just not sure what to do after that. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
I use about 2 inches when I cut it (make sure to use only the gel) and blend it with apple juice (about a cup of juice) for a minute, or until you feel it’s blended enough. I take that in the morning, every day, only once a day. You may take it twice or three times, but I know, taking it in it’s natural state gives you diarrhea. You have to be sensible. Natural Aloe is the best way to take in all it’s wonderful properties. But also too much of a good thing is not always good. But of course this is just my opinion.
I’m wondering how long can it be frozen for? My mom froze the actual plant without taking out the gel…about two months ago. Is it still good?
I just bought the aloe leaf and cut it out to use on my daughter face and my arms enzyme. After I used it I put it in a jar. How long can I keep it in a jar for? I added a little for my daughter with the coconut oil to use on her acne face. Am I doing the right thing? O, I used a processor and grind it up.
Can aloe plant be used in nostrils for sores?
The other day i bought a leaf of aloe and when i cut it to extract the gel it was purple, is this normal?
Thank You so much Jackie…is aloe ok to take on an empty stomach
It probably would depend on your senitivities to different substances. It’s no problem for me, but may be for others.
Hi! Jackie i’m lungile from swaziland your page did wonders for me i had fungul i’m on treatment with this plant andi’m taking 2 cups a day and i can now c the difference coz my hair was fallind and am rubbing where the problem is thanks Jackie.
I’m impressed, I must say. Rarely do I come across a blog that’s both educative and entertaining, and without a doubt, you’ve hit
the nail on the head. The issue is something not enough folks are
speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I came across this in my hunt for something concerning this.
Hi Jackie thanx a million with this blog, i tell for some years i’ve been struggling with fungi all
over my body i could’nt dairy products for some years because of its troubling some,as am still
taking my two cups daily naw the bacteria is coming out all over my body,I can’t stop drinking
and rubbing thats shows there is great job happening inside my body,and am naw used to it
and i already planted some so dat when i need i get so easily and aloe is lot here in swaziland.
Jackie amvery thankful i will help lot people with this aloe may God BLESSS YOU!
Jackie, I had googled about my aloe plant using the gel inside my nostrils because I am on oxygen at night. The company use to give me gel in lg. tubes then they started dropping off tiny tubes now they don’t send anything. I read the ingredients and it had aloe in it. I saw your blog from google search. So happy. I have a lg plant also in Fl. and was taken off cholesterol meds because it was effecting my liver. All pain meds are ridiculous with the pain I have nearly every day I am ready to find something healthy and just may work. I just hope I don’t kill it. I didn’t know that you should prune them but that does make sense and love our idea of the ice cubes. Thank you. P.s also at almost 63 I love this idea with the aging spots and I have never had pimple ever even as a teen, guess what get them all the time at my age , probably from pain meds. I will be using my aloe plant for everything you have mentioned. Your blog is wonderful !!!!! Marti ; )
So glad this is helpful to you!
Thank you so much!
Can i take aloe vera to help with my kidney wile taking my prescription drugs.
You will have to talk with your doctor about that.
Hi can you put the gel right under your eyes to get rid of wrinkles or will it sting also does it firm the skin and get rid of brown spots thank you
I would carefully test it first. The skin under the eye may be more sensitive than other skin, and also you need to be very careful not to get it close to the eye itself.
thanks for your valuable tips and information….i just want to know about the time duration… if i apply aloe vera gel (or paste) onto my face at night just before going into bed, then after how much time i can wash my face after its application ?….some say 15 to 20 mins are enough…will aloe vera work during such a short duration ? whats your opinion? please suggest
I have recommended that you wipe it off with a hot towel after 10 minutes.
Hi. I have a question. I use aloe vera for acne, but it has an unbearable smell. How do you over come that? Also, I tried eating it as i have heard that its amazing for cleansing the digestive system but ended up puking =( Tastes so bitter and makes me nauseous. Suggestions please. Thanks in advance
I have a few great aloe plants growing out front. I don’t have a blender. Can I just whip it with a fork?
I have never tried it that way, but it may be soft enough to do it like that.
Hi can u tell me can u take fresh aloe Vera plant daily internally and externally every day for months years ect. Many differant opinions on the web
Thanks so much
Hi. I’ve been drinking 4 oz of organic aloe vera juice (inner fillet) everyday. I try to drink 2 oz in morning and 2 oz before bed. What are your thoughts on that. Is it enough, are the times ok, etc.? I can’t remember exactly why I started except for 1 reason, (sorry about this) constipation. You seem to have so much knowledge about this subject, I just want to get as much benefit from drinking it that I can. I am also trying to grow one. I would love to be able to make my own juice, but I don’t see that my plant has multiplied yet.
Thank you,
Can aloe Vera be taking as a drink with lemon alone?
Use only adult plants only adult Aloe can give you soooo many for your in and out health.When your Aloe have a flower then it’s ready to use(adult).And,your plant will give you baby plants after 2-3 years I think.So you can have a lot of Aloe plants in your garden.
Aloe vera is such a miracle plant!
Thanks for such useful information. I didn’t know anything about the benefits of aloe, and was taken by surprise. I live in Ethiopia and aloe is really abundant in Ethiopia. My worry is how would I know if the plant in Ethiopia is poisonous? I’m afraid some species are.
Easy to grow but you want to take it inner in the course of freezing climate.
Smooth to grow however you want to take it inside for the duration of freezing weather.