I am so excited to let Melissa, from Satisfying Eats guest post today and share an AWESOME recipe! I’ve known Melissa for over a year now and her recipes have been so helpful to me and they are so delicious. I am so honored to have her share on my blog about how to survive eating Paleo with a busy schedule, active toddlers, and, even, with a newborn baby! Please give Melissa some love on her Facebook page or blog when you are done reading! Let’s welcome Melissa!!!
I am the mama of a precious 21 month old son and expecting my 2nd son any day now! I gave up grains over 18 months ago and I haven’t looked back! I feel better and I am in more control of my body (and mind)! In less than 7 months after having my first son, I was able to shed the 60 pounds I gained during my pregnancy! This is not a diet for me but a lifestyle change! I love to cook and bake and have enjoyed blogging my grain-free and low-carb recipes over this past year! I just published my first cookbook, Satisfying Eats: Grain-Free, Sugar-Free & Hunger-Free (now available on Amazon) and I am currently working on my 2nd one! Food is my passion and feeding my family healthy & nutritious meals makes this mama happy!
My first son has been a pretty easy kid. He sleeps well, eats well and “allows” me to do lots of cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. I am remembering when he was first born, though, how HARD it was to eat right so I have been (and still am) preparing for when baby #2 arrives. I actually gained weight after my first son was born because I was unprepared and ate whatever I wanted (or whatever anyone brought over) which led to lots of digestive issues and also weight gain. Post-pardum nutrition is so important, especially since I plan on nursing again! Also, my husband really isn’t a chef (or even a cook) so I need to be prepared!
- I have about 10 meals in the freezer and working on more that I can simply place in a pot with a little chicken stock to thaw and reheat.
- I purchased 20 lbs of breakfast sausage from the farmer’s market to have on hand for a quick breakfast.
- We recently purchased a grass fed cow and I am stocked up on ground meat for quick meals
- I am stocked up on Great Lakes gelatin, berries (which I have frozen), virgin coconut oil, etc. to make delicious protein shakes when I just don’t have time to cook a meal but need to eat!
- I have a few batches of my grain-free buns ready to eat a sandwich or take with me to a restaurant to eat their toppings on my bread! (Yes, I do this!)
- I have a few batches of grain-free granola and cereal to munch on during and after delivery.
- I have some grain-free waffles ready too. I can just pop them in the toaster and eat in one hand and feed the baby with the other.
- I have made my homemade seasonings for Chili, tacos (taco salad) & spaghetti sauce (over cauliflower or just eating it as a soup) so that I can have dinner ready in 10 minutes!
- I purchased 4 or 5 chickens, ready to throw in the crock pot for a delicious soup and meat for chicken salad and other dishes.
- Boiled chicken eggs that I got from my MIL! Instant protein!
- Roasts are in the freezer ready for the crock pot.
- If someone ask what they can bring over, I will ask for rotisserie chickens and veggies!
- Hubby can always throw a steak or burger on the grill along with some veggies like squash, zucchini and asparagus for a quick (and no dirty dishes) meal!
- I even have a few treats prepared, like these Coconut Blondies! I will deserve them! 😉
Yummy Coconut Blondies (Dairy-Free)
- 1 & 1/2 cups almond flour
- 1/4 cup coconut flour
- 1/2 cup shredded coconut (unsweetened)
- 1 & 1/2 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp Stevia (to taste)
- 2 tbsp coconut sugar (or honey) to taste
- 1 cup chopped nuts (pecans or walnuts)
- 3 eggs
- 1/4 cup plus 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1 tbsp chopped nuts
- 1 tbsp shredded coconut
- 1/2 tbsp coconut sugar
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Lube 8X8 inch pan with coconut oil and line bottom with parchment paper.
2. Blend dry ingredients in a medium bowl.
3. Add wet ingredients and mix well with wooden spoon. Taste for sweetness and adjust if necessary.
4. Spread out mixture into prepared pan and sprinkle topping over dough. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Be sure not to over bake!
5. Serve warm or at room temperature. Enjoy!
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