YAY!!! There is finally a Costco near me now!! I have heard so many great things about the organic choices that Costco offers, but we didn’t have one near us in Georgia. Since we moved to Florida, I have 3 Costco’s near me!!! So, I went hunting today to see what they had to offer and I found a TON of great things.I’m going to list what I found and the price, but, keep in mind, that most of these are the organic option or other Paleo-worthy items. There are much, much more non-organic options too that I did not take the time to write down.
Here’s 50 REAL food, Paleo, food items I found:
- Kerrygold Butter: 3/8oz bars for $6.79 ***Make a Bulletproof Coffee with Kerrygold***
- Kerrygold Dubliner Cheese: 2.18lbs for $12.99
- Aidells Sausage: 3lbs for $13.49
- Rotisserie Chicken (no pres., MSG free, gluten free): $4.99
- 2lb dates: $8.69
- Wholly Guacamole: 4/12oz for $8.49
- Zico Coconut Water: 6/1 litters for $14.99
- Organic Carrots: 10 lbs for $6.99
- Organic Spinach 1lb for $4.79
- Organic Spring Mix 1lb for $4.99
- Organic Ground Beef 85/15%: 4lbs for 16.99
- Kirkland Low Salt Bacon (no sugar): 4/1lb for $13.69
- Cascadian Farms Organic Frozen Berry Blend: 3lbs for $10.99
- Organic Green Beans: 5lb for $6.79
- Organic Broccoli: 4/1lb for $6.49
- Organic Butter Sticks: 2/1lb for $7.69
- Mayorga Organic Coffee Whole Beans: 2lbs for $13.99
- Organic Carrot Juice 100%: 2/1 liters for $8.59
- POM Juice: $8.99
- Carrington Farms Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: 54oz for ONLY $15.99
- Organic Quinoa: 4lb for $8.79 (yes this is Paleo “gray” food but it is a seed)
- Organic Blue Agave: 2/36oz for $9.99 (however I don’t suggest using Agave)
- Organic Honey: 2/24oz for $8.99
- Organic Maple Syrup: 1 liter for $13.99
- MaraNatha Roasted Almond Butter: 26oz for $6.29
- Organic Golden Flax Seed: 48oz for $7.99
- Organic Diced Tomatoes: 8/15oz for $5.99
- Organic Stewed Tomatoes: 8/15oz for $5.99
- Organic Tomato Paste: 12/6oz for $5.99
- Sun-Dried Unsulphured Figs: 40oz for $9.79
- Organic Sugar: 10lb for $8.99 (KOMBUCHA users!)
- Whole Almonds: 48oz for $12.79
- Sliced Almonds: 32oz for $7.99
- Sun Dried Tomatoes: 32oz for $8.99
- Fire Roasted Red Peppers: 35oz for $3.99
- “Natural” Olives: 6/60z cans for $7.29
- Wild Sockeye Salmon: 3/6oz cans for $10.99
- Wild Alaskan Tuna: 6/5oz cans for $14.99
- Sardines:5/3.75oz cans for $7.99
- Organic Chicken Stock: 6/32oz for $10.99
- Lara Bar: 18ct Box: $15.79
- Freeze Dried Fruit: 20ct bags for $14.99
- Macadamia Nuts: 24oz for $17.69
- Cashews: 40oz for $14.99
- Pistachios: 48oz for $15.79
- Mateo’s Gourmet Salsa (no sugar): 32oz jar for $6.49
- GoGo Squeez Apple Sauce: 16/3.2oz pouches for $4.69
- Kirkland Steak Jerky (gluten-free): 12oz bag for $8.99
- Organic Spices for cheap. Too many to list
- Organic Cage Free Eggs: 2 dozen for $5.99
That’s it! These are the BEST real food, Paleo deals I found and the price is amazing! The membership is $55 for the year and, definitely, worth it!
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Great post! If you’re not already on our guest post line-up could you e-mail us to get on the schedule? You’ve been rockin’ it lately 🙂
Sure, Stacy! I’d love to! I’ll email you now!
The Organic coconut oil is worth the membership fee alone!!! 54oz for $15.99 is a fantastic price!! The organic eggs, frozen organic vegy’s and organic fresh vegy’s are wonderful also!!
Thank you!
They have a Kirkland brand Fruit & Nut medley that I love. Raw walnuts, almonds, dry roasted pistachios, dried cranberries and dried cherries. Perfect take-anywhere snack, and only $9.99 for a 30oz bag!
Ooooo that sounds good!
doh! i went and bought some, but then realized the dried fruits have a lot of sugar! =/
This is so funny I just did a Paleo Costco haul on my blog today! I love your extensive list and you’re a lucky girl to have 3 Costco’s near you. I live in Houston and have 2 and they don’t have a lot of what you listed. I’m hoping my list helps my friends/family and your list will be a great reference as well! 🙂
Great minds think alike!!! 😉
What Costco is near North Port Fl that has organics?
That has been one of the best things about living back here too… we have a Costco so close to us! I love it! I know my sister in law said they have the kerrygold butter here too, but I can never seem to find it 🙁 Still, so many amazing things at such good prices!
Sometimes the KG butter is with the rest of the butter and sometimes it’s with the specialty cheese.
Don’t hesitate to put in a request at your local Costco for them to carry specific items, like KerryGold Butter. I did this at my local store, because I knew their stores in other areas of the country carried this butter. It took about a month, but one day I came it and the butter had arrived!!
At my Costco the Kerry Gold butter is by the butcher area, not with the rest of the butter near the dairy fridge. Hope that helps.
They also have 64 oz *organic heavy cream* for $6.99 at ours… not sure if you have it on the list yet 🙂
I didn’t look in that section that well! Thank you!
Everytime I fine Organic Heavy Cream it is Ulta Pasturized which is bad. Is what you found at Costco Ultra Pasteized?
It is ultrapasturized. :/
My costco doesn’t have the organic heavy cream. Can you tell me what store has it so I can have our store call down to your to get the product number??
Hannah, do they still have that Organic 64OZ Heavy Cream at your store and do you know what store number or item number it is because its not in our local store
Can you tell me what store has the 64 oz organic heavy cream. My store doesn’t have it
Thank you! We had let our Costco membership lapse and I’ve been toying with the idea of restarting it. After seeing just how many great paleo finds there were, I think I’m back on the Costco train!!
The Canadian costco’s are now selling organic coconut oil too!
Good to know. My membership has lapsed… may be worth getting it again.
Thank you so much! This is so exciting we just moved to an area where we have one! We also just started eating Paleo, so this will help so much!!
I won’t buy Wholly Guacamole as it is owned by Hormel: https://www.hormelfoods.com/Brands/BrandWall/Wholly-Guacamole
LOVE the organic figs – my local stores in are not carrying them any more 🙁 Also my costco carries Sweet Potatoes (not organic) din;t remember the $/# but It’s a good deal and we go through them pretty fast. Also we have whole carrots, spinach, baby spinach (organic), and avocados. MMmmm! I do most of my shopping at costco for sure. And we didn’t even mention the yoga/work out clothes they have there! 🙂
Great list! We do not currently have a Costco – the closest is two hours away – but we are supposed to have one before 2014 – yay!
Great list! They also sell a box of snack-sized bags of freeze-dried fruit (plain apples, cinnamon apples, bananas & strawberries). There’s nothing else in the ingredient list but those fruits… No added sugar either. A great healthy snack for little kids, that has a great shelf-life!
Yes I did include that in my list! Great for kids!
I wish we had that kerrigold butter. All we have is organic salted butter and Id rather not use salted butter to make ghee.Maybe I should suggest our Cosco. Thanks for clearing up the paleo list I basically have that all in my fridge guess Im doing it right eventhough only 2 weeks into paleo change:)
I couldn’t find the Kerrigold butter for the longest time. Turns out they’ve always carried it at my Costco. I just missed it, as they keep in near the cheese section. Check there!
My hubby is a produce buyer for Costco – I keep putting a plug in his ear to ask the buyer that does dairy to get UNSALTED Kerrygold butter! everyday I bug my hubby 🙂
Costco only carries salted Kerrygold
Im new to Paleo, is the Kerry Gold cheese allowed??? I understand why quinoa is a grey area….but cheese?
Many people following the Paleo way of eating include dairy. They are called lacto-Paleo and I, certainly, didn’t want to forget about them!
I think it is good to remove dairy for 30 days and then add it back in again to see if you have a reaction. For me, it is fine.
There is no such thing as lacto-paleo. Dairy products were not consumed by paleo ancestors. If you want to call a little bit of grassfed cheese a good cheat that’s great, by all means do so. But dairy is in no way and by no means acceptable.
I never said it was! However I do lots who still eat it. If you don’t, then great.
Bryan, this is why I don’t tell people that I try to follow Paleo, why can’t we all just support eachother in making the best choices we can rather than tearing eachother down. If I wanted to call my diet lacto-Paleo, I have every right to and you have every right to not eat dairy and follow strict-Paleo.
But you do not have the right to be condescending to people who are here just doing the best they can. You do not have the right to tell me that I’m not good enough because I can’t/won’t give up dairy. Yes I know there are benefits to doing so, but I also like cheese and ice cream and life it too short to not enjoy my favorites in moderation. And if I must have a label as it seems you are fond of, lacto-Paleo is descriptive and much more uplifting than your assessment of ‘not-dedicated-enough-Paleo’.
Paleo Mama, Thanks for the list and all the encouragement here! I have been thinking about getting a Costco membership, but with eating cleaner (definitely in the lacto-Paleo category) I wasn’t sure it was worth it. Guess I’ll go do a visit this weekend and see what our Costco carries.
Thank you, Mel. I totally agree with you on life being too short. I think for this lifestyle to be sustainable, you have to give yourself a little grace…and others.
MOOOO! Just a bit of humor. Strict adherents to paleo-based nutrition would not consider dairy congruent in the strictest sense.
But, seeing as this is not a hard-core Paleo blog post, no harm in a bit of cheese.
If you were having dairy related health issues, then no dairy.
our Paleo ancestors didn’t eat domesticated animals, or hardly any of the vegetables and fruits we cultivate now. Really, do we need to be so literal?
I was just thinking that Jen! Unless you were there ( which is just not likely )we can only speculate what was really eaten!!
Happy clean and healthy living!!!
There’s a huge segment of the ancestral health movement (call it what you will) that includes dairy, with the caveat that it is well-sourced (ie. preferably raw, at least grassfed, organic) and that it is well-tolerated (ie. add it back in and see how you feel). Lacto-Paleo seems like a pretty good term for it- I usually hear PRIMAL. Either way it works for thousands of people (marksdailyapple!) and it’s each to his own, right?
We don’t have a lot of what you listed, but we do have coconut oil. 🙂
Yay! That’s a start!
Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 78 oz. for $21!
Great post! They also have a nice selection of wild caught fish in the freezer section. Hake and Cod are staples in our house! Right around $13 for 2.5 pounds
Thank you!! That is a great price!
I found virgin coconut oil 54 oz for 15.99, such a Great price!! And I bought most of the other things on your list, the closet one to us is still a 45 min drive but it’s worth it, so we go about once a month!!
To those that can’t find the kerrygold I at first could not find it at my Costco. They don’t put it with the other butters its over by the meats/deli/bakery area. Check over there!
For those who can’t find the kerrygold, I could not find it at first at my Costco. They didn’t put it by the other butters it was over by the deli/meats/bakery area. Try looking there!
Yes yes, that is where I found it too!
Wow, awesome list! Gotta plan a trip there soon!
So are the brands you named local and or ethical companies as well?
I don’t have the time to research every brand I listed and source it. Feel free to do that yourself! I just put the info out there.
Okay this dairy stuff has got to stop. There is no such thing as “lacto-paleo”. Maybe that’s what people who dabble in paleo call themselves but its not paleo. Plain and simple. This list is pretty good but it’s pretty misleading. The ground beef is not grass fed and the bacon is not pastured–neither are the eggs. And please tell me what is paleo about a 10 LB bag of sugar other than you might be able to do wall balls with it?
If some people want to eat dairy, then that is there concern, not mine. You can source the products and do want you please with them. All I am doing is putting the info out there. I never said that your own personal convictions should stop at the door. However my convictions are different than yours. Some people cannot afford to eat 100% grassfed met, pastured bacon, and $5 dozen of free range eggs. No need to push your opinion on them since you might be able to afford all the best foods.
Bryan is right. If you have your own diet which involves eating dairy and it works for you, that’s great, but don’t call it Paleo. Would you list sugar and cake and call it a diabetic’s shopping list under the excuse that some diabetics may eat sugar from time to time, because it is more affordable than some other foods (fits your budget) and say that after all you only live once?
Like I’ve said before, many people who follow the “Paleo” diet also include dairy in their diet. I included this for them.
Oh and also, did you not see my Kombucha comment next to the sugar? Sugar is needed to make Kombucha which is completely acceptable to Paleo
I think Paleo Policing has got to stop. People follow a template doing what works for them. If dairy works — then dairy is included in their template. If they react to it, then they shouldn’t consume it! Sheesh! Back down officer!
Bryan, with all due respect, you’re being an antagonist. Social media is no where near Paleo either but you’ve broken that rule…..
Your point has been made now move on and allow others their “Paleo Template”
Best comment I’ve read yet, Misty!
Guess bryan prefers patriarchally policed paleo. bryan, if you haven’t noticed there are many Women here, getting on JUST FINE. Does a man always have to come and spoil things?
And this is why I am not Paleo anymore. This is ridiculous.
“this dairy stuff has got to stop”. Really? Talk about orthorexia!
I TOTALLY agree w you Hannah! I’m doing paleo- ish. But dammit if I want a small piece of chews I’m damn well gonna eat it!
CHEESE . Not chews
You should look into the Executive membership. It’s $110, but they give you 2% back on purchases, which for us is in the $60-$80 range per year, depending on what we’ve bought. I make a giant run first thing of the month for our paleo picks, including tons of protein that’s fresh (which I freeze), already frozen, or canned (the low-mercury tuna and wild salmon). It makes it cheaper than the “regular” membership, and if you DIDN’T save money, they’ll refund you the difference.
Also, I’m with you on the grass-fed beef and pastured eggs, etc. I do what I can when I can, including buying the best lipids I can (the coconut oil, Kerrygold butter for ghee, and organic EVOO), organic Costco eggs, etc. I SIMPLY cannot afford organic, grass-fed/pastured everything. Our grocery spending sits right at the low-cost plan on the USDA budget guidelines, and frankly I’m pretty darn impressed with what I do there. I don’t “get” to do crazy coupon games like everyone else because how often are there coupons on REAL FOOD?? I buy the best fish I can (wild-caught salmon and occasionally cod) and stretch it with the frozen tuna and salmon you referenced above so that we can eat fish more often. Even before we went “paleo” (and I still dislike the term) we were a real food, whole food household. (Gluten, Dairy, Soy, and Sugar intolerances will do that for you.) Someday, perhaps, when our kids are older I will work outside the home again, and then they’ll get grass-fed beef all the time, but for now I must rest knowing that I am doing what I can. I do get grass-fed ground beef when it’s on sale at Sprouts and then stretch it with regular ground beef, so that usually our ground beef dishes are 1/2 and 1/2.
I am SO WEARY of the Paleo Police getting all high and mighty about the exact origin of our meat and produce. I have read everything you have read, probably more. I am an ivy-league educated woman who has chosen to be a stay-at-home mother for at least the early years of my children’s lives, and there are sacrifices to be made all around. Enough already.
Thank you for your comment, JoAnne.
Many of us with families have made many of sacrifices to have a healthier lifestyle.
With my family, we have chosen to eat on a paleo template while being an one income family while homeschooling our children. Some months we don’t have the “luxury” of buying some things. We do the best we can with what we have and are thankful for what we can do. We’re not going to beat ourselves up because we ate a full fat yogurt or pastured bacon. And we’re don’t look down on other that have not chosen the same path that we have.
Perfectly said JoAnne! The paleo policing is a big turnoff to those who are interested in Paleo. Thank you for your comment!
Costco recently carried dried apple chips that were pure with no additives. They were great crumbled up over fruit as a great granola alternative or mixed with nuts as a great trail mix. They just stopped carrying. The store manager asked that I put in a request and if enough were received, they would look into offering again. Not sure if this is true – but worth a try. Please put in a request when you don’t see your favorite item not at your Costco. If we all do it – they may just listen to us 🙂
I pick those up at Trader Joe’s, not as great a value as Costco but still fairly reasonably priced.
Unless your’s doesn’t carry it, they usually have a 3 pack (4lbs total) of Organic Grass Fed ground beef. It’s $16.99-$17.99 for the 3 pack. Great deal!! STAY AWAY FROM AGAVE! Organic or not. It’s not Paleo, and their jerky has soy in it I do believe. But overall Costco is a great way to get going in this lifestyle.
I did include the ground beef in the post! I was happy to find it!
I was told over the phone that Costco carries some grass-fed beef. I’m going to check that out.
I buy the three-packs of organic been at Costco all the time and if your Costco has the same beef as mine, it is organic but not grassfed. It is deceptive because the front of the package shows a picture of cows on a green pasture. But if you read the product label it says organic but it doesn’t say grass fed, sadly. It is still better than GMO-fed (high pesticide load) conventional beef. And it is less expensive than grass fed beef. Maybe if we all request it they will start carrying grass-fed.
Everytime I go to Costco, I make it a point to stop by the Customer Service Desk and fill out a comment card telling them I appreciate their large selection of organic and healthy products. I’m hoping by doing so, they will not only continue carrying organic, but also keep adding more!
That’s a great idea Kristie!
White Linen of Victoria spaghetti sauce. SO good!
I think the Aidells sausage and the almond butter are practically reason enough to keep a Coscto membership. I haven’t found prices that great ANYWHERE else, and we go through a lot of those!
Thank you for this list! It is great. Thank you.
I buy what we can afford. And yes, I eat dairy, chocolate and drink wine on occasion….and while I don’t like all the labeling, I consider myself Paleo. You have to do what works for you. Enjoy life!
As far as I know. ‘Paleo’ excludes all dairy, period., ‘Primal’ includes fermented dairy, butter and SOME raw cheeses. In moderation. I’m more Primal. I like Mark Sisson’s view on food. Just by cutting the fake boxed food, grains, legumes and junk food you’re doing 90% better than you were. People need to quit getting high and mighty about this. We are all committing to the same cause, eating clean, whole food. No, we can’t always afford organic, grassfed and even if it carries ‘organic’ label doesn’t MEAN it’s healthy. Life’s too short to be down on everyone else; worry about yourself and your family. Offer advice, not condescending remarks. The remarks only makes one look like an arse. We all came to this page for the same reason! A great compiled list of Primal/Paleo Costco deals! Now I am seriously considering a membership and Costco run when the taxes come in. 🙂 Thank you so much for posting!
Amen Kate!!!
Kerrygold butter is cheaper at my local Walmart
Of course, then you are supporting a highly unethical company rather than a largely ethical one. https://www.smartplanet.com/blog/bulletin/costcos-ceo-becomes-a-progressive-hero-internet-meme/6894
VERY good point Sarah
Awesome list!!
We have a pretty limited Bulletproof Diet/sort of Paleo set of basics right now so I don’t expect to find a lot we can eat at Costco, but we did get a whopping 78 OZ container of coconut oil–extra virgin and organic–for $9.99!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!
Sounds like Costcos have region differences; at ours 3 sticks of Kerrygold is $7.99, so only a little better than TJ’s/Whole Foods and they only have salted!! You really want unsalted to put in coffee!! Bummer.
Actually, the Kerrygold at Costco is 1.5 lbs. of butter not 1 lb. Each ‘stick’ is the same as two single sticks of regular butter.
Maybe I’m weird (okay I am) but I enjoy my Kerrygold salted butter in my coffee. It does not taste salty to me.
Our Costco carries Coleman uncured bacon and Applewood thick bacon.
this post TOTALLY rocks! thanks for sharing 🙂
Are these all GMO free ????
New to paleo and gluten free…will allow legumes and light dairy.
Puget Sound girl, too.
I’ve been watching Paleo blogs and websites for over a year, yet not following the lifestyle. This post pretty much sealed the deal and helped me realize how truly easy this way of life can be. I’m in!
Thank you very much! I’m headed to Costco today.
Awesome Melissa!!! I’m so glad it helped you and so many others!
My Costco store injects sugar into the Rotisserie Chicken! I was very bummed to discover this the hard way…. Great list by the way, I wish I’d have seen then before spending Hours at Costco reading every single dang lable looking for food to buy.
As Leah mentioned above, the Rotisserie Chicken may (or perhaps will?) have sugar injected into it. Would love to know if this isn’t always true. But I have to check the ingredient list on all foods so that I can avoid sugar and other chemicals (doing a mix between Paleo/Primal and the Beyond Diet).
Have to substitute sugar with stevia, raw honey, or pure maple syrup, which means this Rotisserie Chicken is not allowed. Perhaps the list should be edited to include some of these warnings just to inform people further? We may not need the policing, but I hate to think anyone would print out that list without fact checking/ingredient searching first due to these missing facts. Better to inform than to potentially be misleading, yes?
I would hope that anyone’s food convictions wouldn’t stop at the door. This is just a very general list.
Hey, just as a heads up, I’d like to let you now that one of the suppliers for Costco’s honey says the fields are planted with corn, buckwheat, and soy. Since honey is an animal byproduct you may or may not want to continue to by it based off the plants used for the bees to make honey.
This is the link: https://www.costcoconnection.com/connection/201209#pg69
Grrr…thank you for saying something. That’s so disappointing. Best to get it from your Farmers Market!
Love Costco for good paleo finds! Ours has an awesome gallon of organic nutiva extra virgin coconut oil for $21.49! And I just found nutiva brand chia seeds, 3lbs for $13.39!! Such a great deal!
I’m going today! Gonna see if mine has chia seeds!
I keep hearing WONDERFUL things from my fellow CrossFitters about their Costco runs. After 7 years as Sam’s Club members, my husband and I are talking about switching to Costco this summer. Your list gives me a great perspective on what we’d be able to find that I haven’t found at Sam’s!
Thanks for the great list! This lacto-paleo eater is headed to costco today 🙂
i gone through your website its really amazing.
Organic Herbs manufacturers.
I am so mad they buy the organic brocoli from CHINA!!!! I quit buying it!!
Looovve the list! So helpful! Their organic coconut oil is tops!
Unfortunately I saw yesterday they raised the price of their Maranatha Almond Butter to $7.99!! How can it go from $6.89 to $7.99 in one day? 🙁 I’ll be shopping around on that, as our family flies through it. Hopefully money will talk and consumers will hold back until they re-lower the price.
How about bulk Let’s Do Coconut Organic shredded coconut? Would love to see that there! Ooh and the organic chia is a great price!
I would love to see coconut milk and shreds at Costco!!!
I found Red’s Mill dried shredded coconut no added sugar at Big Lots!
I went for my monthly run to Costco to by the Maranatha Almond Butter–and they no longer sell it! They now have a Kirkland Brand and I don’t know if it’s non-GMO. I’m sure the Corporate aspect of Costco saw the heavy sales of Maranatha and wanted that market. And now they don’t sell Marantha. I won’t go to Costco again since that was the main reason I went.
Thanks for this list! We do have a Costco about an hour away from us. I have never been there before, but now I’m going to check it out. About a week ago I eliminated grains and processed sugars from my diet. I have lost two inches around my waist already. I feel great too! I use paleo recipes, vegitarian recipes, and some that do include dairy. I still eat my greek yogurt and cheese. I have no idea what I am called in the labeling diet world, but I know that what I’m doing is working for me. I guess that’s the most important part. I don’t need to call myself anything other than a good person.
Good list overall. You called out Quinoa as a grey area. Not sure how sugar, honey, butter and legumes make it on a Paleo list.
Both butter and RAW honey are Paleo. Paleo is not what Paleolithic people ate. We don’t eat nearly the same things as they did. But we use their template, in addition to what modern research tells us. That’s the modern Paleo diet. BTW, particularly for honey, it’s a Paleolithic food. All tribes eat it.
They now have organic coconut oil, too.. Also awesome fish oil.
My costco has 12-packs of kefir (half strawberry/half blueberry) for $9.99.
Where in Florida are you?
I am in Miami, FL and I don’t know if I have all the stuff you listed there, unfortunately 🙁
I went to the Costco in San Jose, CA and it was practically a super sized Whole Food with the amount of organic selection over there. So unfair!
Although many of these items are technically “paleo” they are not necessarily organic and do not dismiss them from being products of GMO, pesticides and other harmful ingredients.
Hi PaleoMama!
I just wanted to let you know about a website that sells freeze-dried Paleo meals now. http://www.PaleoMealsToGo.com I thought it might be helpful to your readers. Thanks!
Love the blog.
Did anybody add up the total dollars for all the items. Great if you can afford it but ………
I don’t think anyone would buy all 50 of these items at one time…..
My Costco in Rockwall, Texas is now selling a bunch of Paleo cook books!!! They are even starting to carry more and more organic fruits in their produce section. I have both a Sam’s membership and Costco. I really like Costco better but it’s a lot further away .
Hi Iv been reading on Paleo and our anseters did eat grains, anthropologists found them in cave mans teeth ,sorry its a fact.
I do believe in eating healthy, and Iam not a full paleo, i think even the full paleos go over bored.
As far as I have read cave men just had a clean diet, fresh food and plenty of walking. I dont think anything is bad for you, as an adult you know what your body is telling you, and you can ignore it or change it.
Doesnt it all boil down to choices and your body?
Wow at some of these prices! I’m in FL, but the nearest Costco is over an hour away – lucky you! We’ve been considering making the drive though because selections here are pretty pathetic. Is the organic ground beef also grass-fed? Is the organic honey raw?
I have a question about the fish. My Costco sells pretty much everything you mentioned on the list. The one thing I noticed about the fish and seafood is that most are coming from Taiwan and elsewhere overseas. It makes me a little leery. I haven’t stood there and checked every different fish but has anyone found some that are from the US or Canada?
I buy my wild salmon in the frozen section and it is from Alaska/Canada. I love Costco :). To the poster above who commented that Costco in CA is like a giant Whole Foods, that’s probably because much of U.S. produce is grown in California, so I guess it makes sense that we have so much of it here. Although, I do notice a lot from Mexico too….but Mexico just outlawed GMOs…if you can trust that anyway ;).
Be careful about the stewed and diced tomatoes in a can. I have purchased those before only to find they have other ingredients in them like sugar and some other stuff (there was no mention of additives on the box except the ingredient list…..I had to take them back because we were on a no-sugar diet at the time 🙁 Just beware and read labels! Some things can be tricky! But I LOVE Costco!!
Our local Costco stores (Dallas-Fort Worth area) also carry butter and drinkable yogurts from a local grass-fed dairy (Lucky Layla Farms). We are more real food than paleo, and Costco has lots of organic pantry staples that are great. I wouldn’t be able to afford organic ketchup for my son’s addiction if not for Costco (2 44oz bottles for less than $7!). We buy the organic pasta pack from time to time as well (6 16oz packages for $8).
Gogo squeezes are highly processed and full of added sugars in the forms if concentrates… Hardly a paleo food… Suggestion to remove from your list. They are disgusting if you ask me and not organic.
Does anyone know if Sam’s Club has a good organic selection as well?
We recently moved an hour away from our beloved Costco and now need to use Sam’s some. I can tell you what I have observed in the last month or so. They had a organic baby kale spring mix which is great btw and fresh organic raspberries, but the majority of the fresh fruit and veggies they carry (at least at mine in OH) are conventional. The prices are great though on the conventional items but if you have a Costco around they are usually a better choice if you are looking for organic.
Awesome list! I heart Costco and buy many of the products you listed- however, you also listed a few I’ve not seen, such as kerrygold unsalted and also coconut oil!!! I will have a look on my trip today and keep my fingers crossed! My Costco has also not stocked the wild canned salmon in some time, so I will follow the suggestions to fill out a comment card each time I visit. I miss that price!
As for the police, I think we all have the right to police our own diets as we learn our bodies and determine our goals for health. As was stated, we all also need to do the best we can within our budgets. Most of us who have commented here likely make food buying a priority within our budgets, but there are limitations on all of us at some point.
I appreciate the knowledge of others, and am always open to learning and listening, but that knowledge and perspective can be offered without judgement- and in fact, will usually be taken more seriously when done so in that manner.
Thanks Paleo Mama!
Thank you so much for that Kimberly! I agree, we all just need to do the best we can!
I’m curious your definition of paleo friendly foods after reading your list from Costco. It seems more of an organic list rather than paleo. Of all the research I conducted, sugar is never contested and always removed from the paleo diet, regardless if organic. Many of those items contain sugar, even the organic tomatoe sauce. I was hoping for a truly paleo list.
The sugar is for making Kombucha. Did you see my note beside that? And that’s news to me about sugar being in the organic tomatoes. When I looked at the ingredients, there was no sugar.
We figured out that if the only thing we bought at Costco for the year was the Kerry gold butter we would save more than our membership. And while it may not be true in all locations Costco says that a percentage of it’s organic ground beef is from grass fed farms… We still get our meat mostly from local farm but if this is what people have access to then it is certainly a better option than most grocery stores and a good price. Costco tries hard with the quality and they do take feedback so if more people ask for certain things like grass fed meats/dairy, no sugar items, and non GMO, I think they will listen. Talk to them about what is important to YOU… Which will be different than what is important to someone else…. And that’s ok :). Lets all just support eachother In the real food world. If we fight amongst ourselves we do no one any favors. Thanks to all the bloggers who are trying to make real food understandable and accessible to all!
Thank you Edie!
You may want to take rotisserie chicken off as it has sugar in it. I used to get it thinking it was okay but then read the ingredients and saw sugar.
I shop at Costco weekly and have found some great stuff there that helps us stay in budget. This week I found a couple of new things: uncured bacon and the mamachia fruit/chia packs for the school lunches.
I think it’s a great place to buy real food especially on a budget. I recently bought a half-side of grass-fed beef but before that, I was totally fine with buying the organic ground beef packs. It’s far better to make the switch to this type of diet and then from there switch to sources that may be more ideal, than to not make the switch at all and stay on a SAD diet. The side of beef for me required many hours of OT to get the upfront investment. Not everyone has that option so there is nothing wrong with doing what you can with what you have.
I love Costco but they don’t have as many organic foods in my area as they do on this list. They have dried fruit but only apricots have no added sugar. I keep making requests for more organic foods. I hope they will begin bringing them to the Independence, Missouri store.
I wish we have this selection available in Costco Canada too 🙁
I live in Canada and was wondering if there prices were for Canada – I’ve never seen anything this cheap at my Costco. For now I’ve been getting coconut oil online. I’ve been using: https://healthyprice.ca/products/cooking-oils/coconut-oil
They have a pretty good listing of coconut oil available online Canada – hope this helps you out too! (Plus they have quite a few other Paleo items).
It might be time for an update on prices for all the nut products. Prices on all nut products have gone up sharply over the past few months. For example, the 26-oz jars of Maranatha Almond Butter are now $9.99, and the 3-lb sacks of Salt-and-Pepper Pistachios in the shell just went up to $19.99. (I’m sure it’s still a better price than anywhere else.)
awwwww, bummer!
$9.99 for 26 ounces of MaraNatha almond butter is a good deal! I paid something like $7.00 for 12 oz. of MaraNatha at either Wal-Mart or Giant because my Costo didn’t have it when I was there.
We keep a lot of the list, but not all. I’m working with a smaller budget, living in NYC, where it is expensive to buy food, let alone grass fed, etc. I’d live tips on inexpensive foods for my family. I have the additional restraints of a carnivore husband who is allergic to seafood and super picky , a vegetarian teen, and a toddler with severe, severe tree nut allergy. Luckily my other teen will eat anything. My goal is to be about 85% paleo. I do think some treats are good in moderation, my big kids will only drink cow milk, even though I also buy coconut milk, and we aren’t ready to give up all cheese or grains. (Can’t use nut flour breads)
I went today and was pleasantly surprised that I was able to find many of the items you mentioned. Mine didn’t have the kerrygold butter which I was bummed about, but I got the organic free range eggs, organic ground beef, organic EVOO, organic chicken broth and some organic veggies too. I will say, I was disappointed about the rotisserie chicken. The ingredients had modified food starch and dextrose – not exactly paleo friendly. But all in all a successful trip. Thanks for making me aware as I have shopped at Costco for paper products for years and never noticed many of these items.
Hello, I was surprised to see almonds listed. I read a couple weeks ago on another blog that their almonds are not organic. How do I know for sure they are organic or not organic? Thank you for your help!
Almonds are not organic unless they say so on the package. I have not found organic almonds at my Costco. Since I haven’t been able to source affordable organic almonds, even here in CA where almonds are grown, I have phased almonds out of my diet except for an occasional small treat or snack, and I no longer bake with almond flour.
It isn’t so much the pesticide residues I am worried about (although that is an issue) or the environmental consequences to honeybees of conventional almond growing (though that is an issue as well) it is the so-called ‘pasturization’ process that conventional almonds go through that most concerns me. The USDA required almonds to be pasturized. There are two methods currently in use in the industry. One uses steam while the other uses the chemical propylene oxide, aka PPO, which is considered a possible carcinogen. Most conventional almond growers pasteurize their almonds using PPO.
If the product is USDA-certified organic, it cannot by law contain almonds that were treated with PPO (or any other synthetic chemicals).
My source for this info is https://www.naturalgrocers.com/nutrition-and-health/nutrition-library/nutrition-article/almond-pasteurization/#sthash.WRuOreXc.dpuf
I know this is an old post, but I want to say thank you for taking the time to post it. We are doing our best to eat clean and currently going grain and dairy free for 45 days. After our first week, I’d say we are going to stay this way (mostly – the kids love their yogurt ;0) ). We love Costco and already buy many of things you listed, but it helps to have this list as it can be overwhelming to just walk in there trying to be grain and dairy free. Also, wanted to say that if you have dogs, they have a great grain free dog food that is cheaper than any other grain-free brand I’ve found. While I believe humans have been eating grains for years (just eating way too many these days IMHO), dogs were never meant to eat them. Our dog is so much healthier since switching her food. We buy one bag every other month and it more than makes up for the membership costs. I worry more about what my kids eat than my dog, but wanted to share with other Costco shoppers. ;0) Again, thank you.
You’re welcome Hope!
Where do u find the other ingredients for the bullet proof coffee? My hubby has been looking for them.
What ingredients are you looking for? You can get butter and coconut oil from Costco.
Rachel, I think this guy coined the term and he sells a kit for it.
Thank you so much for the list! I used it 2 weeks ago, and have been eating so well! It came to $202, but a lot of it is in the freezer. We have ground bison meat here in Colorado too. Not sure if it’s grass-fed. Hoping they don’t feed grains to those beautiful animals.
They have Kirkland Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, not the one you had on the list. It says it came from oils from Portugal, Spain and Italy and had a very good price. I’m feeling little iffy since there’s been some discussion about EVOO quality in the media recently, but I’m going with it.
Are the cashews at Costco raw and unsalted?
I’m not sure.
I love Costco. But I must say I’ve been so disappointed in their rotisserie chicken. No msg, sure. But it has carrageenan – which is a horrible additive. It’s impossible to digest and causes inflammation of the intestines. Wish they could make their rotisserie chickens without it.
Also our Costco in Maplewood, MN no longer carries coconut oil. They told me they’ve received too many complaints about it and it’s now a “deleted item.” Sad
Great list. Thank you for your time and effort into putting it together. You should email Costco this list so maybe they would consider printing out these foods on paper and having it readily available for their members to make healthier choices and/ or include this list on their website. I’ve included your list on my home page on my iphone so I can easily access it when I make my trip o the JUST opened Costco 6 minutes from my house. Dangerous, but grateful. Lol.
Your website is great and I’m also reading 21 -day tummy and it has easy delicious recipes you might be interested in as well.
Good health to you all
I recently purchased Honeyville Blanched Almond Flour (3 lb. – not organic) and Nutiva Organic Coconut Flour. Don’t remember the prices on those but I remember liking them. I also but the Carrington Farms 54 oz. extra virgin organic coconut oil but, in hindsight, wish it was in glass instead of plastic.
I heard that the organic ground beefsteak Costco isn’t grass fed…it’s fed grains, they just happen to be organic grains. Hoping I’m wrong!
At Cosco actually carries ghee. Picked up two bottles of it couple months ago
Great list, and for those who are purists, and enjoy bashing people, please find something constructive to do with your time, it will help the planet if you don’t engage in such negativeness. I get so TIRED of people being ANAL about stuff that doesn’t matter. Most of us are TRYING hard to survive on a planet that is going to the dogs. So much LYING about where our food comes from or what they are doing to it. When someone tries to give info to help others WHY are there people that have to KNOCK what they are doing? Is it a need to be pseudo-superior or what? Paleo is funny, b-e-c-a-u-s-e humans ATE what was available, and many, many times that included things we rather NOT know about, so my deal is lighten up, they did what they did to survive and now most of us are doing what we can do with our circumstances. Encourage one another, that does wonders for all concerned, ya know! At my Costco, stuff is hit or miss, sometimes I go and the organic choices aren’t very good-all gone, other times, I find what I seek. I live 10 mins from it, so I try to dash in when it isn’t crowded. People who are comfortable and happy in their own skin live longer no matter what they are ingesting…..
Ok – Kirkland Organic Ground Beef in packs of three have a PICTURE of a cow in a field. Nowhere on the package does it say grass fed. I am wary now also of the “Pasture RAISED” (TM) cheese they sell. (black package, rectangular block – not sure of the brand now) – When I got it home and noticed that TM (they actually trademarked “pasture raised”?!) I became very suspicious. My guess is that once the cattle are literally raised – meaning of adult size – they no longer have access to pasture.
Costco does not inject anything into their chickens.(I happen to work there, and the people preparing the chickens wouldn’t even have the time to do that) however they are not free range organic caveman chickens.
Has anyone found black growth in the Path of Life organic broccoli?
Hi every body,
Diet is not about losing weight, it’s about eating right. Read Grain Brain and you will understand Paleo Diet. Sugars cause inflammation, which ages us. Marketing is damage you up. A slice of whole wheat bread is probably the worst thing you can put in your mouth. It’s about putting gas in your engine, not diesel. And yes arthritis is gone, the bags under my eyes are gone and as a side effect, went from 180 to 152. Don’t knock it till you try it. And you have to put the alcohol away.I used to have big problems with lose weight tips, but am getting in better shape now. Here’s a good site I found that really helped. It gave me great methods and and showed me what I was doing wrong before…there’s even lots of free articles on the site…https://www.cavediet.net
Ask where the Kerrygold is, but at My Costco it is right by the regular Kirkland butter.
Thought your readers would like to know that the Kirkland brand whole almonds sold at Costco are pasturized with PPO. Poly Propylene Oxide. This is a fuel additive. I won’t buy their almonds anymore. Whole foods brand 365 are steamed processed.
Thanks for this! It’s always neat to see what they carry, and it is possible to grab healthy foods there despite all of the other junk that’s on offer.
I just wanted to add a note that I bought the stewed tomatoes with excitement the other day – they seem amazing, but I forgot to read the label! They contain organic sugar among the other tasty ingredients. If you’re aiming for Paleo, grab something else.
I’m going to list what I found and the price, but, keep in mind, that most of these are the organic option or other Paleo-worthy items. https://urbangroundmarket.com/